you can use runes to help Baiyun!

Ling Qingzhu's strength wanted to catch up with Wu Yun very quickly.

But she had to pay attention to her image, when she was in the tomb just now.

Wu Yun picked it up and ran away!

And she has to get dressed.

At this moment, Wu Yun was riding on Baiyun's body, rushing out like a sharp white arrow.

After being promoted to the Forming Realm, Bai Yun has already comprehended a little bit the meaning of the shape of the wind.

Dragons follow the clouds, tigers follow the wind.

Her speed is greatly improved.

Xiaoyan couldn't keep up!

"Second brother, escape separately, you go back to Yancheng first!" Wu Yun said via voice transmission.

Ling Qingzhu's strength is too strong, and he will soon catch up with Qinglian!

Lin Dong and Xiaoyan are useless in front of Ling Qingzhu, but they will be caught by Ling Qingzhu and used to threaten him.

Not worth it!

Moreover, things here are not humane.

The more people who know, the stronger Aya Qingzhu's murderous heart will be!

Hesitation appeared on Lin Dong's face. He really couldn't bear to leave his elder brother at such a difficult moment, and wanted to share troubles with his elder brother.

Xiao Diao persuaded, "Let's go, hehe, the girl your brother provoked is very strong, you can't interfere, following your brother will drag him down instead!"

Seeing that Ling Qingzhu had already chased him, Lin Dong was helpless , "Brother, be careful!"

He rode on Xiao Yan, changed direction and ran away quickly.

Ling Qingzhu chased after her, and she saw if she was looking in Lin Dong's direction, those moving eyes were full of coldness, she drove Bi Tianlian to chase Wu Yun directly.

At this moment, Ling Qingzhu was full of endless murderous aura!

Whenever Wu Yun stopped for a second, her lotus would ruthlessly penetrate his chest.

There's no way she'll keep it!

As long as she saw Wu Yun's figure, she would think of this guy's shameless and very bold behavior towards her.

These long hours in the tomb may be a deep memory and a huge shadow that she will never get rid of in her life.

No one would know what kind of humiliation she had suffered in that empty tomb, the goddess of the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace, who was as pure as ice and jade, and who guarded her body like jade.

The dignity, superiority, and purity that Ling Qingzhu had cultivated for many years were crushed to pieces in front of Wu Yun.

So she didn't dare to face Wu Yun at all!

She didn't even dare to face her current self!

She is not clean anymore!

Always want to cut something!

"Crazy, you are chasing so hard, you really want to kill me!"

Wu Yun said cursingly.

Without looking back, the spiritual force can sense the extremely strong killing intent behind him.

Pieces of seemingly delicate and beautiful petals are like fluttering catkins behind him, chasing after him.

However, when he cursed, Wu Yun didn't hold any resentment in his heart.

The few hours just now may have been the happiest time when he came to this world!

He even felt that it would be worth dying if he could do it again!

Aya Qingzhu, incomparable, really ~ moist!

However, Baiyun didn't seem to want him to die.

Feeling the strong murderous intent behind her, she speeded up again.

The tiger fur all over the body emitted a glint of light, and special lines emerged from the white tiger's body.

Looking at Bai Yun who had such a strong desire to survive, Wu Yun also quickly cleared his mind.

He still wants to live, one time is not enough, there must be pursuit in life.

"By the way, you can use runes to help Baiyun!"

Wu Yun immediately reacted when he saw Baiyun's lines.

Among the true interpretations of the original runes, there is a kind of rune called,

the rune of the original wind!

Without further delay, Wu Yun immediately sketched this rune mentally. With his previous experience in sketching many kinds of original runes, he quickly sketched it successfully.

The rune of wind condensed on Baiyun's forehead, and an invisible force supported Baiyun's body, and the obstruction caused by the airflow in front of Baiyun disappeared immediately.

Baiyun seemed to have turned into the wind, running faster.

In Baiyun's blood, there is something similar to the rune of wind, the power of the wind system rules, the original rune of wind can make her comprehend faster and display her talent about wind.

"He actually has such a powerful demon tiger!"

Ling Qingzhu muttered to himself, looking at the white tiger, a strange look flashed in his eyes.

She didn't listen, but she still had an angry expression on her face. On the green lotus, two jade feet were wrestling with each other, which looked extremely unnatural.

The blue light gushed out of her body, stronger than before entering the tomb.

"It's impossible to escape from my hand!"

Countless petals converged to form a blue arrow, which shot towards Wu Yun extremely quickly.

At the moment when the green lotus and green arrow flew away quickly, a hint of unbearable color flashed in Ling Qingzhu's cold and beautiful eyes.

Facing the flying green lotus and green arrows, his mental power frantically sealed.

"Dragon Seal!"

He didn't dare to hesitate at all, and used his most powerful spiritual power to show!

The dragon seal crashed into the green arrow flying at extreme speed!


The spiritual dragon seal cast by the five-seal talisman master was easily torn apart by her.

The green lotus and green arrows only slightly disintegrated, but they still shot straight into Wu Yun's chest.


Wu Yun spat out a mouthful of blood, feeling his internal organs were shaken.

Green Arrow didn't pass through the heart.

Silk contains shellfish!

On the chest, a silver shell has been shattered into powder.

Ling Qingzhu's green lotus green arrow also exhausted its energy at noon and turned into nothingness.

"As expected of a direct disciple of the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace, his strength is too terrifying!"

Wu Yun was secretly startled, he almost died just now.

"No, her strength is at least that of the Creation Realm, or even the even stronger Creation Realm Dacheng. With my current strength, even if there are silk shells, it is impossible to block her."

Wu Yun quickly pondered, the relationship between the two The difference in strength is too great, even if Wu Yun is condensed with Xingdan, the origin power is stronger, and with the double cultivation just now, his strength has greatly increased, breaking through the shape-making realm, and possessing the strength to leapfrog battles, but at most he will fight against the strong in the shape-building realm .

It would be great to be able to block the Qi creation environment at most!

As for Ling Qingzhu, he is a genius among geniuses, and he also has the strength to leapfrog battles, and he is also a great achievement in the realm of good fortune.

How can Wu Yun block her attack!

She didn't want to kill me, or she couldn't bear to kill me... Wu Yun immediately got the key information from it.

Ling Qingzhu is not the kind of unreasonable woman, on the contrary she is very reasonable!

The three views of the disciples taught by the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace are very upright!

At this time, she must be angry!

"Ms. Qingzhu, everyone was forced. Why are you facing swords like this? Wu didn't intend to blaspheme the girl's heart!"

Wu Yun's spiritual power transmitted the sound, trying to resolve the contradiction through words.

"Shameless, how dare you argue!"

Ling Qingzhu didn't listen to the explanation at all, it was true that he was forced, but so many weird behaviors afterwards were intentional.

Think of red marks on knees and shoulders!

Aya Qingzhu will not be able to accept it for a while!

"It's not that I'm shameless. As long as I'm still a man, in that situation, it's impossible to maintain a gentlemanly style in front of Miss Qingzhu. Miss Qingzhu might as well look in the mirror and see your face that is comparable to a fairy, then Can humans resist it!"

Wu Yun continued the sound transmission!

"Miss Qingzhu, you have to believe that Wu has already restrained himself!"

"Shut up, you still say it!" Ling Qingzhu blushed in embarrassment and anger!

Another green arrow shot at Wu Yun!

Wu Yun's face changed drastically, and he quickly manipulated the Lihuo sword to fly out with mental power, and then detonated the Lihuo sword when it directly touched the green lotus arrow!

The self-explosive power of the Lihuo Sword actually blew up Qinglian and Green Arrow!

The attack seems to be more aggressive, but it is actually less powerful.

"Why is the girl so unreasonable and bullying people with her strength!"

Wu Yun said innocently.

"It's reasonable, that's a gentleman's business, I'm just bullying you!" Ling Qingzhu said with a soft heart but still insisted.