Ancient Sword Gate Exclusive Auction

The formation principle of this stone sword is actually the same as that of Fu Puppet, it is driven by Yuan Force to launch a powerful attack.

However, its attack is much more powerful than the puppet talisman, and it can withstand a huge amount of energy.

But compared to Fu Puppet, it is like a fort formation, unable to move by itself, and very inflexible.

Even with a high-grade Qiankun bag, it is impossible to take away the huge stone sword of tens of feet.

After Wu Yun's investigation, he was happy because he already understood the principle of this formation.

It is divided into inner formation and outer formation. The outer formation is a supplement to the inner formation, and its function is to gather the energy of many people.

But for this part, Wu Yun can completely replace it with the original spirit-gathering rune, the effect is even more convenient and practical than this outer formation, and this outer formation can also be arranged by Wu Yun, so this part can be discarded.

Wu Yun only needs to take away the most complex core formation foundation inside, and then find a talisman with a strong foundation, and integrate it into the talisman to perfectly reproduce the sword formation.

The core array base is in this stone sword, and its function is the most critical part, transforming Yuanli into sword energy, sword light and other powerful sword attacks.

There are not only runes, but also special arrays and materials that Wu Yun has never seen before. It is a magical material that contains sword charm and spirituality.

Wu Yun took out the Thunder Spirit Sword, and stroked it along the lines of the stone sword.

This stone sword is very hard, and it cannot be destroyed by ordinary good luck attacks. Wu Yun understood its structure through the Ziji Demon Eye, and coupled with the penetrating nature of the Lei Lingtian Knife, he was able to peel off its stone shell bit by bit. peel off.

The huge stone sword of tens of feet was gradually reduced by Wu Yun as if carved.

Finally, what Wu Yun wanted was revealed. It was a black stone about the size of an arm and slightly shaped like a sword, but it didn't seem to be completely shaped like a sword.

It looked more like a small, fat sword.

It is covered with complex formation runes and other lines, those lines are not like artificial carvings, but natural formations!

Just laying it quietly like this, this small black stone sword can also emit a series of weak sword lights, shooting around indiscriminately.

This is a spiritual stone fetus, or a sword fetus.

Wu Yun played a sealing talisman and stuck it on the stone tire, and immediately its energy became less violent and completely restrained.

This thing can be used as the core material for Wu Yun to refine talisman puppets and arrange formations in the future.

Possess infinite plasticity.

The only deacon of the ancient sword sect witnessed Wu Yun's actions with his own eyes, and was horrified in his heart, and he didn't dare to show any act of resistance.

This stone sword is the most sacred foundation for the ancient sword sect. When exploring this stone sword, the elders of the three major Qi creation realms failed to leave a trace on this stone sword.

Now it was easily stripped by this young man!

It is enough to prove that this young man is so powerful and terrifying!

"Hey, big brother, the harvest is not small!"

Lin Dong flew over with a smile on his face, his waist was full of Qiankun bags.

"There are nearly a million pure yuan pills alone, and there are dozens of various spirit treasures, including three high-level spirit treasures, kung fu, martial arts, and many antiques. Even Xiao Diao is laughing. ..."

He excitedly transmitted the voice to Wu Yun, and he took over all the details of a sect, and the collection and wealth in it were no less than that of the ancient tomb mansion last time.

The Ancient Sword Sect has been entrenched in the ancient ruins for many years, and they have found a lot of ancient things, some of which even the people of the Ancient Sword Sect can't see the clues.

But in front of a master at Xiao Mink's level, he can recognize any good things.

Lin Dong almost ransacked the whole treasury.

With a lot of harvest, the two brothers left the ancient sword gate.


[Ding, the sign-in location has been refreshed, please go to the big puppet city to sign in! ]

After leaving the ancient sword gate, Wu Yun received the next check-in task from the system.

Big puppet city!

This is an important city in the center of Dahuang County.

This big puppet city is enough to rank among the top five among all the big cities in Dahuang County. Its scale is unimaginable for ordinary people, and this city is only about two days away from the ancient stele of Dahuang County. ,,

They also need to pass through here if they want to go to the ancient monument of the Great Desolation, so it can be regarded as a side trip.

And they just ransacked the ancient sword gate, and got a lot of unusable skills, martial arts, spirit treasures and other miscellaneous treasures.

Carrying these things on your body, even if you put them in the universe bag, you need dozens of intermediate-level and above universe bags, which is quite troublesome, so you need to find a big city to sell this batch of treasures and replace them with pure yuan pills that are easy to carry.

The big puppet city is just right.

On the way to the big puppet city, they found out that in the next few days, there will be a grand auction in the big puppet city.

A large-scale auction that can be promoted some time in advance must be large in scale, and many treasures will definitely appear.

The most important thing is that many of the things they obtained in the ancient sword gate this time are worth tens of thousands of pure yuan pills.

These things can be arranged at the auction.

The auction can basically sell these treasures for half or even double the usual price.

"Haha, brother, the auction in the big puppet city is prepared for the ancient sword gate. If we sell half of these things at the auction, we can turn this auction into an exclusive auction for the ancient sword gate.

" The Qiankun bag, Lin Dong was proud of the spring breeze, and he couldn't help laughing.

"Looks like I can't keep a low profile this time!" Wu Yun also shook his head with a smile on his face.

In the past, Wu Yun would not have chosen to act in such a high-profile manner, but after obtaining the blood of the sky, his temperament seemed to change invisibly.

Everyone likes to appear in front of others!

Once he has thoughts of suppressing his heart, he will be faintly rejected by his body's hegemony.

Obscene development is not the style of domineering blood.

Domineering blood is born to take the path of domineering and invincible.

Forbearance will only silence Tyrant Blood!

The crazier and more domineering, the more he can stimulate the potential of domineering blood.

This style of doing things as he pleases is also a way of life that Wu Yun yearns for very much.

Wu Yun: "Let's go, this time the big puppet city should also have a good harvest, and your Tianlin ancient halberd is still a semi-finished product. Although it has my additional rune blessing, it can barely reach the level of high-level spiritual treasures, but it has always been It's still almost meaningless, this time I went to the city to buy the materials needed for the ancient halberd, find a talisman master, refine the ancient halberd completely, and match it with my runes, then I should be able to reach the top level among the high-level spiritual treasures The level is even close to the earth-level spiritual treasure."


Lin Dong nodded excitedly, he has already used the ancient Tianlin ancient halberd with ease, and an ancient dragon soul is sealed in this ancient halberd, with extremely high potential, yes Lin Dong's current strongest spirit treasure can at least accompany Lin Dong through the Three Realms of Creation!

Wu Yun: "Go to the city earlier, since we are going to auction the items."

Generally, the auction will identify and price the items to be auctioned, and then arrange the order of the auction, etc. It will take a certain amount of time. If you go late, I'm afraid that time is too tight and I can't arrange it.

Wu Yun put Baiyun on the ground and turned her into a normal form. After hugging her for so long, it's time to ride, otherwise she will become lazy.

The two rode on the tiger body and galloped across the plain.

At this moment, the two brothers are in high spirits, their blood is thick, and they are full of expectations for the future.

Blood, this is a feeling that is difficult to describe in words.

There is quite a long distance between the ancient ruins and the big puppet city. Even if they had two tigers to travel, they had to gallop non-stop for nearly seven days before they gradually entered the central area of ​​Dahuang County.

Another day later, that colossal monster crawling on the plain like an ancient beast loomed in their sights just now.

On the back of the tiger, looking at the outline of the huge city that is as large as dozens of Yancheng, their eyes are also full of shock. Compared with such a city, Yancheng where they are located has a taste of a remote country up.

Especially Lin Dong, he looked like Wu Yun in his previous life who had just entered Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou from the countryside.

People are full of longing and longing for big cities, and they always look forward to having their own place in it.

Holding Erhu in his arms again, he followed the crowded crowd into the city.

According to the information obtained, in this big puppet city, there are a huge number of forces, large and small, and they are intricate. The water simply does not know how deep it is. What the heck.

Among the many forces, there are three parties, which can be called the masters of the Great Puppet City, and these three parties are the three famous forces, the Yin Puppet Sect, the Great Demon Sect, and the Martial League.

The auction this time was organized by the Wumeng.

As the most numerous of the three major forces, the Wumeng may not be as elite as the other two, but its numbers far exceed the sum of the Yin Puppet Sect and the Great Demon Sect, and only those with extremely large connections The Wumeng was able to have such an astonishing appeal in this Great Wilderness County just now.

There are only three days left until the auction.

Wu Yun and Lin Dong went straight to the Wumeng!

"Second son, what do you need?"

A young man in Tsing Yi received them.

"We have a batch of things that we want to auction with the help of Guimeng's auction. Can you call your auction supervisor."

Lin Dong went up to negotiate politely.

The young man in Tsing Yi sized up the two of them, and saw that they were young.

There was some suspicion in his eyes, not like a rich man.

On the contrary, the maids inside all looked sideways at Wu Yun.

Now that Wu Yun has acquired the blood of the sky, his pupils have turned into bewitching purple pupils, with evil aura and aura greatly improved. It's hard not to let people notice that kind of invisible arrogance.

No matter where you are, appearance is always the first attraction.

The young servant in Tsing Yi had frivolous eyes, but he still greeted him normally,

"I'm sorry, my lords, the items for the auction have been ordered yesterday, so I can't add anything now."

During this time, there are many people who want to come to the auction Yes, but there are not many people who can come up with good things, and most of them are wasting their reception time.


Lin Dong was a little disappointed for a moment. They had already hurried on their way, but they still couldn't catch up.

"Okay, go call your supervisor, you can't decide whether you can shoot, don't waste our time!" Wu Yun said lightly.

Rules are rules, but rules are made by people, so he doesn't believe that if there is something good, the Wumeng can still refuse it.

The young man in Tsing Yi was just sending them away, somewhat disbelieving that they would be able to produce good things.

The young servant in Tsing Yi's face changed, and there were two self-righteous guys again.

"Hehe, young man, do you know what conditions are required to participate in the auction of our Wumeng?"

He whispered to the two in his somewhat arrogant tone,

"At least worth more than 10,000 pure Yuan Dan!" "Besides, now that the auction items have been set, items with at least 50,000

pure Yuan Dan can be added as an exception."

I feel that the two of them can't afford more than 50,000.

Wu Yun frowned, these brats are the most difficult to deal with, they are all snobbish, but it is not easy to see the master without passing them.

It's time to pretend!

Being low-key always delays things!

Wu Yun: "Second brother, take off your clothes!"


Lin Dong smiled and took off his coat.

In an instant, the golden light shone, and the light from the Qiankun bag almost blinded the boy in Tsing Yi's eyes.

Three laps to the left, three laps to the right!

Dozens of Qiankun Bags were hung all over Lin Dong's waist, the worst ones were the Intermediate Universe Bags, and there were more than a dozen high-level Universe Bags!

What is a local tyrant?

This is the local tyrant!

The young man in Tsing Yi stared dumbfounded, his mouth was a little dry, and he swallowed.

Regardless of whether there is really something in these Qiankun bags, the value of these dozens of Qiankun bags alone is more than 100,000 pure Yuandan.


The people who entered and exited the Wumeng next to them were all dumbfounded, and they all gasped!

The surrounding air instantly became much warmer.

It would be good for most of them to have a primary universe bag, and those who have intermediate universe bags are small local tyrants.

It is conceivable that Lin Dong's universe bag wrapped several times around his waist gave them a shock.

"Second... two young masters, the villain is stupid, I have neglected you two, please wait in the VIP room, I will call our supervisor over immediately!"

The little servant in Tsing Yi was trembling, his waist bent straight down, and his head was lowered.

The maids beside Wu Yunyan who had been greedy for a long time, hurried over to lead the way.

The effect of showing financial resources is very good, but the efficiency of handling affairs is not good.

In the VIP room, the two didn't wait for a while.

The manager of the Wumeng's auction came, a middle-aged man whose strength had reached the peak of his abilities.

"I am the supervisor of this auction, Wu Xuan, you two friends, if you need anything, you can talk to me directly."

Lin Dong put the Qiankun bags on the table one by one, "Director Wu, there are some things we need to auction. Too many, please find a few appraisers, let's talk about the auction price!"

He first took out the contents of the first Qiankun bag, which were all kinds of precious materials, followed by exercises, martial arts, and spiritual treasures. .

Wu Xuan was dumbfounded, so many good things, this is where the treasure house was looted!

He quietly looked at the two of them, trying to find out their strength.

But it's a pity that his cultivation in the Forming Realm couldn't sense Wu Yun's Yuanli Realm at all.

"Two little friends, may I ask, where did you get these things?"

"Why, can't the Wumeng eat these things?"

Wu Yun asked back with a condensed corner of his mouth.

"That's not true, it's just that our Martial Arts League is not a black market after all, and some things cannot be randomly collected." Wu Xuanlue said embarrassingly.

"Director Wu, don't worry, some of these things were scavenged by our brothers in the ancient ruins, and some were given to us by the Gu Jianmen!" Wu Yun said seriously.

They rushed to the road with all their might, and had just rushed to the Great Puppet City from the ancient ruins, so the news of the disbandment of the Ancient Sword Sect had not yet reached the Great Puppet City. It is estimated that the news will not reach here until the auction is over at least.

But it will spread sooner or later, Wu Yun doesn't really care.

So I don't mind revealing something to the Wumeng.

"Ancient Sword Gate!"

Wu Xuan repeated in surprise.

As long as he is not Shabi, he will also understand, how could Gu Jianmen give these two young people so many things.

And seeing that the two of them have so many Qiankun bags, I'm afraid they just packed all of Gu Jianmen's.

Gu Jianmen is well-known in Dahuang County, and it can be regarded as the group second only to their three major forces.

Although there are no strong fortune-tellers, ordinary strong fortune-tellers dare not easily provoke them.

The two young men in front of them were able to hand over the ancient sword gate, which is terrifying!

He didn't dare to test again, and treated Wu Yun and Lin Dong more cautiously.

"Since this is the case, we can arrange all these items. I will send the appraiser over immediately. As long as the value exceeds 10,000 pure yuan pills, they will be arranged in the auction. If the value is

less than 10,000 pure yuan pills, our Wumeng can also Accept it, the price will definitely satisfy the two of you."

"By the way, I haven't asked the two friends yet, how to call them!"

"Wu Yun!"

"Lin Dong!"

"So it's Brother Wu Yun, Brother Lin Dong, the two of you Wait a minute, I'll arrange it right away."

Soon, Wu Xuan arranged for someone to identify and classify their treasures one by one, and register them in the warehouse.

It's just Gu Jianmen, although they still don't know what happened to them and these two young people, but the things from Gu Jianmen, they Wumeng can eat.

At this moment, what interests Wu Xuan even more is the identities of Wu Yun and Lin Dong.

At such a young age, he did such a big thing of looting the sect.

Compared with the most talented martial arts madman in their martial arts league, he is not bad at all.

He immediately asked people to investigate the details of Gu Jianmen and Wu Yun.

For this kind of young man who is doing great things, he has already moved his heart to recruit him.


In the blink of an eye, three days later.

Auction starts!