We don't need to be so clear

"I didn't expect to meet the fire python tiger here, God bless my Lei family."

  "Brother Lei Li, we must do whatever it takes to get this fire python tiger cub."

  "Of course, no one here can compete with the two of us!"

  "Kill the fire python tiger first, and give them all to me!"


  Lei Li and Xie Yingying led the two contestants to besiege the fire python tiger with all their strength. As for the cubs, they are bound to win.

  However, the Fire Python Tiger is very ferocious. It is originally at the level of Tianyuan Realm. Even if it is injured now, it cannot be killed by a group of juniors at the Tempering Body Realm.

  Only Lei Li could give it enough threat.

  In the blink of an eye, three or four people died!

  But Lei Li and Xie Yingying didn't care at all. Compared to the value of the fire python tiger cubs, it's okay to die a few insignificant juniors.

  As long as they get the fire python tiger cub, they will be the heroes of the family.

  "This fire python tiger is so powerful, it's a good thing we didn't go directly to it."

  Seeing that Lei Xie and Xie's family suffered heavy injuries, Lin Dong said with lingering fear.

  "Yeah, the three of us are definitely not rivals." Mu Lingsha also echoed, she thought Wu Yun and Lin Dong's strength was at the ninth level of Body Tempering.

  "Get ready. I don't think the fire python can last long. We will act once the fire python dies."

  Wu Yun arranged, "I'll stop Lei Li and the others. Lingsha will cover me with a bow and arrow from above. Lin Dong will be responsible for stealing the cubs. We will meet up one kilometer to the north."

  "it is good!"

  A moment later, the Fire Python Tiger lost a lot of blood and was killed by Lei Li's palm.

  "It's finally done!" Lei Li and Xie Yingying were overjoyed.

  Just as they were about to go into the rocky hole to hold the cubs.

  Wu Yun above moved.


  After he yelled, he picked up a big stone weighing one hundred catties and threw it at Lei Li and the others.

  "Be careful!"

  "Thunderstorm strike!"

  Lei Li reacted quickly and shattered the boulder with one punch.

  At this time, Wu Yun had already rushed down, and directly threw the locust stone and the flying knife as thin as a cicada's wing from his waist.

  These are a few hidden weapons that he carried with him after he studied all kinds of hidden weapons.


  The flying knives and locust stone easily wounded the juniors of the Leixie family.

  "Wu Yun, it's you again!"

  Lei Li was anxious, rushed towards Wu Yun and slapped him.

  The two fought.

  Wu Yun only fought against Lei Li with the Kuang Lei Saber, barely entangled him, without revealing his mid-Earth Yuan Realm cultivation.

  Seeing that he couldn't get rid of Wu Yun, Lei Li shouted,

  "Yingying, hurry up and hold the cub!"

  "it is good!"

  Xie Yingying was about to drill a hole.

  At this time, two arrows shot down from above, facing Xie Yingying's face.

  Mu Lingsha kept shooting arrows with her bow, blocking Xie Yingying and others from the entrance of the cave.

  Lin Dong made a move from the other side. He used Ghost Shadow Bewildering Steps to enter the rock hole without hindrance, and successfully hugged the three cubs.

  "Haha, Lei Li, thank you for helping me kill the fire python tiger. Now, I'm going to hug my fire python tiger cub first!"

  After succeeding, Wu Yun immediately sent out two throwing knives to force Lei Li back and fled into the forest.

  "Wu Yun, I must kill you!"

  Only the impotent and furious Lei Li was left, roaring in place.


  "Brother, Miss Lingsha, the cubs are here!"

  Lin Dong took out three Cerebellar Axes from his bosom!

  They were just born, and their bodies were still stained with some blood. They crawled around as soon as they landed on the ground, trying to find their mother. Their small appearance is very cute.

  Especially Mu Lingsha's eyes are shining at this moment. Although she is still a girl, the maternal aura seems to be born with girls.

  Lin Dong: "Exactly three,

We have one for each of us, Brother Wu Yun, you can assign it! "

  Lin Dong immediately handed over the right to speak to Wu Yun.

  "That's right, let Brother Wu Yun choose first!" Mu Lingsha had no objection either.

  Wu Yun touched the three fire python tiger cubs. Two of them were more active and crawled vigorously, while the other one was motionless. Even though there was such a big movement just now, it was still drowsy , obviously weaker than the other two, whether they can survive is a question!

  However, Wu Yun knew that if Lin Dong had to choose, he would definitely choose the weakest one.

  Because this fire python tiger has a mutated bloodline, it is Lin Yan, one of the three brothers of Lin Dong in the future!

  At this time, Lin Dong's eyes were also looking at Wu Yun and this weak little fire python tiger.

  When the three cubs were brought out just now, Lin Dong's stone talisman only responded to the weakest one, which proved that this fire python tiger must be different.

  "Brother Wu Yun and I have similar things. He should be able to see that he will also keep the weakest one, but don't give it to Mu Lingsha."

  Lin Dong thought to himself, as long as this fire python tiger cub with the most potential is not given to an outsider like Mu Lingsha.

  Wu Yun smiled lightly, and immediately had an idea,

  "This time Lingsha's bow and arrow support is in place, which can be said to be the key to our success. Therefore, I think this one will climb the fastest, so let's give it to Lingsha."

  "Lin Dong, what do you think?"

  Lin Dong: "I have no objection, I'll listen to my brother!"

  The two hit it off immediately, but Mu Lingsha was stunned.

  She has self-knowledge, the cooperation just now, she is a salted fish, the least effect.

  "Here, Brother Wu Yun, I..."

  "Here, take it!" Mu Lingsha was about to say something, but Wu Yun had already handed the liveliest one into her arms.

  "Thank you Brother Wu Yun, thank you Brother Lin Dong!"

  Mu Lingsha was very moved... This is because Brother Wu Yun specially took care of me.

  In her opinion, this was Wu Yun's gesture of favor to her.

  Mu Lingsha hugged the fire python tiger cub and put it in her chest pocket to hide it.

  Wu Yun looked worried for a while... Your two lumps of meat are not afraid of being bored with the cerebellar axe!

  "Since I got this fire python tiger cub, I won't take part in the next competition. will go back to Mujiazhuang first."

  Mu Lingsha said, compared to competing for the hunting ranking, the fire python tiger cubs are obviously more important.

  "Brother Wu Yun, Brother Lin Dong, remember to come to my Mujiazhuang when you are free. I will treat you well."

  She purposely gave Wu Yun a wink.

  After Mu Lingsha left.

  The two looked at each other and smiled.

  "I guess, do you want to choose this one!"

  Wu Yun picked up the Cerebellar Axe that was still naive and lethargic, and said with a smile.

  Lin Dong: "Brother, you really sensed it too."

  He also touched the Cerebellar Axe, "Although I don't know what's so strange about it, my stone talisman does respond to it."

  "This fire python tiger has a mutated bloodline and has great potential!"

  Wu Yun directly explained the reason, and then handed the mutated cerebellar ax to Lin Dong.

  "for you!"

  "This... big brother, I'll just take this one." Lin Dong declined.

  Wu Yun: "Just hold it, don't worry, I already have a way to train another one. If you don't believe me, let's make a bet and see whose fire python tiger is more powerful in ten years' time!"

  If it wasn't for the white tiger blood that he had just signed in, Wu Yun would naturally not have given Lin Dong the mutated fire python tiger.

  But since the system has given this reward, it means not to compete with the son of the plane.

  The blood of the white tiger is already the ceiling of the tiger!

  It doesn't matter which fire python tiger the fusion is given to.

  "Brother, I owe you a favor!"

  Lin Dong was even more moved.

  Okay, I will ask your wife to repay this love in the future... Wu Yun teased secretly in his heart, but he still didn't say it out.

  "We are brothers, you don't need to distinguish so clearly from mine!"