Great Harvest, Sweeping the Ancient Tomb Mansion

After passing through the formation barrier, there is no longer any obstacle.

When they came to the gate of the palace, a huge stone gate blocked it.

The two gently pushed open the stone door to enter, and then slowly closed it after entering, trying not to leave too many traces.

Entering the Shimen, a feeling of oppression comes over the head. Although the strong man in the Nirvana state has been lost for many years, it seems that his residual power still shrouds the place, making the body flow The vitality of the body is slightly stagnant.

"The powerhouse in the Nirvana realm is really terrifying. A residual power can still have such power after the passage of time. I really don't know what kind of terrifying scene it will be in the heyday."

Feeling this oppressive feeling , Lin Dong couldn't help but a solemn look flashed in his eyes. Although it was night, their mental detection could still clearly detect the situation in the hall. deep passage.

Xiao Diao said via voice transmission, "Boy Lin Dong, it's just a mere nirvana. Don't be so emotional. Look at how calm your elder brother is. Learn to be a strong man!"

He felt that Lin Dong had never seen the world. .

At this time, Wu Yun was using his mental power to detect the hall and these passages.

In the main hall, there is still a formation, but it has lost its effect.

"Brother, where are you going?"

Lin Dong looked at the passage and hesitated.

Wu Yun smiled slightly, "Of course we go all the way. Check every passage. You start from the left, and I start from the right. Take all the treasures you can take with you.

" It's too obvious, people can tell at a glance that we came in early!"

After speaking, he entered the far right passage with Bai Yun.

After Wu Yun entered the tunnel, he immediately condensed a spirit-gathering rune in his palm with his mental power.

Inside the passage, there are stone houses on the left and right sides. Exploring one by one is obviously too slow and unrealistic. This palace is so big. When they finish exploring the passage outside, it will probably be dawn, so don't even think about going deeper.

Wu Yun generally used his mental power to detect it once, and then pointed his palm at each stone room for five seconds. As long as he didn't detect anything obviously or his palm didn't respond, he went directly to the next room.

As expected of the tomb of the Nirvana Realm powerhouse, Wu Yun had his first harvest in a short while.

In the seventh stone house, the Palm Heart Gathering Rune reacted violently.

Wu Yun walked to the door in surprise. There was an energy protection on the stone door, and he sketched a boundary rune to break through it.

Wu Yun stepped into the house in one step. In the darkness, a series of strong rays of light shot into his eyes, causing his eyes to narrow slightly. Only then did he realize that the stone house was filled with people The kind of cold jade is covered, and a faint cold air shrouds it.

Wu Yun's eyes just casually glanced at these cold jade decorations, and immediately, his eyes were attracted by the round pills piled up on the ground.

These pills are about the size of a baby's fist, each one is as smooth as jade, obviously of excellent quality, and full of astonishing energy fluctuations.

"Pure Yuan Pill!"

Wu Yun was so surprised that he looked at the pills covered with stone houses in a daze.

Pure Yuan Pill is a more precious pill than Yang Yuan Pill, one Pure Yuan Pill is equivalent to a hundred Yang Yuan Pills.

This can only be condensed by the strong at the Yuan Dan level and above. Generally, it takes half a month or even a month for the small Yuan Dan to successfully condense a pure Yuan Dan!

It is very rare in Yancheng, and almost no one is willing to trade it.

Now, the number of Pure Yuan Pills in this stone house is at least tens of thousands, converted into Yang Yuan Pills, that is millions or even millions!

"Ho Ho Ho!" Bai Yun also roared


It was rare to salivate unreservedly.

"Eat it!"

Wu Yun laughed!

Bai Yun stretched out his tongue and rolled it, and she swallowed a large amount of elixir.

Wu Yun didn't feel bad at all, the medicine he earned was for Bai Yun to eat!

However, there are too many pills here, Baiyun can't finish them, and even if he eats them, it will take a long time to digest them.

Now is obviously not the time.

With one roll of Wu Yun's mental power, he swept all the pills into the Qiankun bag.

After a rough check, there are more than 30,000 pieces.

This is already a very large fortune.

It's equivalent to copying three blood wolf gangs!

Without stopping, Wu Yun continued to explore the stone house below.

Wu Yun wasn't worried about Lin Dong. With that Sky Demon Mink following him, the search would be cleaner than him, and good things would not be missed.

On the other hand, Lin Dong also gained a lot, and the efficiency is faster!

Xiao Diao: "Boy Lin Dong, don't dawdle, these rooms are empty, go ahead and go directly to the sixth stone house on the left!"

Lin Dong obediently rushed over, went in to have a look, swallowed,

" Another roomful of Pure Yuan Pills, oh my god!"

"Xiao Yan, slow down."

Lin Dong scolded.

Xiaoyan actually threw himself directly into the elixir, devouring the pure Yuan elixir crazily like an active Erha.

As soon as he absorbed his mental power, Lin Dong took all the pills without hesitation, and had no intention of keeping a single one.

"It's already more than 80,000!"

"The first universe bag is full!"

Lin Dong was speechless, holding a universe bag, and said complacently.

Xiao Diao: "Boy Lin Dong, don't be like a bumpkin, pursue a little bit, okay? This is just the beginning, and the good things are coming later. They are just pure Yuan pills, not Nirvana pills!

" The master is also poor enough, and a strong man in the Nirvana state has some pure Yuan Dan, which is really embarrassing to the Nirvana state!"

Xiao Diao couldn't help complaining.

It wasn't Nirvana Pill, he was somewhat disappointed.

Among them, no one who is strong in the Nirvana state is allowed to carry a thousand-thousand Nirvana pill with him.

"Pure Yuan Pill, already very good!" Lin Dong said weakly!

"The next channel, hurry up and search, I can already feel the breath of the demon spirit."

The little mink in the stone talisman licked his mouth and said.

Xiao Diao took Lin Dong and searched very quickly. The stone gates in the surrounding passages were basically filled with pills, even Yangyuan Stones, Yangyuan Pills, etc. You can imagine the tomb of this Nirvana state. Master, how much I like change.

Originally, the Qiankun bags were limited, and Lin Dong didn't plan to ask for these low-level Yangyuan stones, but in a stone house, he came across a pile of talisman treasures, among which there were dozens of Qiankun bags, and all of them were middle-level or above.

Thinking of the people at home who were fighting to the death for a Yangyuan stone vein, Lin Dong decided to take it back. It's a waste of resources, it's shameful.

Soon the two met.

"Your speed is really fast, how's the harvest?"

Wu Yun sighed slightly.

There are a total of 18 passages on the periphery, and Lin Dong searched only ten of them.

"Hey, big brother, look!"

Lin Dong took out eight Qiankun bags, "There are 400,000 pieces of Pure Yuan Pills, there are millions of Yang Yuan Stones and Yang Yuan Pills, and there are dozens of Broken Yuan Shuttles that are not weaker than mine. Talisman."

"You even searched for the Yangyuan Stone, what a wild goose!" Wu Yun gently stroked his forehead.

"Brother, don't you want it?"

"I thought the universe bags were not enough!"

Lin Dong chuckled, and took out a bunch of universe bags from his bosom just like Wu Yun did before.

"Qiankun bag, I still have a lot here, where is the eldest brother, let's go back and install it quickly, we don't need it, it can be used by people in the family, it is not easy for them to mine at home, we just bring a few hundred bags here Wan went back."


Wu Yun was stunned for a moment, looking at the middle-level and even high-level Qiankun bags in Lin Dong's hands, combined with Lin Dong's determination to wipe out all the pills at this time, he couldn't help swallowing...Second brother is still ruthless!

There was no need for him to worry about not being cruel enough. Wu Yun was afraid that Lin Dong would be indecisive before, so he left some soup for outsiders to drink. Now that he saw the pill, he was not even willing to let go of the Kuaiyang Yuanshi.

"The self-control that was promised is no good. No wonder he gave it up for nothing the first time he saw Ling Qingzhu in the original book!" Wu Yun complained secretly in his heart.

However, what Lin Dong said is also reasonable, martial arts disciples, mining is not easy!

Wu Yun was also very excited when he remembered the first time he discovered the Yangyuan Stone vein.

"Okay, pack everything."

Wu Yun didn't delay, and went back quickly to sweep up all the Yangyuan stones and Yangyuandan's stone houses that he had encountered before, roughly estimated to be close to ten million.

"It's time to go deeper!"

At the end of the eighteen peripheral passages, there are ten larger passages.

The two continued to search, and Wu Yun used the spirit-gathering rune to detect, and there were nine passages, only one passage, and energy fluctuations came.

Most of the tomb passages have traps. The previous eighteen passages were found in many stone houses, but they were all simple traps. With the spiritual power of the two of them and the purple magic pupil, they all avoided them very well.

At the same time, Wu Yun also gained some experience. No matter what kind of treasure it is, there are fluctuations in Yuanli, which can be detected by the spirit-gathering runes.

Of the ten passages here, nine of them did not respond to the spirit-gathering runes, which proved that they were all passages with traps.

Narrow escape!

This fits the design of most tomb passages.

"You don't need to search one by one, this time we will go directly to this one!"

Wu Yun pointed to one of the passages.


Lin Dong obediently didn't ask any further questions, and followed along!

He secretly sounded the little mink in the stone talisman: "Xiao mink, did you see anything?"

Just now the elder brother just scanned the ten channels with his palm, chose one of them firmly, and said to himself He said something about narrow escapes, and seemed to understand better.

Xiao Diao: "Your elder brother may often do this kind of thing. Although I don't know how he judges, but his judgment is correct. There is a treasure I need at the end of this passage."

In fact, it has already sat dead in its heart In Wu Yun's previous life, he was digging people's graves!

As far as Wu Yun's miraculous and professional methods are concerned, he can't go wrong.

The two and the two tigers walked to the end of the passage smoothly.

I saw a stone gate, this time the stone gate was not the ordinary stone gate before, but was cast with a strange kind of cold jade.

Just from the prosperous facade decoration, one can guess that even the Nirvana strong man must have attached great importance to the things here.

Wu Yun looked carefully at the stone gate, and there were some faintly visible runes on it,

"The seal on this jade gate is stronger than the previous one!"

Wu Yun quickly understood that it was a simplified version of the seal rune.

Generally, this kind of rune is used to prevent energy from leaking out, and to prove that there must be treasures with strong energy in the stone house.

In the stone talisman, Xiao Diao's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly, "Lin Dong, all the things in here are what I need, I will definitely ask your brother to give them to you later, as long as I get these things, my strength can be restored A lot, you must help me, even if you beg, ask your elder brother!"

Lin Dong: "What's inside?"

"You'll know soon!"

Wu Yun was already working on breaking the seal, and he used his mental strength to A rune was drawn on the door, and the energy on the door immediately disappeared. The method was so wonderful that Lin Dong was stunned to see it.

Then, the closed stone door slowly opened.

Lin Dong squinted his eyes slightly, looking at the opened stone gate, suddenly, a very strong energy fluctuation surged from behind the stone gate, and it shocked him and the two tigers back a few steps.

In the empty, quiet, and pitch-black tomb, there were only the two of them and the two tigers. The sudden shock wave made Lin Dong break into a cold sweat, and Bai Yun and Xiao Yan immediately exploded!

"Don't panic, it's been sealed for too long, it's just the energy that the stone house has accumulated for a long time!"

After stepping into the stone gate, a large stone room appeared in their eyes. Runes, and, in this stone room, there are still many light clusters suspended.

"These...all of them are demon spirits!"

Lin Dong looked at the light clusters with at least a hundred of them, and a look of shock slowly appeared in his eyes, because he found that among those light clusters, there was a Sleeping demon spirit!

The breath of these demon spirits, the weakest one is stronger than that of the clear water demon python encountered under the Immortal Pill Pond.

No wonder Xiao Diao lost his composure...Lin Dong realized that he could understand Xiao Diao's mood!

Back then he didn't hesitate to take risks with a single green water monster python, but Xiao Diao was so excited, but now facing a hundred green water monster pythons, even he is not calm anymore.

Aww... this is heaven!

However, Xiaoyan was the most excited. When he saw the demon spirits in the room, he howled and yelled. He jumped up and stretched out his big tongue, and he swallowed four or five demon spirits in an instant!

"Ahhh~ shut up, let it shut up quickly, this stupid tiger dares to snatch Lord Diao's demon spirit!"

Seeing this scene, the little mink in the stone talisman exploded, and Lin Dong, who was crazy through sound transmission, almost Can't help showing up!

"Xiaoyan, eat less!"

Lin Dong shouted reluctantly, trying his best to grab Xiaoyan's head.

However, Xiao Yan, who has always been very brave, could not listen to what he said at this time. These demon spirits have an extremely powerful temptation for it with mutated blood.

"Second brother, put it away quickly, I'm afraid it will explode Xiaoyan if you eat too much, keep it for later!"

Wu Yun said to Lin Dong!

These demon spirits are not of much use to it, they are not as good as pills.

Xiao Diao urged: "Boy Lin Dong, what are you doing in a daze? Didn't you hear what your elder brother said? I've given it to you. Put it away quickly, and I'll be swallowed up by that stupid tiger later!

" good man!

Lin Dong quickly used his mental power to collect the demon spirits into the Qiankun bag one by one!

"Thank you, brother!" Lin Dong said after finishing collecting.

Wu Yun glanced at Lin Dong's hand meaningfully, "There are so many demon spirits this time, you really have to thank me!"

"Haha, let's go!"

What do you mean?

Could it be that the elder brother found the little mink!

Lin Dong was a little dazed, his eldest brother had never accepted thanks like this before!

"Could it be that the big brother has already noticed me? I obviously hid it very well!"

In the stone talisman, Xiao Diao touched his mouse's head with lingering fear!

Lin Dong: "Little Diao, why don't you find a chance to confess your existence to Big Brother, I don't want to lie to Big Brother!"

Xiao Diao: "Your Big Brother will eat me in one bite!"

Lin Dong: "No, you see , there are so many demon spirits just now, my elder brother is not tempted, give them all to me, he won't eat you, and your appearance, elder brother probably won't let it go!"

Xiao Diao's face was black, and his heart suddenly wanted to explode. A p!

"Can it be the same, can it be the same, how can these demon spirits compare with me, Master Diao, I used to be a big boss!" "Wait a

little longer, I will observe and observe, and I will tell your brother later!"

Yi Diao followed Wu Yun with some trepidation!

After walking along the passage for more than a quarter of an hour, I finally walked out!

Outside the passage is an extremely vast, square-like hall!

The eyes of the two were instantly attracted by the light floating in the center of the hall!

"That's... Lingbao!"