Chapter 0090: The Hive Mind

Laura who was still in her berserker state was destroying the abominations as if there was no tomorrow, though it lasted for no more than 5 minutes before she lost that state and her stats were halved. The total time that she was in her berserker state was 10 minutes. Which was a decent time in Alex's opinion.

[We're not done yet, Laura. We still have to fight off the rest of these abominations that seem to be targeting us with their lives on the line.] Alex brought the groggy Laura back to reality. She was feeling extremely weakened and just wanted to go to sleep.

[Goddamnit…] She complained inwardly but her head cleared up after hearing Alex's words. She wasn't tired, she was just weakened and would need some time to get back to her correct state.

'Good…' Laura felt Alex's thoughts and felt that he was proud of her. She had a light smile on her face as she got back to her coordination with Alex while killing the abominations.

It took them both 24 more hours to go through all of the abominations. almost 30 hours of constant fighting was bound to tire anyone out and Laura was no more than a dead girl walking after killing her last abomination.

Alex was the same as always, true to his inexhaustible stamina. Only in cases where his mental energy is overtaxed would he be tired and this didn't even qualify as a warm-up for his mental prowess.

By the end, Alex was very satisfied with his gains during this ambush. Although the abominations had been the ones to ambush Laura, she had been the one to benefit from the situation.

She'd gotten perfectly used to her new enhanced physique and her coordination with Alex was now impeccable. And the benefits that Alex got from this were even better.

«EP: 54635»

Just the 50 thousand EP was more than enough for him to consider this whole scenario a very successful endeavor, but he'd also received a new skill that he didn't yet know the use of, but he would know soon enough after he experiments with it enough.

‹Basic Blood Manipulation›:: Allows the user to manipulate blood on a rudimentary level. The user can create constructs made from the blood in their control. Also passively changes the blood to have a cursed effect that will make it toxic to anyone it touches.

This was why the leader abominations were taking so long to use blood manipulation to create constructs. They could only affect the blood under their control. But this wasn't a problem for Alex since he had a practically inexhaustible supply of blood after the massacre today. It was all stored in the inner dimension where he stored the biomass that could be used to eat so that he can take care of his hunger or increase the density of his body.

The ability was particularly useful for him.

'Time to go to another shelter…' Alex sighed as he looked at the destroyed remains of what was his and Laura's home for the last few weeks. He'd already found a couple of decent shelters after his exploration, some much better than this one, so it wasn't a big deal to move to another shelter. Especially after Laura's newfound prowess. The duo could cover the entire continent in a couple of hours if they wanted.

Taking control of Laura's unconscious body, Alex brought her to their new home for the foreseeable future.

This time it was a private shelter that was probably commissioned by some billionaire but was never used since there were no traces of anyone ever arriving here.

And it was still stocked to the brim with all the necessities that one might need. Food, entertainment, everything that one would need was present here. This place had an entire mini-theatre theatre with recliners and beds, a game room with all sorts of gaming consoles, there was even a BDSM room with all sorts of toys here. And Alex was particularly anticipatory to do unspeakable things to Laura after tying her up in there.

After putting Laura in the huge and luxurious master bedroom, Alex cuddled up with her and decided to focus a bit on his personal development. His main body that was present in space was close to a breakthrough in the structure of the symbiote race and how everything works while also finishing something that he'd been working on for the past few months since he discovered the virtually infinite biomass storage that he had.

In the spaceship that was floating in space near the planetary cluster.

The main anchor of Alex's body was present in the spaceship in his true form. A pitch-black blob of slime was floating above the ground of the spaceship as it was focused on invisible incorporeal threads that were extending from its body. 35 of them were weak as if they could be destroyed with a mere thought. But there were 6 threads that were thicker and had more substance. There was a light golden sheen around them. One of them was especially bright while the others had varied intensities of light. The brightest was Laura's thread while the one with the weakest glow was Natasha's thread.

But that's not what Alex was focusing on right now.

His focus was on the origin of those threads, an incorporeal golden sphere from which the threads extended out. This is the anchor of his consciousness to the main material dimension. He'd been unraveling how his consciousness is able to connect so many different bodies across such vast distances. While also trying to understand how the hive mind of the symbiotes works.

As he focused on the sphere that was the source of the threads, he was greeted by a vastly different view. A view that he thought to be incomprehensible, but he was fully able to understand everything when seeing that view.

Alex understood that this was his human side rejecting this unknown space that it couldn't comprehend. But his symbiote side was easily able to understand what was going on and where he was.

He was in the Klyntar Soul Dimension. This is where all of the Klyntar race's souls resided, connected to their bodies within the main material universe.

In this dimension, there was no concept of space and time. Its existence itself was a paradox. But it existed. And this was where Alex's main consciousness resided. And the view of that main consciousness was what Alex was seeing right now.

Alex could see tiny little beings around him. He realized that those were the souls of other beings that were connected to the hive mind.

'I'm huge…' Alex realized as he looked at the others and compared them to his own size.

If the other beings of the Klyntar were shapeless blobs of mass the size of tennis balls, Alex was a huge perfect sphere that was hundreds of times larger. But somehow, those other beings couldn't see the huge mass that was Alex. And instead, all they saw was a slightly larger deformed being that was in the place of Alex. This was his way of hiding from the others in the hive mind.

This dimension was also the place where all of Alex's internal storage existed. Since there was no concept of space here, anything could exist here as long as the rules allowed it. That was how Alex stored the huge amount of biomass that he'd devoured. It was considered part of his body and could be stored there. It was the same with the specific elements that he could transfer using his Matter Transmission.

And this ability was the reason that Alex was here today.

He wanted to combine all of these storage sections into a singular ability. He wanted his own inventory where he could store anything he wanted and for as long as he wanted. Since there was no concept of time, nothing could age in this dimension.

He'd been working on combining his elemental storage, energy storage, and biomass storage for a long time and his efforts were finally about to come to fruition.

After months of effort and trying to make stable storage for all his requirements, Alex was finally successful as his inventory formed, though there was a huge price that came with it. Alex had to use his EP as fuel to bring the ability to fruition.

[-5000 EP]

‹Inventory›:: A central storage present within the Klyntar Soul Dimension where anything can be stored. Whether it is matter or energy, it can be stored within this storage. As long as an item is placed within the inventory, no time will pass for that item and it will come out with the exact conditions that it came in. There is no limit to the materials that can be stored within the inventory as long as the consciousness can envelop the items.

After this ability, Alex was finally able to get rid of those inferior skills and replace them with ‹Inventory›.

{ «Skill Acquisition»

«EP: 49635»

«EP Generation: 1.3/Day»

«Owned Skills: ‹Superhuman Grade Physique Creation (200 Tons)› ‹True 6th Sense› ‹Intermediate Lightning Manipulation› ‹Basic Blood Manipulation› ‹Weak Magic Affinity— Mana Sense› ‹Host of the Scarlet Witch› ‹Lesser Heat and Sound Resistance› ‹Biological Manipulation› ‹Inventory› ‹Camouflage› ‹Host Enhancement› ‹Devour› ‹Copy›»


When the process was completed, Alex stopped focusing on the central node within his main body that connected him to the Klyntar Soul Dimension and his perspective changed back to the ship where he was a blob that was floating in the ship. The anchor node that connected this body to his consciousness in the Klyntar Soul Dimension was the same as always. Stable, without any fluctuations. The 41 threads that were extending from it were the same as ever. 35 dormant, and 6 with varying intensities of light.

He focused on the one that shone the second brightest and was led to the scene of Wanda and Natasha training. The incorporeal line led directly to Wanda's body and another fainter line led to Natasha's body.

It was going to be some time before he decides what to do with the rest of the EP. It was most probably going to be used to enhance his own stats, Laura's stats, and maybe Wanda's after Alex formed the Level 3 bond with her.

He didn't have any plans to buy any abilities since it wasn't exactly something he was interested in. Especially since he could get almost any ability by just devouring the person with that ability.


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