Walking through the crowded streets of Prague as evening approached, Ezra was caught off guard by the hustle and bustle, instantly regretting his decision wandering far from the villa. He occasionally glanced at his phone, intentionally left it on silent, and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw no notifications from the man he was trying to avoid. Right now, he needed to clear his mind. But the sheer number of people walking around made his head spin.

"This isn't good," he thought. It had been days since he last heard that noisy sound in his ears.

Ezra leaned against the roadside fence for a moment, lowering his head and massaging his temples. "Darn, I forgot to bring my medication," he muttered to himself. He tried to regulate his breathing for a moment, noticing concerned glances from passersby, that made Ezra decide not to linger there for long.