Wyrm's trap

The civilians on the ground joined their hands and knelt, worshipping the unknown figure that had suddenly appeared, bringing them a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos.

"God, please save us!"

"Save us from the demon, I'll give you anything!"

"God, please, kill the demon and save our home!"

I looked at the Wyrm, its enormous body sprawled across the city. The city's weapons were useless against its impenetrable scales. The Wyrm fixed its gaze on me, a sinister glint in its eyes, and released a deadly aura.


The Wyrm roared again, then turned its head toward the ground and burrowed deep into the earth.

"Wait, he's trying to escape! I need to follow him!"

[Don't go there, it's a trap. He knows you're a match for him, so he's gone underground to gain an advantage and kill you.]

Frosty's warning echoed in my mind as I paused, staring at the giant hole the Wyrm had left behind.

"Tsk! He's not stupid. What should I do then—"

"Leave me, Aah!"

Suddenly, I heard a familiar scream, someone crying out in pain. I turned toward the direction of the voice and saw a creature with horns and a bulky body being attacked by Haman soldiers. The creature seemed to be holding back from attacking them.

"Wait, is that a demon?! It's my first time seeing something like this... But those horns seem familiar."

[Host! That demon is under the curse of Wyrm, and the individual's data is also in the cloning system. She is none other than Princess Rani San of Haman.]

"What! She's Rani?" I was shocked, unable to believe my eyes as I gazed at the demon crying in agony. The innocent girl Rani once was had vanished, replaced by a grotesque and horrifying demon. Her skin, once glowing like crystal, had turned dark purple, and her beautiful face had transformed into a disgusting demonic visage.

"Don't attack me! I'm not your enemy! I'm your princess, Rani!" she cried desperately, trying to reason with the soldiers. But they shielded their ears, her voice too sharp and unbearable to hear.

"Auhhhh! I can't listen to this, my ears are hurting!"

"Don't listen to that demon; she's trying to fool us!"

"Die, you demon! Leave our princess's body!"

The Haman soldiers resumed their assault, determined to kill Rani with their swords. Rani stepped back, trying her best not to harm them, but they persisted, relentless in their attack.

I hovered in the sky, my eyes fixed on Rani and her desperate struggle as her own people turned against her. "I feel sad for her, especially seeing her people betray her like this. Should I save her? But..." I hesitated, my mind instinctively rejecting the idea. It was her demonic appearance that made me pause.

"Stop, please! Ahhh!"

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Rani's cry. She stumbled to the ground, and the Haman soldiers seized the opportunity, launching a coordinated attack.

"Ahhh! No, please... Someone help... Why is this happening to me?!"

Rani's hopeless cries echoed in the air as tears streamed down her face. Betrayed and dejected by her own people, she remembered the time when she had sworn to protect them, even at the cost of her life. But now, witnessing their treachery, she couldn't help but cry in despair at her failure.

But at that moment, when I saw Rani's cries and tears, a flash of my past went through my mind. It was the same state I once experienced—the same feeling of hopelessness and being looked down upon by others.

[Are you going to save her?]

"I think I will."

[Why do you want to save her? What do you gain in return? She's an ugly and disgusting mortal who will be killed by the very subjects she once served.]

Frosty's words were reasonable and made me ponder why I should save her and what I would gain. I thought for a moment before replying, "If I don't do anything, there won't be any difference between me and those who take joy in others' despair and judge by their looks"

[Huh... Are you sure about what you just said?]

"Yes, I am. I know what I'm doing and what I should do."

Frosty went quiet after my statement, and soon she let out a small chuckle, replying with a grin.

[Hahaha, you are really interesting. I didn't expect that you would have an answer behind your actions... Well, my Xzson, let me tell you a principle of the world that applies everywhere, even if you are from another world: Your future depends on your actions. The path you take and the decisions you make will define your tomorrow. It's all up to you.]

I nodded my head, reflecting on Frosty's words and the meaning behind them. Taking a deep breath, I disappeared from the sky and reappeared in front of Rani and the soldiers, blowing them away from her body.



The soldiers screamed and lost consciousness as they fell to the ground. Hearing their cries, Rani opened her teary eyes and saw me approaching her.

Her eyes blinked for a moment as she watched my warm smile and worried face coming toward her. Rani's expression changed immediately as I took a step closer and wiped her tears.

"Dragon Emperor," she mumbled, unable to believe her eyes. I had saved her and showed concern for her, even though she had transformed into a demon and was almost killed by her own people because of her appearance.

"Are you okay?" I asked, noticing the heavy injuries and cuts all over her body. I felt pity for her, and without wasting another second, I gently held her cheeks with both hands.

"Superior healing!" I exclaimed as a white glow emanated from my hands, immediately healing all of Rani's wounds and sealing the deep cuts. She looked at herself, astonished as the pain vanished. Her face turned red as she gazed at me, noticing my warm smile.

"Are you feeling better?" I asked, tenderly caressing her large, masculine cheek. Although I felt a twinge of disgust, I didn't show it. Instead, I kept my warm smile.

"Y-yes... I'm feeling better. But why did you save me? I'm a demon now... I've killed my own people. Why would you save me?" Rani asked, her voice trembling. She remembered the lives she had taken when she went berserk, her eyes filling with tears as she recalled the cries of children calling for their parents.

"Rani, even if you've become a demon, I still see you as the princess of Haman. Sometimes, there are things we do without needing a reason... Consider it a common responsibility of all living beings to protect those we care about," I said, pausing as I stopped caressing her jaw. I saw tears welling up in her eyes as she looked at me.

"Did I say something wrong?" I rubbed her eyes with concern and thought that I might have spoken something wrong.

"Emperor!" Rani abruptly hugged me in between her gaint arms. I become unable to in her hold, if I wanted I could have easily left her but I stop as I see Rani needs someone on her side.

"Attack them!" Suddenly I heard a familiar voice and looked in that direction.

"Juha!" I saw Rani's fiancee in armour on steed looking at us with a grim smile as thousands of Haman soldiers pointed their arrows and shot toward us.