You are monster

I slowly walked towards the Suquen soldiers guarding the entrance of the mansion. They noticed my approach.

"Who is this approaching us? Wait, is that a girl or a boy?" said one soldier as he stared at me, attempting to discern my gender.

"I can't tell exactly, but she does look like a beautiful lass. Her body is so slim and white as the moon... Is she a princess?" Soldiers began to talk, making assumptions after glancing at my first appearance. Many others began to lust after me, losing their sanity to their urges.

I reached a certain distance between me and the Suquen soldiers. Some drew their blades, while others were unsure about what to do. The atmosphere tensed as I stood before them, ready to face the challenges that awaited.

A soldier in his 60s took a few steps forward, staring at me with a penetrating gaze, and asked, "You are the human who married our goddess, weren't you?"

"What is she or he! And he is none other than the one who married the goddess!" said the soldiers behind the old man. This revelation stirred immediate animosity toward me among the soldiers, and a palpable sense of indescribable guilt began to pervade the atmosphere. The acknowledgment of my connection with the goddess fueled a complex mix of emotions among the Suquen soldiers.

Hearing their whisperings a smile appears on my face, "Yes, I'm that human I'm Xzson the one who sleeps with Sendra every night after our marriage I love sleeping with her in bed she lets me suck her nipples and fuck her pussy. Oh she is sexy Goddess"

When the soldiers listened to my intimating night with Sendra their blood boiled in rage. They looked at me with absolute killing intention.

"You insolent fool! How dare you talk about our Goddess in such a shameless manner! You deserve death for your unforgivable sin!" The old man glared at me, readying his sword and approaching me with lightning-fast speed. The other soldiers were amazed to see his speed as he circled me.

"Captain, kill that shameless human! Give that bastard a ruthless death!"

"Captain, make that bastard suffer. Don't give him a simple death."

"Cut off his limbs and make him immobile!"

Soldiers began to cheer up the old man from behind, waiting for the moment when he would land his blade on me, with a great desire to see me suffer.

Luna became scared when she saw that the old man was going to kill me. "Onii-chan, please don't get hurt and teach that geezer a lesson. Show him who you are!"

"Human, prepare to face the consequences of your actions! You are ignorant of the sanctity and will be punished now for offending the Ice Goddess and uttering those outrageous words from your filthy mouth. I will cut off all your limbs and make you tactical. You bastard, DIE!" The old man said with exertion. He immediately stopped circling me and jumped from behind, aiming straight at me with his blade.

I suddenly felt his presence, looked behind, and saw an evil smile on the old man's face. When I turned around and made eye contact with him, he was scared and lost his balance, but it was too late. He swung his sword to cut off my head.

But before he could behead me, I held his sword blade with my two fingers. "What! Impossible!" The old man exclaimed in shock when he saw me, locking his blade with just my two fingers. The spectators were bewildered when they saw me.

"He... He just stopped the captain's sword with his two fingers without a drop of blood. What in the world is that?" One soldier thought in fear as he stared at the human child holding their captain's sword. He had considered the well-experienced swordsmanship in the Suquen family and served them for many years, but seeing a human child holding the blade with ease made him sweat.

I smiled as I broke his sword into pieces like a fragile object the old man and spectators couldn't believe in their vision what they just witnessed. A human child just broke the sword with just a bare hand which only happens in stories and legends. If this is real Than this is going to be big news in the entire Ice realm!

The old man takes a step back in fear as his breath quickens. I saw his fear and smile as I spoke "What happened old man, Weren't you talking about cutting my limbs and tactical? Your slang word made me pissed off and made me feel disrespectful I need to pay you back" 

I said and picked up a random sword from the ground and walked toward the old man slowly. The old man cried in fear and called out to the other soldiers for help "Kill him... Kill him, don't just stand there you kill him, you all fools"

Immediately Thousands of soldiers surrounded me from every direction ready to unleash their swords. "Everyone with my command kills that human, whoever beheads him will receive an exceptional reward I wanna see his headless body now!" The old man shouts with anguish as he looks at his soldiers.

When soldiers heard about the rewards, their confidence and desire to kill me escalated. "Reward! What kind of reward will we receive? There is only one way to find out what the reward is—by taking his head," one soldier mused with a smile and jumped at me, eager to claim the reward.

"Die, you bastard! Ahhhhhhh!"

"Not so fast; time freeze!" I mumbled and saw his sword heading toward my neck to slash through it. I stepped aside and easily evaded his attack. I looked at his weird facial expression; his tongue was flowing out in the air like a flag while his eyes narrowed, resembling a cartoon character from the 19s.

"This bastard looks so ugly and thinks he could behead me with ease. This fool needs to learn something—that he shouldn't provoke someone out of his league." I moved my sword to the top of his head and cut him into pieces.


His body dropped down, with all his organs and blood spreading like water after a recent rain.

Then everything became normal. All the spectators saw their companion's corpse lying on the ground in two pieces, and they were startled to see when this happened. "What! When did he get killed? I didn't see any movements. Did that human, who got behind him and killed him, move like a slice of bread?" The old man thought as his body began to tremble in shock.

"What do we do now? That human child is a monster under the skin of a human. I don't want to die now! I need to run away far from this monster!" The old man thought and tried to find a way to escape.

"Attempting to escape? You are the captain; how could you do that, leaving your people behind while they are fighting?" I suddenly appeared in front of the old man like a ghost. Other soldiers were all stunned to see me emerging out of nowhere. When the captain saw me, he pissed his pants and shouted, "Ahhhhh! Get away from me, you monster! Soldiers, save me!"

All soldiers were reluctant at first, but seeing their captain on the brink of death, they immediately rushed to save him.

But I suddenly unleashed my superior aura in the surrounding atmosphere. When the soldiers felt it, they fell to their knees and began to vomit.

"Where were we, old man? I remember you were talking about cutting my limbs and smashing my tactical, right?" I said and cut off his hands and legs, smashing his testicles by squeezing my foot.

"Ahhhhhhhhh... Forgive me! Ahhhhhh!... I shouldn't have said that Ahhhhhh... Stop this torment...!" The old man cried in unbearable suffering, begging me to stop this torture.

"No, I won't. You disrespected me. I'm the husband of Sendra; you must bear the consequences of your actions. Now, this is your punishment!"


I cut off the old man's head, and his lifeless body fell down. I then turned to look around and saw the soldiers vomiting continuously under my intense deadly aura. "I can't waste my mana like this; I need to kill you all with a sword. Such a pain in the ass," I said and killed all the soldiers after great effort.

"I think all the soldiers are dead now, so it's time to move—" Before I could complete my sentence, I heard a massive explosion from the mansion.


When I turned around to see what happened, I was bewildered to see that the Suquen mansion's upper floor had been destroyed.

"What just happened? Why is half of the mansion gone, and what was that other sound before the explosion occurred?" I looked in the direction of the other sources of sound and couldn't believe my eyes when I saw what lay before me.