Convincing Lin Dong

Lin Dong believed Wu Yun's words again.

  But the stone talisman is too important to Lin Dong.

  Although Wu Yun had a good impression on him now, he still couldn't believe it easily.

  After all, we only knew each other for a day!

  A look of hesitation appeared on Lin Dong's face.

  Seeing this scene, Wu Yun knew there was hope.

  At this time, in Lin Dong's stone talisman, the Sky Demon Sable hadn't awakened yet, and no one gave him advice. In addition, Lin Dong was still young and inexperienced, so this was the best chance to convince him.

  "I don't know what Brother Wu Yun has?"

  Lin Dong asked back.

  Now both sides are talking.

  "There's something inside me!"

  Wu Yun pointed to his body.

  "I can't explain what it is, it's amazing, I got a secret book of exercises from it now, and I think this is just the beginning, I will get more and more powerful treasures from time to time. "

  Wu Yun is going to use Xuantian Kungfu to take Lin Dong and share the stone talisman first. As for the income from signing in later, he can share it with Lin Dong depending on the situation. Of course, he can't share all of it with Lin Dong. That's unnecessary. He has no bad intentions for Lin Dong. , according to Lin Dong's needs, he can be properly given benefits. Anyway, Lin Dong will not lose money, and Wu Yun will also make blood.

  "You should know the secrets of the exercises, right?"

  Lin Dong said in embarrassment, "I don't know this yet."

  Wu Yun sighed, Lin Dong is only at the seventh level of body tempering, and has been immersed in cultivation, knowing too little.

  Wu Yun carefully looked around first, then pulled Lin Dong closer, and whispered seriously in his ear,

  "Lin Dong, you can't tell anyone about our conversation today, including your father. This is my biggest secret. If I hadn't sensed that you had it today, I would never have said it. Now you are the only one. Someone who knows my secret."

  Lin Dong nodded seriously, trusting Wu Yun again, "Don't worry, Brother Wu Yun, Lin Dong knows the importance of it, and I haven't told anyone about it."

  Under the dignified atmosphere that Wu Yun consciously set off, Lin Dong finally admitted that he also had something.

  "Okay, then I'll tell you!

  Kungfu cheats generally start to be cultivated only in the Earth Element Realm, and they are more mysterious and powerful than martial arts. As long as they appear, they will definitely cause bloody competition among the major forces.

  Martial arts are divided into ranks one to nine, and cheats are divided into first-rate, second-rate and third-rate from high to low!

  Third-rate cheats can open up to ten meridians, second-rate cheats can have up to thirty, and first-rate cheats can have up to fifty!

  As far as I know, your Lin family's Qingyang Kungfu is a third-rate secret book, which can only open up four meridians.

  And the secret books owned by the Lei family, Xie family, and our Crazy Sword Martial Arts Academy are also third-rate secret books.

  Just imagine, just the third-rate cheats have been able to achieve the four major forces in Qingyang Town.

  If anyone gets second-rate or even first-rate cheats, in time, they will definitely be able to establish a force stronger than the four major forces in Qingyang. "

  After Wu Yun introduced the power and importance of the cheats to Lin Dong, he paused to give Lin Dong time to react.

  "Brother Wu Yun, what are the secrets of the exercises you got?" Lin Dong immediately praised him as expected.

  His sense of anticipation has been completely aroused by Wu Yun's foreshadowing.

  Wu Yun was unhurried, with an arrogant smile on the corner of his mouth, "Guess what?"

  "Could it be a top-notch cheat book!" Lin Dong said without thinking, his heart beating faster.

  First-class cheats, able to sweep Qingyang Town.

  However, Wu Yun shook his head!

  Lin Dong was puzzled: "No?"

  Wu Yun looked proud, and said affirmatively, "Of course not, first-class cheats are not worthy of my caution.

  On top of the first-class cheats, there are actually even more magical and powerful cheats, some of which can even open up the meridians of the whole body,

You can directly generate endless vortices in your skin and flesh. At that time, even if you are not in the state of cultivation, those vortices will continuously absorb energy from the heaven and earth, temper your body, and enrich your dantian. "  "hiss!"

  Lin Dong gasped, "Could it be..."

  Wu Yun: "That's right, what I got is a more magical and powerful cheat book that is even higher than the first class. Not only that, but there is also a martial art that matches this exercise. The grade has not been specified, but I can guarantee that It is definitely above the third rank, and it is likely to surpass the ninth rank!"

  Although he hasn't started to practice yet, Wu Yun already has a general understanding of the content of the Xuantian Treasure Record. The most core Xuantian Kungfu can open up the meridians of the whole body, practice it into the skin and flesh, and the internal force cultivated is endless and endless.

  Wu Yun was not sure what level Xuan Tian Gong could reach in this world, but Wu Yun believed that it must be above the so-called first-class cheats.

  And even if he wasn't there, he still had to say that he was there now, before the shrewd and stupid mink in the stone talisman woke up, so he could fool Lin Dong first.

  Moreover, martial arts such as Xuanyu Hand, Ziji Demon Eye, Ghost Shadow Bewilderment, Controlling Crane and Capturing Dragon are also very powerful!

  At least it can shock the current Lin Dong!

  "Such a powerful technique, I am afraid it is also a top existence in the Yan Dynasty!" Lin Dong subconsciously sighed.

  "I decided to share this exercise with you!" Wu Yun reminded again, "So, you must keep it a secret, and don't let a third person know about it, otherwise we will both be in danger."

  Lin Dong was a little moved, "Brother Wu Yun, you are willing to share such an important exercise with me!"

  "Of course, but it's not free. I also want to know the function and value of what you get!"

  "And then we share each other's secrets!"

  Wu Yun said seriously that if he wanted to use Lin Dong's stone talisman, he would naturally have to show enough sincerity. Lin Dong is not an idiot. In the original book, he never took the initiative to tell the second person his secret from the beginning to the end. , including his parents.

  Lin Dong: "Brother Wu Yun's secret book is so precious, isn't he afraid of losing money, maybe my secret is not as good as a third-rate secret book!"

  "I believe in my intuition, which can trigger the reaction of the thing in my body, and your things will definitely not be any worse!" Wu Yun said firmly.

  Then he looked at Lin Dong seriously, waiting for his decision.

  Lin Dong was very hesitant, the stone talisman was too important to him, but Wu Yun's words made him very tempted.

  "Don't you believe me?" Wu Yun frowned.

  "No, of course not. If I didn't trust Brother Wu Yun, I wouldn't have invited you to stay." Lin Dong hurriedly explained.

  The reaction of the stone talisman would not deceive him.

  It's just that Wu Yun's strength is stronger than him, and he is a little worried that after he speaks out, Wu Yun may directly take away his stone talisman.

  "Brother Wu Yun, please forgive me. My stuff is a bit special, so I can't express it directly. If Brother Wu Yun really believes in Lin Dong, can you show Lin Dong the secret book you mentioned first?"

  As Lin Dong spoke, he reminded, "Lin Dong is not as strong as Brother Wu Yun, so he would never dare to lie to Brother Wu."

  It turns out that you are worried that I will be cheated on... Wu Yun finally realized Lin Dong's scruples.

  Lin Dong saw it very clearly. The so-called sharing and cooperation must be based on the same strength, otherwise it would be impossible to be fair.

  Now that Wu Yun is stronger than Lin Dong, his right to speak will naturally be greater. After all, it is reasonable to have big fists in this world.

  "It's because I didn't think about it, but you are cautious enough. This is your Lin family. Even if I really plot against you, I can't get out."

  "But I also said, this is your Lin family, if I give you the exercises, what will you do if you don't let me go?"

  Wu Yun directly pointed it out.

  "How come, I, Lin Dong, am not that kind of person, What's more, Brother Wu Yun, you have the Mad Saber Martial Arts School behind you, and our Lin family dare not touch you." Lin Dong quickly explained.

  Of course Wu Yun knew about Lin Dong's character, he said this on purpose, in order to completely dispel all of Lin Dong's worries.

  He waved his hand to Lin Dong, letting him listen to what he said,

  "Lin Dong, I know, we just met, it is very difficult for us to tell each other's secrets all of a sudden. I watched your game and got to know you a little bit. I believe you are not the kind of hypocritical and treacherous person.

  But in fact, I was also betting. When you invited me to stay, I was hesitant. I was not sure if you would directly let the Lin family take action against me and take away my chance.

  I bet you're not that kind of person, so you stayed and didn't dare to make the decision to tell your secret first until just now. "

  Wu Yunxiao uses emotion and moves with reason.

  Lin Dongting was very ashamed. After all, he was the one who invited him. When he was worried that he would do something to him, the other party was also worried that his family would do something to him.

  Wu Yun's ability to get to this point is already due to his great trust in him.

  Seeing Lin Dong's reaction, Wu Yun felt that things were about to stabilize.

  Of course, Wu Yun's confession is also because he is prophetic. He has read the original book and knows Lin Dong's character.

  Wu Yun strikes while the iron is hot and continues to stir up emotions,

  "I believe that you, like me, are very excited when you know that the other party has something similar to yourself, and you want to understand it quickly."

  "Our secrets are big, but since we want to cooperate, we must have sincerity and not defend each other."

  "dont you agree?"

  Lin Dong's eyes were filled with mist,

  "Lin Dong is ashamed. He almost failed Brother Wu Yun's trust."