her final Ward's

ice queen and Sendra were fighting against each other there power is equal. if this continues I don't think anyone will win.

I try to stand it was so difficult to stand remain in this extremely cold blizzard including two existence unleashing this storm." I have to sneak attack the ice queen from behind It would be meaningless if this continues".

(host your clone Sendra(ice queen) power is decreasing if you don't do anything she will die)

system notify me."what is my clone's power decreasing does that mean ice queen's power might be decreasing too"It's a great chance for me to attack and defeat her quickly. if I lose this chance I will die for sure.

"system can I use my firepower now," I asked the system before I make any mistake.

(host your mana power is low you have only one chance to use your power now)

"I guess it would be enough to kill her"I remain standing and waiting for an opening to attack her with my full power.

I can't fight like this for long I don't have enough power and mana if I continue I will collapse soon" the ice queen thinking about how to defeat my clone soon as possible."heart freeze...what! That can't be she also has magic immunity things aren't going on my more fave " ice queen magic power is useless against my clone this is due to the magic immunity she received from her.

my clone Sandra fighting against ice queen emotionlessly and taking heavy breaths." tell me how are you why are you fighting against me "ice queen asked Sendra but she didn't receive any response. she stare at me I looked at her.

"that girl xzson doesn't seems like she is controlling this body, does it mean it's moving on its own" Ice Queen's expression turn into dark figuring out something really scary." no if that is possible if the body can think and it's only listening to its Master command no matter who they are and what purpose they serve and always listen to them they will conquer the world this is scary". ice queen was in deep thinking while fighting with Sandra

"This is it!! now my chance" I use my power time freeze instant time around me gets slow I quickly took flight behind the ice queen and use my firepower on her back. Her back burn and I can see her spinel code and muscles."ahhhhhh...." she scream with pain and suddenly Sendra use her magic power to make a big ice crystal and stab her in the stomach the blood split out and ice queen fall on the ground the snow soldiers of her disappeared and snow storm speed gets decreased.

"Sandra stops this cold blizzard fast"I give the command to Sandra and the cold blizzard storm quickly disappears and I can see the clear sky. ice Queen looking toward me with life leaving her from her body. I approach her and she said"Ahhh I never thought I would lose like this... I live thousands of years... but I haven't fought someone like you and your powers... tell me what your goals..." She looked towards me and asked me my goals ." I want to live happily where no one can distribute me or insult me" I said in this gentle voice.

"you are something... else I was expecting you were going to say... I want to become powerful.... being in the world and defeating the demon king or something like...." then she close her eyes and said her last word.

I use my firepower and malt her body." now sleep peacefully" I look towards her body and said to her. but suddenly a white light emerged from her body and get inside me."what is this ..." The white light disappears as enters my body and I can feel some foreign power flowing in my blood.


(host has gained immortality )

(host has again ice power from Sendra)

(host has grabbed the attention of gods)

I saw something interesting in the system" I grab the attention of gods?".

(host you killed a demi-God a god avatar which is no anyone has achieved yet except you)

"I see"I look around me I saw my clone Sandra is looking toward me and waiting for my order and the soldier behind her waiting for her orders "Wow coincidence sentences huh".

I moved toward my clone Sandra and concentrate my mind on her and said"I'm xzson I love you so much and you love me too you cannot live without me you even sacrifice yourself for me" As I said she regain consciousness and look around and see me.