The Dark Order in on move.

(*Huff* *Huff* *Huff*)

System panting heavily after squirting and low while looking at me with eyes. I smiled and kissed, she reached her hand behind my head and kissed me back. while we were in our lovey-dovey kiss I heard approaching footsteps. Before I could turn around, Frosty leaned my back and her breast pressed against my skin.

[What is my little Xzson doing? I see you are done with your soulmate, so why don't you continue what you left]

"Frosty? I haven't satisfied myself enough with System"

(Host! please wake up, I cannot bare two people's weight)

I heard System's quivering voice being squeezed under us. I quickly wake up above the System and remove my manhood from her lower lips. Leaving her warm cave, my manhood feels chilling cold in the open air. 

"It's so chilling outside" I mummer and cover it with my hand. System inhaled a long breath, she woke up and looked at her lower lips flowing out with my white semen.

[Ouch! Have you forgotten about me? You didn't even tell me and abruptly pushed me]

"I'm sorry! I was concerned about System, are you okay?" I turned around and helped Frosty to stand up. She was pretending to get hurt and come closer to me when she found the opportunity. She suddenly pushed me down on the ground and her cheeks turned red with obsession.

[You have no idea how much I desire you, I don't know what you have done with my body but I can't stop myself from devouring you! Ohh! Look how innocent your face looks, Your body is so fragile and defenceless, such a world treasure and pure soul. My weak Xzson come to me, and I will protect you!]

Frosty sat above me and rubbed her lower lips with my manhood as she began to turn yandere.

"W-wait, what happened to you? You weren't like this. Are you sure you are okay?" I asked her when I saw her obsessive eyes and lecherous gestures. She didn't answer me instead she put my manhood at her lower lip entrance, and with a lascivious smile she lowered her body and swallowed me inside her.

[Ahhnn~ I waited for this so long. I love it! I love this Ahhnnn~]

"Ahh~" I let out a soft groan in pleasure and felt the warmness inside her lips, even though I had intimacy with System my inner desire was still hard.


System's flirty voice comes from behind and she holds my head. I looked at her blushing face and she passionately kissed my lips.

[Get away your soulmate, you have played enough with me, it's my turn now]

(No, I won't away. I will stay close to the Host and won't leave his side)

[You dare—]

I broke the kiss with System and interrupted Frosty before she could have completed her sentence. 

"I think it's enough for now, we need to return to the other side and save Rani and the Haman Kingdom" I was about to stand up but Frosty and System pushed me hard on icy grass and looked at me with an obsessive smile.

[You are not going anyway until I'm done sucking you, I will eat every last drop of your seed]

(Host, I want to have you more, please don't end this up now Host! I want to have more intimate time with you)

"Well I think I'm going to stay here for longer"


Dragon Kingdom

Rose silently rests on a luxurious couch as her body is covered in a transparent cloth. Her belly has grown in size visibly showing she is pregnant and going to give birth soon.

Her long slender legs and curvy body were exposed but sad She was surrounded by the maid and forbade any male from entering the inner place.

She looks outside the window in the direction of Xzson, recalling the last time she saw him. She gently brushed her belly with a tender look and smiled "When he is going to return? I want to see him, it's been so long since he went, and I haven't received any news"

Rose shifted her gaze toward the head maid and coldly asked her "Any news? from the Haman Kingdom"

The maid panicked and spoke "You Empress, we recently received news that an ancient creature has appeared in Haman Kingdom land and has destroyed humans and Haman's army "

"Ancient creature?" Rose mumbled and started to think what it could be, why it appeared suddenly. After several thoughts and her clever experience, she concluded.

"This might not be a coincidence, the dark order has started to move, they are mostly probably want to wake the Demon God, I need to go there and cheek myself and bring back my dear before he gets a single scratch," Rose thought and tried to wake up, but the maid immediately stops her.

"Your Empress stop! You shouldn't wake up suddenly"

Rose returned to the couch and gritted her teeth in her immobile state "I can't move, if I go there I could have a miscarriage"

She looked at the maid with rage, she felt chill in her spin when she met her eyes with Rose.

"Tell Sophia, she needs to go to Haman kingdom now!"

"A-as y-your wish your Empress"

The maid immediately left Rose with other maids in the room, and they looked at each other with silence and fear.

Inside Sophia's room, her space was entirely mass and furniture was broken. She rested on her bed smelling the leftover clothing her son had worn before going away. 

"My son my son my son my son my son my son my son my son my son my son" She repeated the same sentence continually as she swallowed the clothe in her. Her eyes turned red and tore continuously flowing like a fountain.

"My son, where are you? Why are taking so long to return to your mommy? Please come back I can't bear any longer without you, I want to hold you please come back or I come there to take you!" 

Sophia wiped her tears and decided to bring her son back, looked around the messy room and ignored everything in her surroundings. With determination igniting inside her eyes, she walked toward the window and flew away from the Human kingdom.

"Mommy is coming please wait for me"

"Princess... Princess... may I come in?" The maid knocked on the door, but she didn't receive any answer from inside. 

She sighed and walked in endangering her life but unfortunately, there was no one inside.