
middle of the night I woke up next to me was Rose who was in deep sleep she was smiling. I wonder what she is dreaming about.

I asked the system what should I do now.

(host makes more clones of a powerful woman and has sex with them and makes your level up)

wait isn't Rose is not enough for me to level up. I was thinking with one clone I can make myself more powerful.

(no host! after leveling with one clone you can't make yourself more powerful again with that clone)

Do you mean Rose is useless now? I can't throw her away she makes food for me feed me her breast milk and take care of me.

(no host! I'm not saying throw her away you have to make a new clone)

I see I wonder what will Rose do if I brought another clone would she kill her?

(if she does that you can control her mind and stop her from harming the clones)

well, I can do that and that wouldn't be a problem I can create clones much as I wish. but the problem is who are women powerful in this world other than Rose?

(I don't know! you have to find by yourself)

I sigh and woke up and put my clothes on I am feeling kind the shame because this dress is made for girls but I don't have any choice. by the way, if I look at my face closely in the mirror I do look more like a girl than a boy. my big blue ocean eyes and white fair skin with black smooth hair look so beautiful like an Angel falling from the sky. if any man sees me they would want me as their wife.

I came outside of the house and started using my all powers. I Look at my status.


name = xzson

race = human(external being)which does not belong to this world.

stamina = 2100

HP = 1900

IQ = 1200

mana = 2799

power =mana, time freeze, physical immunity, milf hunter, flight.

Level = 10(divine)

my eyes stare at something" Time freeze. huh"I look toward its description with this power time around your opponent will get slow and your moment will get faster. this is something overpowered ability.

I look at flight and its description with this ability you can fly faster than anyone in the world. I see a system for how can I use this flight ability. I asked the system.

(host you have to just concentrate and you can access that ability as usual. you don't have to ask me those things again and again)

I heard what the system said but there is something odd with the system his voice was angrier this time. I ignore that and close my eyes and started concentrating on my flight ability.

power started emerging from beside I looked around I and saw I was floating in the air. I became excited and quickly lost control and fall to the ground.

"ouch..." I fall on my butt I was close to the ground if I was in high I could get some injury. and again I get up and try to fly but this time it was easier. I looked toward the black sky and took a deep breath and fly toward up. in a few seconds, I manage to catch 500 km per hour speed it was so fast I can even match the SR-17 Blackbird. I was flying to see space and created a sonic boom. but due to oxygen deficiency, I lost control and started to fly at a low altitude.

meanwhile, in Ocean, a royal dragon military ship was sailing. A few crew members were looking at the quiet sea and having a chat." I heard humans soon going to summon a hero"a dragon in military dress said to his friend"What else they suppose to do they shouldn't even exist in the first place" his friend replied. a crew member saw something coming towards them in the blink of an eye a huge shockwave with a sonic boom pass the ship and it create a huge wave of the waterfall on the ship. everyone became scared ." what was that I saw something pass us but I couldn't see that it was so fast ".the whole ship was almost about to go upside down. but it gets stable in time.

"it is an enemy attack everyone takes your position"Every member of the ship became high alert and they looked toward the sea they found nothing no one is there the whole sea is quiet they became confused and don't know what to do now.

I almost hit that ship but in time I manage to change my direction. now I was flying straight toward Rose's house I am tired after the flight.

I reach Rose's house I saw she was outside of the house with an anxious facial expression. then I landed on the ground she Ran toward me and hold me tightly" Where were you dear I woke up and saw you were not there I started to become worried and thought someone take you "Rose said with tears appearing in her eyes. I petted her head and claim her down" I didn't go anywhere I was just looking around the sea "I tell her with an awkward smile

"don't leave me you are just a human if anyone saw you they will kill you," she said concerned expression.