Sophia and elf tensions

I saw Sophia and her deadly gaze move towards the elf child, ready to kill her anytime, on the other hand, the elf child's gaze went to Sophia with envy and anger. sensing a clash of emotions akin to two primal forces on the brink of collision. Sophia's eyes held a deadly intensity, a gaze that could silence kingdoms and quell storms. In contrast, the elf's gaze was a cauldron of envy and anger, a fire fueled by resentment.

I took the initiative and talked to Sophia " Mom please, don't get angry, she is just a child".

"Then why, she is clinging to you like that? As a child in her age like her, it's bizarre to act like her" Sophia's voice resounded, her eyes bore into the scene with a mixture of rage and jealousy, fixated on the elf child her. Well, I couldn't deny the truth about Sophia's words; the way a little girl held onto me with an intensity that seemed far from ordinary was indeed perplexing. Her grape tightened perceptibly as I attempted to move inches and she follow me.

With a sense of resignation, I began to explain to Sophia the series of events that I encounter since my departure from the dragon kingdom border and unsetting encounter with the slave trader. As my words flowed I notice Her expression shift, a tension gradually overtaking her features. But it was when I reached the part about my ominous interaction with the dark order that her breath seemed to catch in her throat, freezing her in place. The weight of the situation hung heavily in the air, the gravity of my revelation sinking in with each passing second.

Her touch on my cheek was filled with distress, her fingers trembling against my skin as her concerned gaze bore into me. Her eyes welled with tears, she fixed her intense stare upon me. Her voice carried a mixture of anger, overprotective rage, and genuine concern as she asked, "Son, did they do something to you? Did they dare to harm you in any way? If they laid a finger on you, I swear I will obliterate their homes, their families—every trace of their existence—for daring to lay a hand on my beloved son." The sheer intensity of her emotions painted a vivid picture of her love and her readiness to defend me at any cost. Her gaze held an undeniable fierceness as if she would tear through any obstacle to keep me safe. Yet, as the weight of my words settled upon her, the gravity of the dark order's involvement, her demeanor shifted. With each passing time, I realize the dark order threat couldn't be taken lightly.

However, her attention shifted abruptly to the petite figure of the elf girl, who clung to my waist with an almost desperate grip, a resolute determination to remain by my side. Sophia's gaze turned disdainful, her lips curling slightly with a mixture of disapproval and frustration. A clenched fist betrayed her inner tension, a visible manifestation of the conflicting emotions that surged within her. "Son, if this child is lost and in need of returning to her people, don't concern yourself. I can arrange for a carriage within moments to transport her back to her elfin homeland," Sophia remarked, her tone carrying an air of impatience and the clear implication that she saw the girl as an inconvenience that could be easily dealt with.

She remarked to summon the royal dragon guards to execute her intended action but then a sudden sound reached both my ears and Sophia's "Sniffle...sniffle...sniffle" The soft, pitiful sobs of the elf girl echoed in the room, our attention shifted from our discussion to the distraught child in my embrace. Her sobs were heartrending, her eyes glazed with unshed tears, and her cheeks tinted with a rosy hue, her grip around my waist, grew even tighter as if she feared that letting go would cause me to vanish from her life. With an imploring gaze, she fixed her teary, green eyes upon me, her vulnerability tugging at my heartstrings and evoking a pang of empathy that made my chest ache in response.

Moved by the sight of her distress, I acted swiftly, enfolding the elf girl in my arms with a gentle embrace. I held her delicately against me, my touch a soothing balm against her turmoil. "Don't cry, I'm here, and I won't leave you," I murmured softly, my words a whispered promise meant to quell her tears. In response, her sobs gradually abated, and she nestled her head against my chest, seeking solace in the comfort of my embrace. The rhythmic beat of my heart seemed to lull her, and I could feel her tension dissipating as her breathing steadied. It was as though she found a haven in my arms, a safe place to find respite from the world's troubles.

Sophia stood off to the side, her eyes locked onto the scene. As I cradled the elf girl in my arms, Sophia's expression became a storm of emotions—anger, jealousy, and a clear possessiveness. Her feelings grew stronger with each passing moment, her resentment towards the elf girl intensifying. And then, she couldn't hold back any longer, her voice breaking with a mix of desperation and pain, "My son!... Why are you comforting that filthy thing? Son, don't leave me for that unworthy thing... Please, son." Her words were a mix of fear and longing, like a child afraid of losing their favourite toy. Her vulnerability hit me hard, pulling at my heart amidst the complexity of the situation. I turned to meet her tear-filled gaze, feeling the weight of her emotions bearing down on me.

"Mom, I'm not going anywhere. I'll always be by your side," I whispered into her ear, planting a gentle kiss on her cheek. Her tense demeanor started to ease, and a warm smile graced her lips, a mix of relief and happiness washing over her.

Sophia wiped away her tears, yet her attention remained fixated on the elf girl. Nestled against my chest, the elf girl's eyes were shut, a serene smile gracing her lips. Both Sophia and I were well aware of her ruse, pretending to be fast asleep even as our gaze lingered upon her.

"Son, I don't want this creature in the palace. She's an elf, and if any dragon were to discover an elf here, they'd drain her mana to the point of death to bolster their own power," Sophia declared, her words leaving me both surprised and perplexed. Why would dragons, who were already superior beings, resort to such drastic measures?

"Mom, why would dragons want to drain an elf's mana?" I questioned immediately. I knew Sophia wouldn't intentionally upset me or make me angry.

Sophia sighed and began to explain to me. "My son, elves are born with a natural abundance of mana, which sets them apart from other races. They can harness magical power earlier than humans, hamans, dwarfs, and beastmen. However, some dragons are born with less inherent power and strength than their peers. These dragons often face discrimination and are considered defective or weak. To compensate for their lack of mana, some of them resort to draining the mana of high-level elves. This mana transfer can even elevate their strength above others. And looking at this elf child, I can sense that she possesses a significant amount of mana, making her stand out among her kind," Sophia explained with a mix of understanding and disdain as she glanced at the elf child.

The revelation about the exploitation of innocent elves to enhance the strength of certain dragons shocked me deeply. As I held the elf child with her sleepy, adorable face resting on my shoulders, I felt a strong sense of protectiveness. I couldn't allow her to be handed over to someone I didn't fully trust. However, before I could voice my thoughts to Sophia, the room suddenly saw the entrance of one figure in a hurry, while another figure gracefully entered through the window.

(End note: hello reader I hope that everyone is engaging with the story, I wanted to ask something from you guys, which types of writing do you guys like, like formal writing or less formal writing. I know most people aren't able to understand those heavy words in paragraphs and I was thinking to write as less formal. Please give me your opinion on which should l choose)