The Terrifying Power of the Dragon Beard Needle

Wu Yun and Lin Dong shot at the same time.

  Ten small golden balls popped out from the hands of the two at the same time, and the talisman of life appeared between the eyebrows, and then a large amount of spiritual power gushed out and attached to it instantly.

  The golden particles turned into hair-like slender dragon beard needles in the air.

  "Second seal talisman master just wants to break my pure energy, what a fool's dream!"

  Wei Tong was very disdainful, and quickly gathered his energy to resist. He didn't believe that Wu Yun and Lin Dong could break through his stellar energy.

  However, he only saw a golden light flashing from their hands, and when the golden light passed, he couldn't see anything.

  Whoosh! ! !

  The dragon beard needle is as thin as a vellus hair, and when stretched, it is as thin as a gossamer, which is almost difficult to detect.

  Wei Tong was alert and felt a chill down his spine.

  He hastily punched twice, and the bones above the iron-hard fists twisted like waves.

  However, the Dragon Beard Needle had already shot over.

  He hit Wei Tong's fist first.


  The pure Yuan Gang Qi lingering on the surface of Wei Tong's body was pierced, and the dragon beard needle passed through his body protecting Gang Qi smoothly.

  It slipped through Wei Tong's fingers.

  Then Wu Yun withdrew his mental power, and the dragon's whisker needle shot into Wei Tong's body suddenly changed from straight to curved!

  curl up!

  Take his meat and roll it into a small meat ball, bulging between the fingers.


  Wei Tong screamed, his hands were bulging like ten small meat buns.

  "How is it possible to break open my pure Yuan Qi..."

  In an instant, the fingers of his hands were tightly connected by the curled meat balls of the dragon's whiskers.

  Lin Dong's Dragon Beard Needle followed closely behind, and successfully shot into Wei Tong's back from behind. The torn meat ball directly tore Wei Tong's back flesh into a twisted vortex shape.

  This is the dragon beard needle, a very cruel hidden weapon. After entering the human body, it loses the support of strength and instantly curls into a ball, pulling the surrounding flesh.

  not very deadly,

  But definitely a pain! ! !

  Wei Tong was sweating profusely, his face turned pale.

  Head in painful hands.

  He wanted to howl, but his saliva kept flowing, and a strong man in the Yuandan Small Perfection Realm fell to his knees in embarrassment.

  Especially the pain between the fingers.

  He, Wei Tong, was also a person who licked blood on the tip of a knife and was mixed up between life and death. He thought he had never suffered any pain.

  But at this moment, he was so painful that he couldn't straighten his back and raise his hands.

  The tear glands were subconsciously secreted from the painful eyes.



  "Master, you actually cried!"


  "What's going on here, why is the sect master suddenly in such pain."

  "What the hell did they do?"

  "A hidden weapon, there must be a hidden weapon."

  "The head of the sect has been plotted against."

  The people of Bloody Clothes Sect panicked, each and every one of them valued Wei Tong's struggle and were at a loss what to do.

  Even above the villa gate, Luo Cheng, Lin Zhentian and others were stunned.

  The dragon's beard needle's attack method is difficult to be detected by others.

  But Luo Tong, when he saw Wu Yun throwing the golden particles, he remembered those golden particles that Wu Yun got from the warehouse when he was in Heifengzhai. At that time, Wu Yun was very excited and claimed to have picked up the treasure.

  "Could it be that the younger brother used that thing just now?" Luo Tong was a little puzzled, it was really hard to believe that such a small thing would make a strong man in the Yuandan Small Perfection Realm feel so miserable.

  He couldn't help being afraid for a while... Fortunately, he didn't agree to let his junior brother have a try!

  Otherwise, if he is a strong man in the Tianyuan realm, he will die if he tries!

  All the people present looked at Wu Yun and Lin Dong with apprehension. What kind of tricks did they use to make the famous Wei Tong suffer so much?

  "How is it? Master Wei, how are you feeling?"

  Wu Yun asked with a smile,

This is the first time he has used Longxu Needle, and he is very satisfied with the effect.

  The pure Yuan Gang Qi of Yuan Dan's Small Perfection Realm can be broken easily.

  In this way, Wei Tong is no longer a threat.

  Wei Tong's proud bodyguard was broken, and facing two second-sealed talisman masters, Wei Tong was not calm.

  "Help me take out what's in my body, I'm leaving, we'll leave right away!"

  He stood up with difficulty and said anxiously, his lips turned white and his body trembled!

  "It's too late to think about leaving now!"

  Wu Yun said lightly, the dragon's beard needles were all used up, how could he agree to let Wei Tong go at this point.

  The beams are all knotted to death!

  Is it okay to let the tiger go back to the mountain?

  "Wu Yun, don't go too far. You know that there is the Blood Wolf Gang behind me. The gang leader Yue Shan has the strength of Yuan Dan Realm Dzogchen. If you kill me, he will avenge me!"

  Wei Tong threatened.

  Wu Yun: "Hehe, threat? Gu Ying did the same thing before he died. He used you to threaten me, and I killed him because you didn't think he was a threat to me."

  "Hehe, now that you're here again, don't even think about it. I'm a talisman master who learned from me. If you threaten me with Yue Shan, do you think I will be threatened by you?"

  "Your master is Yanxuan!" Wei Tong opened his eyes wide.

  There is only one Yanxuan in Yancheng who is a four-seal talisman master, and only he can teach such a strong spiritual power.

  If he had known that Wu Yun was Yanxuan's disciple, he would not have dared to lend Wei Tong ten guts.

  "You guessed it right, so in your next life, you should be more careful, and don't mess with people you shouldn't mess with!"

  Wu Yun shook his hand and threw out another ten dragon's whiskers!


  Wei Tong roared, he didn't want to accept his fate.

  Exploding all the energy without any further reservations, he spread his fists slowly, and the majestic and terrifying pure energy quickly condensed in the palm of his hand. In the blink of an eye, his palms became a little brighter. The extremely violent fluctuations spread out!

  "Thousand Crack Palms!"

  Although Thousand Crack Palm is only a fourth-rank martial art, is extremely fierce, and it can be regarded as Wei Tong's extremely powerful killing move. With this move, he once killed three strong men in the Yuandan realm.

  "That's it, I want to block the dragon beard needle!"

  Wu Yun's spiritual force imperial needle pierced his palm, and the thick pure Yuan Gang Qi was still pierced by the dragon's beard needle like paper paste.

  The dragon's beard needle seems to have a natural restraint effect on things like gang qi.

  All ten dragon beard needles were shot into the palms of Wei Tong's hands.

  Double the pain!

  But still not fatal!

  "Ahhh!!! I'm going to kill you!!!"

  Wei Tong grabbed the sky with both hands, already crazy!

  "End it, old dog Wei!"

  After testing the power of the dragon's beard needle, Wei Tong was useless, so Wu Yun shot another dragon's beard needle, this time targeting Wei Tong's eyebrow.

  A needle pierced it, but there was no trace.

  But after Wei Tong took a look, he no longer felt the pain, and completely entered reincarnation.


  "Run away!"


  The rest of the Blood Clothes Sect was in a mess, throwing away their helmets and armor, and fled in all directions!

  "Kill all, leave no one behind, chase after!"

  Luo Cheng ordered that the gate of Tiemu Village be opened, and everyone killed them out.

  "Baiyun, Xiaoyan, you guys go too!"

  The two tigers jumped directly from the downstairs door and rushed into the crowd.

  Bai Yun found the other party, a strong man in the small Yuan Dan realm, and started a big fight.

  She is very close to breaking through the Yuandan Realm, and just needs a difficult, oppressive, hearty battle.

  "Why are you so brave!" Wu Yun secretly sighed when he saw Bai Yun's behavior.

  Then silently flew to the side, didn't intervene but the dragon's beard needle was already in his hand, ready to shoot at all times!