Tremble, Thunder


Bai Ying and Hong Ying quickly shuttled through the forest.

In this vast forest, let them go wild.

Tiger is the king of beasts!

When Baiyun and Xiaoyan were running in the forest, their bloodlines were fully activated.

Any monsters approaching them will be scared away by this powerful blood force.

Even monsters stronger than them did not dare to come and block them easily.

All monsters are alert to danger!

During this period of time, the two of them killed an unknown number of monsters, and walked through the forest for more than a month. The wildness and murderous aura in their bodies was very strong.

Just seeing them, you can feel the evil spirit from them.

Therefore, no monster dared to give away the head without knowing the taste.

Even Bai Yun, who has always been clean and obsessed with cleanliness, is a little wild now.


At this moment, a roar of thunder caught their attention.

"Here we are!"

"Entering here should belong to the Leiyuan Mountain Range, and Leiyuan Mountain should be that towering peak."

Wu Yun stopped in surprise, and in front of them, there were already undulating peaks. Above the mountain peak, there are layers of dark thunderclouds, and there are thunder snakes venting at the moment, that kind of suppression like the might of the sky makes them feel palpitations from a distance.

Leiyuan Mountain is not a lone mountain, but the tallest mountain in a mountain range.

There are countless small peaks around it.

"The thunder on the outside is weaker. Let's go to the top of the mountain in front and try to guide the thunder into the body."

"Let's go, Baiyun!"

Wu Yun said excitedly, driving Baiyun to climb the mountain.

Lei Ting, in his last life, was an untouchable existence. He never thought that he could use Lei Ting to cultivate in this life. This kind of wonderful and bold attempt filled him with anticipation.

After today, he was also the man who tamed Thunder.

If you swear to a woman again in the future, you won't be afraid to say anything!

Soon, Wu Yun stood on the top of the mountain. His face was a little stiff and he looked at the flickering Thunder Snake in the sky. Under the thunderclouds that covered the sky in an instant, his figure was as insignificant as an ant. .

A series of thunderbolts streaked across the sky, and some fell into the vast forest. Where they fell, the lush and towering giant trees turned into coke all over the ground in an instant, and wisps of black smoke shot straight into the sky. Wu Yun's heart skipped a beat.

Am I too happy too soon... Wu Yun swallowed, and couldn't help but wonder, is this thing really feasible?

When the thunder strikes, will he be like that towering tree, emitting black smoke?

"Baiyun, are you afraid!"

Wu Yun said, looking back, he saw that Baiyun was already retreating step by step.

Are you serious about taking half a step back?

Bai Yun, who used to rush to the front when Wu Yun was in danger, now began to retreat in the face of Tianlei, her agile tiger pupils were full of dread, fear, and fear.

Tianlei has a fatal blow to monsters.

"Brother, should we think about it again!" Lin Dong also followed, licking his lips.

Facing Tianwei at such close range for the first time, the thunderbolts thundered down, as if hitting their hearts, their courage was shrinking!

"Okay, second brother, we've reached this point, let's start, this little thunder, you who still can't die at Yuandan Realm Great Consummation, will be half dead at most."

While backing away, Xiao Diao urged and stimulated Lin Dong.

Quickly distance yourself from them.

It ordered others to be struck by lightning, but it hid far away. It looked like it was also afraid of being hurt when others were struck.

"Woooooo!" The

brave Xiaoyan hid behind a boulder at this moment, trembling.

"Let's go, let's start with the weakest one!"

Wu Yun gritted his teeth, chose the thinnest Thunderbolt, and walked over.

If you are not ruthless, you will not be able to stand firm!

If you eat like a thunderbolt, you will become a master.

He holds the Fengyue Tenderness Knife in his hand, reaching to the sky!

"Come on!"



A thunderbolt as thick as a thigh, slammed down violently, directly stiffening Wu Yun's body, and blue thunder snakes swayed on the surface of his body Cruising!

The bright thunder light exploded on the top of the mountain, dazzling and eye-catching, and Wu Yun, who was in it, trembled violently the moment the thunder light approached him, his whole body seemed to be hit hard by a heavy hammer. As if under the hammer, even the bones all over his body made an overwhelmed crunching sound at this moment.

Wu Yun: "Lei, are you polite?"

He stiffly looked up at the thunderclouds in the sky.

This blow is really not something that ordinary people can bear, its power is comparable to Lin Langtian's previous palm of the Heaven-shattering Demon Tablet, and it is the kind that cannot be dodged.

The powerful thunder force scurry through Wu Yun's body, making his whole body go numb... This feeling seems to be okay!

Lin Dong hadn't gone in yet, looking at his elder brother who had been struck stiff by the thunder, he couldn't help asking with some concern,

"Brother, are you alright?"

Wu Yun: "Except for the pain when I hit it just now, the back seems to be quite comfortable."

"Come on, don't worry, I won't die!"

Wu Yun is already running the Divine Elephant Prison Suppressing Power to dispel the thunder that was left in his body just now. The power is slowly absorbed.

When the thunder struck, the whole body including the mind was numb, and it was impossible to perform the exercises at all.

Only by waiting for the thunder to recede can it absorb the little lightning energy it left behind.

Under the watchful eyes of many brothers, Lin Dong could no longer give up.

He resigned himself to his fate and sat down cross-legged on the edge of the mountain, looking down at the vast and endless forest below, then he took a deep breath, his face slowly becoming serious.

He took out the ancient Tianlin halberd and urged his Yuan force to trigger a small thunder.

Just when the Yuanli light hit the Thunder Snake.


There was a sound of explosion in the sky, and then, that thunderbolt seemed to be like a giant snake awakened, showing its ferocious fangs almost instantly, and the thunder light flickered, entangled with the light of Yuanli, It turned into a dazzling thunder, and rushed towards Lin Dong who was sitting cross-legged on the mountain below.

The speed of the thunder mang passing by was extremely fast, almost instantly, the thunder thundered towards Lin Dong's body fiercely.

Lin Dong, who was originally sitting cross-legged, suddenly stiffened, swinging in the air like a scorched salted fish, and he could even see that he was connected to the skeleton of the lightning.

Lin Dong wanted to cry, but his unwilling cry came out amidst the thunder and lightning, "Brother, you lied, is this a pain?"

"I feel like a billion pains." Wu Yun smiled evilly .

Xiao Diao and Er Hu, who were hiding in the distance, watched the thunder fall, and they all lowered their bodies, frightened like kittens.

"Hurry up and practice the exercises." Wu Yun reminded him.

Lin Dong only felt pain in every bone in his body.

Lei Mang was like thousands of tiny thunder lights, wrapping around his body.

After recovering a little bit of thinking, he quickly started to practice the Great Sun Thunder Body.

As the kung fu worked, the unique golden energy of the Great Sun Thunder Body covered his body, directly melting the thunder light into it, and then penetrated into all the pores of Lin Dong's body.

Thunder and lightning entered the body, and severe pain suddenly erupted without warning. The flesh and blood cells in the body seemed to shrink violently under this stimulation!

On the other side, similarly, Wu Yun had already stretched out all the pores of his body, allowing the force of thunder to wash his body, and severe pain filled every corner of his body inside and out.

Afterwards, a low and painful roar finally came out from Wu Yun's throat uncontrollably, and his fists hit the ground in front of him fiercely, shaking the hard rock out of cracks.

Different from Lin Dong's Great Sun Lightning Body, which was specially created to resist lightning strikes, the God Elephant Suppressing Prison Strength basically relies on hard resistance to absorb thunder.

However, the advantage of this is that the body can gradually become immune to thunder. Every particle in the body has the power of thunder. When the mammoth particles are cultivated, they even have the attribute of lightning, becoming a stronger thunder mammoth.

"Chi Chi!" On the

top of the mountain, Lei Mang turned into a hedgehog-like light group, tightly wrapping the bodies of Wu Yun and Lin Dong. Within a radius of 20 feet, the Thunder Snake shuttled across the ground, There were continuous subtle explosion sounds, and even some gravels were blasted into dust.

Xiao Diao Xiaoyan and the others ran away in fright.

The thunder light flickered, and within the thunder and lightning, Wu Yun's purple-gold light and Lin Dong's golden light were faintly visible. Although subtle, they became stronger at a slow speed. Moreover, as the light of the two became stronger, That trace of domineering Lei Mang is gradually merging with their bodies.

As more and more thunder power was absorbed, the severe pain finally subsided quickly, and

their bodies seemed to be beginning to adapt.

"The physical body has become stronger!"

"It's just a thunderbolt, and the benefits are so obvious."

Wu Yun was pleasantly surprised when he saw the purple-gold light glowing on his skin.

On the other hand, the same is true for Lin Dong, who has even benefited more than Wu Yun.

The body already has a faint bronze color.

This means that his body is getting stronger, heading towards the first heavy copper thunder body of the Great Sun Thunder Body.

"Hey, big brother, let's continue!"

Lin Dong, who had tasted the sweetness, didn't need anyone to urge him this time, and took the initiative to find the second thunder.


Another thicker thunderbolt fell.

Strains of the Great Sun Thunder Yuan fused with the power of thunder were devoured by Lin Dong's body frantically, and under this kind of devouring, Lin Dong could also feel that his body, both inside and outside, seemed to be gradually changing. Being strengthened, this feeling is extremely obvious and clear, and he can even vaguely feel that the power surging in the muscles is increasing bit by bit.

Seeing Lin Dong who was enthusiastic about cultivation, Wu Yun also swallowed his saliva, he couldn't lose to his younger brother.


Wu Yun also led the second thunderbolt to fall.

This time the speed of absorption was faster than the previous one, the two brothers competed for each other, one was holding a black ancient halberd, the other was holding a pink short knife, they were both pointing to the sky, continuously attracting the thunder to fall.

The degree of madness of the two of them did not take Lei Ting seriously at all, as if it was not the thunder that made people tremble with fear, but a beautiful and delicious beauty.

"Brother, give me this thunderbolt!"

"Second brother, this thunderbolt is too thick, I'm afraid you won't be able to grasp it, so let elder brother do it!"

As his body got used to the power of thunder, Wu Yun felt that the five natal spirit houses in Niwan Palace had some movements, and they seemed to have sensed the power of thunder.

Gathering effect!

Devouring power!

Wu Yun immediately thought that his natal talisman was now mainly for cultivating the original spirit-gathering rune and the original devouring rune, and possessed the simplified version of both.

"Then give it a try and see if you can devour the thunder."

Wu Yun opened the Niwan Palace directly, and five natal talismans appeared, feeling the terrifying power of thunder around them. All the strength was absorbed, then swallowed, and injected into Wu Yun's body.

Lin Dong looked sideways, watching the thunder power being plundered by his elder brother, like a whale swallowing him, he was also anxious, now is the time to practice to the climax.

It was so enjoyable, of course he didn't want to stop.

"Brother, I want to try your method!"

He was so excited, Niwan Palace opened, and four talismans of natal life also appeared, and together with Wu Yun, they swept away the thunder on the top of the mountain.

Razer danced wildly, but they were all swallowed by the vortex formed by the two.


This is, is it going to be the sky... Xiao Diao looked at it from a distance and was stupefied

. On the ground, the hedgehog-like thunder light group began to weaken slowly, and Wu Yun and Lin Dong, who were in it, the light on the surface of their bodies became more and more intense. On their skins, there were some gray-black spots. Impurities are expelled.

Finally, after Wu Yun and Lin Dong each absorbed seven or eight thunderbolts, the thundercloud above the mountain was finally squeezed dry by the two of them, and there were no more thunderstorms falling around.

Instead, it rained suddenly.

It seemed that Thundercloud was also crying.

Just in time, the torrential rain slowly washed away the impurities on their bodies.

With the skin underneath exposed, traces of a very light blue color permeated Lin Dong's body, looking like bronze.

But Wu Yun's is the color of purple gold, and the particles in his body seem to be surging, full of vitality.

He is one step closer to becoming a giant elephant particle.

"Let's start the minesweeping operation!"

Wu Yun saw that there were more thunder clouds gathering in front of him, and the tops of the mountains were covered with darkness, and he became interested in an instant.

Lin Dong was also full of fighting spirit. According to this progress, he would be able to cultivate the Bronze Thunder Body in a few days.

"Baiyun, Xiaoyan, you should hunt monsters around, don't run too far."

Wu Yun's spiritual power transmitted the voice to the two tigers.

The tiger brothers and sisters are here to watch them practice, and they can't sit still, and they are still trembling. It's better to let them go around and harm other monsters, and experience and grow.

"Let's go, second brother, let's go on to the next mountain." The

two rushed to the next mountain peak together.

Next, let the thunder tremble!

Brother Minesweeper game, just started!