Arrival at The Holy kingdom

Many luxurious carriages, each escorted by soldiers on steeds, halted on the road. The pedestrians gazed at the impressive procession with astonishment. The carriages came to a stop at the entrance of the largest white church in the vicinity, a building that could easily be considered the grandest in the kingdom. Shaitan stepped out of the carriage and sighed.

"Finally, we've arrived at the holy kingdom! This place is amazing and stunning. Everything shines, and all the buildings here are constructed from white stone."

Shaitan marveled at the city's architectural beauty, truly impressed by its engineering. Shortly, a handsome man with golden hair approached Shaitan and kneeled.

"Hero Shaitan, we have finally reached the holy kingdom. If you wish, we can book an inn to allow everyone to recover from this long and exhausting journey."

Shaitan looked at Elden, the Sword Saint, who showed him this respect. He nodded, let out a soft yawn, and replied, "Yes, you're right. I'm tired from traveling all the way to the holy kingdom. It took nearly a week to get here, and I could use some rest. You can go ahead and book a hotel or inn, whichever is available."

"Your wish is my command, Hero Shaitan!" Elden nodded respectfully before departing with his knights. Shaitan couldn't help but ponder, "Elden is impeccably polite and formal in every aspect of his life—speaking, eating, dressing, even walking. He carries himself with such grace and charm that he could sweep any woman off her feet, but luckily for me, he's bound by my commands as my loyal slave."

As Shaitan continued to survey the scene, he couldn't help but notice the enthusiasm of the people from the holy kingdom. News of the hero's arrival had drawn commoners and nobles alike, each eager for a glimpse of the famed visitor. The guards from the holy kingdom worked diligently to maintain order and prevent any potential disturbances.

Shaitan couldn't hide his delight at the spectacle before him. "Wow, I never imagined that people would be so eager to catch a glimpse of me. It's like I've become a Bollywood celebrity. It's a shame I don't have my phone to capture these moments, take a bunch of selfies, show my friends, and post everything on Insta."

Shaitan smiled and waved his hand in response to the enthusiastic crowd. The people went wild with joy upon seeing their hero acknowledge them, shouting their adoration and pleas.

"Hero... Hero... Hero, save our nation from the demon invasion!"

"We believe in you, our hero. Please protect our home!"

"Hero, make me your wife!"

"Hero... impregnate me with your babies and make me your concubine."

"Take me with you, hero, make me your companion. I'll serve you willingly."

Shaitan couldn't help but grin at the outrageous comments. "What are they saying? Don't they have any shame? Huh... I can do anything I like with the commoner women and violate as I desire. " he thought to himself. While he was taken aback by the audacity of their requests, he also felt a sense of power and showed an evil smile of thought to violate the women of the Holy Kingdom.

"Hero Shaitan, how do you feel in the Holy Kingdom?" Sharfery Light, a Healer Saint, approached Shaitan with her sisters and other legendary weapon holders - Pluge Magy (Spear Saint), Uram Jonery (Bow Saint), and Regovan Sati (Mage Saint). They waited for Shaitan's response.

Shaitan looked at them and showed a gentle, albeit fake smile. "I feel so astonished, Sharfery. The Holy Kingdom is so beautiful. I want to walk around and explore the places."

The church sisters and the holder of the weapon were surprised by Shaitan when he called Sharfery by her name directly. No one dares to address her in such a manner openly, as the Holy Maiden is considered a sacred figure. Using her name in public is strictly forbidden and can lead to severe punishment.

"Is that so? Then, Hero, we can explore after you receive the god's blessing from the church. There are many places worth visiting. Hero Shaitan, are you tired, or would you prefer to go to the church tomorrow?" Sharfery initially wore a surprised expression, but she soon regained her composure, acting as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred. The church sisters, who had been eyeing Shaitan with suspicion, also followed suit.

"Okay, let's go to the church first. I want God's blessing as soon as possible to defeat the demon lord."

"Yes, our main goal is to travel to the Holy Kingdom. And I need that blessing to defeat the demon lord."

"Alright, please give me some time to inform the church about our visit and to speak with Bishop Father Papias. I'll be back soon. Please wait here." Sharfery exclaimed before departing with her sisters.

"Hero Shaitan, what should we do now? It seems like it's going to take some time for us to reach the church, and the Healer Saint left us in front of the church," said Uran, the Bow Saint. His words carried a hint of unease, as if he were a child venturing out of his home for the first time. A quick glance revealed that he was likely not accustomed to leaving his family estate. Shaitan recalled Princess Moli's explanation that many noble children automatically assumed positions of authority within their families, often without much real-world experience.

"Don't worry," Shaitan reassured him. "She'll be back soon, and I've instructed Elden to book a hotel. It's still morning, and we have the whole day to explore the area."

"But, Hero, I don't think we can simply stroll around with people fighting just for a glimpse of you," Pluge, the Spear Saint, pointed to the crowd, where people were fervently struggling to catch sight of Shaitan.

"Oh, Spear Saint, there's no need to worry about Hero Shaitan. He can handle himself even when we're apart. Besides, we can't deny that our Hero is incredibly popular, and people are willing to fight just for a chance to catch a glimpse of him," Regovan Sati, the Mage Saint, chimed in, sharing her perspective. The group fell into silence, turning their attention to Shaitan.

Uran craned his neck, scanning the area for a particular person. "Hero Shaitan, have you seen Princess Moli? I believe she was traveling in one of our carriages," he inquired.

"Well, I haven't seen the princess since we dismounted the steeds. We must find her; what if she's been kidnapped? If that were the case, it could spark a war between the Holy Kingdom and the royal family!" Pluge exclaimed in an anxious tone, trying to convey the gravity of the situation. Regovan and Uram shared his concern, their faces paling at the thought of a war between two powerful nations.

"No, she hasn't been kidnapped. She's in one of the carriages. She's just not feeling well, so she's resting inside," Shaitan clarified, attempting to put their fears to rest. Everyone let out a collective sigh of relief, wiping the sweat from their brows.

"What's wrong with her? Is she alright? We should inform a healer or a doctor. If the princess's condition worsens, it could be a grave matter, and the royal family won't take it lightly," Uram suggested, concerned for the princess's well-being.

"I'm fine, nothing happened to me. There's no need to call for a healer or doctor," Princess Moli assured them, stepping out of the luxurious carriages. However, her legs were visibly trembling, as if she had overexerted herself with leg exercises.

"Princess Moli, are you sure you're okay? You don't look well. If you need any assistance or medical attention, please let us know,"

"I said I'm okay, no need to call any healers. We're running late, and we should head to the church without wasting any more time!" Moli interjected, refusing any healing. She was straightforward and impatient, urging everyone to proceed to the church.

The group exchanged glances before they began to move. However, Regovan couldn't help but notice that Moli was visibly wetting between her legs.