Sudden game change

We look at each other, I can see her eyes Sophia is fully confident that she will kill me for sure her eyes telling me to stay in one place I can kill you fast without any time waste.

" Today is your end human, you are dreaming of something which cannot be yours in this life, but you still want to marry the empress who do you think you are? Do you think that I let you have something beyond your status? My answer is No!" she flies toward me at a fast speed, but I can see her visibly.

" No! The princess is going to kill that human"," It's too late we cannot go against the Imperial family or we are dead "," Why did you human go against the princess's wish, you could have a luxurious life" Many women go into despair by watching a cute beautiful weak human is going die by a dragon, who doesn't even have any weapon to fight against her.

I saw Sophia coming to cut my neck with an evil smile on her face "Die you human! ", but before she could cut my neck I use my power time freeze.

Time freeze, in instant time around me gets slower, I look at Sophia who is eaten by her Desire of killing me, I will not kill her this fast I would like to play for a while.

The time flow again became normal, Sophia slash her sword, and she quickly realise no one standing there," what! Where... did that bastard go " She turn behind and look at me in shock and disbelief, I was standing in Har position before the match started "What! How did you get there " she roar at me with her outrage and irritation

" what! How Did that human get behind her, I didn't see what happen, it was so fast "The Colossal became surprised by the sudden change in the game. Many women were surprised by the human sudden speed.

" Who did that human do that, he suddenly fades away and appears behind the princess"," Wait is he hiding his power all the time? But even if he does have the power Connot wins against the princess "The women were spectacle about who would win the match.

"the way he vanishes from my attack so easily not anyone can do that except mom and other few people even though the general tojoner can barely dodge that attack but, that speed was so beyond my reach, is he hiding His true power? " Sophia becomes alert of my sudden speed she is ready to defend herself any moment.

" your empress I hope you are feeling okay, I made this luxurious service for you if anyone makes a delay of your requests please tell me and I will kill them quickly" The general tojoner kneels on the Throne.

Rose glances at him "What do you want, don't disturb me " Rose said with frustration, her focus is only on the game where to figure were fighting." Your empress the news about you marrying a human is spread all over the continent, many other races are in incredulity after hearing this, please reconsider your decision..." rose looks at general tojoner with murder expression, he stop at middle and kneel with the fear.

" I don't care what others say, love is something that happened in one lifetime, and I love my dear with my heart I can do anything for him I will destroy anyone if anyone dares to hurt my love " Rose look towards General to tojoner, he doesn't dare to raise his head by the empress frightening Aura.

Meanwhile, on the ground, Sophia was in shock and fright by my unbelievable speed.

" no this is impossible, no one can fly that fast not even gods are that fast, tell me how are you doing this " Sophia become desperate to know how can I fly this fast.

"I will not tell you! " my answer makes her lose control of her anger, " how can a human refuse to answer me! I will kill you..." she roars at me and uses her firepower to burn me alive, but I dodged her every attack with lightning fast speed, the whole arena become Lava ground and the temperature increase very fast I can see the audience in Colossal are having difficulty to stay there.

I am having difficulty staying on the ground due to this high temperature my body skin is slightly charred, " maybe I have to defeat her now quickly, or maybe I will be burned here" Sandra noticed that my skin is burned, and she became angry and coming to kill Sophia I notice her coming but I stop her Sendra don't come, let me defeat her, she becomes quiet and surprise.

no! My xzson she hurt you I can't see you getting hurt in front of me, I will kill her let me do this, I stop here again no! Don't do anything...wait for Sandra, please freeze the ground, hun? She puzzled, just do it.

hearing my loud voice sick quickly use her ice magic to freeze the ground of Lava, the temperature started decreasing slowly " What! how did this? "Sophia turn around to look for a person who froze the ground, after losing focus from me I quickly use my power flight to suddenly appear ahead of her and give her a powerful punch on her chair.

She flies and collided with the wall "What! What just happened did that human punch the princess? " the whole Colossal became quite of a sudden attack by humans.

a royal Dragon guard flies toward the princess and checks her condition he would disbelief by looking at her, she lost consciousness and her eyes become lifeless, the royal dragon guard stands up and said " That human is the winner "