Wu Yun: I Just Know the Plot

Following Lin Dong's gaze, Wu Yun also looked at the rune on the left wall, and under his full concentration, he suddenly discovered that the ancient rune that was just outlined on the wall like an image actually emitted There was a faint suction force, under that kind of suction force, it seemed that the talisman of his life in Niwan Palace showed signs of flying out.

After reading the runes on the wall, Wu Yun immediately searched out the original runes in his mind for comparison.

"Primitive Devouring Rune, Primal Thundering Rune!" He said silently in his heart.

The ancient runes of this mural are rubbing runes from the Devouring Ancestral Talisman and Thunder Ancestral Talisman!

However, this is just a simple drawing of the rune, and it does not have the effect of the ancestral rune at all.

Ancestral talisman is an innate treasure born between heaven and earth.

Possesses the ability to overwhelm the heavens and the earth!

It is not simply knowing the shape.

Otherwise, the original runes of the Eight Great Ancestral Talismans have patterns in Wu Yun's true interpretation of the original runes.

There's a big difference!

Wu Yun's True Explanation of Original Runes is like my book of rune skills, which contains the interpretation of each original rune, allowing you to know how to practice this kind of rune.

And the rune in front of you just has a shape, you don't know where to start.

The original runes cultivated by Wu Yun will not be as powerful as the ancestors born innately, but as he masters the original runes and finds a strong enough carrier for the original runes, he can also achieve unlimited It is close to the level of the ancestral talisman.

This is also Wu Yun's belief that after practicing the true interpretation of the original runes, he can almost reach the level of the ancestor of the runes.

This process is very difficult. Wu Yun has really used the original runes for cultivation, which is to add the spirit-gathering runes to his own talisman.

But it only managed to add less than one-thousandth of the texture.

If one day he can completely imprint the spirit-gathering rune on the natal talisman, his natal talisman can also become a "spirit-gathering ancestral talisman!".

Wu Yun is equivalent to having the method of cultivating the ancestor talisman.

But this road is difficult and requires long-term exploration and investment.

When Wu Yun fell into thinking.

On the other side, Lin Dong was also distracted. When Xiao Diao saw the pattern, he immediately understood that it was the shape of the ancestral talisman and was shocked.

Secretly, the spiritual voice transmission explained to Lin Dong.

"The two ancestral talismans here are just rubbings. The person who left these talismans must have seen these two ancestral talismans back then. One ancestor talisman was drawn. You must know that the ancestor talisman is condensed by the rules of heaven and earth. If you want to outline its shape, even ordinary talisman masters cannot do it. This person can successfully outline both ancestral talismans. Although only similar in shape, it's pretty good."

"But, what did he leave the picture here for?"

"He's seen two ancestral talismans, so he must know where the ancestral talismans are?"

"There must be some A clue to the ancestral talisman."

"Boy Lin Dong, look for it quickly, if you can get the ancestral talisman, you will be prosperous, the owner of the ancestral talisman is the strongest in this world."

Xiao Diao was very excited and was raising his feet At a loss.

Wu Yun next to Lin Dong has already made a move. I saw a natal talisman flying out of Wu Yun's Niwan Palace.

The talisman automatically approached the wall and lost control. The runes on it turned into a vortex, gradually emitting a trace of spiritual power, like light, shining on the ancestral rubbing talisman on the wall.

Accompanied by the irradiance of the spiritual light, the Rubbing Ancestral Talisman on the wall also reflected some light, and these light reflected into the mid-air in front of him, vaguely outlining a figure-like thing.

"The boss is indeed a boss, and he discovered the clue so quickly!" Xiao Diao said in admiration.

"This is...the map of the Great Yan Dynasty?"

Lin Dong asked in surprise, looking at the figure with concentrated spiritual power.

As soon as his voice fell, two bright red dots appeared in the pattern.

One is inside the map of the Dayan Dynasty, and the other is outside the map of the Dayan Dynasty.

"It's unbelievable that someone in this small Great Yan Dynasty can know the location of the two ancestral talismans. Who would have thought, who would have thought of it."

Xiao Diao was stunned, what an awesome thing the ancestral talisman is, there are only eight of them in the world.

There are two here!

The mental map disappeared in a flash, and the light was absorbed into Wu Yun's talisman.

Wu Yun: "Although I don't know what the position of the red dot represents, it must be a very precious thing because it is hidden so secretly. In the future, we two brothers can go outside together to explore the location of the red dot. What is the location?"

While speaking, Wu Yun had a slight smile on his lips.


He is pretending!

In the stone talisman, Xiao Diao looked like I believe you.

Do reincarnators also want to act?

He didn't think Wu Yun didn't know about such things as ancestral talismans.

Maybe he was one of the owners of the ancestor talisman.

Little Mink thought so.

Because the three original runes of gravity, gathering spirits, and smelting that Wu Yun drew are too mysterious, and their complexity is comparable to the ancestor runes.

Just think about the small town of Qingyang, who can cultivate such talents.

These things must have been born with him!

"That's great. I've been thinking about going out for a long time. Being able to travel the world with my eldest brother is something I've been dreaming about!" Lin Dong said excitedly.

In the heart of every young man, there is a dream of traveling the world!

"Boy, don't be too happy, even if you get such a treasure as the ancestral talisman, your elder brother can't give it to you!"

Xiao Diao couldn't help but hit.

Even if he is a reincarnation boss, he doesn't believe that he can ignore such a treasure as the ancestor talisman!

"Hmph, I haven't got it yet. How do you know? My elder brother didn't even compete with me for the stone talisman, so the ancestor talisman is nothing."

"And why should I fight for the ancestral talisman with elder brother? Our two brothers, it is not the same who owns the ancestral talisman .


To refute Xiao Diao, he has no selfishness towards his eldest brother, so naturally he doesn't care about Xiao Diao's remarks.

"Your boy is purely thinking about things and has self-knowledge. Maybe that's why your big brother likes you!"

Xiao Diao was a little envious... What kind of fairy friendship is this? brother!

But he was still a little worried, and he didn't dare to expose it to the boss at will. If the boss didn't like to play with Mink, wouldn't it be wrong to swallow him in one gulp.

"Let's go, it's time to go out!"

"Yeah!" The

two walked out of the Talisman Tower.

Yanxuan and other talisman masters surrounded him.

Although more than ten days have passed, they have been guarding outside.

"Have you gone to the ninth floor?"

Yan Xuan quietly asked Wu Yun through voice transmission!

Just now their light spots disappeared on the eighth floor, but they did not appear on the ninth floor, nor did they appear on other floors.

Yanxuan has never been to the ninth floor, so he has this guess.

Wu Yun nodded quietly.

Yan Xuan didn't ask any more questions.

That is a secret belonging to the disciples, there is no need to inquire about it.

Although Wu Yun is only a third seal talisman master now, his ability to enter the ninth floor has already proved that his spiritual power is above him.

The spiritual map has been integrated into Wu Yun's talisman, and the mural has no effect, and the map can no longer be displayed, so Wu Yun is not worried that Yanxuan or Ziyue will find the map after practicing the ancient swirl talisman.

The ancestral talisman battle is too dangerous.

Mere Yanxuan, Ziyue and his ilk, if they get involved, they will only lose their lives!

It's for their own good not to let them know!

"I haven't been home for nearly twenty days, and I don't know how Qingtan is doing. Let's go back soon!"

Wu Yun was concerned about the situation of little Lolita.

Although she knew that little Lolita could still persevere, but the frequent episodes of cold would make her suffer a lot.

Lin Dong was reminded by Wu Yun, and when he thought of his sister, he also became nervous.

"Sigh, since I had my eldest brother, I have cared less and less about Qingtan. Fortunately, my elder brother treats Qingtan like his own sister. has not neglected Qingtan!" Lin Dong Sigh in my heart.

Xiao Diao in his sound transmission stone talisman,

"By the way, Xiao Diao, you also understand that the body of the Sha Demon, tell me what will happen if you can't control it?

" body, only after condensing the yin pill, can one gradually control the shamo energy in the body, otherwise, it will often be backlashed by the shamo energy, not to mention the pain, and even maybe, the mind will be devoured by the shamo energy, and become It looks like a vegetable."

"It's so serious!"

Lin Dong couldn't help but blamed himself and became worried.

There was a big brother there before, and the big brother was not in a hurry, so he thought it was nothing.

"Don't worry, with your elder brother here, it's not a problem to solve a small evil body, you can rest assured!"

Xiao Diao comforted.

He has confidence in the boss of reincarnation!

However, how did the big black mouse know that Wu Yun was not worried, it was only because he... knew the plot!