Symbiote 0208: Date Prep

Alex and Gwen both spent the rest of the day in bed. Alex brought Gwen food in bed before they spent some time enjoying each other's company intimately. Then they ate again before repeating the process. It was a Saturday, so Gwen didn't have any classes either, which allowed her and Alex to peacefully spend their day lazing around.

By the time the next day rolled around, Gwen was feeling very refreshed and calm as she was able to peacefully spend time with her man without anything on her mind. It's not like she wasn't thinking about work, but Alex made well on his promise to make her forget about work whenever she spiraled down that hole.

"So, what are we going to do today?" Gwen asked Alex as she curled up beside him in the bed and looked into his eyes.

"We are going to go on a date in the mountains of Japan," Alex said with a light kiss on her lips.

"Why Japan?" She asked with a curious expression.

"I found a very nice hot spring resort there, something of a hidden gem with little popularity and amazing landscapes," Alex told her, "I'm sure that we'll have a lot of fun there."

"Hot springs, huh?" Gwen said with an interested expression, "I went to a couple of those when I traveled to the West Coast with my family. I remember one in Colorado was extremely crowded, not fun at all."

"Do you want to talk to your mom or brothers?" Alex asked casually, "It's been months since you came here from the US." He acted as if there was no eerie underlying problem with Gwen not having contacted her widowed mother or brothers for months.

"Maybe later," Gwen said before leaning forward and kissing Alex, "What hot spring do you have planned?"

"I think the city is called Beppu," Alex said, "It has the best hot springs in the country. One of my contacts from the Japanese diplomats recommended a secluded resort there."

"That sounds interesting," She said, "When do we leave?"

"Whenever you want," Alex said, "We just need to portal there. The resort doesn't have a lot of demand due to its prices, so we can just walk in and get a room for the night."

"No, we aren't portalling there," Gwen shook her head, "If you want to go there on a break, we are going there by plane, spending ten hours or however long it takes on a flight. If I'm going on a vacation, I want the full experience of a vacation."

"I don't mind," Alex said, "Do you want to fly economy or go full-on private jet?"

"Can't we do something in between? Like first class?" She asked, "A private jet just sounds so extra while economy class is … well not very comfortable."

"Entitled much?" Alex joked with a little laugh.

"You're one to talk, Mr. Private Jet," Gwen said.

"We'll do first class then." Alex laughed and kissed her nose, "There's a flight to Japan in a couple of hours, but it's going to depart from one of the further London airports, a two-hour drive."

"Well, then we should get ready," Gwen said without moving from the bed.

"You need to get out of bed for that," Alex chuckled.

"Just dress me up like usual," She said.

"I thought that you wanted to wear normal clothes for a while," Alex said before bringing his hand close to her face and pushing back a stray lock of her hair.

"I don't want to wear clothes by myself," She said as a cheeky smile appeared on her face, "If you would be so kind as to dress up your beloved girl, then I would be really happy."

"So that's what you were playing at, huh?" Alex understood, "All right, since you don't want me to use any special powers during our trip, we should get ready. Getting through customs will also take some time." He got out of bed and pulled off the blanket, revealing Gwen's naked body that was previously cuddled up with him.

"Dress me~" She extended her arms toward Alex, calling out to him.

"Once on vacation, she abruptly turns into a baby," Alex grumbled before grabbing both her hands and pulling her so that she could sit up.

"Yes~" She nodded vigorously, shaking her hair all around and prompting a chuckle out of Alex.

"How about a sundress?" Alex asked, "It should be comfortable enough for a plane," He pulled out a nice yellow-patterned sundress out of Gwen's closet.

"Sounds like a plan," Gwen agreed, "Plus, you just need to raise it up when we have sex and won't have to tear it off."

Alex looked at Gwen blankly before his gaze naturally drifted down to her chest which had been somewhat covered by Gwen's hair that fell down her shoulders and covered part of her breasts and nipples, making Alex think that a sexy angel was gracing him with her presence.

"Alex …" Gwen said with a flat tone.

"Yeah?" He focused back on her face.

"Footwear …" She looked at him with an amused smile and pointed to the other side of her closet that was filled with her footwear collection.

"Right," He nodded and started looking through her wide collection of boots. Moments later, he was in a dilemma, "Don't you have some strappy heels or something? I don't see any of these boots going well with a sundress."

"Nonsense," Gwen said, "I bought two pairs of boots that specifically go amazingly with sundresses. Get aside, let me see."

Alex shrugged and put Gwen's underwear and dress beside her on the bed as she looked through her shoes.

"That's one of them," She pointed at a pair of boots, "Those mid-length beige ones, they go very well with this dress."

Alex had doubts about her choice, but complied nonetheless, "You're going on a twelve-hour journey on a plane, are you sure that you want heels?" He asked as he pulled out the two boots that would barely go up to Gwen's calves.

"I can take them off," She said, "We're going in first class, right?"

"Fair enough," Alex nodded, "Now stand up, "I have to dress up my girlfriend like a doll."

"Start with this," She handed him her bra before smiling mischievously, "And I remember you being very much into latex. You sure you aren't having any thoughts of putting me inside a suitcase to save up on a ticket?"

"Maybe I could fulfill your fantasy on our next trip," He gave her a side-eyed look.

"Don't act like I'm the weird one here," She snapped at him, "You would totally do something like that."

"That wasn't even my suggestion," Alex raised his hands in defeat before grabbing the bra from her and pulling it through her arms before making it rest on her chest, "Fix the placement and the underwire," He said as he stood at her side and hooked the back.

"For how much of my clothes you make, you are awfully bad at actually helping me dress up," Gwen commented as she fixed the position of the bra.

"Working with a material that you have absolute control over is much easier than working with an actual bra. You should be happy I didn't end up squishing your chest," Alex said jokingly, making Gwen smile wryly.

A while later, "This took much more time than it would've if you had just done all this by yourself," Alex told Gwen as she looked into a mirror and fixed her dress.

"And miss out on you giving me an impromptu foot massage before helping me put on my boots? Not a chance." She said.

"Is the cab here?" Gwen asked.

"Why would we take a cab?" Alex asked her, "I'm going to be driving."

"But then the car …" Gwen trailed off questioningly.

"I can just leave it in the airport's parking lot, we'll barely be gone for three days," He told her, "Going as a foreign diplomat has certain benefits."

Gwen had metaphorical question marks floating above her head, "Did I miss something?" She asked him.

"Remember how I told you that a Japanese diplomat suggested the resort to me?" Alex asked. When Gwen nodded in agreement, he continued, "I'm going through him for all of this."

"Whatever you say," She said, "I won't think too deeply into this."

"And you don't need to," Alex said, "I can deal with the intricacies of these things. You just need to enjoy yourself."

Soon enough, Alex and Gwen came out of the building and found a Maybach parked in the lot. Gwen couldn't help but whistle when she noticed Alex walking toward that car, "You're playing all fancy, now."

"It's a company car," Alex said jokingly, "Our research center has very generous donors." He unlocked the car before opening the door for Gwen. She gave him a beautiful smile before entering the car and sitting in it.

As Alex moved to his side, he saw Gwen lean over to the driver's side and open the door from the inside for him. It brought a subtle smile to his face as he sat down before closing the door.

Alex pulled the car out of the parking lot and onto the road as Gwen made herself comfortable, slightly adjusting the seat to her preferences. She then asked him, "How long to the airport?"

"Around two hours," Alex said, "I could get us there in one, but since you said no superpowers, then no superpowers."

"Stop acting like a helpless baby," Gwen said playfully, "The kind of money that you've amassed with your superpowers is nothing short of another superpower."


Some constructive criticism would be helpful. Please let me know if I made any mistakes, and I'll fix them. I'm only human, I make mistakes.

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