Bishop Papias

Inside the grand church, a vast hall with a magnificent stained glass window depicting gods and angels covered one wall. This breathtaking masterpiece showcased intricate craftsmanship and an array of vibrant colors, casting a rainbow of hues across the interior. Rows of these stained glass panels extended from the entrance to the far end of the hall, with sunlight filtering through them, illuminating the space in a dazzling display.

More than five hundred people had gathered within the church, and they were seated calmly in rows, awaiting the commencement of the blessing ceremony.

"Dear people of the Holy Kingdom, I am delighted to see you all gathered here today for the blessing ceremony of our Hero. This is a special day, a day that occurs only once in a few centuries, and some of us are fortunate to witness this momentous event. Today, our Hero Shaitan will receive the blessings of our gods to vanquish the Demon King and seal him once more in the depths of the world," declared Sharfery Light, a Healer Saint, her voice resonating with pride and excitement, her face reflecting her joy.

The crowd erupted into cheers, chanting "Hero... Hero... Hero... Hero... Hero" until their voices grew hoarse.

In the front row, Princess Moli, Pluge Magy, the Spear Saint, Uram Jonery, the Bow Saint, and Regovan Sati, the Mage Saint, sat in anticipation. They were joined by Elden and his knights, who stood by the god statue, eagerly awaiting Shaitan's arrival. The crowd was buzzing with anticipation, unable to contain their excitement as they eagerly awaited the Hero's appearance.

Feeling frustrated Moli woke up from her chair and walked away. " Princess Moli, where are you going?" inquired Uram. " I'm going to the bathroom," she said in frustration, leaving immediately with her female guards. Listening to that answer Uram felt embarrassed and took back his seat quietly with a red face. Pluge and Ravoga couldn't help but stare at Princess Moli.

Princess moli enters the toilet immediately and takes off her lower attire her breathing is harsh and, her pink wet underwear becomes visible soon she off looked at her pussy. There was clothing that was put inside her pussy to stop her love juice keep dripping on the flower.

She rolled her hand to the white clothes and gradually put it off. " Aaaaaa~..." she released and a soft painful moan and tears appeared corner of her eyes. As it came out her love juice mixed with her blood. Her pussy turns red and swell like a red balloon. She felt relief and took a seat on the toilet and start massaging her pussy.

"Ammmm~... What has happened to me? Why am I doing this? This is all happening because of the Shaitan... He fucked me continually until the sun don't rise and even he keep fucking me in the carriage... My pussy is swelling I can't even walk adequately... Aaaaa~" Moli sighed and continued her moan.

Her pussy which used to be small and tight and turned out like a hole. Her vagina is now split into two parts like a doughnut. " I wonder what if I haven't taken the birth control drug, Hero Shaitan doesn't have any blessing yet, I don't wish to get pregnant with a baby who doesn't have god blessing, I hope he will be busy once he is blessed by the god and went to training with saints" Moli sighed and continue moaning.


Inside the grand hall, the entrance doors swung open, and Shaitan made his grand entrance. He was adorned in resplendent white-gold attire, with a blue crystal crown adorning his head, casting a mesmerizing cyan light upon his hair. Every step he took resonated through the hall, and all eyes were fixed on his striking presence. Shaitan wore a confident smile and even winked playfully at some of the onlookers.

"Hero!... Hero!... Hero!... Hero!" The crowd erupted in joyous cheers.

"He winked at me!"

"No, he winked at me!"

"Could I possibly get pregnant? Please, let me bear your child!"

Amidst the adoration, Shaitan chose not to respond to the enthusiastic crowd but instead continued to wear his charming smile as he made his way towards Sharfery Light, who stood beside the statue of a god. As he reached her side, he paused, locking his gaze onto the healer saint.

As Shaitan stood there in the holy hall, he seemed to disregard the customary act of kneeling, which left the onlookers bewildered. Whispers rippled through the crowd.

"Why isn't he kneeling? Doesn't he know that he is standing on sacred ground? What is he thinking?" wondered Ravogan as he observed Shaitan's demeanor.

Sharfery, the healer saint, gazed at Shaitan but did not utter a word in protest. Instead, she announced another arrival with a triumphant smile. "The father of Bishop Papias has arrived."

All eyes turned to this newcomer. Shaitan, too, shifted his attention to this figure, only to be taken aback. "What in the world is this? Is that a human? No, he doesn't look like one; he resembles a giant, overgrown ogre," Shaitan pondered. He couldn't help but scrutinize Bishop Papias from head to toe. The man was towering, with dark and gleaming skin, grotesquely overweight, and his excess flesh jiggled as he moved. His face was marked by a dark complexion, accentuated by large, red lips that resembled a pig rooting around in a sewer.

As Bishop Papias made his slow approach towards the god statue, where Shaitan and Sharfery stood, an uncomfortable hush fell over the hall. For those encountering his appearance for the first time, especially the women and girls, shock and repulsion were palpable in the air.

Bishop Papias, the imposing and grotesque figure, finally reached Shaitan's side. His gaze, filled with malevolence, was like that of a demon eyeing an innocent victim, and his breath exuded a repugnant odor reminiscent of decaying animals trapped in his corpulent body. Shaitan, standing before this formidable presence, began to tremble with fear, his body quaking in response to the overwhelming presence of the massive man before him.

"Did you all see that? Hero Shaitan... He's trembling! Is he actually afraid of Bishop Papias?" Uram whispered to his fellow knights.

"Quiet! Don't say that so loudly! He's our Hero! What would happen if people found out that the Hero was frightened of Bishop Papias?" Regovan cautioned, placing her finger to her lips and regarding Uram with a stern expression. Uram was taken aback by her stern response, but he couldn't argue against her logic. She was right; the Hero was supposed to embody fearlessness against demons and be willing to sacrifice everything to save the world. The mere rumor that the Hero was afraid could have dire consequences.

As Shaitan continued to stand there, the onlookers watched with bated breath, hoping that he would maintain his composure.

Elden, standing beside his knights, observed Shaitan closely and contemplated, "It seems like he wasn't prepared for the church father to be like this," Eclipse Saber whispered in his thoughts.

"Hmmm..." Elden nodded slightly and remained silent.

Sharfery smiled and continued to observe Shaitan from the sidelines.

"Hero Shaitan, I've been eagerly awaiting your arrival ever since you set foot in our world. I'm delighted to finally meet you in person," Bishop Papias said, extending his hand for a formal handshake. However, as he spoke, flecks of saliva escaped from his mouth and landed on Shaitan's luxurious attire. His face resembled a round egg, and his skin jiggled with each movement.

"This MotherF#cker split his saliva on my attire. Wait you bastard you will suffer for this!"

Shaitan took a deep breath and reciprocated the handshake, smiling politely. "I'm truly honored to meet you, Church Father. It's a rare privilege to encounter someone of your stature. However, I believe we should begin the blessing ceremony soon, if you don't mind. I have to defeat the Demon King," he said, retracting his hand slowly and punctuating his statement with a hint of arrogance.

Bishop Papias burst into laughter upon hearing Shaitan's immediate response. "Indeed! Indeed! You're absolutely right, Hero. You must undergo training and grow in strength before facing the Demon Lord," he said with a smile as he summoned the Church sisters to begin the blessing ceremony. While preparations were underway, Shaitan couldn't help but wonder, "Why does the Holy Kingdom's church have a Motherfu#ker like him? He looks like an ugly bastard from an NTR manga... Have all the girls in the Church been fucked with him? Fu#k!"

"We are prepared to commence the blessing ceremony!" the sisters declared as they helped Shaitan don the white attire adorned with intricate patterns in God's language and symbols. Once Shaitan was fully dressed, everyone present was left in awe of his transformation.

"Wow, look at him. He resembles the king of a great nation."

"No, he looks more like a princess from a magnificent kingdom. He's incredibly handsome."

"Do you think he could be the hidden member of the royal family?"

"Yes, it wouldn't be surprising if he turned out to be the Supreme Human King."

Many commoners were caught in a trance, gazing at Shaitan in wonder. Meanwhile, Regovan, Uram, Pluge, Sharhary, and Elden also found themselves amazed by Shaitan's appearance, though they chose to remain silent on the matter.