Unexpected trouble

"What is she saying? Does she have any idea of the meaning behind those words?" I thought to myself, utterly flabbergasted by Luna's bold declarations. Her words about marrying me and having children left me feeling both embarrassed and bewildered.

I gazed at my twin sister, hoping they would perceive Luna's words as a joke. Instead, they exchanged glances and erupted into laughter simultaneously. Sameya wiped away tears of mirth and turned her attention to Luna.

"Oh, you're such an adorable little elf, and you clearly love your brother very much, don't you?" Sameya remarked, her tone gentle. "But let me make something clear. You can't marry your brother and have children with him. It goes against the laws of this world, and people would never accept such a relationship."

Unperturbed by Sameya's explanation, Luna continued, "I don't care about the world's laws or what others think. They're just obstacles between me and my beloved brother. Besides, we had a lovely and intimate night together yesterday—"

I quickly cut Luna off, realizing that she was about to say something potentially even more embarrassing. Gameya and Sameya, despite Luna's bold words, remained composed. They regarded Luna with narrow, calculating gazes, making it clear that they were not easily shocked and likely harboring some hidden intentions.

"Young master Gameya and Sameya, we have reached Ice City!" One of the crows shouted from the ship's deck.

"Alright, everyone, get ready. We're going to land at the Suquen family mansion. Xzson and Elf, you both can take a look at Ice City from the deck," Gameya stated calmly before walking away. I couldn't help but notice that she seemed somewhat flustered when talking to me, and she hurried off quickly.

Paying her no mind, I headed to the corner of the deck and peered down at Ice City. "So, this is where the people of this realm live? It looks arid, and there seem to be few trees. I can see many small huts and only a handful of mansions where the wealthy reside. It appears that the people here are facing quite a struggle."

"What are your thoughts on our realm?" Sameya suddenly appeared beside me and posed the question. Her sudden appearance caught me off guard, as I had assumed she would have gone with her sister.

"It seems like life here is challenging, especially compared to the Dragon Kingdom," I responded, taking in the sights. "I've never left the Ice Realm since I was born, so I don't know what the outside world is like. Can you tell me?"

Sameya asked politely and moved closer to me, as if she were about to embrace me. Luna, however, stepped in protectively. "Don't come any closer to my Onii-cha—"

"Get out, you disgusting creature!" Sameya's voice echoed with anger, her red eyes ablaze with fury. Her threat was so intense that it drew the attention of all the crew members. Luna was taken aback, her fear palpable, and she sought refuge behind me.

"Stop, Gameya," I interposed myself between Sameya and Luna, shielding the latter from any harm. Sameya dropped her sword and retreated a few steps.

"Pl... Please... Please forgive me... I..." Sameya's words trailed off, and she fled, tears streaming down her face.

I was left bewildered by the sudden outburst. "What the hall just happened? I didn't do or say anything wrong, and Luna... She couldn't even finish her sentence. Am I some kind of walking troublemaker?" I sighed, then turned to Luna and gently stroked her head, trying to comfort her. Luna, seemingly unaffected, quickly regained her usual lively demeanor.


Sameya retreated to her room and locked the door. Inside, she unleashed her frustration by angrily slamming the wall and sobbing softly, doing her best to keep her outburst concealed from the others.

"That elf... I will kill her! She ruined everything. I was so close to hugging him, but that elf... Why... Why... All I wanted was to hold that human... To carry him like a child... He looks so cute, like a doll... But he's seen my true face... He won't let me touch him now... Is this karma? What have I done?" Sameya questioned herself, wiping away the unrelenting tears that flowed from her eyes. "Why won't these tears stop? I've never experienced this before... Why now?" Frustration filled her as she collapsed onto the bed.


Meanwhile, the ship had finally landed on the ground. Luna and I followed Gameya in silence. She made no effort to engage in conversation, and I didn't feel inclined to start one either. Lost in my thoughts, I failed to notice the guards armed with weapons standing near the grand white mansion that stood out among the others.

"Welcome back, Young Master Gameya. We were notified of your arrival. As ordered by the lord, we are here to take that human to the lord's presence," a white-haired old man in elite military attire said. Two soldiers approached me with handcuffs, but when they tried to cuff my hands, I resisted and pushed them away.

"Don't you dare to cuff my hands. If you touch me again, I'll ensure you won't be able to move your hand," I warned them, asserting my authority.

The military soldiers seethed with anger after hearing my firm response. The white-haired old man, adorned in elite military attire, flushed with indignation, and his hand hovered menacingly toward his sword hilt. However, Gameya swiftly intervened, her voice carrying an undeniable authority.

"Don't lay a hand on him. I will personally escort him to Lord Suquen."

The old man attempted to protest, "Young Master Gameya, I've been instructed by the lord—"

"Enough!" Gameya's tone brooked no argument. "I will take him to Lord Suquen. My status as a member of the Suquen family outranks your orders."

"Follow me," Gameya instructed me and waited patiently as I followed her. The military officer could do nothing but nod in reluctant agreement.

"As you wish, Young Master Gameya," he muttered through clenched teeth, moving aside while shooting me a venomous glare. Ignoring his anger, I fell in step behind Gameya. Yet, as we proceeded, a faint voice seemed to echo in the air, catching my attention.

"Stop right there," a commanding voice pierced the tense air.

I and Luna halted in our tracks, turning our attention to the source of the voice. Gameya also came to a stop, her gaze locked on the approaching figure. Before us stood a striking man with hair as white as snow and a countenance as pale as the Ice Realm itself. His unsettling smile sent shivers down my spine, and I could easily deduce his perverse intentions.

"Go, take that Elf. Bring her to my room," he ordered, his voice dripping with lascivious intent. A group of guards moved forward, advancing on Luna, who clung to my waist in sheer terror.

"Onii-chan!" Luna cried out, her fear palpable.

Without hesitation, I stepped forward to shield Luna, positioning myself squarely between her and the advancing soldiers. They responded with visible anger, drawing their longswords menacingly.

"Get away, you human! Surrender the elf to us," one of the soldiers growled, their voices filled with aggression. "Defending her will only bring you severe punishment from the Suquen family."

Unfazed, I met their threats with unwavering resolve. "Bring it on," I retorted firmly. "If any of you so much as lays a finger on her, you'll face consequences beyond your imagination."

The soldiers exchanged bewildered glances, evidently taken aback by my unyielding stance. Meanwhile, Gameya watched the situation unfold with a sigh of exasperation.

"Why does he have to show up now? Doesn't he have enough women around him? And now he wants to harm a child? Does that bastard have no shame? This human... he's not even a warrior, nor does he possess any power. He's always picking fights with those who outclass him. Why did our Ice Goddess marry a kid who doesn't even know when to keep his mouth shut? Just because of his looks and cuteness," she muttered, her frustration evident as she positioned herself between me and the soldiers, shielding Luna from their advances.

"Stand down! They are under my command, and you shall not interfere with Lord Suquen's wishes," Gameya commanded firmly.

The soldiers, perturbed by her words, reluctantly withdrew, clearly torn between their loyalty to their superior and the young man who now seemed to have some connection to the Suquen family.

The white-haired boy advanced toward us, his eyes examining Luna and me closely. I maintained a stern, distrustful expression, not willing to yield to his intimidating presence. Luna, however, was less restrained and attempted to strike me. In my mind, I activated the "Time-Freeze" ability, anticipating an attack.

As Luna's fist drew nearer, I prepared to retaliate, determined not to let anyone harm us. "This bastard really wants to attack me... He reminded me a memories of past bullies flashed before my eyes, particularly a tormentor of that bastard Shaitan, thank to him I'm reach this world."

But then, an unexpected development occurred. Gameya, the enigmatic woman who had been guiding us, intervened to stop the white-haired boy's impending punch. My confusion deepened, and my instincts told me that something peculiar was afoot. It was as though Gameya's actions were not solely intended to protect me, but also to thwart the boy's attack.

The guards and onlookers were left in a state of shock by the sudden turn of events, while Luna and I continued to watch Gameya and the white-haired boy closely, uncertain of what would transpire next.