Lin Langtian launches an attack, the crisis is on the front line, and the reincarnated boss is here

Before Wu Yun walked out of the mountains.

On a hilltop outside Yancheng.

Lin Chen climbed up panting, and standing in front of him was Lin Langtian who had escaped from the ancient tomb mansion!

Lin Langtian, who was originally handsome and personable, was now wearing a black robe and a veil to cover it tightly.

The only pair of eyes exposed, with burnt and wrinkled skin around the eyelids.

He said in a dry voice,

"Tell me, what do you want from me!"

Lin Chen's Adam's apple twitched, he organized his words, and then he said slowly,

"Brother Langtian, this time the entire ancient tomb mansion is empty. , everyone got nothing, how could there be nothing in the mausoleum of the powerful Nirvana realm.

I believe it is not just me who thinks there is something strange in it!

I have a suspicion that Lin Dong, who is from Yancheng, is going to the ancient tomb mansion Before, I fought against me. At that time, he and his demon tiger were only at the Yuandan Small Consummation Realm.

He and his big brother Wu Yun went to the Ancient Tomb Mansion the day before us.

Only three days have passed Time.

Just yesterday, I felt that both Lin Dong and his demon tiger had reached the Great Perfection of the Yuandan Realm!

And his elder brother Wu Yun, as well as that white tiger, in these three days, their strength has also increased terrifyingly Not long after

you left the tomb mansion yesterday, Wu Yun was chased out of the ancient tomb by the mysterious woman who came with you on the green lotus.

I saw with my own eyes that the white tiger exploded with the strength of the shape-making realm. The

speed Hurry up, even that mysterious woman didn't catch up immediately!

I don't think there is such a coincidence!

They were just born in a small city of Yan. If there were no special opportunities, it would be impossible for them to grow up so fast.

All get nothing.

It happened that the two of them were in these three days, and their strength was greatly improved.

Therefore, I suspect that the two of them must have got the chance in the Ancient Tomb Mansion! "

Lin Chen finished speaking in one breath. He had prepared this passage for a long time. These were all the logic he deduced after he didn't sleep last night.

He hated Lin Dong and Wu Yun's white tiger that injured him very much. .Although

it is not sure whether the opportunity of the ancient tomb mansion was really taken by the two, but the two must have a secret.

He told Lin Langtian specially, one is to use Lin Langtian's hands to revenge the two.

The other is, If the two really have a great opportunity, no matter whether they are from the Ancient Tomb Mansion or not, it is equivalent to making a great contribution, and he will definitely be valued more by Lin Langtian.

Lin Langtian frowned, and his eyes became deeply thoughtful.

During this trip to the ancient tomb mansion, they went straight to the main tomb and didn't notice the tomb outside. Later, he found out that the tomb outside was all empty, and he felt very strange. There was an

uproar, which alarmed the entire Dayan Dynasty The ancient tomb mansion of the four major clans, with such a powerful energy seal, how could there be nothing!

Others didn't know, and left with doubts.

Now Lin Chen said so!

Lin Langtian thinks, it's very possible.

Although he doesn't think With the strength of those two Yuandan Realm Dzogchens, they can get the opportunity of the tomb mansion, but who can say clearly about the coincidence.

Didn't he also meet the Master Mu by chance when he was very weak?

Especially that Wu Yun was able to escape from Ling Qingzhu's hands, which is already a big problem.

One must know that even with the help of Master Mu, he is not sure about dealing with Ling Qingzhu.

In a small city of Yan, hidden dragons and crouching tigers!

Just for this point, Lin Langtian felt that even if Wu Yun and the two didn't get the opportunity in the ancient tomb mansion, they must have secrets and ulterior opportunities just like him to grow up to this point at such a young age!

"Okay, then let's go to the Lin family in Yancheng!"

Lin Langtian agreed.


The Lin family!

In the lobby!

Lin Langtian was aloof, sitting at the main seat.

In the hall, Elder Tao took Lin Chen, Lin Ke'er and others from the clan to sit on the left.

Lin Zhentian led Lincoln, Lin Xiao and others were at a loss, and sat on the right side nervously.

And in the middle, stood Lin Dong with a straight back and a stubborn look in his eyes!

Next to Lin Dong was the grinning Xiao Yan, staring angrily at Lin Langtian who was looking down on them!

In the hall, there was silence. Lin Langtian's eyes swept over everyone in the hall. He was not angry but powerful. No one dared to breathe. A terrifying and cold aura was spreading. Everyone was waiting for him in the main seat to speak. .

He is the proud son of the Lin clan, the future successor of the Lin clan head, and in charge of the Lin family's law enforcement team. His status is extremely extraordinary. In this small branch of Yancheng, he is like a heavenly existence.

"You're Lin Dong, right? It's not easy for the younger generation in the branch family to produce a genius like you. You can cultivate to the Yuandan Great Perfection realm at a young age. This talent is no less than mine. This

time I came here for no other purpose, just to ask if you have any secrets for improving your strength so quickly. If you have any, please donate them to the clan. Let the family return to the inner clan!"

Lin Langtian said condescendingly, as if it was a matter of course for Lin Dong to tell the secret, and it was for his own good.

He had completely forgotten that in the clan competition ten years ago, he personally used vicious means to abolish Lin Dong's father!

Lin Langtian has never had a good face towards people who are separated from the family. In his opinion, all the separated families are useless. There is no need for a separated family to exist, and it will only embarrass the clan!

Therefore, when facing people who are separated from the family, they have always been ruthless, especially after taking charge of the law enforcement team.

There are no more than one or two family members who have been deposed by him over the years, and they have no memory of Lin Dong's father, Lin Xiao at all.

Therefore, he didn't quite understand Lin Dong's rebellion and resistance to him at the moment.

"There is no secret, fast cultivation is fast cultivation!" Lin Dong said lightly.

"You seem to be very dissatisfied with me?" Lin Langtian frowned. No one from a separated family dared to talk to him like this before, without any awe.

Lin Langtian felt that he was kind to them if he didn't force him to ask questions right away.

"Hehe, how can I convince you and kneel down for you!"

Lin Dong mocked coldly.

Facing Lin Langtian, the obsession and hatred in his heart could not be suppressed at all.

Lin Langtian was burned yesterday, and there was a feeling of anger in his heart that he had nowhere to vent. Now that a person from a separated family dared to talk to him like that, the atmosphere became deadly and cold.

Lin Chen and the others sitting on the left were already secretly laughing in their hearts, and the expressions on their faces were blooming... Dare to call Lin Langtian brother, this Lin Dong is useless!

Lin Ke'er frowned, seeing the appearance of Lin Chen and the others, she knew that this guy was going to say something to Brother Lin Langtian.

Although Lin Keer also saw that there was a problem between Lin Dong and Wu Yun at the beginning, but there was no evidence, and everyone had their own secrets, and there was no enmity between the two parties, so she naturally didn't need to reveal it.

For Lin Dong, Lin Keer still appreciates it.

Seeing that the atmosphere between him and Lin Langtian was becoming more and more tense, Lin Keer knew Lin Langtian's style, Lin Dong would definitely suffer if he continued to fight like this, so she couldn't help but stood up and said,

"Lin Langtian Move, brother Lin Langtian is the captain of the family's law enforcement team, how can you talk to him like this, you just say what brother Lin Langtian asks you?"

While Lin Ke'er was speaking, a wave of spiritual power spread to Lin Dong's body. In my mind,

"Maybe Lin Chen and others said something to brother Lin Langtian, which made you arouse his suspicion. Did you get some chance in the ancient tomb mansion? Tell me about it, otherwise brother Lin Langtian will not give up. Yes!"

Lin Ke'er didn't want to see the same clan killing each other, although she adored Brother Lin Langtian's talent and strength, but she didn't like the cruelty that Brother Lin Langtian treated his fellow clan.

Worried that Lin Dong would be abolished, he boldly reminded him.

"Ke'er, sit down!" Lin Langtian said in a calm but unquestionable voice.

Lin Keer frowned, but sat down helplessly.

"Hehe, the family law enforcement captain, is this going to enforce the law against me, so may I ask which family law I have violated?" Lin Dong still stubbornly asked.

However, Lin Langtian has never been unreasonable when dealing with people who are separated from the family.

"Disrespecting me is ignoring the family law, and ignoring the family law is a sin in itself!"

"It seems that you should indeed kneel down!"

Lin Langtian suddenly released a powerful breath, which instantly enveloped Lin Dong and the little girl. inflammation!

In an instant, it seemed as if a mountain was pressing down on Lin Dong's body.

The powerful aura of the strong man in the air creation environment is fully revealed.

Lin Dong clenched his fists tightly, stubbornly resisting this powerful coercion, not letting his body bend.


Lin Zhentian and Lin Xiao stood up at the same time.

They wanted to help Lin Dong, but before they got close to Lin Dong, they were shaken away by a powerful force and vomited blood!

The two glared at Lin Langtian.

Lin Zhentian: "Lin Langtian, you represent the family's law enforcement team, how can you bully us and other family members like this!"

Lin Xiao: "Lin Langtian, let my son go, why are you coming at me!"


Lin Lang Tian simply ignored the two of them, and shot out a wave of Yuanli, knocking Lin Zhentian and Lin Xiao out of the lobby, and they passed out immediately!

"Father, third brother!"

Lincoln yelled and rushed over to see the two of them!

"Grandfather, father!" Lin Dong cried out in pain.

But he couldn't move at this moment.

"Ho Ho Ho!"

Xiao Yan let out a low growl. It was also under a strong pressure, but it, like its master, did not bend its tiger legs and surrender to this hateful enemy!

"Lin! Lang! God!"

Lin Dong said every single word in his heart, his eyes full of hatred!

In the stone talisman, Xiao Diao felt bad for Lin Dong when he saw this.

He has always been happy with enmity, and he can't bear to see this kind of humiliated scene.

I thought in my heart that it would be great if the boss was here.

But he knew that, being chased and killed by such a powerful woman, the big brother might not be able to protect himself now.

Now they can only rely on themselves!

Xiao Diao couldn't bear such humiliation!

Xiao Diao: "Lin Dong, I can't bear to talk, I can help you, I will add that medium talisman, there is a 20% chance of killing him!"

"Is it only 20%?" Kill Lin Langtian!

"You really have something that can withstand my coercion for so long.

Let's talk, did the Ancient Tomb Mansion get some chance, take it out, I can not only spare you from death, but also give you corresponding rewards, how about it? "

Lin Langtian gradually became interested!

He did this to test Lin Dong, to see if he really had a way to hide, and now Lin Dong was able to stand upright under his pressure for so long, including his demon tiger , It's not easy.

This strength and perseverance are not ordinary people!

Ordinary Yuandan Realm Dzogchen, and even the Forming Realm, have already kneeled at this moment!

"Hehe, if I can't get it out, you want to kill me? "

Lin Dong said coldly, gritted his teeth and insisted, his knees were already twisted, but he still stood, looking at Lin Langtian angrily!

" Lin Dong got his chance. "

Although Lin Ke'er had some doubts in her heart, she didn't have evidence, and she couldn't guarantee that Lin Dong had the opportunity to get the Ancient Tomb Mansion.

Lin Ke'er: "Brother Lin Langtian, maybe Lin Dong didn't have any at all. There will be no misunderstanding, after all, even you are trapped in the Ancient Tomb Mansion, so how can he get a Yuandan realm! Lin Chen: "

Lin Ke'er, you don't have to speak for this Lin Dong, no matter whether he has the chance to get the Ancient Tomb Mansion or not, he is the most suspected, and his strength has improved so fast, there must be a secret." "

Lin Chen's words finally revealed their purpose!

Suspicion is just a seed, and the key to seizing Lin Dong's motivation is the key.

Lin Ke'er: "Even if there is a secret, it belongs to Lin Dong himself. What does it have to do with the family...! "

Ker, shut up, now is not the time for you to talk." "Lin Langtian scolded.

Lin Dong: "It's really sad and ridiculous that a person of a dignified clan is reduced to grabbing things with someone who is separated from me!" "The

reason is high-sounding, but in the final analysis, it's just a robbery!"

"Don't cry when you don't see the coffin. Your people belong to the clan, and your things naturally belong to the clan. If you don't dedicate it to the clan if you have benefits, then what's the use of you people who are separated.

" As a human being, he is now more and more sure that Lin Dong has something on him.

How can there be such a strong strength in the ordinary Yuandan Realm Great Perfection, and resisting his coercion cannot be achieved without strong will, but also with good strength.

"Crack!" The

floor cracked!

Lin Dong and Xiao Yan's feet sank directly into the floor.

But they still persisted, not kneeling!

"Brother Lin Dong!"

"Xiao Yan!"

A cute little loli wearing a short skirt appeared at the door.

Qing Tan looked at Lin Dong worriedly, tears were streaming in those big agile eyes.

"Qing... Tan!"

Lin Dong said in an extremely weak voice with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

"You let my Brother Lin Dong go, let Xiao Yan go, or else, or... or, when Brother Wu Yun comes back, I want you to look good!" Qing Tan threatened with sobs.

"A little girl, what are you doing here? There are no rules. The lobby is also where you should come."

Seeing Qingtan shouting, Lin Chen was about to throw her out.

"Lin Chen, what are you doing, you said she is also from our Lin family, how could you be so rude."

Lin Ke'er immediately stopped her, and hurried to the door to grab Qing Tan.

"Go and find your brother Wu Yun and come here!" She quietly transmitted voice to Qingtan.

In the current situation, she could only think that Wu Yun could save Lin Dong.

Wu Yun was able to deal with that mysterious woman, so he must also be able to restrain brother Lin Langtian and save Lin Dong from his hands.

Qingtan lifted her little skirt, tears fell down Hanako, and rushed to the door.

"Since you don't cooperate, then I'll take it myself."

At this moment, Lin Langtian stretched out his big palm and flew towards Lin Dong.

He is ready to hit hard.

A person who is separated from the family, if you kill him, you will kill him!

Sensing Lin Langtian's murderous intent, Lin Dong no longer hesitated, he no longer had the chance to forbear.

His spiritual power sound transmission stone talisman,

"Xiao Diao, do it, even if you die, Lin Langtian will have to peel off his skin!"

At the same time, he poured his own energy into the stone talisman.

The universe bag on his waist flashed with light, and a huge human-shaped talisman appeared in front of him.

The Fu Puppet has a bronze head. When Lin Langtian patted it with his big palm, the Fu Puppet also raised his huge palm and made a palm print.


Two palms facing each other.

A gleam burst out of Lin Langtian's eyes.

"A medium-level talisman, and the aura of the ancient tomb mansion."

He said coldly,

"You really hide it very deeply. Is this your chance to be in the ancient tomb mansion!

" I can't help you, when I ask you, you should honestly hand over the things!"

Lin Dong was determined to fight at this moment, "Hehe, hand it over, will you let me go, Lin Langtian today Even if it is death, you will have to pay

the price!" Purple light surged out from Lin Dong's palm, and soon condensed into a mouse-shaped light shadow.

Its small black body exudes a domineering majesty, and a mysterious purple rune emerges between its brows.

"Sky Demon Sable!"

Suddenly there was a sound of surprise in Lin Langtian's body that only Lin Langtian could hear.

The little mink couldn't stand it anymore, and waved his paws as soon as he appeared.

Two powerful purple claw shadows attacked Lin Langtian.

Lin Langtian was shocked, and quickly gathered his energy to resist.

Master Mu: "Be careful, the Sky Demon Sable is very difficult to deal with. I didn't expect the Sky Demon Sable to appear in this place!" Lin Langtian said with a solemn

expression, "What the hell is the Sky Demon Sable?"

: "That is one of the most powerful monsters in the world. Fortunately, he is only in the state of a demon spirit, otherwise we would be the ones who suffer today."

Lin Langtian was a little bit uncertain when he met an opponent who was so surprised even by Master Mu. Forbidden, "What should I do? Do you want to fight again?"

Teacher Mu: "I will definitely fight. If I were in other places, I might not dare to attack Tianyao Diao, but if I meet me here, I can only count him as unlucky.

Kill him!" , with me helping you, it is enough to kill him.

Jie Jie, if I absorb this demon spirit, my strength will definitely recover a lot."

Lin Langtian was also overjoyed to be affirmed by Master Mu . , There is really a big opportunity.

The little mink's paws kept moving in the air, quickly drawing a powerful imprint.

He and Lin Langtian fought in the lobby, and the powerful aftermath quickly toppled the roof of the lobby.

One person and one mink hit the air.

Lin Dong controlled the talisman puppet with his mental power, and kept pouring into the pure Yuan Dan.

The attack of the talisman puppet is very simple, one after another powerful palm prints are played.

Lin Ke'er, Lin Chen and the others retreated to the periphery in a panic.

He looked at Lin Dong in horror.

It was completely unexpected that Lin Dong could threaten Lin Langtian.

Lin Chen, in particular, was even more delighted amidst the surprise, feeling that he had not only made the right bet, but also made a big bet.

Lin Dong's secret is bigger than he imagined.

"Xiao Yan, go and kill him!" Lin Dong glanced at Lin Chen coldly.

Xiaoyan could no longer hold back the anger in his heart, and was about to bite something at this moment.

It can't bite Lin Langtian, but this hateful guy is definitely not a problem.


Xiao Yan turned into a red shadow and rushed towards Lin Chen.

"Old Tao, save me!"

Lin Chen shouted, he didn't dare to confront Xiao Yan at all, and ran towards Elder Tao frantically.

"Evil animal, how dare you be arrogant!"

Lao Tao yelled angrily, and hit Xiaoyan with a palm print of Yuanli.

Xiaoyan rushed over madly and angrily, his aura was so strong that Lao Tao felt palpitations.

He alone could not stop the tiger.

"Ke'er!" Tao Lao shouted.

However, Lin Ke'er was in a daze at the side, not caring about them at all.

Lin Ke'er was a little messy at the moment, she was very shocked by Lin Dong's hidden cards.

But this kind of family civil war made it very difficult for her to accept.

What Lin Langtian did today was too much.

If it was someone from a foreign race, Lin Ke'er could somewhat understand it, but this was his own family, and he was even more ruthless in dealing with it than an enemy.

Above the lobby, bursts of energy erupted.

The frightening Yuan Force fluctuations, even those who are in the Great Consummation of the Yuandan Realm can be taken away. This made everyone in Deyan City feel it, and they all looked up in the direction of the Lin family.

The purple light on the little mink's body was shining brightly, and one after another powerful paw prints attacked and went away.

It's a pity that Lin Langtian is still too strong, even if Xiao Diao tried his best, but relying on the power of Lin Dong Yuan Dan's Great Perfection, he still couldn't bring out his martial arts power.

At this time, Xiao Diao discovered that Lin Langtian had another mysterious aura of primordial spirit in his body.

With the help of this primordial spirit, it is impossible for him to kill Lin Langtian.

The little mink felt a little lost.

Its spiritual power transmitted the voice,

"Boy Lin Dong, I'll block him, you run away!"

At this time, Lin Langtian's palm condensed a beam of Yuanli force, and slammed towards the talisman controlled by Lin Dong.

The light beam exploded, and the hard medium talisman was split into two halves.

Lin held the ancient shield of the black turtle in his hand, and was still shaken by the aftermath of the force, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

The battle can be described as very tragic.

The radiance of Xiao Mink's body was dimmed, and once again he condensed a powerful array and shot it.

"Hehe, you can't hold on anymore!"

Lin Langtian snorted coldly, and said with a little expectation, "

How about giving up resistance and surrendering to me?"

, Master Diao, how could I submit to others, if Master Diao had no body, you, even with the primordial spirit in your body, Master Diao, I would crush him to death in minutes!"

Xiao Diao was not surprised. Langtian knew about it, with that powerful primordial spirit present, it was normal for him to recognize the Sky Demon Sable.

"If you don't surrender, you will die!"

Xiao Diao threatened, "Hmph, since you know the origin of Master Diao and dare to kill Master Diao, you are not afraid that Master Diao will brand you as a demon before he dies, and make you suffer from the demon clan. Chase and kill!" The

sky demon brand can penetrate into the enemy's body, and those who have been branded by the sky demon will be discovered as long as they get close to the sky demon mink clan.

Lin Langtian paused for a moment, a little surprised and uncertain,

Master Mu: "Don't listen to him, he can't use the mark of the sky demon with his current power!"

"Dead mouse, how dare you threaten me!"

Lin Langtian was furious and rushed to Xiao Diao.


Wu Yun had just arrived in front of the Lin family's gate, when he felt a strong vitality wave coming from the Lin family's courtyard.

Thinking something was wrong in his heart, he quickly rushed over with Baiyun.

"Brother Wu Yun!"

When they reached the door, they happened to see Qingtan running out.

Wu Yun picked up Qingtan and let Baiyun continue to rush towards the Yuanli wave.

On the tiger's back, Wu Yun asked,

"Qingtan, what's going on?"

"It's Lin Langtian, he injured his grandfather and father, and he wants to kill Lin Dongge, Wu Yunge, you go and save Lin Dongge." Qingtan fast track.

Wu Yun's face darkened, he didn't expect Lin Langtian to come to Lin's house instead.

This is different from the plot!

Could it be his appearance that changed the plot.

Before he had time to think about it, Wu Yun stepped on the Frost Sword and rushed over.


"Smashing Heaven Demon Monument Palm!"

Lin Langtian stepped on the void, holding a huge demon tablet with each hand, like a god of war on a mountain, just looking at it makes people feel suffocated.

Xiao Diao closed his eyes uncomfortably, he couldn't take this palm anymore!


Suddenly there was a dragon's chant and a phoenix's cry in the sky, and seven crimson rays of light shot at Lin Langtian's Demon Tablet Palm.

Xiao Diao's small eyes lit up immediately,

"Well, the reincarnation boss is here!"