The Gentle Psychiatrist (42)

The floral floor-to-ceiling curtains were half-drawn to block out the dazzling sunlight so that no one could see too much light. Old jazz music was playing on the record player, and a melodious and magnetic voice was singing a song that Cheng Ying could not quite understand.

Yue Ran held his hand, and the two of them were swaying to the sound of music and drums. Cheng Ying had never danced before, and this was his first time to do so. Therefore, even though he was a head taller than Yue Ran, he could only follow her movements in an awkward manner. He was also watching his feet carefully for fear of stepping on her.

The living room at Yue Ran's home is not big, so there is little space for the two of them to turn around during the dance.

"Sorry, I am really not good at it," Cheng Ying said embarrassingly.

"It is okay; just relax," Yue Ran said with a light and airy laugh. "How about you try and enjoy it?"
