Lin Dong: The Big Black Mouse

Wu Yun accepted 100,000 Yangyuan stones, and remembered Xuan Su's favor in his heart.

  Immediately afterwards, Xuan Su went out and arranged for people from the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce to accept the territory of the Bloody Clothes Sect.

  Soon the auction started, and everyone entered, and the four of them were in the same box.

  The auction items are nothing more than exercises, weapons, pills and elixirs!

  Most of the weapons that can be auctioned are from the hands of Master Yan. In Yancheng, in the way of refining weapons, Yanxuan said that he is second and no one dares to say that he is the first.

  The first auction item was a long sword refined by Yanxuan, the Qiulin Sword.

  The host started the auction, starting with 500 yang yuan stones, and finally sold for 850 yang yuan stones.

  "This Qiulin sword was originally a sword made of black scale stone and iron, worth at most two hundred Yangyuan stones, but after being processed by Master Yan's runes, it is more than four times more expensive." Xuan Su introduced them, and at the same time Congratulations to Master Yan.

  The profession of a talisman teacher can be said to be very profitable.

  "Teacher, I also want to learn the way of refining the inscription pattern with you when I have time."

  Wu Yun was a little moved.

  He didn't think of using this to make money. This way of making money is still not as fast as Lin Dong's tools.

  He wanted to learn this method of engraving runes on weapons.

  In the hidden weapons, many hidden weapons of the Tang Sect are exquisitely designed and powerful weapons, but due to the mediocrity of that world, they can only exert limited lethality.

  If runes can be engraved on it, the power is likely to be greatly increased.

  Just like the principle of the soul guide in Douluo.

  Yanxuan: "Of course you can if you like it, but refining weapons requires a long time of sexual abuse, generally only when it is difficult to improve spiritual power, you will choose this way, I didn't teach you before, because I was afraid of delaying your cultivation of spiritual power !"

  Wu Yun understood, "I'll give it a try. If it's difficult to learn, it won't be too late to give up!"

  "Junior brother, the teacher is doing it for your own good..."

  However, in the middle of the speech, Ziyue shrugged, feeling very disappointed, and said in a crying voice, "Teacher, then you teach me how to refine weapons now, do you think that the disciple has no hope of being promoted!"

  "Oh, teacher doesn't mean anything!" Yanxuan was embarrassed for a while... It's too early to teach!

  "Ha ha ha ha!"

  "Ha ha ha ha!"

  Both Xia Zhilan and Wu Yun couldn't help laughing.

  Ziyue pouted... the clown was actually me!

  "Hehe, it seems that Master Yan has high hopes for the future of little brother Wu Yun." Xuan Su diverted the topic from Ziyue very well.

  "Don't talk anymore, let's watch the auction!"

  Master Yan quickly turned his head to look at the auction table!

  "By the way, little brother Wu Yun, if you like anything, you can ask for a price. You are an enshrinement of our Chamber of Commerce, and you can get a 20% discount!" Xuan Su said again, she had already sat beside Wu Yun, her mouth was fragrant, and there was a faint fragrance Passed into Wu Yun's nose.

  A woman like Xuan Su knows how to communicate, and sitting with her always makes people "like a spring breeze".

  "That's just right, I still have something I want to buy!" Wu Yun said happily, the 20% discount can save a lot of Yangyuan pills.

  He wanted to exchange for elixir, high-grade elixir, no matter he, Lin Dong, or Bai Yun needed it.

  "By the way, little brother, little brother, the name is unfamiliar. Besides, I am not young. Sister Xuan Su, I will call you sister, and you can call me Xiaoyun!" Wu Yun reminded again.

  It was really hard for him to hear the words "little brother", he is not small anymore, he is very big!

  "Hee hee, good, sister will follow you!"

  The auction continued, and soon what Wu Yun wanted appeared.

  "Void Spirit Grass, a fifth-grade elixir, has the ability to warm and nourish the spirit. The auction price is two hundred Yang Yuanshi." The host introduced.

  He had never even seen a fifth-grade elixir in Qingyang Town.

  Elixirs are very popular everywhere, and someone raised the price to 300 immediately,

Four hundred, five hundred!

  When there was no sound, Wu Yun called out,

  "Six hundred Yang Yuanshi!"

  Get the elixir smoothly!

  Next, Wu Yun monopolized all the elixir that appeared later.

  Obtain five plants and five grades of elixir.

  The finale of the auction is an exquisite secret technique,

  Spike wave!

  Ziyue also spent a lot of money to photograph it.

  "Sister Xuan Su, there is still one person needed in the battle for the Danxian Pond, this Wu Yun...!"

  At the end of the auction, Xia Zhilan quietly reminded Xuan Su in her ear.

  "Oh, I almost forgot about it, you still hate that Song Qing." Xuan Su's eyes lit up.

  The strength of Wu Yun's second seal talisman master, coupled with the record of beheading Gu Ying and Wei Tong, is simply the most stable candidate to participate in the battle for Danxianchi.

  "Xiao Yun, there is something that my sister wants to ask you to help." Xuan Su called Wu Yun to stop.

  "Sister Su, feel free to say anything, Wu Yun will definitely do what she can, and she will never refuse!"

  "With your strength, it's not a big deal!"

  Xuan Su is about to tell Wu Yun about the dispute over the Danxianchi!

  The so-called Pill Immortal Pond is a rather rare wonder of heaven and earth. The Pill Immortal Pond contains extremely pure yin and yang energy. Those who are strong in the Tianyuan realm can absorb the energy in it, not only can quickly enter the Yuandan realm, Moreover, the quality of the condensed Yuan Dan is basically above six stars.

  Xuan Su: "In a deep mountain in the east of Yancheng, the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce and the Blood Wolf Gang discovered a Danxian Pond at the same time!"

  "The Immortal Pill Pond is of limited help to those who have formed Yuandan, but for the juniors in the Tianyuan Realm, it can be called a fetish. Our two major forces have taken a fancy to this Immortal Pill Pool. This sparked a fight."

  "The way to compete is for the younger generation to compete and win two out of three games.

  We have decided on two candidates, and originally we also decided on a third candidate, but Zhilan doesn't like that guy, so we haven't decided on it yet. "

  "So it's like this!" Wu Yun said lightly, but he was secretly happy... finally found me.

  "Two victories in three games. If the opponent is only in the Tianyuan realm, I can guarantee one victory. For the remaining two games, are you absolutely sure to win one game?"

  Wu Yun looked at Xuan Su and Xia Zhilan and asked!

  Xuan Su: "According to the information we have now, the two children of the leader of the Blood Wolf Gang are the main candidates for the battle for the Danxianchi. Both of them are in the late stage of Tianyuan Realm, not weaker than Zhilan. To be honest, we are somewhat confident. I can win, but I don't have full confidence."

  Xia Zhilan on the side raised her brows, she really wanted to say that she could win a match, the brothers and sisters of the Yue family, she had fought against each other, she couldn't beat her brother Yue Feng, but she could slightly beat her younger sister Yue Ling, but she didn't know the order of appearance at that time, so she There is no guarantee.

  "I still have another candidate. He is also a second seal talisman master. He can also kill a Yuan Dan Realm Dzogchen powerhouse like Wei Tong." Wu Yun said lightly.

  Treat Wei Tong as a unit of measurement!

  The three people on the side rolled their eyes and couldn't help pursing their lips... Is Wei Tong easy to kill?

  "If he joins me in the battle for the Immortal Pond, there will be no problem winning the two rounds, and Miss Xia won't have to make a move then!" Wu Yun said confidently.

  "There are still young and strong men who are not inferior to Xiaoyun, so I must introduce them to my sister." Xuan Su said pleasantly.

  What she loves most is recruiting talent.

  "As long as he is willing to come, I can let him enjoy the same enshrining treatment as you." Xuan Su promised.

  Not to mention anything else, the identity of the second seal talisman master alone is enough for Xuan Su to pay attention to.

  Not to mention a second-seal talisman master like Wu Yun who can't stop killing Yuandan realm small perfections!

  "Okay, I'll tell him to come here!"

  Wu Yun went back immediately, riding Baiyun back to Qingyang Town.

  At this time, in Qingyang Town, Lin Dong was in the small black room, and his mental power entered the stone talisman, constantly searching every corner of the stone talisman space.

  Ever since he absorbed the weird demon flower in the lava cave in Tiemuzhuang, Lin Dong sensed that there were other living creatures in the space of stone symbols.

  As he explored inch by inch, he finally found out,

  "Got you!"

  "God Transformation Needle!"

  Lin Dong used the magic needle to force the mysterious thing out.

  A ray of light fell not far in front of Lin Dong. When Lin Dong took a closer look, a sense of astonishment flooded his face, only to see that the radiance of the light had weakened, and the exposed appearance turned out to be a palm Big and small, black as ink!

  Lin Dong was astonished, imitating Wu Yun's usual tone, and lost his voice,

  "Grass, big black mouse!"