Strong Physique, Two Feet to Suppress Both Male and Female Crocodiles

bang bang bang! ! !

Waves of waves came from the energy barrier, and the sound of monsters hitting the barrier seemed to hit everyone's heart.

In the pitch-black mist, only the red eyes of animals could be seen. They walked around the energy barrier, hitting the barrier from time to time.

In an instant, hundreds of monsters gathered outside the formation.

"I didn't expect these two leopard and crocodile kings to have a good appeal, and they were able to call so many monsters to besiege and kill you!"

Wu Yun sighed quietly, but seeing that most of these monsters were from the Yuandan realm, he said I feel relieved a lot.

The formation he made up temporarily can block the attacks of the Yuandan realm, but it can barely support the attacks of the Formation realm.

Even so, this has shocked the people of Eagle Martial Arts.

There are very few people who know the formation method, and most of the formation masters are relatively mysterious.

Now that Wu Yun just fiddled with one, he was able to block the herd of beasts. He was truly a hero born out of a youth, which was admirable.

After these monsters collided for a long time, but still failed to break the formation, everyone in the barrier finally let go of their concerns.

Not so tense anymore.

"Brother Wu Yun is really good at fighting off the herd of beasts."

"This is equivalent to fighting against hundreds of monsters with the strength of one person."

"I didn't expect such a monster to survive today, it all depends on Wu Brother Yun."


The people in the Eagle Martial Arts Hall sighed from the bottom of their hearts.

They are more confident to survive tonight's crisis.

"Brother Wu Yun, don't worry, I, Jiang Lei, will keep in mind the great kindness you have shown me in the Eagle Martial Arts Hall today. When I return to the city, I will definitely return the brother's loss twice as much today."

Jiang Lei said excitedly, he saw the tens of thousands of pure yuan pills thrown out by Wu Yun before, which was a fortune.

Of course, Jiang Lei felt that it was worth it to be able to use these to hold the lives of the martial arts brothers.

Equally excited was Jiang Xue who was standing beside her.

At this moment, Wu Yun's image in her heart became taller.

Everything he did was in line with the style of an expert.

It was as if they were the savior sent by heaven to save their martial arts school.

For Jiang Xue, the martial arts hall occupies a huge place in her heart, and Wu Yun's rescue is a kind of rebuilding grace for her.

She could no longer think of how to repay Wu Yun's kindness.


Baiyun let out a cry of grievance.

Xiao Yinyin looked at the ferocious and terrifying monsters outside the formation, and because she was too nervous, she hugged Bai Yun tightly in her arms.


There was a violent roar, and the ground suddenly trembled. Immediately afterwards, two extremely fierce auras appeared in the mist.

"Mist Leopard Crocodile King!"

"They are coming!"

People became nervous again.

The real test is coming, if you can survive, it depends on whether this formation can block the attacks of these two leopard and crocodile kings.

Their huge shadows became more and more obvious in the mist, and finally turned into two huge and ferocious monsters, appearing under the light of the fire.

Through the energy barrier, looking at the red and cruel pupils of the two ferocious monsters, the hearts of everyone in the Eagle Martial Arts Hall started beating violently.

The delicate body of Jiang Xue who was in front also trembled slightly.

"Don't worry, it's just two monsters from the Formation Realm."

Wu Yun spoke comforting words, his voice was unusually stable, which eased the tension of the people in the Eagle Martial Arts Gym.

However, Wu Yun had just finished speaking.

"Roar! Roar!"

Among the group of monsters surrounded by the formation, the two ferocious leopard and crocodile kings uttered an earth-shattering roar.

This roar was extremely ear-piercing, like the roar of a leopard, like the cry of a crocodile, mixed together, it was able to penetrate the energy barrier, making the listener's eardrums ache and his eyes dizzy.

In an instant, the people in the formation raised their hearts to their throats again.

It's a bit of a slap in the face!

"This leopard crocodile can actually perform some mental attacks..." A

strange look flashed across Wu Yun's eyes. This was the first time he had encountered a monster that could perform spiritual attacks. It's not worth mentioning, but with a flick of the finger, an invisible wave swayed out without a trace, directly offsetting the sound wave containing spiritual power.


The blood-red pupils of the two leopard crocodile kings, full of anger, stared at the people in the formation, and slammed into the energy barrier.

The other monsters also followed, attacking the barrier together.

The energy barrier swayed violently.

Judging by the situation, the formation barrier couldn't last a few times.

Everyone looked at Wu Yun one after another. Now he is the only hope.

However, Wu Yun was not panicked.

The purpose of his formation was not to defend against these two form-forming monsters, but to protect the weak in these martial arts halls.

"I'll let you try it out, how is my current physical strength!"

Wu Yun stared at the two leopard crocodile kings, seeing their rough skin and thick flesh, he had the idea of ​​using them to practice his hands.

His spiritual power surged out, and a wonderful and complicated original boundary rune took shape.

While waiting for the two leopard crocodile kings to collide with the energy barrier again, Wu Yun played the boundary rune, and a crack appeared on the barrier.

The two leopard crocodile kings went straight through the barrier and rushed in.

Wu Yun stretched out his hands, the muscles of his arms swelled, and the purple light shone from his skin. A calm and majestic aura erupted from his body, blocking everyone like a mountain.

bang bang!

Grab the two leopard crocodile kings with both hands, drag them to the ground violently, and then step on them firmly one by one.

The scene is very spectacular!

Compared with the two giant leopard and crocodile kings, Wu Yun's body can only be described as tiny.

Just like ants shaking a tree.

Standing on top of the two giant beasts, Wu Yun actually made the two leopard and crocodile kings, known for their strength, unable to move or turn over.

Is he that heavy?

How could that small body burst out with a weight capable of suppressing the two beasts!


Not to mention the people from the Eagle Martial Arts Academy, even Lin Dong, who was accompanying him after seeing it, said in his heart ~ good guy.


Leopard Crocodile King wanted to roar, but it was as if a mountain was pressing on him, and it was difficult to breathe.

The earth is sinking!

The two leopard crocodile kings tried to resist, gathering the strength in their bodies to roll over and knock the people on them flying.

However, Wu Yun just sneered all over his body, the male body was fully activated, and the idol's prison power was running. All the so-called particles in the body burst out with strength comparable to that of a giant elephant

. sink into the ground.

Male body, giant elephant particles, so terrifying!

Jiang Lei and the others were stunned.

Where have they seen such a perverted physique.

Even Wu Yun himself had a new understanding of his physical strength.

The weight of the male body plus the giant elephant particles is more than 10,000 jun.

Truly comparable to the weight of a mountain.

The Xiongyue body is so powerful, it is completely conceivable that the ultimate version of the prison-suppressing god body can really suppress hell!


Everyone in the energy barrier felt a pressure, and their breathing became heavier.

Wu Yun's physique is not only to increase his own weight, but also to form a certain gravity field.

With him as the center, gravity will increase around him.

The air was suddenly quiet!

The people in the formation didn't dare to breathe. At first, two leopard crocodile kings broke in suddenly, so nervous that they couldn't speak, and then Wu Yun pulled them easily and stepped on them. They were so shocked that they had nothing to say. Said, followed by the extension of the gravity field, and the compressed breath was not smooth.

Outside the formation, the wild monsters were dumbfounded.

Their king rushed in ferociously, and for some reason got under people's feet and couldn't get up.

They were stunned and stared blankly, because outside the formation, they couldn't sense the suppression of gravity.

I just felt that the two bosses got into the soles of that person's shoes.

For a while, he didn't know whether to continue attacking the formation barrier, or to yell for the boss, or to run for his life.

"Let you, call out!"

Wu Yun squatted down, and slapped the male and female leopard crocodile kings one by one.


Two forceful papas directly stunned the two beast kings.


The surrounding monsters took half a step back.

Beasts: "⊙▽⊙"