Sign in to God Elephant Suppressing Prison Strength, consecutive breakthroughs

Hundreds of talisman puppets, that is, hundreds of Yuandan Realm Dzogchen powerhouses.

This kind of battle, I am afraid that the masters of the shape-making environment will temporarily avoid the edge.

Xiao Diao: "Unfortunately, the runes set in these talisman puppets have dissipated, basically they can no longer be used. It looks scary, but in fact they are just some iron bumps."

However, Xiao Diao complained to Lin Dong After that, Wu Yun on the other side had already started to act. He took out the Qiankun bag and walked over, taking the discarded talisman puppets.

Perhaps to others, these puppet runes are worthless, but Wu Yun is different. With the true understanding of the original runes, he can easily perfect these puppet runes, make them glow again, and work for him.

In the blink of an eye, Wu Yun took all the talisman puppets on the training ground, a total of 180!

One hundred and eighty, use it well, it will be an army of talisman puppets.

Going forward, suddenly a strong medicinal fragrance came.

Ahead turned out to be a crystal-clear lake, and there were night pearls in the lake, which were clearly visible.

In the middle of the lake, there is a small pool made of jade. In that small pool, there are many elixir, and judging from the appearance, the quality is not low.

Wu Yun held Xiaoyan's head down, preventing him from running forward.

The scriptural elixir in this tomb mansion, but I don't know how long it has been kept.

The Ancient Tomb Mansion has existed for at least several hundred years, enough to think about the value of these elixir.

Wu Yun swept across the lake, his face couldn't hide the joy, he swept to the side of the medicine pool, and the first thing he saw was the two dazzling lotus flowers in the center of the medicine pool, which were black and white with parallel pedicles. lotus flower.

The lotus platform, which is about the size of a bed, is half black and half white, forming a natural pattern of yin and yang poles. Two plump and round lotus seeds have grown at the eyes of yin and yang, one black and one white!

Of the many elixir in the medicine pool, this one is the only one in the center, occupying one-third of the place.

The strong medicinal power emanating from the lotus seeds is Wu Yun's most powerful elixir so far to feel the energy fluctuations.

Compared with the Fire Ancestor Demon Flower encountered in Tiemuzhuang Lava Cave back then, it was no weaker.

He also couldn't recognize what kind of elixir it was.

Lin Dong also leaped over.

The little mink in the stone talisman found this elixir, and was very surprised, and immediately blurted out,

"Yin and Yang twin lotus!"

It was the first time Lin Dong had seen such a powerful elixir, so he asked through sound transmission, "What kind of elixir is this?

" Diao: "This is one of the wonder medicines in the world. I didn't expect this kind of thing to be found in the small Nirvana cave. It seems that the owner of the tomb is not a poor ghost.

" Power, this yin-yang lotus platform can be used for cultivation, even lying on it is good.

And the yin-yang lotus seeds are even more magical, possessing the power of extreme yin and extreme yang respectively, which is not as strong as the yin-yang two qi absorbed before the Yuandan realm. Simple.

Generally, this thing cannot be taken alone or together. It needs the harmony of yin and yang to absorb the energy in it. It is best for a man and a woman to take it at the same time. The yin and yang interact with each other and help each other to dissolve the power of the medicine, which is the most perfect way!"

" For monks who cultivate both yin and yang, this thing can be called a supreme treasure!"

Lin Dong: "What do you mean, dual-cultivation elixir?"


"But don't even think about it, kid, just you now In this case, without a woman, if you take this medicine, you won't be able to bear the energy in it."

Lin Dong rolled his eyes speechlessly, but he thought for a while and said,

"Then, wouldn't it be very good for Qingtan to give this Yin lotus seed? Suitable?"

Xiao Diao quickly explained, "No, it's not that simple. This is a lotus seed with yin and yang twins. There is yang in the yin, and yin in the yang. If you give that girl Qingtan to eat, it's poison!

" That's what that girl Qingtan needs!"

Lin Dong looked over, it was a black elixir plant, and the elixir looked like a small snake entangled in it, and an extremely strong cold air permeated out of it , Even the surface of the nearby pool is covered with a layer of cold air, which looks quite strange.

"Extreme Yin Dragon Saliva!"

Lin Dong said in surprise. He was attracted by the Yin-Yang twin lotus just now, which made him ignore this elixir.

One of the purposes of coming this time is to collect this extremely evil Yin dragon saliva for Qingtan!

Except for this black and white juxtaposition Lian couldn't recognize, Wu Yun could basically recognize other elixir.

The worst elixir here is the sixth-grade elixir, with more than ten strains.

The seventh-rank ones include Aquatic Spirit Lotus, Immortal Jade Grass, and Soul Jade Fruit!

Two eighth grade cultivating lotuses!

"Let's pick all these elixir first, and study them slowly when we go back!"

Wu Yun immediately began to harvest the yin and yang lotus, and he used a universe bag alone to store the yin and yang lotus.

After the two packed all the elixir, there was still a strong aura of elixir remaining on the surface of the medicine pool.

Wu Yun directly outlined the annihilation rune, obliterating all the remaining aura.

Then his mental power went to the bottom of the pool, and the water rolled upside down, and soon Wu Yun fished out a huge talisman puppet.

Different from the previous talisman puppet, this time the talisman puppet's head is copper-colored.

"Medium talisman puppet!" Xiao Diao transmitted the sound in surprise, because of the breath of yin and yang twin lotus, it didn't even notice this talisman puppet.

The boss is so powerful, nothing can be hidden from his eyes... Xiao Diao's admiration for Wu Yun deepened again.

Wu Yun looked at the relatively complete runes on Fu Puppet, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and injected a spiritual imprint into Fu Puppet.

"This time we have a thug in the Shaping Realm!"

Wu Yun said happily.

Then, from the universe bag, thousands of pure Yuan Dan were taken out, and all of them were injected into Fu Puppet's body.

Then, he took out two yellow paper talismans filled with runes from another Qiankun bag, and pasted them on the forehead of the puppet. They were the spirit-gathering runes and the devouring runes.

Before it was over, Wu Yun pointed at the center of his eyebrows again, and a natal talisman floated out of Niwan Palace, and then he drove it into the talisman puppet's head.

Immediately, the runes on the paper talisman began to work, and the runes on the puppet's body lit up. A large whirlpool formed above its head, absorbing the energy of the surrounding heaven and earth.

Lin Dong looked at it in a daze!

But the little mink in the stone talisman was an eye-opener, "It's too powerful, as expected of a big brother, who actually thought of this way to help the talisman puppet accumulate energy!"

Xiao Diao sighed, and he directly knelt down to the big guy, and threw himself on the ground in admiration.

Lin Dong was confused. He felt that he understood it, but he didn't fully understand it. "Little Diao, big brother, what does this mean?

" Use it, it is estimated that at least two thousand pure yuan pills are needed to make it launch an attack, what your elder brother did just now is to replenish energy for it!"

"I see, this thing costs so much money, elder brother is really smart, came up with such a Good way, this saves a lot of pure Yuan Dan!"

Wu Yun said with a chuckle, "Let's continue walking!"

Following his mind control, the copper-headed talisman also took heavy steps, walking in front of them. Front.

The passage along the way is dangerous. They constantly encounter talisman puppets blocking the way, and these talisman puppets are very powerful. Although they are not as good as the Shaping Realm, they are not far behind. At least they are at the level of Yueshan .

However, they were all restrained and subdued by Wu Yun's manipulation of the medium talisman he had just obtained.

After walking for a long time, he subdued dozens of talisman puppets that were comparable to the half-step shape-making realm, and finally encountered another medium talisman puppet blocking the way.

The talisman puppet also contained the spiritual imprint left by the master of the tomb.

Wu Yun manipulated the talisman puppet in his hand to fight with it for a long time before exhausting the remaining energy of the opponent, and finally using the annihilation rune to erase the remaining spiritual imprint!

Wu Yun: "Second brother, I'll give you this medium-level talisman. You can plant your spiritual imprint!"

"Ah, brother, this is a talisman comparable to the shape-making environment. It's too precious."

"Don't say so much, take it!" That's it."

"Come and paste these two talismans on it, and then use the natal talisman to help it gather energy like I did just now!"

"Boy Lin Dong, put it away, this kind of thing is not good for a big brother like your brother. Say, it's not unusual, but your elder brother is really kind to you, I also want to recognize this elder brother."

Xiao Diao persuaded Lin Dong, and he himself was very envious.

What a camaraderie.

At this point they have gone deep into the tomb!

A light curtain appeared in front of him.

Without hesitation, the two tigers entered the light curtain.

In an instant, a crimson color appeared in front of my eyes!

The dazzling light filled the eyeballs, and an extremely fiery wave of fire rushed towards their faces, and the two hurriedly circulated their energy to protect their bodies.

There was a sea of ​​fire in front of them, but in that sea of ​​fire, several fire-free passages were divided.

Wu Yun looked through the Ziji magic pupil, and immediately saw the clues. The passages without fire on the surface were all illusory, but in fact they were all dead paths. The further you went inside, the stronger the flames.

"This is a powerful formation, second brother, you wait here with Bai Yun and Xiao Yan, I'll go down and explore!"

"Okay, brother, be careful!"

Wu Yun jumped into the flames, observed for a while, and went directly to the most flaming and fierce passage.

The basis of the formation here is the flame rune and the phantom rune.

Wu Yun is very familiar with the original runes of the two runes, and he can easily see through the mystery of them. He can even change the way the formation operates to increase its power.

Wu Yun tried it out, found a point and took out one of the flame essence stones engraved with flame runes, and the power of the flames became much smaller immediately.

He took out the talisman pen carving knife, re-engraved the fading rune on the flame essence stone, extended it slightly, and then put it back.

Sure enough, the sea of ​​flames oscillated, and the power of the splashed flames became stronger, and even some passages that were not filled with flames were spread over.

An evil smile appeared on the corner of Wu Yun's mouth, and he thought of a sinister way!

Now Lin Dong in Huohaikou was worried when he saw his elder brother disappear into the sea of ​​flames. Although he also had purple magic pupils and could roughly see the truth and falsehood, he didn't dare to choose the passage full of raging fire.

Xiao Diao: "Don't worry, the way your elder brother walked just now is the safest passage, there is no flame there."

However, as soon as Xiao Diao finished speaking, a strong wave of fire rushed towards them.


"The flames of the sea of ​​fire have intensified!"

After finding out, Wu Yun didn't continue to toss the formation of the sea of ​​fire, because the prey hadn't taken the bait yet.

He continued to walk in, and finally, in the sea of ​​flames in front of him, a bronze door suddenly appeared!

Wu Yun got into the bronze gate, and all the crimson color disappeared, and a quiet stone palace appeared in his sight.

[Ding! Do you need to sign in when you arrive at the Ancient Tomb Mansion? ]

Suddenly, the familiar prompt sound from the system came from the sudden mind.

Wu Yun patted his chest a little, but he didn't come until he arrived at the main tomb.

"Sign in!"

[Ding! If you sign in successfully, you will be rewarded with "Idol Elephant Suppressing Prison Strength"! ]

En~ God Elephant Suppressing Prison Strength!

Wu Yunmeng's eyes shone brightly, and he finally signed up for an even more powerful exercise. He also knew a little about this exercise, and in a certain world, he was also an existence that outshone others.

He is about to complete Yuan Dan Realm and is about to reach the limit of Xuantian Kungfu. Although Xuantian Kungfu can be deduced and cultivated, it is not as powerful as this new technique.

With the arrival of the divine elephant's prison power, the seamless connection is perfect!

At this time, the information about Shenxiang's Prison Suppressing Strength filled his brain like a flood. Too much information directly made his head swell, which was much more complicated than Xuantian Baolu.

The degree of complexity, even compared with the most complex original rune solution, does not show weakness.

It took him a while to bear it.

However, there is no time to slowly realize it in detail.

After waking up, Wu Yun continued to explore the tomb, looking around.

The stone hall is not too luxuriously furnished, but rather simple, empty, and there are not too many decorations. Wu Yun's eyes turned around the stone hall, and then focused on the center of the stone hall. , there, there is a sarcophagus without a lid, and above the sarcophagus, there is a mass of light exuding vitality.

In that light group, a green heart that seems to be condensed by radiant energy is beating gently, and with the beating of the green heart, the energy in the hall seems to be shaking accordingly.

"This is the greatest treasure in this palace!"

"Nirvana heart!"

Wu Yun just looked at it, and didn't move. ceremony,

"Senior, please forgive me for disturbing you late at night!"

There was no response in the silent tomb!

But Wu Yun still maintains awe of the owner of the tomb on the surface.

Knowing the plot, he is very clear that the greatest opportunity here needs to be obtained by the dead owner of the tomb!

"Now that your tomb is born, there are wolves around outside, waiting to break the seal and come in to snatch your tomb's treasures. The younger generation came in early and cleaned your tomb, which is considered a great kindness from the senior!"

"In order to repay senior's kindness, this junior promises that no one will be able to enter here and disturb your peace

, senior!" "This junior will not take away the Nirvana heart of senior, let it stay here with senior for a while , in the future, if the younger generation really has no hope of breaking through the Nirvana realm, they might bother you again, but seniors, please don't blame me!"

Wu Yun said sincerely, then bowed to the sarcophagus, pretending to be reluctant to take a look at the Nirvana Heart.

Only then did he turn around and leave the tomb, and slowly close the bronze gate!

After Wu Yun left, the sarcophagus moved slightly, and a voice faintly appeared in the quiet tomb,

"Hehe, what an interesting and sensible child!"


Yun brought Lin Dong back the same way, and On the way, Wu Yun used the annihilation rune to erase the spiritual power and Yuan power fluctuations they left behind!

After returning to the top of the mountain and stepping out of the formation, the sky was already gray and bright.

Wu Yun and Lin Dong quietly found an opportunity to get out of the energy shield, blended into the crowd who came to explore as if nothing had happened, and pretended to be disappointed!

Its daybreak!

Wu Yun didn't even meet anyone from the Lin clan.

"The people who broke the formation should not have come yet. It seems that we came early, and we may have to wait another day."

Wu Yun took a deep breath and said, the two of them rode two tigers on the road earlier than the others.

"Let's go, find a place to improve your strength first!" The

two found a remote cave not far from the tomb, and let Bai Yun and Xiao Yan protect the dharma.

Then take out those sixth-grade and seventh-grade elixir, refine them into pills, and practice on the spot.

The powerful medicinal power made the strength of the two of them advance by leaps and bounds, and the Yuan force boiled, directly breaking through the bottleneck of Yuan Dan Realm Great Perfection!

In fact, Wu Yun can also break through the Formation Realm, but generally he will not forcefully break through the realm, he must lay the foundation of each realm, and then break through when the situation is ripe.

In addition, Wu Yun needs to switch to a new cultivation method now, so he can't rush to force a breakthrough.

He realized the power of the idol in his mind to suppress the prison!

This is the qigong created by the supreme master, who advocates that the human body is composed of endless particles. If each particle can be cultivated into the power of a god, it will be easy to tear the sky and the earth, and roar down the stars. The most peculiar thing about this qigong is that it can change into countless kinds of shocking supernatural powers, each of which contains endless mysteries.

In the initial stage of practice, the concept of "the human body is composed of 840 million particles" is followed, and the power of the giant elephant of the human body particles is developed. When the corneum appears on the cortex, most of the power of qigong can be absorbed and used for one's own use.

When the cultivation of the human body particles is successful, you can go back to the starting point and develop the dragon elephant particles on the giant elephant particles, then the primordial image particles, until the human body is full of god image particles, which is a great achievement.

Just looking at this introduction, the pattern is much more powerful than the previous exercises!

Wu Yun couldn't help feeling fascinated!

Moreover, Wu Yun also discovered that this exercise is all-encompassing, and the foundation obtained from Xuantian Kungfu is also within its scope.

It does not affect the practice of it, but there are groups of help.

This also proves from the side that Xuantian Kungfu is a perfect low-level cultivation method.

When Wu Yun observed and realized the exercises.

Xiaoyan and Baiyun are also devouring demon spirits and pills to break through!

Especially Bai Yun, she is the fiercest, there is no bottleneck at all when she breaks through. With the blood of the white tiger, she has a high growth limit, and her early training is nothing more than accumulating energy.

After refining 100,000 pure Yuandans and a few plants of the sixth and seventh grades, she was directly promoted to the Formation Realm!

Now he is the one with the highest level among the two tigers!

Although Xiaoyan has the aura of Great Consummation in the Yuandan Realm, he still needs to refine all the swallowed demon spirits in order to stabilize the realm.

Powerful exercises cannot be cultivated successfully overnight, so after temporarily stabilizing the realm of Yuanli!

Wu Yun took out the two eighth grade Yangshen lotus and asked Lin Dong to refine them into elixirs.

The nourishing lotus is an excellent elixir for cultivating spiritual power.

Two Yangshen lotus plants got eight pills.

The last time they practiced in the Pill Pagoda, both Wu Yun and Lin Dong were three-seal talisman masters, and Wu Yun was even closer to the four-seal.

Now you can use the nourishing lotus to make an impact!

The two continued to swallow the elixir and practice!

With the devouring effect of natal runes, they can be refined very quickly!


Wu Yun ate a Yangshen Pill, took the lead in breaking through, condensed the fourth natal talisman, and became a four-seal talisman master!

Lin Dong's accumulation of spiritual power is slightly weaker than Wu Yun's, and he ate two Yangshen Pills, and he also broke through the Four Seal Talisman Master!

After breaking through, Lin Dong said sensiblely, "There are still five elixir, brother, you can use it, you can use it to attack the five-seal talisman master first!"

Wu Yun pondered for a while, then nodded,

"Okay, I will You're welcome!"

Thinking of the strong men of the four major clans who are about to encounter, and the thorny goddess Ling Qingzhu, they all need strength to suppress.

Wu Yun's mental power has the idea of ​​chaotic god grinding, which can condense the mental power over and over again, so there is no need to worry about the skyrocketing mental power, which will cause the realm to be unstable.

He continued to swallow the Yangshen Pill to practice!

When you eat the fifth one, you will successfully break through the Five Seal Talisman Master!

At this moment, Wu Yun felt stronger than ever before!

The two and the two tigers rested in the cave all night!

The next day, there were even more people at the foot of the tomb mansion hill!

"Brother, we have snatched all the opportunities here, why are we staying here?"

Lin Dong asked suspiciously!

Shouldn't you run away quickly after taking your things? He didn't sleep well last night.

"Of course he is!"

Wu Yun said without hesitation.

"Damn it, who do it?" Lin Dong was even more puzzled!

"Of course it's a disobedient person!"

Wu Yun couldn't help laughing.

"Haha, just kidding, I just want to have a look at them, and see how they will react when they enter and find the tomb is empty. Don't you want to take a look?" He pointed at the man in the camp at the foot of the mountain. A group of people.

There is a saying... The murderer always likes to go back to the scene of the crime to see his masterpiece!

Wu Yun naturally has this mentality!

Lin Dong is no exception.

When Wu Yun said this, he also became interested, although he would complain in his heart... Big brother is good or bad!

Similarly, Xiao Diao is also slandering in his heart... The boss is also like us mortals, he has some weird hobbies!

However, the real purpose of Wu Yun's stay is definitely not because of this superficial sense of superiority.

The main reason is that he is an lsp!

"Let's go, let's mix in the crowd. Since we are all here, if we leave suddenly, it will arouse suspicion from others.

In addition, I haven't obtained the Nirvana Heart yet. There is still a checkpoint in the last main tomb last night. If you break through, you need the cooperation of other strong people to get it."

Wu Yun explained solemnly.

The two blend into the crowd!

Wu Yun transmitted Lin Dong again, warning: "Remember, when the seal is opened, we will still be full of curiosity as if we were entering for the first time. We will follow what others do. If others scold the owner of the tomb, we will follow suit." Curse, do you understand, and besides, don't go too deep later, just take Baiyun and Xiaoyan, just in these passages outside, just let others see you!"

Although he had arranged everything, there were still some Worry, after all Lin Dong is the son of the plane.

Don't let him prepare to take off his pants in the end, and Lin Dong cuts off his beard again, but it will be uncomfortable!

"Okay, big brother!" Lin Dong obediently agreed!

Among the crowd at the foot of the mountain, the team with tents began to put away their tents, and there were people everywhere talking about someone coming to break the seal today.

Wu Yun saw Taolao and others from the Lin family, and Chen Xu and others from Tiandaomen, but he ignored them.

He just nodded slightly to Lin Ke'er!

In the eager anticipation of everyone, time passed slowly, and when the sun reached the center of the sky, there was a rumbling sound of breaking wind suddenly at the far edge of the sky.
