Tojoner last battle

"You lowly humans will meet your end today by my hands. Take your final breath before it's too late," Tojoner declared, his disdain for the humans evident as he glared at the audacious individual standing before him. For a dragon, it was indeed a humiliation to see a lesser race, one that didn't even compare in strength, dare to challenge them.

"Your grasp doesn't extend far enough to touch me. Perhaps you should use your head rather than your mouth," I retorted, a smirk playing on my lips as I taunted him. My words only added fuel to the fiery rage that consumed him. With a deep breath, he exhaled a torrent of scorching flames in my direction.

"My Xzson!"


Sendra and Luna watched in shock as I disappeared within Tojoner's blazing inferno. Sendra's heart raced as she feared I had been lost forever, while Luna, her young face contorted with disbelief, stared at the flames. "Onii-chan... No, you can't leave me... Onii-chan."

Tojoner gloated, his ego inflated as he believed his vengeance was complete. "This is the fate that befalls those who dare to steal another's heart," he proclaimed, his self-esteem echoing through the air. He eagerly awaited the sight of my lifeless body falling, but to his bewilderment, my form vanished as his searing fire dwindled.

"What! Where has his body gone? I'm certain it didn't simply disappear," Tojoner muttered, frantically scanning the surroundings for any sign of me.

A familiar voice resonated through the air, breaking Tojoner's concentration. "Don't look left and right; I'm above you." In an instant, I reappeared unharmed, hovering above Tojoner's head. Sendra and Luna released relieved sighs upon seeing that I was alright.


"My Xzson!"

Both of them exclaimed my name simultaneously, their voices filled with an overwhelming sense of relief. However, the sight of my survival left Tojoner utterly stupefied.

"How are you still alive, you wretched creature? You should have perished in the flames," he growled, his gaze locked on me with disbelief, unable to accept that I had not succumbed to his fiery assault.

"There's only one explanation, and that is that you're a weak General," I retorted, refusing to back down. Tojoner's inability to accept my survival shattered his centuries-old pride. As a dragon General with a wealth of experience and service to the Dragon Empress, he was seen as an unassailable force. Now, he was being humiliated by a mere human, a thought that left his once-inflated ego in tatters.

With a furious roar, Tojoner charged straight at me, his enormous maw gaping wide, ready to swallow me whole. I braced myself, creating searing flames in my hands, their intensity surpassing even Tojoner's fiery breath. He paid me no attention; all he desired was my swift demise.

In a rush of blazing heat, I released the flames directly into Tojoner's gaping mouth. "Aaaaaaaaa! Aaaaaaaaaa... you-" His agonized screams filled the air, but he couldn't articulate his pain further as my flames melted both his upper and lower jaws, transforming his fearsome visage into a grotesque and ruined semblance. The soldiers and onlookers who had been witnessing our battle were left in utter disbelief at the spectacle they had just witnessed.

"General Tojoner! That human managed to hurt General Tojoner!"

"Yes, did you see that? That human just used the dragon breath!"

"Yes, I just witnessed that too. How is that possible? Only royal bloodline members can use those powers."

"You're saying that human has a royal bloodline?"

"Do you have any other explanation?"

The crowd fell silent, perplexed and unable to explain why a human could wield dragon breath abilities. However, this new revelation raised questions about why the Empress had married a human. As they snapped out of their daydreaming, they redirected their attention to the ongoing battle between the human and General Tojoner.

"How is he using dragon breath? Only the Dragon Empress and Princess Sophia can do that. Wait, is he also... No, there's no way he has a dragon bloodline. The Empress and Princess never had a son... So how is he doing this?" Tojoner abruptly halted his movements, fixing his gaze on me. "Why did he stop suddenly? Is he planning something?" Sendra thought, her eyes locked onto Tojoner with a vigilant determination to end this confrontation swiftly.

"This is getting frustrating. I need to end this," I sighed, my determination unwavering. I flew straight at Tojoner and materialized behind his back. By the time he realized it, it was too late; his left wing had been melted away. He frantically looked behind him, searching for me. His panicked voice filled the air, "What... When did this happen? Where is that human?"

Tojoner crashed to the ground with a deafening thud, creating a massive crater that felt like an earthquake to the onlookers.

As the dust settled, I could see Tojoner had reverted to his humanoid form, coughing up blood. Observing his broken and disjointed limbs, I could safely assume that the battle was over. I landed gracefully, with Sendra and Luna beside me. "It's over, Tojoner. Do you wish to continue?" I asked coldly, awaiting his response, despite his heavily injured state.

"Huff... Huff... Huff... Huff... Huff... I will not give up until the Empress is alive. My life belongs to the Empress, and I will die by her command," Tojoner declared, his determination unwavering as he attempted to rise to his feet. However, just then, a familiar voice echoed through the air.

"My dear!"

"My son!"

I turned around to find Sophia and Rose rushing towards me. Sophia hugged me tightly, tears streaming down her face, while Rose took a deep breath of relief and kissed my cheek tenderly.

"Mother, Rose, where were you both?" I questioned, my worry evident in my voice.

Sophia hesitated for a moment before speaking, "Son, please forgive your mother. I shouldn't have left you. I knew Tojoner would seek revenge, but I never imagined he would try to kill you like this. I didn't killed him because I didn't anticipate this level of danger. Please forgive me." She sobbed, her head resting against my chest, and I held her close, comforting her as best I could. The guards watched in disbelief as she called me her son, a revelation that surprised them all.

I consoled Sophia, saying, "It's okay, Mother. Don't be sad. It's painful to see you cry like this." I kissed her on the forehead, and she stopped weeping, returning my affection.

Sendra and Luna looked at me with envy, and I gave them a reassuring nod before turning my attention to Rose. Her gaze was fixed on Tojoner, a mix of anger, coldness, sadness, and disappointment in her eyes. Tojoner, on the other hand, was crumbling under the weight of the Empress's gaze.

"Tojoner, why did you do this? Why did you try to kill my love? I placed so much trust in you in the Imperial Palace. I appointed you as the commander of my army, made you a general, and we endured countless losses during the last demon invasion therefore you managed to recover those. But today, you attempted to take away the most precious thing to me – my dear Xzson. Tell me, why?" Rose demanded answers, her voice tinged with sorrow and anger, tears glistening in the corners of her eyes as she stared at him.

"Your Majesty, I wanted to kill that lowly human because he doesn't deserve to stand next to you. He shouldn't be here; his existence is an affront to our pride. And... And... And I loved you, Majesty. I loved you since you took me to the Imperial Palace. I loved you when you made me the General of the army. I tried so hard to prove that I was worthy of being your love. But when I saw that human come out of nowhere and become your new husband, I couldn't bear watching you make love to him. So, I tried to take his life away so you could love me," Tojoner shouted, pouring out his emotions and motivations. Facing his imminent demise, he wanted to lay bare everything he had kept hidden for so long, ensuring he had no regrets after death.

I stood in silence, absorbing his words. Rose, too, listened attentively, her expression unchanged as Tojoner confessed his feelings. Finally, Rose spoke with icy detachment, "Tojoner, I never believed you loved me with your heart. I have always seen you as a general dedicated to your duties, a man who worked tirelessly for the good of the kingdom and ensured its peace. But I never saw you as the man I could love. I appreciated your dedication, but that was all it was."

Tojoner's heart shattered at Rose's rejection, yet there was a glimmer of relief that she had acknowledged his dedication.

A faint smile graced his lips as he looked towards me one last time with a pale face. Rose summoned the Dragon King's word, and in an instant, Tojoner's head was severed from his body, landing with a thud on the ground. Luna, unable to bear the gruesome sight, covered her face with her hands. Sendra and Sophia watched in solemn silence.

I approached Rose, taking her hand in mine. She looked at me, sadness clouding her eyes. I squeezed her hand gently and spoke softly, "I will never forgive anyone who tries to harm you, my dear." She nodded, and we shared a reassuring kiss, reaffirming our love and unity in the face of adversity.