Emergency National Assembly meeting

Ice realm

Somewhere in beyond unreachable land where no humans, elves, dwarfs, hamans, or beastmen can't step foot in-ground forbidden by the ice queen to live peacefully in the outer world is called the ice realm.

In the centre of the land is located a big city named the ice kingdom, There were many little small huts and a big mansion only for patricians of this land, this place is isolated from the outside world and used to be ruled by the Ice Queen Sandra but after she left, the city's responsibilities were taken by three families, suquen family, empen family, gyzen family, they have taken the duty of protecting their family and the ice kingdom.

In the big noble house, three figures stared at each anxiously while many small figures looked at each other waiting for their family leader's order, there were also many teenagers and kids but most of them were girls and women, learning expressions dealing with the national affairs.

The family leader of suquen, epquen suquen finally broke his silence and said quietly vocalist "I'm glad for every one of you, to make time from your busy schedule to come here to attend the national affairs, l greatly appreciate your hard work".

"You don't need to thank us, just explain to everyone who is presented, why did you send all of us emergency to reconcile the meeting is there an enemy attack or food famine," an old woman in her 40 said her name was Mspiien Gyzen, she has beautiful white eyes and white long thin hair her body is well balanced as her breasts and long thick legs, at first glance she looks like a young pure women but it's harder to believe she is in her 40s and has 5 daughters and current leader of Gyzen family, she staring at epquen suquen her voice contains a calm determination and concern.

"No!, There can't be any famine in this season, we harvested all food grains and commodities from the last harvest in maximum quantity, and graining was outstanding from last five years and about an enemy attack... everyone will be annihilated whoever dares to put the step in our land " another old man with white long beard and wearing white polar bear fur behind his shoulder Spock, he has sharp white and bulky body he is Zenvaten Empen the leader of the empen family he has 3 sons some 7 daughters, his words makes everyone in room joy in discussion while other were feeling proud.

"Did you hear that? Our harvest has broken the record!".

"Yes, l already heard that! We should celebrate this historical moment ".

"We should let our family know about this, I'm sure they are astonished by this great achievement".

"Hey, a national emergency meeting has just started, and both of you want to celebrate now".

"Ohh... look someone is not happy after our outstanding harvest, looks like we have a rebel among us".

some teenagers started fighting against each other to attract nearby attention towards them, and elder leaders approach them and glare at them.

"Quite you insolence kids! Do you even know where you all are? This place is National Assembly! Not your home if anyone makes any other noise they would be punished" one of the elders shouts at boys and girls who were arguing with each other.

All figures become silent, and no one dares to say any other words, the elder nodded his head and left them.

Epquen Suquen's gaze turns serious look gaze at two family leaders" Zevaten Empen and Mspiien gyzen the family leaders of each house, I'm afraid your prediction was wrong l Call this national emergency meeting because l received news related to lce goddess Sendra ".

Silence occurs in the national assembly all the figures who were present there widen their eyes including the kids, teenagers and elderly leaders.

"What! What kind of news you have related to the ice goddess, Do you know where she is and who gave you this message" Mspiien Gyzen was shocked by hearing the sudden name of the lce goddess including Zenvaten staring at Epquen Suquen with a disbelief expression.

"The ice goddess... Isn't she left the ice realm centuries ago ".

"l know there wasn't anything for her in lce realm despite staying in thorn she gets board and left the ice realm to see the world ".

"But after she left there wasn't any news related to her after her departure, some say she left the ice realm because there weren't any men who can take her heart and left the ice realm to find her true love".

Few teenagers start a conversation with each other until Epquen Suquen open his mouth.

"l received the news from one of my men who can travel to mortal the realm, l know it's not easy for many of our people to leave our ice realm to see the outside world and think it's just impossible to leave our homeland, but l can and another family leader can leave the lce realm" Epquen Suquen continue as everyone eyes stare at him hearing his every word

The people behind them stare at Epquen Suquen with anticipation of what he is going to say next words.

"And the news is about the Ice goddess... Has married a human child his name is Xzson and judging by his power and age, he is 18 to 17 years old and doesn't have any power he is just a normal human" Epquen Suquen said again a silence appeared in National Assembly.

Everyone suddenly broke their silence and discussed with each other and anger, envy and murderousness urge were visible on their faces.

"What a lowly human has married our ice goddess?".

"No l can't allow a lowly human to marry our goddess, not even let him look at her ".

"We have to kill him, he is not allowed to be with our goddess even men in our realm are far better than that human".

Many people in the assembly became mad and raged after hearing news from Epquen Suquen, they are ready to kill that human in pieces for touching their ice goddess.

Mspiien Gyzen slammed her hand off the table and water glasses fell and broke into pieces" What nonsense is this? A human married our goddess Sendra, l don't believe this crap".

Zenvaten Empen momentarily broke his silence "There is no way our ice goddess would even look at that lowly human, l don't think this news to be true, your man would have misunderstood a human woman as an ice goddess or he would have drunk".

"I'm afraid this is true my man never has provided me with false information, instead of blaming me, we should take action," Epquen Suquen said and looked at other family members.

Again a discussion broke between the crowd behind them.

"Silence everyone, we will end that human life for marrying our goddess, l can't let that bastard escape after touching our goddess body, he has to die" Mspiien Gyzen said with murderous urge in her eyes appeared.

Zenvaten Empen nodded his head and agreed for killing that human.

"We should kill him".

"We should kill him".

"We will burn him to death".

One after another people said death to Xzson.

"Okay, it's decided we will kill this human called Xzson " Epquen Suquen nodded his has and agreed with everyone's decision.