The Crazy Little Diao, Lin Dong Who Admires It

Wu Yun waved his hands, and a streak of purple and silver light suddenly swayed away, as if possessing the power of the sky. The powerful and fierce feeling caused the faces of Di Teng and Liu Hui who were closest to him to change drastically.

He never expected that Wu Yun would suddenly take out such a knife full of destructive aura.

They want to escape, but there is already an incomparably majestic aura locked on them, just like facing the thunder and heavenly power when the thunder source crystal beast was promoted just now, they have no desire to resist at all, and there is nowhere for that kind of crisis. can escape.

They used the strongest means to defend themselves one after another. Yuan force surged out frantically, forming layers of energy shields on their bodies. Lingbao level knife to block.

However, the blade of the purple silver light instantly illuminated the drowsy sky, passed through their bodies, and cut straight through the sky.

It was such a simple and unpretentious knife, but it was like a meteor passing by, shining brightly in the sky on the top of the mountain for a moment, and then disappeared!

Until the sword light disappears into the sky!

Di Teng and Liu Hui's bodies just started to move, and their upper body fell freely.

Their bodies were cut in half, including the long knives in their hands.

The fracture is smooth and smooth!

As you can imagine, the sharpness of this knife!

On the top of the mountain, gradually quiet down!

All members of the Di and Liu families perished, and the Lightning Crystal Beast also died unwillingly under the continuous attacks of Xiao Diao and Lin Dong!

"Brother, your saber!"

Lin Dong looked at the saber in Wu Yun's hand in surprise and shock. It seemed to be more fragrant than the Lei Yuan in his hand. It was a peerless treasure at first glance!

"Not for sale!"

Wu Yun replied with a smile!

"Brother, when did you get this knife? According to my experience, I have never seen such a wonderful weapon!" Xiao Diao also floated over, looked at it carefully, and was amazed.

Xiao Diao was very puzzled, Brother Reincarnation, why did he suddenly have such a powerful knife, full of thunder power on it, the key is that there is no trace of artificial carving at all, as if it was made by nature.

It is extraordinary at first glance!

"Hey, during the battle on the top of the mountain just now, I suddenly got it from the huge rock that burst open!"

Wu Yun laughed, feeling very good at the moment, and made up a reason indiscriminately.

Anyway, they were all fighting just now, and no one noticed.

The Lei Ling Tian Knife suddenly diverted the attention of Xiao Diao and Lin Dong from Lei Yuan.

"Brother, did you know that this saber is in Leiyuan Mountain?" Lin Dong asked boldly.

Otherwise, how could it be so easy to pick up such a powerful sword.

Why didn't Di Teng and Liu Hui find it!

It seems that this knife is here waiting for the big brother to come and get it.

"How is it possible? Your elder brother and I are not a fortune teller. How could I know that there is a treasured sword here? It's purely a coincidence, it's all a chance!" Wu Yun vowed.

However, Lin Dong and Xiao Diao didn't believe it at all.

Wu Yun was playing with the Lei Lingtian Knife, not to mention other things, the texture of this knife is extremely comfortable.

Hold it, as if there is a force tightly attached to your palm, which can connect with your mind.

At this moment, the thunderous sword was still shining brightly.

Soon under the control of Wu Yun's Yuanli, it shrank into a miniature purple-silver knife, only the size of a palm, and looked like a transparent knife-shaped pendant.

Both Lin Dong and Xiao Diao watched this scene in amazement.

Even the dull Baiyun and Xiaoyan were stunned.

In fact, even Wu Yun himself thought it was very strange.

The Thunder Spirit Sky Knife is not made of anything, it is a natural knife embryo, conceived in the thunder, it has spirituality itself, or it is a novel and special creature, the knife spirit!

It can become bigger or smaller according to Wu Yun's thoughts.

Change it into the most suitable shape and size as you like.

"This is simply a love knife in a dream!"

Wu Yun thought with joy in his heart.

At the same time, when Wu Yun was stroking the blade excitedly, a lively and excited idea was conveyed to his mind.

No words, just a thought full of excitement.

The hazy consciousness from Lei Ling Tian Dao.

It is releasing closeness and joy to Wu Yun.

It's amazing.

The blade even gently rubbed against Wu Yun's palm, just like Bai Yun rubbing his head against Wu Yun. On the surface, it seemed that Wu Yun was stroking the blade, but the blade could move by itself.

It seemed to be rolling in Wu Yun's palm!

Be naughty and cheerful like a child!

I don't know if it will be able to transform into a human form when it grows stronger in the future... Wu Yun thought in a thoughtful way, this is not surprising, in this world, even monsters can transform into human form when they grow to a certain level.

To a certain extent, this saber fetus also has a life of wisdom!

If he turned into a human,

would he be Daolang? Or the sword girl?

Wu Yun fantasized about it!

When you see something you like, you will subconsciously think of a bunch of follow-ups about it.

Just like when Wu Yun saw his first love Bingbing in the video in his previous life, at that time, his heart was full of Bingbing, and he even thought about the child's name.

It's a pity that Bingbing went to a big city later and became a host, glamorous, but he accidentally traveled to this world!

"I hope you will become Daolang in the future. After all, you will fight side by side with me and become my indispensable partner."

Wu Yun thought so in his heart.

But when he thought of the expectations he had given to Baiyun back then, he sighed, Baiyun is still his mother's in the end!

"Let's give you a name too!"

Wu Yun was thinking, what name should he give Lei Lingtian Knife?

Lin Dong and Xiao Diao started a conversation through voice transmission secretly.

Lin Dong: "Third Brother, do you think that this saber of Eldest Brother is really an accidental acquisition?"

There is such a possibility, he always has a little doubt!

This kind of place is not very unusual. If there is such a precious sword, then the Thunder Origin Crystal Beast has been here for so many years, will it be possible to find out that even monster beasts can control weapons when they reach the Qi Creation Realm.

Xiao Diao: "Brother is just lying to a kid like you, Brother 2. You have to know that he is a big boss of reincarnation.

Hehe, just now, I have actually connected everything. This knife is actually Big Brother's!

Or maybe it's from Big Brother's previous life."

Xiao Diao was serious, and transmitted the sound with a confident face.

"When I found out that my eldest brother was a reincarnation, I was puzzled. How could there be a reincarnation boss in Qingyang Town, which is so remote and ordinary, with nothing at all.

This is the problem?

There must be a reason for my eldest brother to choose this place for reincarnation. Yes .

When I found the map of the ancestral talisman in the Talisman Master Tower, I already began to doubt which map was left on purpose by my elder brother in my previous life!

At that time, I was surprised that the little Great Yan Dynasty, such a lonely How could there be information about the ancestor talisman in the place where it was smelled.

Nirvana is already a place where the ceiling is, and there can be no ancestor talisman master!

Who would leave such important information here?

Why stay here?

Stay here and wait for who will pick it up?

Waiting for someone destined?

That is the ancestral talisman, if you don't pass it on to your own people, who would be willing to give it to someone who is destined!

If it were you, would you be willing to give the stone talisman to someone you don't know?

Therefore, this message must be an opportunity that the elder brother left for himself before his reincarnation.

In his last life, he was the master of two ancestral symbols! "

"I was only skeptical at the time, not sure, because you found out the method of cultivating the ancient swirl talisman to open the natal talisman of the spiritual map.

But then I found out that my elder brother had mastered too many complicated arcane runes, and this ancient swirl rune is so familiar to my elder brother, maybe it was just something he had used before.

Also, why is the eldest brother so familiar with the tomb mansion and the owner of the tomb mansion when he was alive, so he let everyone move in without any scruples.

Let everyone pay homage to the owner of the tomb.

Just relying on him to get the inheritance from the owner of the tomb mansion, do you want to deceive everyone?

I suspect that the owner of the tomb is an old friend who was very close to the elder brother in his previous life.

Otherwise, why would this be the case for a strange dead ancient man.

Even if the eldest brother really got someone else's inheritance, but it was only a Nirvana inheritance, with the personality of the eldest brother, it would not be so close to him for this reason.

And it is impossible to say that a dead person can bring any incomparable benefits to the elder brother, kindness, right?

Finally, now, why did Big Brother bring us here?

I think it's a coincidence to fight for the source of thunder. The real purpose of the big brother is to come here to pick up the knife.

This knife is probably also sealed here in his previous life.

Otherwise, I don't believe that the little Great Yan Dynasty would have so many heaven-defying treasures.

It can't afford it!

Along the way, it seems that there is a kind of arrangement in the dark.

The roads we traveled were all designed by the eldest brother before reincarnation. "

Xiao Diao is logically self-consistent and convincing! He

uttered these shocking words. The

key point is that Lin Dong fell into deep thought after listening to it. He thought

carefully about what his elder brother did along the way.

It seems that they were all arranged . It's good.

Wherever he goes, the eldest brother can get endless benefits.

Lin Dong was's too scary, is this the boss of the reincarnation!

I used to hear Xiao Diao say that he was extremely scary, and he treated the reincarnation even more. I don't have a clear concept.

Now, I finally know how powerful the reincarnation is. It's terrifying to

think about it!

" "Hiss, Xiao Diao, you said that I got the stone charm, or that you fell into Qingyang Town, will you also be with my elder brother?" Arranging. "Lin Dong said in shock.

Xiao Diao: "This, it should be impossible. It has been a long time since I got the stone talisman, and I am also in an extraordinary position in the Tianyao Diao clan. Even if the elder brother is a reincarnation, I should I can't arrange for the Sky Demon Sable Clan to go up, not to mention that when I ran for my life, I didn't know where I ran to.

Shifu and me should still be a coincidence!

As for why the eldest brother is willing to let you control the stone talisman, maybe there is something deep in it.

But it's too late to say anything now, just hang out with the big brother, don't play tricks in front of people like the big brother, he grew up playing tricks, we can't play it.

Besides, there is no need for the elder brother to play with us. If he wanted to harm us, he would have already made a move. Why bother to take us with us?

I think, big brothers also need friends, after all, a person is always lonely, big brother may really treat us as brothers.

We must cherish this opportunity.

As for Big Brother's secret, let's pretend we don't know it, and don't inquire about it.

The big brother who should tell us will definitely tell us, and it must be for our own good if he shouldn't tell us. Our level still doesn't allow us to know too many secrets.

In short, following the big brother, the benefits are indispensable.

Am I right?

Lin Dong was deeply convinced, "Well, when it comes to dealing with people and things, my eldest brother has always been very kind! "