Liquid Worm!

"Liquid worm?" I mused aloud, finding the name peculiar. However, my concern grew when I learned of its nature as a parasite capable of controlling the host body.

"System! What exactly is this? Please explain, and could this liquid worm pose a threat to me?"

(Host, the liquid worm is an ancient dark magic originating from the demon realm. It was created by the demon of lust to enslave other races and make them loyal followers of the demon king. If consumed by any animal or man, the worm's seed will grow in their stomach and travel through their veins to reach the brain. Once in the brain, the worm takes control, turning the body into a puppet slave that obeys every command without question.)

Listening intently to the System's explanation of the liquid worm, I couldn't help but liken it to a parasite lurking within the body, awaiting the opportune moment to seize control of the mind. "So, it's akin to my clones, albeit less advanced. System, should I be concerned about the potential danger posed by this liquid worm?"

(Host, your body is vulnerable and cannot be possessed by this primitive magic until I'm inside you.)

I grinned upon hearing the System's reassurance, then turned to face the four dragons standing behind me. One of them placed the vial containing the Worm Liquid on a giant table before me, his expression stern and unwavering. "Drink this! As a superior race, do not force us to administer it forcefully. You know the consequences if you resist."

From the tone of his voice, it was clear he meant business. The others positioned themselves behind me, effectively cutting off any means of escape. Their intentions were clear—they wanted me to consume the Worm Liquid and become their mindless puppet.

"Very well, I will comply," I said calmly, though inwardly, I braced myself for what was to come. I glanced at the ominous purple liquid in the glass, my instincts urging me to destroy it. Despite the danger, I reached out and swallowed the entire contents of the glass. It didn't take long for the effects of the Worm Liquid to take hold.

(Warning! A foreign parasite has entered the host's body. Immediately eliminate all dangers within the host's body!)

Suddenly, my belly began to tremble, emitting strange noises as countless bubbles roiled within, seeking an escape. With increasing pressure, I let out a loud fart.


The dragons shielded their noses as the foul odor reached them, their expressions twisted in disgust. Enraged, they shouted at me, "You filthy, degenerate human! How dare you fart in the royal court!"

"Enough! Show some restraint. This turn of events presents us with an opportunity. With control over the Empress through him, we can manipulate her to our advantage. She loves him blindly and will do whatever he wishes," one of the dragons interjected.

"We've struck gold! The kingdom is ours for the taking! We can impose additional taxes and quash any remaining opposition," another exclaimed.

"No, this is merely the dawn of our new empire among the Dragons. Who would have thought that the lowly human we once sought to kill would emerge as the key to everything?"

While the four Dragons revelled in their joy, I received another notification from the system.

(Host, the parasites have been eliminated. Your body is now in a normal state.)

"The taste was disgusting, like hell. I'm never going to touch that stuff again," I muttered to myself, shifting my gaze towards the dragons.

One of them approached me, scrutinizing me closely. "It seems the parasite has taken hold of this pathetic human. You, lick my foot!"

He extended his right leg, placing it before me. The other dragons burst into laughter at the sight of their friend ordering me to do something so demeaning.

"Hahaha! Go on, lick his foot, you lowly human. From now on, you are our slave!"

"Look at his face. Is he going to cry and call for the Empress? Too bad she can't see you! Hahaha!"

Their laughter filled the court like a chorus, convinced that they had me under their control. Little did they know, their false sense of power would soon be their downfall.

"System, scan these four lizards."

(Okay, Host, initiating scan...) (Scan completed)

"Good, then you're all as good as dead!" I declared, stepping in front of the dragon who had demanded I lick his foot. He was taken aback by the intensity of my gaze, and the others watched me with narrowed eyes.

"Huh? Who do you think you are—" Before he could finish, his head was sent flying into the air, landing with a thud in the corner.

As the others processed what had just happened, they stared at me in shock. "What! He just killed him. I didn't even see him move. Didn't the Worm Liquid work?"

"You lowly human! Do you realize what you've done? You've killed a member of the royal court! You'll pay for this with your life!"

"Dead? You should be worried about your own lives. You're all going to die by my hand here and now."

I advanced toward the trio, my deadly aura enveloping them as they stumbled back, fear radiating from their trembling forms.

"Stay back! I command you!" the dragon exclaimed, his voice quivering with fear, but I continued to close the distance.

"What's happening? How could the Worm Liquid fail? Dark magic never fails. I need to act!" the dragon thought urgently, then turned to his companions.

"I won't let a mere human be the end of me! Brother, let us show him our true power!"

"You'll regret ever crossing us!"

"You'll pay for this with your life!"

They roared in unison, unleashing their formidable dragon powers. Their bodies underwent a dramatic transformation as their expensive attire shredded into countless pieces, revealing their true forms as mighty dragons. Two pairs of wings sprouted from their backs as they grew large, though their sizes were smaller compared to Rose's majestic transformation; they resembled giant lizards with wings.

With smirks on their faces, the trio advanced towards me. "Are you trembling in fear at the sight of our transformation? Don't assume we'll spare you because of the Empress's affection towards you. We've spread rumours that you've betrayed the dragons and are spying for the enemy."

"After that, we rape that Elf and consume her mana! I can't wait to taste the young mana of the elf! Hahaha!"

Their maniacal laughter filled the air as they flew towards me with incredible speed. "Don't grant him a swift death! Ensure he suffers for his treachery and faces the consequences of crossing us!"

They began manically laugh and flew at me at incredible speed. "Kill him don't give this lowly an immediate death, make your he is alive and regarded for facing us!" 

He shouted and flew toward to kill me at once but before they could even touch my fair I vanished from their eyes and their. I didn't let them think and act, When found I wasn't there, they turned their head to find me but before they could feasibility-track me I cut their head off with my bare hands. Their lifeless body falls onto the ground as blood scattered everywhere.

"They are weaker than any of those Ice realm loyal dogs, their magic and mana are all went their stomach. System create their clone now!" I said as I saw four lights appear in court. I looked at the four dragons standing in front of emotionless.

(Host the clone has been created!)

"Good, now listen here you all little sh#t, now onwards you all are my slave, whatever

I say you will do without questioning, understood?"



