Sophia's Comb.

The next morning, after spending a lovely night with Sophia I felt a little pain under my abdomen, I opened my eyes and saw Sophia looking at me with a flirty smile. "My son is awake now, should I go and prepare a delicious meal for you? Or should I feed you, my breast milk?"

I moved my hands toward her two flashy breasts releasing white sweet milk like a small quiet waterfall, with a gentle squeeze Sophia felt the slight current run through her body. "Mother, you already get my answer! I like your breasts rather than these repeated meals" 

I swallow her soft nipples inside my mouth and suck out her delicious milk. "Humm~ my son you look so cute when you drink mommy's breast, I wish you always drink these when you grow up!" Sophia spoke as she caressed my hair.

"Why do you wish for something so useless? I always love to drink your milk until I'm alive!" 

"Really! I love you so much I know that my son will always hear my wish, I'm so happy!" Sophia enjoys being overwhelmed. She continues to caress my hair and let me suck her breast.

After a few minutes passes, I stopped sucking her breasts. Sophia saw me sighing and groaning contentedly "Huh? Is your belly full?"

"Yes, and I'm bored I need to see Luna, I must make sure she isn't having any hindrance in work. The Dragon dignitaries don't seem to be friendly with other races, especially humans and elves!" I spoke and left the bed.

Sophia frowned recalling about Luna. She pulled me into her breast and said "Don't be in so a rush, your hair is dishevelled, let me comb you. Come and set her"

Sophia forcefully took me to the mirror and set me on a comfortable couch, she didn't even let me decide whether I wanted this or not. Having a sense that arguing is unnecessary also I can't ignore seeing my hair messed up like a wifi cable pole.

"Okay Mother, please fix my hair and give me a great hairstyle"

"Great? No, I will give you the most adorable hairstyle in the world, I can't wait to see you walking toward me and saying thank you, Mother you are so amazing I love you!" Sophia spoke as she brought a very eye-catching comb. It has a scarlet ruby in the middle and a two butterfly wing on each side, it's combs seem like made of crystal when they reflect the sunlight between their claws.

An eagerness escalated inside me to know what kind of artefact she was holding. "Mother, what are you holding that shining?"

"You want to know about this? Okay, Mother will tell you, this is a Fairy Comb artefact, it was made by a Dwarfs from the remaining Fairies. It has the unbelievable magical power of fairies and it's worth 20 000 palladium coins" Sophia spoke and gently rubbed Fairy Comb against my hairs.

"20 000 palladium? Are you playing with me, mother?" I turn surprised after listening to the ridiculous amount only for that shining thing.

Sophia nodded her head "Yes, why would I lie to you? I'm speaking the truth. You would be wondering why I brought these worthless bubbles, you will know soon heheh~"

I sigh and let her fix my hair. As time passes I notice a strange aura leaking from the artefact, Sophia is holding my before as I witness my dishevelled hair turn into smooth-like ironed clothes. With each rub, it releases an invisible fragrance that turns my hair into graceful feathers.

"This is fairy magic if anyone uses this Comb on their hair it will turn them into astonishing breathtaking beauty. My mother gifted me this on my birthday, and since then, I have kept this with me" Sophia said as she smiled reminiscing about the time she received this precious artefact from Rose. 

"Fairy! Do they exist?" I asked as Sophia looked at me dumbfounded.

"Well... They do, this Fairy Comb is proof of their existence but I haven't seen them with my own eyes, because no one has seen them in centuries, those who had glimpses of them said they live deep in the forest... But I'm not sure of those commoners' adventures words" Sophia resolute her statement and continued doing her stuff.

I closely listened to Sophia's explanation and asked the voice inside my head "System, do you know anything about these fairies?"

(Host, fairies are the mythical races, and the children of Goddess Noras the Adam and Eva child. They have immense special magical power and the bestowed blessing of Goddess from the purest and most faithful living creature. The continuous demon invasion in the past millions of years greatly impacted their population and almost wiped out their existence, They were forced to refuse deep in the forest and hide themselves from the World's eyes!)

"I see!" I pondered and opened my eyes as I saw my hair with astonishment, it turned into a gorgeous jade stone refined endlessly. When I rotate my face, my hair bounces the sun's rays making my hair in radiant glows.

"You look so good, Mommy is feeling so happy but I'm not done yet, your hair will again massed up If you keep them open. I will give you a beautiful ponytail just set here"

"Ponytail?... If you suggest I would accept that but would that make me look more feminine, I remember that bastard Alaric wanted to make me his princess, and whenever I remember that I felt incredibly disgusted" I spoke and recalled that bastard's request.

"He wanted to make you his what!" Sophia Instantly let out a loud roar, her soft skin immediately transformed into dragon scales and tightly squeezed my shoulders. It was a matter of seconds before it took her Dragon form.

"He is dead, mother! I killed that bastard, you shouldn't need to transform just stay calm" I try to quiet Sophia before you destroy the surroundings in rage. Soon she became quiet and continued to cross my hair one over another.

"That lowly human! I would have killed him immediately if he had spoken those words in my presence, I won't give you anyone until I'm alive" She said as her good morning turned into a bad morning.