Soul Breaking Knife, Thunder Flame Sword, Lei Zhenbo

After more than a month of getting along, Wu Yun also has a certain understanding of Ziyue.

  Ziyue's family is in the business of mineral veins and elixir.

  Ziyue is also a second seal talisman master. Their family's status in Yancheng is not low, and they still have cooperation with the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce.

  Apart from her background strength, the main reason why Wu Yun asked her for a deal was that Ziyue spent most of her time cultivating her spiritual power. She was very simple and didn't get too involved in the business.

  Ziyue: "It's no problem to exchange for Yangyuan Stone, wrap it on me, how much do you want?"

  "Thousands of dollars!" Wu Yun said seriously, this is a huge sum.

  "I have 50,000 yuan on me now, that's enough!" Ziyue said lightly.

  "Fifty thousand!"

  Wu Yun repeated it in surprise.

  The Yangyuan Stone vein in Tiemuzhuang has been dug for nearly three months, and the Yangyuan Stone produced is less than 5,000 yuan, which is already a huge sum of money for the Crazy Sword Martial Art Museum and the Lin family.

  Now, Ziyue has 50,000 yuan with her.

  What is the gap?

  This is called the gap!

  Senior sister, I didn't expect you to be a little rich woman... Wu Yun smacked his lips, took a deep breath and said, "Enough, enough!"

  "Senior sister, look, I have two hundred Yangyuan pills, how many Yangyuan stones can I exchange for!"

  "Oh, let me see!"

  Ziyue took the pill and checked it.

  After a while, she became serious, she said in surprise,

  "Hey, Junior Brother, your Yangyuan Pill is very fine. I have never seen such a pure Yangyuan Pill. It is estimated that it can reach the perfect level!"

  "What do you mean, sister?"

  Ziyue: "Different people refine Yangyuan pills from Yangyuan stones, but there are great differences. Generally, we judge the purity of the refined Yangyuan pills as 100%. After refining, it is only about 50% pure. I can extract 60% of the Yangyuan Pill. For a four-seal talisman master like the teacher, he can refine it up to 70%. And your elixir is almost all close to 100% purity."

  It turns out that there is such a thing.

  Usually when they look at Yangyuan Pill, they just feel that their Yangyuan Pill has a brighter luster.

  "Junior brother, where did you get this elixir?" Ziyue asked curiously.

  "This..." Wu Yun scratched his head... Wait a moment, let me make it up.

  Seeing Wu Yun's dilemma, Ziyue immediately came to her senses. There is a rule in doing business. She only looks at things and doesn't ask too many questions, so she said empathetically,

  "It's not convenient for the younger brother to say it. Everyone has their own secrets. I'm just curious about how to achieve such a high level of purity."

  "It's really inconvenient to say, please forgive me, senior sister. As for the purity, I don't know how to refine it. If I find out someday, I will definitely tell senior sister."

  "Okay, I want your elixir. If you still have it, you must remember to trade it with me. This kind of pure elixir is very beneficial to cultivation. I am going to use it myself. Don't worry, the senior sister is not an outsider, and the price will not be too high." If I treat you badly, I won't inquire about the origin of your elixir."

  Ziyue said very sensiblely.

  She is very smart, knowing that she promises not to inquire about the origin.

  In the shopping mall, there are many such things, and you can't keep asking other people's secrets, otherwise, the next time there is the same thing, others will be wary and stop looking for her to trade, and let her miss it.

  "The exchange price for 50% pure elixir is eleven Yangyuan stones. I'll give you fifteen yuan for this one. This price is not low. After all, there are not many people who are as knowledgeable as Senior Sister."

  "Okay, deal, I trust Senior Sister!"

  Wu Yun naturally had no objection. In fact, his expectation was only twelve yuan.

  Two hundred pills were exchanged for three thousand Yangyuan stones.

  This profit has been doubled... Wu Yun held a Qiankun bag full of Yangyuan stones, feeling in his heart,

"This stone talisman is simply a weapon for getting rich!"

  "Okay, now that the transaction is over, let the senior sister see how your mental strength has been cultivated during this period, and whether you have slacked off."

  "Hey, senior sister, look!"

  Wu Yun revealed his natal talisman.

  "The seal of fate!"

  Ziyue said in surprise, her mind was in a daze... It was too fast for a little junior brother to be promoted to a talisman master after practicing for more than a month.

  She couldn't hold back any longer!

  I can no longer pretend to be "little brother, your talent is mediocre".

  "Come on, let's go see the teacher!"

  After Ziyue came to her senses, she dragged Wu Yun to find Master Yan.

  Now Wu Yun is already a talisman sealer, and she no longer needs her teaching.

  The two came to Master Yan's bamboo house.


  After seeing Li, Wu Yun also showed Master Yan the natal talisman.

  After Master Yan was pleasantly surprised by this, he began to tell Wu Yun the way of cultivation in the future.

  "The most elementary and basic use of spiritual power is to condense spiritual power into the shape of weapons, such as condensing into swords, guns, swords and shields, etc., to fight.

  Most of the fine-level fine secret skills are derived from this foundation.

  No matter what the secret technique is, the control of mental power is always the most important.

  In addition, it is a spiritual weapon.

  Royal weapon!

  The imperial weapon is one of our strongest methods. Find materials that can carry spiritual power, make them into weapons, and use spiritual power to drive weapons to fight. "

  Sure enough, no matter what power you cultivate, you need skills and equipment... Wu Yun has already understood what Master Yan meant.

  After the explanation, it is time to teach. Master Yan has great expectations for Wu Yun, so he will not be petty when he makes a move.

  Yanxuan: "Now I will pass on to you two elite secret skills, one is the common-level secret technique "Soul Breaking Knife", and the second is the elite-level secret technique "Thunderbolt"."

  Hey, the teacher really prefers juniors... Ziyue sighed in her heart when she heard the advanced secret technique.

  At the beginning, she only started to learn after she was promoted to the second seal talisman master.

  "Ziyue, you also follow along to learn, and this Lei Zhenbo is going to teach you too."

  "Thank you Master!"

  Ziyue said happily, she has been greedy for Lei Zhenbo for a long time.

  It is also a fine-level secret technique, but there are also strengths and weaknesses. Master Yan's Lei Zhenbo is the top existence of the refined-level secret technique.

  After writing down the two secret techniques.

  Master Yan took out another set of small swords from the Qiankun bag.

  "Thunder Flame Sword!"

  When Ziyue saw this set of small swords, her eyes lit up.

  This is one of the teacher's most precious treasures.

  Yanxuan: "The Thunder Flame Sword is forged from Lightning Strike Wood and Flame Essence Stone, and refined by engraving multiple runes myself. It has two violent attribute powers of thunder and fire. This set of swords is famous for its attack power. Even in my hands If you are a strong person in the Yuandan realm, you have to avoid their edge, and with your current strength, you can also break through the aura of a strong person in the Tianyuan realm."

  "This is the first gift my teacher gave you!"

  Master Yan handed the set of swords to Wu Yun.

  "Thank you, teacher!"

  Wu Yun took the sword case and opened it to see that there were seven small palm-sized swords inside, as thin as a cicada's wings, exquisite and compact, the sword body was dark red, and it was full of runes.

  "The teacher is willing to give this set of Thunder Flame Sword to the younger brother, but it is normal for the talent of the younger brother to be valued by the teacher." Ziyue is envious in her heart, but she also understands Master Yan's approach.

  She also has a spiritual weapon, but it cannot be compared with this set of Lei Yanjian.

  This is not something money can buy.

  Most of the talisman masters are not short of money, and neither is Ziyue.

  But the materials used by the Talisman Master are too difficult to find.

  "With this set of equipment, my combat power should be doubled."

  Wu Yun was extremely looking forward to it, and wanted to try the power of the Thunder Flame Sword.