Being a Brother, In My Heart (2 in 1)

in the small black room.

Lin Dong lay on the pile of Yangyuan stones, staring at the dark ceiling with nothing to love.

The right hand with the stone talisman has been moving weakly, moving among the Yangyuan stone pile.

He is like a machine that produces Yangyuan pills, wriggling his body mercilessly. Under his body is a pile of refined powder of Yangyuan stones.

Lin Dong has maintained this state for three days and three nights.

Now, when he saw Yang Yuanshi, he felt like vomiting, so he blocked all the surrounding light and made himself quiet.

Lin Dong couldn't help laughing at himself, how excited and happy he was three days ago, how uncomfortable and painful he is now.

Thinking back three days ago, the eldest brother came to him with two Qiankun bags, "Second brother, there are 1.01 million Yangyuan stones in here, great harvest, I leave it to you!"

Lin Dong was extremely excited, and repeated Asked: "Brother, big brother... I heard it right, it's one million and one... ten thousand dollars, not one hundred and one... ten thousand dollars!"

"You heard me right, it's... ten thousand dollars!

" The current production is only less than 10,000 yuan, and the entire vein may not have a million yuan, hiss... this is a huge amount of money, brother!"

"So, if you refine it, it will be more than 300,000 Yangyuan pills, If the profit triples, our two families may become one of the richest people in Yancheng in one fell swoop!"

"Great, big brother, I will definitely refine day and night!

" It's just the first stroke, and there may be another amount of Yangyuan Stones that is no less than this amount!"

"It's great that there are so many more, I will refine them all into Yangyuan Pills... Oh, brother, don't laugh I have never seen so many Yangyuan stones since I was a child!"


This is the price paid for being young!

Lin Dong finally knew why his elder brother was laughing at that time. It wasn't because he didn't see a huge sum of money, but because he didn't know what happened next and he was so silly.

Lin Dong realized... It turned out that even counting money would make him cry!

With tears in his eyes,

He turned over and inserted his hand into the crevice of the stone!

Continue to let the stone runes embed in more Yangyuan stones to glow and glow.

The work I took on, I have to finish it with tears in my eyes... Lin Dong gritted his teeth and insisted, and at the same time let his mind go blank, thinking about the follow-up method of spiritual power cultivation. Follow up, use this to pass the time!

I don't know how long it has passed.

"Wow! Why is there so much energy all of a sudden!"

Tian Yao Diao's voice suddenly sounded in Lin Dong's mind.

The Celestial Demon Sable, who was originally refined in the stone talisman, has been absorbing a large amount of Yang Gang Qi from the stone talisman for the past two days, making it feel warm.

The stone talisman and him are now one. The energy obtained by the stone talisman can be absorbed by it. Every time the stone talisman refines the elixir, it will intercept a part of the energy to nourish itself. This sudden large amount of energy has attracted Xiao Mink's attention.

Can't help but send out a ray of demon spirit to investigate the situation!

"Hey, big black... Xiao Diao, you're awake!"

"Heh, where did you get such a huge amount of Yangyuan Stones!" Xiao Diao was amused as soon as he probed with his mental strength!

"It's all my elder brother. He killed Yue Shan, the leader of the Blood Wolf Gang, copied a gang, and packed back all his Yangyuan stones!"

"I knew it!"

Xiao Diao looked like he was indeed him.

Only he can get so many Yangyuan stones. Xiao Diao knows best about Lin Dong's strength, unless he is lucky, it is not enough.

"By the way, what is the leader's strength?" Xiao Diao asked again.

Lin Dong: "Yuan Dan Realm is perfect, and it seems that he has also comprehended a little bit of the meaning of shape. I heard them say that he is very powerful, and they say that he is a half-step shape-builder."

"Hey, as far as I know, your big brother is only the second seal talisman master. At that time, he was in the Immortal Pill Pond. Even if he succeeded in breaking through, he was only in the Xiaoyuan Dan realm. He was able to kill a strong man who understood the meaning of shape."

Xiao Diao After the analysis, he was speechless secretly, this is too good, that is a strong man who understands the meaning of shape, even if he borrows the power of Lin Dong's Xiaoyuan Dan, it is impossible to kill him.

Worthy of being a reincarnation!

Xiao Diao became more determined in his mind that the reincarnation powerhouses are all famous and ancient existences, and Xiao Diao was thinking, which reincarnation powerhouse Wu Yunhui was once.

Lin Dong: "Of course, my elder brother has always been very good!"

Lin Dong said arrogantly, but Xiao Diao's tone became serious.

"What does your elder brother value in you?"

"If it's a stone talisman, he can just grab it and use it, so why put it on you!"

"When he knew you had a stone talisman, didn't he? I never thought of snatching it from you!"

"If he wanted to snatch it, I think you should be dead, you can't live from his hands!"

"You gave me a detailed account of the process of you getting to know your elder brother. Tell me!"

Xiao Diao frowned in the stone talisman, chattering endlessly!

"Why should I tell you, are you trying to harm my elder brother?"

Lin Dong asked vigilantly!

He felt that every time the mouse mentioned his eldest brother, he always looked defensive and scared, and encouraged himself to stay away from his eldest brother more than once. Now he suddenly wanted to find out the details of his eldest brother, and his intentions must not be pure!

He, Lin Dong, is not the kind of person who would betray his brother, and how long has he known his eldest brother

^0^ I remember[]

in a second, and I have only known this mouse for a few days!

Xiao Diao: "Stupid boy, you don't know the importance of the matter. I'm doing it for your own good. The stone talisman is far more mysterious and important than you imagined. No matter who it is, it's impossible not to be tempted by seeing the stone talisman, especially People who know the function of the stone talisman, if you don't kill you and take the stone talisman away, it's very likely that you still have value to use and will use you

. Think about it, without the stone talisman, what else is worthy of your big brother treating you like this!"

Xiao Diao said angrily, he thought Lin Dong was just stupid!

There are no absolute feelings in this world, they are all interests!

He himself was betrayed because he believed in feelings too much!

"Without stone talismans, what does elder brother value?" Lin Dong repeated in a murmur.

"I practice hard and have good spiritual talent, but these are nothing compared to my elder brother, so why does my elder brother value me?" He couldn't help thinking this way in his mind.

Apart from the stone talisman, he really doesn't seem to have anything worthy of his elder brother's attention.

There is some truth to what Xiao Diao said!

But he didn't believe that big brother would be the kind of person who would take advantage of him.

"Unless Big Brother wanted to use me from the very beginning!" Lin Dong thought.

But he immediately denied it.

They didn't even know each other at the beginning, who would deliberately use a stranger.

Their acquaintance and encounter are all due to fate, all because they have the same things in each other.

That's right, Xiao Diao probably sensed something on Big Brother's body, so he wanted to plot against Big Brother's treasure... Lin Ji thought of it wisely!

"No, I still trust Big Brother." Lin Dong replied firmly.

Lin Dong believed in his own feelings, he couldn't be wrong.

I have devoted my heart to my elder brother, and my elder brother has also devoted my heart to me... From the time I met my elder brother to now, every time my elder brother shows him incomparable sincerity, there is no hypocrisy at all, and he is sincerely thinking about him.

Being honest with each other is the reason why they sworn brothers in the first place.

Brother did not do anything against me!

I can't change my mind just because of a mouse!

"You stupid boy, why are you so stubborn, do you think that Lord Diao wants to harm you and provoke you?"

Xiao Diao said angrily.

But after speaking, everyone was stunned.

At the same time, an idea came to mind.

Lin Dong: "Finally say what's on your mind!"

Xiao Diao: "I seem to be a little provocative." The

two fell silent for a while, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

"I found out that your elder brother just wants to use you as a tool. Look at you now, you have become a drug slave for him to refine the elixir. He doesn't take away the stone talisman now because he used the stone talisman too much. It takes time, so I use emotion to keep you by my side, to be his medicine boy, and when he needs the stone talisman one day, he will kill and take the stone talisman away."

Xiao Diao said excitedly, and he also felt that he was witty. Batch!

"Hehe, you are the owner of the stone talisman now, and you must be killed, so that the stone talisman becomes an ownerless thing and can be used by him. I can already imagine your future ending, tool man, Lin Dong, stupid boy, you I do n't know it yet."

Lin Dong was in a hurry, and he defended loudly: "Impossible, the refined pills, my elder brother said that I can use as much as I want, it is the common property of our two brothers

. Let us share some of it with our Lin family!"

"Hmph, what's the matter, even if it's a donkey in a mining farm, you have to give him some grass to eat!

With so many pills, how much can you use, and with his ability, he can easily get more raw materials for you to refine.

For you, just to make you feel at ease to make alchemy for him! Lin Dong: "

Nonsense!" "

If you still don't believe it, well, the powder you refined is so thick. You have stayed in this small dark room for at least three days and three nights. Has he ever visited you once in such a long time?" "Xiao Diao uttered a soul question!

Lin Dong was stunned, and thought carefully, "Brother really doesn't seem to have come to see me!" "

Looking at Lin Dong's dumbfounded expression, Xiao Diao felt that you had already guessed right, so he added fuel to the fire,

"I told you right, stupid boy, he is just using you and treating you like a donkey. One day I don't need you anymore, just like a donkey, kill and eat meat. "

"I said that there is no real brotherhood in this world. I once believed in someone like this, but because of the exposure of the stone talisman, I lost miserably. I almost lost the demon spirit. I don't want you to step down." Follow in my footsteps!

He is not against you now, but when he wants to be against you, it will be too late! "

Xiao Diao said emotionally, based on his own experience, he wanted to wake up this stupid boy, even the secret of the stone talisman was known by others, and he dared to trust him.

"Your current strength, in his hands, has no self- confidence at all. The power of protection. The strength is not equal, brother, heh, when the time comes, he will be a lamb to be slaughtered. "

"Don't say any more!" "Lin Dong shouted through voice transmission.

Xiao Diao pressed on step by step, "Speaking of your heart, do you believe it yourself, don't deceive yourself!" "

Lin Dong calmed down, carefully recalling in his mind the scene that he and his eldest brother have known for nearly a year now.

At that time, the eldest brother had only tempered his body to the eighth level, and

they had a tacit understanding when they first met , and they

treated each other frankly .

^0^ Remember in a second[]

Tell your secrets,

and then hold candlelight talks in his room many times,

tacitly cover each other to search for elixir,

and cooperate to participate in hunting conferences.

If there is danger, the big brother always goes first ,

Big Brother will stand in front of him if there is a strong opponent,

whether it is Xiaoyan,


or Yin Yang Pearl,

as long as it is beneficial, Big Brother will take care of him.

These are real, real experiences!

For a year, all he felt from his elder brother was sincerity, and he could do whatever he wanted with each other!

The two brothers have the same pursuit, share their practice experience, supervise and promote each other's progress, and discuss and solve problems together.

You can't go wrong with that feeling.

Be a brother, in your heart!

No need to say anything, just a look can understand.

The big brother's eyes won't lie to him!

"How can I suspect that big brother is not pure to me just because of the few words of this big black mouse, because of staying up for several nights and working hard to refine some elixir!"


Lin Dong slapped himself hard hand.

"Stupid boy, why are you beating yourself? You feel sad for your stupidity, have you come to your senses?"

Xiao Diao said happily in his heart!

However, in the next second, his voice disappeared.

"Someone is coming, I'll retreat first!"

Xiao Diao's voice transmission just finished.


The door opened, and a ray of light came in from the dark room in an instant.

It shone on Lin Dong's pale and colorless little face because he hadn't seen the sun for a long time.

It's just that there is a very clear palm print on the small face now.

"Second brother, what's going on, who made this face!"

Wu Yun looked at Lin Dong in surprise.

At this time, Lin Dong looked as if he had just been humiliated. He was

half lying on the rocks, his

eyes were a little dull, and

when he looked up, he looked at him in surprise,

as if he was the savior.

"Brother, it's okay, I'm... this is... just refining the elixir, I almost fell asleep, I'll refresh myself!" Lin Dong explained in a panic.

Wu Yun: "I knew that you are impatient, so many Yangyuan stones, how could you refine them all at once? Fortunately, I understand you. For the past three days, I have also stayed up all night to study the spirit transformation array, and finally succeeded. , you don't need to slowly refine with stone talismans, I will arrange the formation, and you can directly extract all of them at once. Although the purity is not as good as that produced by stone talismans, hehe, it can still reach 80% of the purity, even better than the teacher's. Gao, it's only for the stone talisman."

"Ah, big brother, so you've been busy these three days!"

Lin Dong raised his nose, and the big brother didn't come to see him, but was helping him solve the problem of refining the Yangyuan stone. .

"Otherwise, you are going to Goulan to listen to the music because of the elder brother, ha, even if you go, you will be brought with you." Wu Yun said angrily.

Of course Lin Dong knew what kind of place Goulan was. It was a place for adults to go, so he couldn't help but blushed when he heard it. He was still a pure child,

"What are you talking about, I don't want to go Those places."

"Truth, you have never been there, you don't know what it's like, if you have been there, you won't say that!"

"Big brother, what do you mean, have you been there?"

"Of course I have been." Wu Yun did not hesitate, but silently added three words in his heart,

last life!

Lin Dong raised his head and looked at his elder brother with bright eyes, and said in his heart that he is awesome, admire him, he is a role model for me!

In fact, he was very curious and thought about it, but he just didn't have the guts to go!

So for this kind of big brother who dares to go, I am very envious and admirable.

"It seems that our brother is not doing enough, not strong enough?" Wu Yun suddenly sighed.

"Brother, why did you say that!" Lin Dong panicked.

"Brothers of iron, that is, brotherhood should be as strong as iron!"

"Brother, do you think there is not enough iron between us?"

"It is true that it is not enough. Break through the fence and share the dirt together!" Wu Yun said!

"Although we've only been together for less than a year, we're still close to breaking out together!"

"Brother, what do you mean?" Listening has to be very understandable, or directly incomprehensible.

Wu Yun explained:

"Crossing the window means studying together and practicing martial arts together, which means growing up together.

Having carried a gun means fighting together. It's too dirty

. It's what we do now.

Needless to say, it means that you and I become fellows!"

Lin Dong scratched his ear,

"That means we have completed three."

He then frowned deeply,

"Brother, this is a slap in the face. I understand what it means, but when you put them together, I get confused!"


Wu Yun laughed loudly,

"Don't say this, don't say this, it's all a joke, I'm just talking about it in my free time, I can't take it seriously, being a brother, in my heart, this

^0^ one Remember for a second that

these are superficial brothers!"

However, at this moment, Lin Dong is serious, he almost listened to the words of the big black mouse just now, and doubted the big brother, so he must be the best brother, from the outside to the inside , are the best kind.

"Brother's words are biased. On the surface, brothers can't do well, but in the bottom of their hearts, how can they be good brothers? We must finish these four ironies together."


Wu Yunyu hesitated.

Because his topic was not serious, but Lin Dong's reaction was too serious.

Hearing Lin Dong's words, he understood that he wanted to go to Goulan.

But looking at his serious expression, it seems that he really wants to be a good brother.

"I don't care about listening to music. I just don't want to hold back my brother. I will do whatever my brother is doing."

This is Wu Yun's understanding.

"All right, all right, if there is a chance, I will take you with me. The future will be long. Our current task is to cultivate hard. There are still many things to do. Let's let it go for a while. Don't rush for a while. Practice is important!"

Wu Yun resisted the urge to laugh and said.

"I'll listen to my brother!"

"Come on, let's see my three-day research results."

Wu Yun said, taking out a piece of talisman from the Qiankun bag, and then took out the spirit ink and talisman pen, and began to write fiddling on the ground.

Lin Dong was like a good little brother, curiously watching his elder brother perform!

In the stone rune!

Tianyao Diao looked at the two of them mentally, squatting in a corner and lost in thought, his small eyes were a little lost, his face was full of melancholy, but his heart fluctuated slightly.

"Wu Yun seems to be really nice to Lin Dong. Could it be that I'm thinking too much? I was hurt by my brother, but it doesn't mean that there are no real brothers in this world."

At this moment, he seemed to believe in brotherhood again!