Lord Epquen supuen

"Mom l want to meet my son, if you don't mind please let me see him, "Sophia said straight forward without holding herself.

Rose stares at her cold narrow gaze"Get out, he is not your son, if you approach him I would kill you despite being your mother ".

"No!...no...no...you can't, you can't separate mother and child, mom don't you have any feelings you can't, l can't live without him l want to see him please l want to see him..." Sophia cried out desperate to see her son, she grabbed Rose's waist to try to push her away to see Xzson.

"so...mother!" Xzson saw Sophia trying to push Rose away to get inside the room.

"You dare to disobey my mercy, Sophia-" Rose was about to kill Sophia with her dragon king sword but Xzson stops her before she cuts off her neck, she turns around and looks at Xzson.

"Rose let her in, don't hurt her" Hearing my words Rose put her sword back, and looked at Sophia with eagerness to kill her.

Sophia looked at me with joy like happiness has rebirth in her life, she ran towards me with lightning-fast speed and hugged me.

"My son are you feeling okay are you alright, tell your mother everything l will do anything for you my son" Sophia presses her breast against Xzson's chest and licks his soft ear with her tongue, making his face red and blush.

Xzson saw both Sendra and Rose losing control, seeing Sophia making Xzson feel better than against them, they feel jealous and irritated watching xzson having fun with another woman.

"Mother I'm okay please stop now, it's enough please, stop".

"No, it's the mother's responsibility to check every hour if her son is feeling okay or not, now it's already late let's come sleep together, my son" Sophia held Xzson's hand and put her in her embrace.

"What every hour? Okay, l wanna sleep anyway, let's sleep together we all" Hearing Xzson Sophia was taken by surprise, she expected to sleep with xzson alone, but she can't deny the fact that her mother and ice queen are his wives.

Sophia shows hesitation at first but soon accepts sleeping with them.


Ice realm

A person with white hair wearing white and grey rob runs towards a huge mansion of Guraded by white soldiers with swords on their waists, they saw a man run towards the Supuen family mansion they stopped him and ask their reason he's sudden arrival.

"Hold on there, how are you and why did you come to the Supuen family mention say quickly or get out " one soldier shouts at the white-haired man who is taking heavy breathing.

"I have an Important message for lord Epquen supuen, please let them know their messages Ano has arrived"the white hair man explained while taking heavy breathing.

The soldier exchanges glances and looks at the white-haired man, the guards are about to speak but before they could the family head Epquen's supuen voice echoes in their ears "Let him come inside you stupid men".

The soldier freezes at once then they hear the family head Epquen's supuen voice, they felt chill in their body"Yes...yes are you commend your lord"

The ano went in without any problem after receiving approval from lord Epquen's supuen, he went straight towards lord Epquen's office to go.

"Lord Epquen Supuen, l gain some information related to the goddess Sendra" and kneel and explain the information to lord Epquen supuen, he saw an old man on white rob between the building of book and accounts doing his work but suddenly his eyes lock ano as he split words about goddess Sendra.

"What...the goddess Sendra " lord Epquen supuen widens his eyes and ears as he heard something else he again asked him to repeat the words.

"l received some information about the goddess Sendra " Ano repeated his words.

"What... what is the information tell me quickly," the lord Epquen supuen asked loudly and ran to words the ano.

Ano becomes sacred watching the Lord Epquen Supuen reaching lightning-fast speed towards him " From the mortal world I receive information that Goddess Sendra had married a human child".

"huh...what? Are you f#cking fooling with me "The lord Epquen's supuen eyes turn red and glared at Ano who was already wet on his pants out of fear.

"no lord it's true from which sources l received their information is always reliable " Ano tries to make an excuse to make himself out of danger.

"Why would a Goddess marry a human more important question is why a child, human lowest life from it doesn't matter if they exist or not, we have to find this human before this news spreads out in entire realms, with how many people have heard about this information yet, " lord Epquen supuen asked ano with killing intent.

"l couldn't say for sure but there is a possibility that family zovoten empen and family mspiien gyzen might have known about this information till now," Ano said fearfully and couldn't open his eyes afraid lord Epquen supuen might take them out.

"l see we have to kill that human l can't allow someone like them to stay near the ice Goddess, inform another family and family members to prepare the soldiers we are going towards the mortal realm to kill that human.