White Rich Beauty (11)

Although Jiang Yi doesn't study at Yue Ran's university anymore, he still has a good friend there. When chatting through text today, his friend wrote to Jiang Yi that Jiang Yi's preconceived beliefs about Yue Ran's character and personality were far from the truth.

First! Yue Ran actually took first place, having the highest total scores among the first-year students!

This was quite different from the Yue Ran he had in mind. Jiang Yi had to remind himself that it was indeed himself who had deteriorated Yue Ran's image in his mind all along. Yue Ran was never bad in the first place.

In particular, Jiang Yi's good friend also sent him several photos of Yue Ran at the university, in each of which she looked extremely beautiful. He also secretly checked the university forum and found that many people had actually taken photos of Yue Ran and posted them in the forum, all of which had received many likes and praises from the whole student body.

The current Yue Ran is really likeable and amazing.

Jiang Yi secretly saved the photos as well. In his defense, Yue Ran looked really good in them. Yue Ran just had to be in the image, and each of the pictures will turn out amazing.

Jiang Yi swiped to one of the pictures he had saved in his album. There, Yue Ran was in an open area—the quad of the university, to be exact. In the picture, she was walking and stretching out a hand under the sun. Her chin was raised, and her delicate and small features were in the backlight, as if, at this moment, she were the focus of the world.

The blue sky and the bright green field constitute the background; the white beauty was standing in the light, cold and glamorous, fascinating.

"Jiang Yi's favorability +10"

"Jiang Yi's current favorability is 45"

☼︎ ✵ ☼︎

"Wow, Master, the male lead has increased his favorability score for Master, and Master doesn't even have to meet him!" Ruan Ruan bounced about.

Yue Ran tilted her head lightly.

"You should understand this, Ruan Ruan," Yue Ran started. "People in this world give great tolerance to two kinds of people: the first is an attractive person, and the next are those who study well."

"Oh, now Ruan Ruan understands!"

When Yue Ran graduated from the top university in one of the worlds she went to, even if it was known to everyone that she liked to flirt with many men, she was only called a beautiful woman with an eccentric personality.

There were many men who heard of her beauty and even took the initiative to send themselves to her door. Heh. And Yue Ran didn't even have to do a thing other than enjoy being pampered by them.

☼︎ ✵ ☼︎

The holiday finally came.

Yue Ran nestled in her quilt and didn't feel like getting up. She had stayed up late last night to watch dramas, so she slept until noon and was still in a daze.

"Ah, staying up late is not good." Yue Ran communicated with Ruan Ruan in her mind. "It could ruin my beauty, and in a more serious case, my hair will fall out."

"Master still looks as beautiful as ever!" Ruan Ruan did not hold back with his compliments. He honestly couldn't find anything wrong with his master's appearance!

"Mm-hmm." Yue Ran lightly patted her face while she rubbed beauty cream on her skin. "I still need to prevent this appearance from getting ruined due to my own carelessness." She needs to keep herself as youthful and beautiful as always.

While she was chatting with her system, the sound of knocking came from the door of her bedroom.

"Young miss, Madam is asking for you to join her downstairs for lunch." The voice of Mrs. Li, the old woman she had first met when she came to the world and also a servant working for the Yue family, came faintly from outside the door.

"I understand," Yue Ran answered Mrs. Li while still gazing at her face in the mirror. "I'll go downstairs right away."

Yue Ran took a last glance at her appearance before heading out of her bedroom. But when she was about to step out, Ruan Ruan gave her a friendly reminder. "Yang Chi is downstairs right now!"

"When did he come?" Yue Ran paused in her steps. "And why?"

"Not long ago." Ruan Ruan spoke up. "Yang Chi was actually forced by his parents to come over to the Yue family mansion for lunch while also calling for Yang Chi to spend time with Master so that Master and he could form a close, preferably romantic, relationship with one another."

"Hmm, I see."

Yue Ran walked to her dressing table and started to put on light makeup. Within ten minutes, her already beautiful face looked even more beautiful than before, if that was possible. The slight puffiness on her face has also disappeared. The last touch of beauty was the lip gloss lightly swiped over her lips—red and pouty. Just perfect.

"Wow!" Ruan Ruan was amazed. He sure did see this process many times, but he was still just as amazed. "Master is really beautiful!"

"Hmm." Yue Ran now heads out of her room, for real this time.

☼︎ ✵ ☼︎

At the dining table, Yang Chi was getting a little impatient with the waiting. If he didn't meet Yue Ran, then it meant that he couldn't eat his food, and so he couldn't leave.

Although he has only been here for twenty minutes, he is still not happy to wait for this noble young lady of the Yue family.

"Xiao Chi, I'm really sorry." Mother Yue spoke in a low voice. "Ran Ran studied late last night, so she woke up a little late today."

Yang Chi put a smile on his face. "It's okay, Auntie; it's the right thing for men to wait for women."

Yang Chi was scoffing hard in his mind, despite the words that came out of his mouth.

Study? Although he did hear that Yue Ran had won the first place in her year, when Mother Yue mentioned that Yue Ran was studying, he still couldn't find it in himself to believe it in any way. Taking first place must have been a fluke.

"Mom!" Yue Ran's soft and lovely voice came from the stairs. "I'm here!" Yang Chi raised his eyes and felt that he had been hit by a blinding beauty. Yue Ran was wearing a white cotton lace dress, looking demure and especially lovely.

He fixed his gaze on the face, which smiled as if spring flowers were blooming in the warm morning spring and slightly condensed in the winter snow. His eyes flickered.

"Hmph, so what if Yue Ran looks good?" Yang Chi ridiculed Yue Ran in his heart. "She's still a woman with a bad personality!" Even if he thought so, he still gave Yue Ran a once-over before calmly withdrawing his eyes.

"Yang Chi's favourability +5"

"Yang Chi's current favorability is 5"

Yue Ran ignored Yang Chi's existence, as usual, and only focused her eyes on Mother Yue, who gave Yue Ran her usual doting smile. Yue Ran didn't even react after hearing the system prompts about Yang Chi's increasing favorability score.

"Ah, are there any guests?" Yue Ran pretended to be blind and didn't know who it was. "I apologize for my tardiness."

Yang Chi dared not speak out; he believed that Yue Ran definitely knew he was here and was now planning to embarrass him!

Mother Yue was also taken aback by her reply, but immediately put a smile on her face. "Ran Ran, this is your elder brother, Yang Chi." She motioned with her hand to Yang Chi, who was sitting across from her, as she spoke to Yue Ran, then returned her attention to Yang Chi. "Xiao Chi, don't mind Ran Ran; she was still a little sleepy after studying so hard so late last night."

Then Yue Ran's sweet and soft voice rang out, sounding surprised. "Ah, so it's Brother Yang Chi." Her voice then turned apologetic. "I'm sorry for not recognizing you sooner."

Yang Chi was caught off guard. "No, it's okay." He replied a little awkwardly.

What's wrong with Yue Ran? Was she bewitched or something? Why did she speak to him so softly and kindly? Didn't she usually start baring her teeth and swearing at him, always wanting to start a fight whenever she met him?