Suquen run away

"Those daggers are dangerously lethal; even one scratch transformed Janifer's body into an ice-like crystal. It was fortunate that my original body didn't make contact with them, or my second life in this world would likely have come to an end right here," I thought as I observed Janifer's clone encased in ice.

Shifting my attention, I scrutinized Greeta's clone. Her clothing and armor were in tatters. "Her physique is distinct from Janifer's; she boasts a more curvaceous figure with larger breasts and a generous ass. I can even discern her undergarments and bra" I pondered while cautiously moving the new body.

"Wait, this body feels heavier and more cumbersome to maneuver... and my mana is almost depleted. I'll need to conserve my powers for now," I reflected.

Suddenly, I heard a moan:


Puzzled, I wondered about the source of the sound and proceeded toward it. Upon arriving, I was taken aback to find Epquen still alive. His limbs were severely damaged, with blood oozing from fractured bones and torn muscles, rendering him immobile.

"I'm relieved to find you're still alive. If you had perished, my situation could have become precarious. Now, divulge the whereabouts of the Frostgate Amulets, you corpulent wretch," I sternly demanded, awaiting his response. However, he merely continued to exhale heavily.

"You insist on clinging to your pride, eh?" Withdrawing my sword, I began to methodically impale it through his limbs.

"Mmmmmm! You... despicable... fiend... you'll pay... for this... Ahhhhhh!" Epquen wailed in agony as I continued to pierce his flesh.

"Tell me now, where are the Frostgate Amulets hidden? Speak, you bloated old reprobate!" I roared, severing his entire arm with a single stroke.

"Aaaaaaaa... you think... that I will... let you escape from... here? No, you lowly human... I might have been defeated but Gyzen and Empen will kill you. I wanna see how you are going to die by their hands... you will never be able to run away from this realm... hahaha-" Epquen laughed, but I shut him up with a swift kick to his face, shattering his teeth.

"You laugh too much, don't you? And who said you're not going to talk? I will... what is that?" I noticed a white-blue stone hidden in Epquen's attire.

"I will come back to take my revenge on you, lowly human, for my humiliation... Swing!" Epquen quickly slammed the stone onto the ground.

"Wait, is that the Frostgate Amulets?" I exclaimed, but it was too late as Epquen wore a sinister smile and vanished into a white hole.

"'Time freeze'... No, my mana is drained, I can't use my powers," I muttered in frustration as I watched him disappear from my sight.

"That old bastard ran away, and I couldn't even make a clone of him. If I had been able to, I would've booked my ticket to the Dragon Kingdom. The thought that the Frostgate Amulets were with him all this time frustrates me," I muttered, cursing under my breath.

"What do I do now? Where can I find the other Frostgate Amulets? Maybe the other big families he mentioned earlier, Gyzen and Empen, have them. But first, I need to wait until my mana is replenished... Wait, I forgot about the system... I need to go back to my body. The system can't hold back the unknown attacker much longer," I mused and headed back to my body.


A few moments earlier...


Janifer was hugging a pillow with a gentle touch and showering it with affectionate kisses. She was instantly startled when a shockwave reverberated through the mansion. Startled, she left the pillow and looked around.

"What was that? An earthquake? That's odd. We're not used to having any earthquakes in the Ice Realm... So what was that? Sani hasn't returned with that human. What is she doing? I have to check."

Janifer stepped off the bed and made her way to the door. She pulled it open and looked outside.

"No guards? That's unusual. Where have they gone? This is a great opportunity for me. I can sneak into the confinement room and take that human with me," Janifer mumbled as she plotted her next move.

Meanwhile, inside the room, both sisters, Gameya and Sameya, exchanged fearful glances as the shockwave rippled through the mansion.

"Sister, what was that?" Sameya asked, her face marked with anxiety. Gameya peered outside from the window, observing the morning sunlight and replied, "I don't know, but something doesn't seem right. That shockwave felt like a giant rock fell from the sky onto the mansion."

"A giant rock? Sister, that's not possible. How could a giant rock fall from the sky? I think it must be an earthquake. Unless there isn't any other explanation, what do you think, sister?" Sameya inquired, looking for some reassurance.

"No, it can't be an earthquake. In the Ice Realm, earthquakes are extremely rare, occurring only once every few centuries. The last time an earthquake happened was when the Ice Goddess was angered. I believe that someone has infiltrated our mansion," Gameya responded with a serious tone, her concern evident.

"Someone has infiltrated? Are you sure? Who could have dared to infiltrate our mansion? That's impossible. We are the Suquen family, and no one in the Ice Realm has the audacity to enter our mansion," Sameya expressed her disbelief.

"I know that entering our mansion without our permission is a death sentence. Those who have infiltrated might be someone from the Empen or Gyzen family... Wait, they are probably here to harm that human!" Gameya exclaimed as the realization hit her.

Sameya was shaken by her sister's words. She grabbed Gameya's shoulders, her eyes filled with fear. "Sister, they are here to harm that human? No... No... No... we can't let those bastards harm that precious, adorable human. We need to go there and save him, or take him to our room and hide him forever. I'll look after him, taking care of all his needs. We can't let anything happen to him. He's a priceless treasure to the world," Sameya pleaded, her voice filled with concern for the human.

"Sister, stop! It was just my speculation. We aren't certain about which family they belong to, and even if they have sinister intentions towards the human, our guards won't allow them to reach the confinement room," Gameya reassured her sister. But Sameya seemed to be lost in her own thoughts, repeatedly muttering the word 'human.'

Gameya couldn't help but be concerned by her sister's strange behavior. "Alright, we'll keep an eye on the situation, and if there's any threat to that human, we will act. But for now, we need to understand the situation. Let's go and talk to Dad."

Sameya snapped back to reality and nodded. "Okay, let's go. But if I sense any danger for that human, I'll take him with me immediately."