Symbiote 0311: Hopeless Cat

As Alex and Felicia shared their special experience, Felicia was subtly focusing on Alex but couldn't notice any indication that he was in pain despite his previous words that he would be. Still, she was more than happy to finally take this step with him and kept her focus on him.

As they indulged in each other's bodies, Felicia realized that in the background, MJ's moans were slowly growing fainter and fainter. She'd first thought that it was the redhead weakening, but it was the opposite. She was the one whose moans had grown loud enough to completely drown out the redhead's moans as Alex thoroughly ravaged her insides. After the initial moment, he'd also continued taking pictures of her from various angles, much to her annoyance. The bastard even had the gall to tease her about how she grew tighter whenever the camera's shutter clicked.

Eventually, she lost track of time and lost herself in the pleasure, more than willing to let Alex take the reigns as he fucked her until she was left a bumbling mess. By the time everything finished, she realized that MJ was completely silent, telling her that Alex had probably completely broken his bond with the redhead during the time they were fucking. A faint smile made its way onto her face at the thought before she fell into a deep sleep, too exhausted to speak even a word.

She didn't know how long she spent sleeping or how Alex took care of her, but when she woke up, she was fully invigorated. It was a common occurrence for her ever since she'd met Alex. Her sleep had gotten perfect. It didn't matter if she slept either hours a night or four or even two, when she woke up, she was always in perfect shape. It had been an immense help for her in terms of her Black Cat escapades since she had no qualms about staying awake overnight.

Felicia sat up with an instinctive yawn and stretched her arms above her head as she took in her surroundings.

'He must've brought me back to our bedroom …'

She froze in place when she looked at the wall opposite the window. "That asshole …" She groaned before covering her face in embarrassment. "I look like such a slut in that …"

The source of her reaction was a large portrait on the wall that showcased her with her marked torso as she brought her restrained arms in front of her face to unsuccessfully hide herself. Her action had only made her seem even more aroused, especially with her entire torso covered in red hickeys.

Shaking her head to get rid of the embarrassment, Felicia sighed, unwilling to get out of bed. Even though she was fully rejuvenated, her mental state was one where she wanted to be pampered.

"Alex … Where are you?"

"I was just waiting for you to call out to me," Alex abruptly entered the bedroom with a tray in his hands. "How did you like the wall? I'm planning to get more of your pictures printed to make an erotic collage. In the center, we will have a portrait of you in your Black Cat outfit, looking sexy as all hell while also looking extremely competent. Surrounding that, we will have the truth about your fetishes. I'll put up images of you playing with me as my cat —"

"All right, all right! Stop~" Felicia interrupted her. "I don't want to hear it. Is that breakfast?"

"It is my beautiful cat. Sit up correctly; I'll feed you."

"I'll forgive that insensitive collage then," Felicia nodded. "And why am I already in this damned suit already?" She pinched her shoulder to pull the suit off of her skin, but it stayed stuck as if glued to her. "Couldn't you let me enjoy being naked for once?"

"Shh," Alex shushed her complaints and shoved a piece of bacon in between her lips. "I cooked today," he said, looking at her expectantly.

"It's very good," She said as she wolfed the strip in two bites. "You should cook for your precious kitty more often."

"Then it won't be a special thing anymore," Alex said as he cut up a piece of the sunny-side-up egg and fed it to her by fork. "We have chefs to make us food."

"Worth a try," Felicia said. "We should have sex more often if you're going to pamper me like this afterward."

"Nah, the weekly limit stays," Alex said. "But there is a chance that if I'm feeling generous, I'll let you have a cheat day occasionally."

"You just want me to spend my days under your desk blowing you, don't you?"

"Since MJ isn't going to be available anymore, someone has to take up her duties."

"Ah …" Felicia's eyes widened in surprise. "Did she choose to leave? I can't believe it."

"Oh no, she chose to stay," Alex clarified. "With all that pleasure she experienced, she didn't even realize that I'd broken my bond with her, which was expected. But The Farm is an isolated location. I don't plan to have the prisoners go outside the premises, ever."

"Oh, cool," Felicia said nonchalantly. "So Washington's criminal women get to spend the rest of their lives in sexual servitude for even the smallest jailable offense. Sounds cool …" Her deadpan expression as she looked at him gave away her actual thoughts.

"Of course, I'm not going to do that. I'm doing it for the death row inmates. I know I'm a dictator, but I have no plans to destroy established systems and introduce anarchy. Why else do you think I needed two weeks to transfer the first batch of prisoners over? I had to search for viable candidates."

Felicia sighed, "Just feed me, man. I'm hungry; I feel lazy; I'm going to sleep in. I won't come to work today, okay, boss?"

"The woes of a man dating his secretary." Alex lamented. "First day of the week, and I can't even refuse. Otherwise, you will get mad at me."

Once they were finished with breakfast, Felicia fluttered her eyes at Alex.

"Hey, sir …" She said with a sultry tone and leaned toward him. "Why don't we … do it again?"

"I just told you that we're still following the weekly schedule," Alex told her.

"You also said that if you feel generous, you'd agree~" Felicia moved lower and brought her head close to his crotch. "Will sir agree to me~?"

Alex brought both hands to Felicia's face and grabbed it before straightening her. "No."

"Why~?" She said with a forced pout as her face was squeezed between his hands.

"I still have to take care of some things at The Farm — put MJ in her place, teach her how things are supposed to work, and more."

"Just send another body … Come on," She brought her face closer to his once Alex removed his hands. "Can't you pamper your kitten just this once?" She licked his cheek and looked up at him with an adorable expression.

Alex felt his willpower being rapidly consumed by Felicia's relentless pleas.

"Come on, sir~," She continued licking him and reached his neck, sucking his skin just under his ear. "I'll even take the lead if you're feeling lazy. I'll make sure that my master feels amazing with his pet cat's service."

"I'm tempted to refuse and put in chastity for a month …" Alex's tone was shaky, conveying his wavering resolve.

"But you won't, will you, sir~" Felicia could sense his mood. "I have the best master in the world~"

"You win …" Alex sighed. "But you still need to be punished for your transgressions. You will do the paperwork for the transfer of the first batch of prisoners."

That made Felicia hesitate, "A-are you sure?" She would've agreed even if he said that she would be edged for the next two weeks. But this was paperwork. And she hated it even more than being left on the edge. Then she felt the heat in her loins and lost the battle against her rationality.

"Yes," Alex nodded.

"I'll do it … I still wanna fuck," She looked up at him with aggrieved eyes.

"Since you so graciously said that I just need to lie back, I'll see how much of it was just empty words," Alex said as he lay down on the bed. "Make sure to lick me thoroughly. Just you being wet isn't enough when it comes to your unrealistically tight pussy."

His words made Felicia blush despite all that she'd done with him.

"So crass …" She mumbled as she pulled down his trousers and took him into her mouth.


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