White Rich Beauty (13)

"Curse you, woman, you actually left me to have fun alone by yourself!" Yang Chi clenched the phone tightly in his hand, itching to leave at this very moment. In spite of that, he was also afraid that Yue Ran would speak ill of him in front of his mother, so he could only grit his teeth and say to himself, "Calm down, Yang Chi; you need to keep your gentlemanly demeanor!"

After a few minutes of breathing in and out and composing himself, he went to the area where the pirate ship ride was located on the map.

"Jiang Yi?"

Jiang Yi was originally sitting on a bench while watching Yue Ran and Jiang Hao have fun. It wasn't long when an unfamiliar voice suddenly called out his name, so he swiveled his head to look at whoever it was.

"…You are?" Jiang Yi inquired, his brow furrowing. He has never seen this man before, nor could he even recognize him. "Do I recognize you?"

It was Yang Chi who called out to Jiang Yi. At first, he wasn't sure if the figure was actually Jiang Yi, but when he walked up closer, it really was him! Why is he here?

"I am Yang Chi." Yang Chi naturally knew who Jiang Yi was. When he first learned that Yue Ran was going to become his fiancée, he had already looked up everything about her. He also knew that this fiancée of his was pursuing Jiang Yi like a madman. "And no, you don't recognize me."

However, according to the information, Jiang Yi would always avoid Yue Ran whenever she was close by, so why did he appear here at this time?

Yang Chi was already very angry, but now that he knew that Jiang Yi was here, he became even angrier.

"Yue Ran, you really don't change your nature at all." Yang Chi grumbled under his breath. "Even while going on a date with me, you even called out someone you like!" His aura turned gloomier with every complaint he uttered. "What do you mean by this?" He gritted his teeth. "Do you want to sit back and enjoy everyone's blessings?"

Yang Chi decided to wait for Yue Ran to come down from the ride before questioning her face-to-face.

☼︎ ✵ ☼︎

The people who got off the now-stopped pirate ship ride were laughing and having fun; among them, Yue Ran was the most conspicuous.

Yue Ran walked out while holding Jiang Hao with her left hand.

She seemed to have talked about something funny with Jiang Hao since there was a deep smile on her delicate face and the dimples that formed at her cheek as her lips were raised were vaguely visible. She was wearing the same white cotton lace dress she had been wearing since the meeting with Yang Chi.

The two boys waiting for her outside the gate were dumbfounded.

Jiang Yi took the lead and said to Yue Ran, who was coming closer, "Yue Ran, this... someone is here to find you." He spoke as if he didn't know how to address Yang Chi. Jiang Yi had thoroughly ignored the fact that Yang Chi had already told him his name and raised his head to gesture to Yang Chi's presence.

"Ah, let me introduce you to my fiancée, Yang Chi, the heir of the Yang Group." Yue Ran only took a glance at Yang Chi's unpleasant profile before replying to Jiang Yi.

"Yang Chi's favorability +10"

"Yang Chi's current favorability is 10"

"Jiang Yi's favorability +2"

"Jiang Yi's current favorability is 57"

Yang Chi's complexion has improved a lot after Yue Ran's words. Although he doesn't understand why Yue Ran has to admit that she has a fiance in front of the person she likes, this behavior of giving him face feels very good. His ego is definitely boosted because of it.

Even the sight of Yue Ran is not so displeasing anymore. Even the hot weather feels cool.

On the other hand, Jiang Yi was surprised, holding a little bit of regret in his heart. Yet he didn't know why he even felt such regret.

After Yue Ran introduced Yang Chi, she immediately did the same for Jiang Yi.

"This is a senior from my university who had an early graduation, Jiang Yi," Yue Ran said. "He is a diligent person, independent, and also very capable, especially in doing what he is most passionate about."

While there was a sense of discomfort that sprouted out of Yang Chi's heart after listening to Yue Ran's praise of another man, he was still not dissatisfied with her due to her early introduction of himself before Jiang Yi's.

Conversely, Jiang Yi was quite happy listening to Yue Ran's compliments about his abilities.

"Jiang Yi's favorability +3"

"Jiang Yi's current favorability is 60"

So the two men started the day by following Yue Ran and Jiang Hao around the amusement park. It was too bad that neither of the two could play these extremely fun rides. One is unfortunately afraid of heights, and the other would get dizzy after playing them.

Yue Ran: Both are not recommended boyfriend material.

Ruan Ruan: Weak men.

Even so, Yue Ran and Jiang Hao still had a great time playing together. There was no need for extra superficial company.

"Sister Yue Ran!" Jiang Hao shook Yue Ran's hand that was holding onto his. "We've been playing for so long, let's go play in the haunted house too!"

Yue Ran's eyes lit up when she heard this. She rubbed Jiang Hao's head gently, thinking that this little guy was really providing a good assist.

She turned her head and asked the two people following behind. "Do you guys want to come and play inside the haunted house together?"

Yang Chi didn't want to lose the opportunity to speak before Jiang Yi, so he said, "What's so interesting about a haunted house? Everything is fake inside, but if you're scared, then I can reluctantly go in to accompany you."

Yue Ran ignored Yang Chi's childish response; instead, she blinked at him with her big misty eyes like a doe's and responded to him seriously. "Yes, I'm afraid, so why don't you come in and play together with me?"

Yang Chi:... Why is she acting so cute all of a sudden? My heart!

"Yang Chi's favorability +5"

"Yang Chi's current favorability is 15"

Jiang Yi, who was on the sidelines just a few steps away from the three, was made uneasy by Yue Ran's coquettish behavior toward Yang Chi. Nevertheless, he didn't think too much about it and just nodded at Yue Ran's suggestion. "I'll go too."

With Jiang Yi's assent, the group of four entered the haunted house.

Jiang Hao followed closely behind his big brother, holding onto Jiang Yi's clothes with both hands. And Yue Ran followed behind Yang Chi, keeping a certain distance from him.

Yue Ran has been looking at the surrounding facilities since she stepped in. She nodded inwardly at the atmosphere. She has to say that the view inside looked pretty genuine, like a scene straight out of a horror movie.

When she was still thinking about whose arms she was going to jump into when she pretended to be scared later on, she suddenly caught a glimpse of Yang Chi's slightly trembling figure from the corner of her eye.

Yue Ran:... Is Yang Chi afraid of ghosts?

For this reason, Yue Ran took a couple of steps forward and tugged at the corner of Yang Chi's clothes.

"What's wrong?" Yang Chi turned around and asked. At first glance, there was nothing wrong with him, but after listening carefully to his words, Yue Ran could slightly hear his quivering voice.

Yue Ran sighed inwardly but raised her head and smiled. With her arching lips, one could see flowers blooming right before their eyes.

"I want to go ahead, but I can't go through with you blocking my way." She huffed. "It's not fun at all when it's not scary!"

Yang Chi paused in his steps. Did she see it? Is she helping him right now?

"Okay." Yang Chi obediently changed positions with Yue Ran.

"Yang Chi's favorability +10"

"Yang Chi's current favorability is 25"

In fact, this was Yang Chi's first visit to an amusement park and a haunted house since he was a child, so this was also his first time knowing of his fear of ghosts.

Yue Ran's figure was so small and dainty, looking extremely weak. But this small and dainty figure was standing right in front of him, blocking out those fake ghosts and spectres, protecting him from scares.

There was only one word that could describe his feeling at this present moment: safe.

"Yang Chi's favorability +10"

"Yang Chi's current favorability is 35"

Yue Ran, who was walking in front, had a faint smile on her face, looking eerily sweet in the dark. It was beautiful, but deadly.

At this time, gloomy background music was playing from the speakers, making those inside feel chills running down their spines.

Without warning, someone pushed Yue Ran from behind, pushing her from the dim haunted house and into a small, dark room devoid of any sound or light.

Only their breaths could be heard.

One shallow. One regular.

Who could it be?