Important News

(Host, you have gathered 450 Pure Yin Qi, from Dragons, requesting the host to cultivate the accumulated Yin)

I listened to System's notification in my mind and looked at the all-dragon women panting naked with saliva as they rested on their couch, their faces were completely red while they stared at me with a content grin and fond looks. 

"I enjoyed playing with you all, now let's finish the task that I spoke about earlier!" I said and looked at the dragons, they pretended to appear lazy and stayed on their sets like those noble fatass. I dressed up my attire and fixed my ponytail.

"Wake up you all sluts!" 

The dragon women immediately snapped out of their daydreaming and stared at me, flinching. They wiped the sweat dripping from their cheeks and glanced at each other before speaking tentatively, "Emperor... We didn't intend to enrage you. We were simply exhausted after spending intimate time with you."

"Shut up. I don't have time for your excuses," I said, looking at them with disdain. From the beginning, their main goal had been to have a passionate time with me, and perhaps even more than that.

"I won't repeat myself. I want you all to stop harassing Luna, accept her economic reform, and assist her in gaining the support of the palace's important dignitaries."

My speech suddenly brought silence to the court. The women looked at me with widened eyes, shocked at the unusual order to elevate an outsider, especially a young elf, to the status of an important dignitary.

"I won't hear any excuses from you. But if you refuse, then I will tell Rose about our intimate time spent in the court," I added, observing their expressions. Their jaws dropped in disbelief at the mention of blackmailing them with Rose's name.

"You can't do that! Empress would go in rage come to know we defile her man, if she finds out that you too insist on intimate with us, you will also be taken by her anger" Said the chibi dragon with a horrified face.

"Empress would kill all of us if she found out that "

"Emperor, you also know that elf is an outsider she cannot be trusted I'm sure she might have an ulterior motive, we should rather kill or consume her instead of feeding!"

One after another they start to make excuses to avoid the torment from Rose's distraction of anger, they know if Rose once gets to know that I played with their body, she will kill the women and forbid me from wandering in the palace.

"Choice is yours, decide quickly!" I took set in Rose's throne and leisurely waited for their final decision. They clenched their fist helplessly and found themselves in a dire situation of not refusing or avoiding getting killed. They exchanged glances with each other and agreed with my terms.

"We accept your request emperor but—!"

"I don't hear no but I only want to hear yes" I stared at them with my killing intent, which made them instantly nod in fear.

"Yes, Emperor!" Everyone in the court spoke at the same time and left, a few of them casting glances at me before departing with concern. I wasn't sure what they were thinking, but it seemed they were not in the mood for revenge.

Once the court was empty, I sighed and looked up at the ceiling with exhaustion. "They are really stubborn. Now that Luna's trouble is gone... what should I do now? Huh... I should cultivate and gather Yin Qi—"

"Onii-chan, you made them accept all my policies! I knew you could do it," Luna suddenly walked into the court unexpectedly, running to jump into my arms. She settled into my lap and planted gentle kisses on my lips. She continued for a few minutes until I gently stopped her.

"That's enough for now. Tell me, why did you suddenly jump on me? You must have some important news to share," I said, tenderly caressing Luna's soft fur. Luna, lost in the comfort of my touch, momentarily forgot to respond. I called her attention back to reality.


She opened her eyes with satisfaction and said, "Yes, Onii-chan, there is important news I need to tell you."

Listening to something important from Luna, I became serious. "What is this important news? Is it related to humans or the Duke family?"

Luna nodded in agreement. "Yes, very closely. The humans have launched an attack on the Haman Kingdom. They want them to join their alliance to fight against the demon invasion, but Haman refuses to team up with humans."

"But why would they refuse? It would be much easier to fight against the demon invasion if everyone came together. I don't understand," I said, perplexed by the intricacies of political games in this world, or perhaps still unaware of my surroundings.