Luna age

In an ice-frosty land where no living being could be seen, the frigid air hung heavy with an oppressive chill. The landscape was a barren wasteland, where the relentless cold had claimed every trace of life.

High above, in the desolate sky, a blinding white hole materialized. Furniture, one after another, tumbled from its ethereal depths, crashing mercilessly onto the icy ground below.

Two figures emerged from the portal's swirling vortex, descending toward the frozen rocks.

"Onii-chan!" Luna's voice echoed through the icy void, her cries filled with fear and urgency.

Panicking, I scanned the bleak expanse around us, my eyes seeking Luna amidst the falling debris. All I could see were jagged, ice-dry mountains stretching endlessly into the horizon.

With a sharp intake of breath, I spotted Luna plummeting towards the unforgiving ground. Swiftly, I propelled myself towards her, closing the distance in a matter of heartbeats. My arms wrapped securely around her trembling form just moments before she could make contact with the frigid surface.

"It's alright, Luna," I reassured her, my voice calm despite the chaos around us. "Hold on to me and close your eyes. We'll be fine."

Luna clung to me with unwavering trust, her fingers gripping my shoulders as tightly as her closed eyes clung to hope. In an instant, I soared upward, away from the icy desert that threatened to consume us. Together, we soared through the surreal, cold-tinged skies, escaping the perilous descent that had thrust us into this frozen, otherworldly realm.

"Huff!... That was so close... I almost touched the ground," I exhaled, still feeling the adrenaline coursing through my veins. Suspended in the air, I surveyed our surroundings, a desolate landscape devoid of life. Dry ice and frozen rocks stretched as far as the eye could see, and remnants of furniture lay scattered about, remnants of our abrupt arrival.

Luna's voice, trembling with fear, broke the eerie silence. "Onii-chan... where are we?" Her body still quivered from the shock of our descent, and she clung to me, seeking refuge in my embrace. Her voice was barely a whisper, but her distress was palpable.

I descended gently to the frozen ground, my arms wrapped protectively around Luna. With tenderness, I caressed her tear-stained face. "Luna, it's alright," I assured her, my voice a soothing balm to her frayed nerves. "You're safe now. I saved you. Don't cry. I'm here, and I won't let anyone harm you."

Her sobs gradually subsided as she gazed up at me with tearful, affectionate eyes. It was a look I hadn't expected, one filled with deep admiration, akin to the affection Sophia had shown me when she called me her son. Luna's emotions, however, seemed to be rapidly intensifying, and I couldn't help but feel a trace of unease.

Before I could ponder the implications further, Luna's lips met mine in a passionate kiss, surprising me with her boldness. Our mouths moved together in an intimate dance, and her tongue found its way into my mouth, igniting a fiery passion between us.

"SlurpSlurpSlurpSlurp" Our breaths grew heavy as our fervent kiss continued. Luna's kisses were fervent, and she explored my mouth with an intensity that took me off guard. Her lips left mine to trace a path along my jawline, and she gently nibbled on my lower lip, savoring the taste of our shared desire.

I couldn't help but wonder where Luna had learned such things, but in that moment, my thoughts gave way to the powerful, intoxicating connection we were forging.

After her intense kiss, she was exhausted and looked at me with an urge for love "Onii-chan I want to be your wife. I want to sleep with you naked as you do with those women"

"Huh?" I stare at look and try to remember if I misheard something. But after thinking again and again I came to sense what she just said. "Luna, what are you saying? How could you think that you are just a child how could I marry you?" I instantly rejected Luna's absurd request How could I marry a little girl who hasn't even grown up properly?

Luna, still flushed from her intense feelings, persisted in her request. "Onii-chan, I'm actually 26 years old. You can marry me, I want to bear your child and we can have a happy family together," she insisted, leaning in for another kiss.

I halted her advance and couldn't contain my shock. "What! You're 26 years old? That can't be possible. You look like a 12-year-old child... Luna, please stop making these jokes."

With patience, Luna began to explain, "Onii-chan, you may not know about elves. We are blessed with mana and possess extraordinary control over magic. Our lifespan is much longer than that of other races, except for dragons. From the elves' perspective, I'm still a child until the age of 30. We can also change our appearance by consuming sufficient mana, and I can grow into a woman if that's what you wish, just like Ice Queen and your mother but it would not be easy"

I was left astounded by this revelation. The child I had thought of as my little sister for so long was actually older than me. My mind whirled with confusion at the idea of a grown woman in the body of a child who called me her big brother. However, my focus was shifted towards a strange noise from the frosty sky.

A white portal, similar to the one that had brought us here, appeared again. This time, a man with white hair emerged from the light and touched down on the icy ground. The portal in the sky vanished promptly, leaving us alone with this mysterious newcomer. The white-haired man regarded me with a disapproving gaze, as though he had witnessed someone do something foolish. While I sensed no immediate danger from him, I had a multitude of questions burning within me. For now, I settled for just two.

"Who are you, and where exactly is this place?" I inquired, restraining the flood of questions that threatened to burst forth. The white-haired figure remained silent, clenching his teeth in anger.