The sect established under the new system

The gate of the Wumeng City!

Mu Lei and Wu Zong faced an old man dressed in sackcloth tremblingly. The two of them were holding their chests, and blood flowed from the corners of their mouths.

Just now, the old man in sackcloth just slapped the two of them and vomited blood. His strength is terrifying, far beyond the realm of creation.

For the ignorance of the two, the old man in sackcloth was very disdainful, and a powerful coercion enveloped the two of them.

In this low-level dynasty, people from remote places like the Great Desolation Sect are all frogs in the well, and they have never even heard of their name of the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace.

The old man in sackcloth is called Ma Qing, and he is the watcher of the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace. He specializes in wandering among the major dynasties, looking for talented disciples for the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace.

In Dongxuan Domain, like the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace, a super sect that surpasses the major dynasties, the way they recruit disciples is not only to choose from the Hundred Dynasties War, but also to look for them among the common people.

As long as qualified geniuses are found and successfully accepted by the sect, they will be rewarded accordingly by the sect.

It's almost like a working intermediary!

In fact, they are not even considered formal disciples of the sect.

This kind of super sect, the disciples recruited in the Hundred Dynasties War are all above the Nirvana state, and this Ma Qing is only at the Nirvana state at such an advanced age.

He is just an old employee.

Ma Qing, the area he is in charge of roaming is the counties adjacent to the Great Yan Dynasty and the Great Qing Dynasty.

Wind watchers like him, because they are backed by a powerful sect, have always had a strong sense of superiority. Although they are at the bottom of the sect, when they come to a low-level dynasty like the Dayan Dynasty, they appear to be superior .

As long as the name of the sect is mentioned, people will treat them as guests!

But today, Ma Qing's costume competition failed, because the people here didn't even know the existence of Taiqing Jiutian Palace.

"I've already heard the news that the Great Wilderness Ancient Monument is in Wumeng City, and what I'm looking for is inside the Great Wilderness Ancient Monument. You two still want to hide it from me."

Ma Qing said coldly.

"Senior, the Great Desolation Ancient Monument is now the owner's property, I'm afraid it's not right for you to go in!"

Mu Lei swallowed, and said cautiously.

"You're teaching me how to do things!" Ma Qing gave Murai a sideways look.

"Don't dare, dare not!" The

powerful coercion of the Nirvana Realm powerhouse immediately made Murai bow his body, and he didn't dare to breathe.

"Why isn't Wu Yun here yet!" Mu Lei shouted in his heart... Future son-in-law, you can show up quickly, or your father-in-law will kneel if you don't come.

Ma Qing didn't care who got the Great Desolation Ancient Monument, he just wanted to go in and find out, looking for the Devouring Ancestral Talisman.

In a low-level dynasty like the Dayan Dynasty, there is no one he can fear, even the Emperor of the Dayan Dynasty, he does not take it seriously.

Therefore, Ma Qing never thought about having an opponent at all.

In order to devour the ancestral talisman, he crossed mountains and ridges and traveled thousands of miles to Dahuang County. Naturally, he could not give up lightly, and devouring the ancestral talisman, even if he took a little risk to get it, was only worth it!

As a worker of a super sect, Ma Qing still has professional ethics, and generally would not kill innocent people indiscriminately. Seeing that the two did not cooperate, he was going to bypass them and go to the city to look for them.

The Great Desolation Ancient Monument is so big, it must not be able to hide it!

"Hoo!" A

gust of wind whistled, and the white shadow arrived with lightning.

Wu Yun has arrived.

He threw Mu Qianqian off his back, and then strode towards Ma Qing.

Glancing at Wu Zong and Mu Lei, seeing that their vitality was disordered, with blood on the corners of their mouths, he looked at Ma Qing calmly,

"You hurt them?"

Ma Qing was stupefied, he didn't expect that the visitor would be so young, but he didn't dare to be careless, he felt a strong spiritual fluctuation in Wu Yun's body, this kind of fluctuation is only produced by Tianfu master, it is enough to threaten him .

"That's right, they blocked the old man's way and prevented him from entering the city, so I taught them a lesson!"

Ma Qing said flatly. Living is not easy.

But now, Ma Qing is more interested in Wu Yun, his eyes flashed, and he said with a smile,

"You should have just broken through as a Tianfu master. You are a rare genius with such a powerful spiritual cultivation at such a young age." A character."

"Hehe, do you know who this old man is? This old man is the watcher of the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace. I think you are very talented, but it will be your supreme blessing to be able to take you to the Taiqing Palace."

When it comes to the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace, Ma Qing has a complete sense of superiority.

Taking it to the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace is a great opportunity for most people. Countless people will not be able to get in if they squeeze their heads. Even if they have participated in the Hundred Dynasties War through life and death, they may not be selected by the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace. .

But Wu Yun was not moved, he even did the most outstanding disciple of Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace, how could he be valued by this little wind watcher.

Now that the old man in sackcloth hits his person, Wu Yun will naturally fight back. He said flatly, "Let's not talk about luck, but I see that your seal is black today, and there must be a bloody disaster!"

Ma Qing: "Boy, you Don't be ignorant of flattery!"

"Take back what you just said, I can think you are ignorant, and I won't hold you accountable!"

"You know the status of the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace, compared with the Great Yan Dynasty you belong to, even mentioning it The shoes don't match."

Wu Yun: "It's not that I don't know how to praise, but that you are too self-righteous. Although I don't know how powerful the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace is, I know that you are definitely not that powerful. Even if the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace is really as high as you say, but With your strength, you must be a mere fish in the Zongmen, and an old meddlesome fish at the same time."

The old man in sackcloth was only at the Nirvana realm, and he could pretend to be better in the Yan Dynasty, but he really rose to the top. At the level of super sects such as Jiutian Taiqing Palace, he can be regarded as a passerby at best.

You must know that the new disciples who can be recruited by those super sects after participating in the Hundred Dynasties War are at least above the Nirvana Realm, and they are all very young.

"Boy, you have successfully angered me, you will pay for your ignorance, but you have just been promoted to a talisman master, so you dare to be so arrogant.

You have no idea how vast this world is, maybe you are still in the Great Yan Dynasty You are number one, but compared to the real super sect disciples, you are just an ordinary genius."

Ma Qing was furious, he was poked at a pain point, the reality is like this, in Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace, he is a Miscellaneous fish!

However, he has been wandering between the dynasties as an envoy of the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace, which has made him lose himself. He really feels that he can represent the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace, and no one can offend him.

"Let me teach you how to be a human being today!"

Ma Qing shouted coldly, and instantly powerful Nirvana Yuanli gushed out from her body, grabbing Wu Yun across the air.

Accompanied by Ma Qing's grasp, the energy of heaven and earth around Wu Yun's body solidified almost instantly, directly forming a prison of energy composed of the condensed energy of heaven and earth, engulfing Wu Yun's body. bound.

The reason why the strong above the Nirvana Realm can crush the Creation Realm is because they can mobilize the power of heaven and earth.

After restraining Wu Yun, Ma Qing smiled and was about to give Wu Yun a palm.

"That's it!"

Wu Yun pursed his lips lightly, and immediately a burst of power erupted from his body, blood slowly flowing, and streaks of purple light converged on his fist.


With a punch, the Zijin light burst out brightly, and the prison of Yuanli collapsed immediately.

Wu Yun didn't even need to use mental strength, just physical strength was enough to deal with the opponent.

"What a strong body!"

Ma Qing was horrified. He thought Wu Yun was just mentally strong, but he didn't expect his body to be so strong.

"Hmph, there's something, but it's not enough!"

Ma Qing made an appeal again, the fiery red power of nirvana surged, and a huge lotus palm print descended from the sky, suppressing Wu Yun.

"Taiqing swallows the palm of the sky!" Ma Qing yelled violently.

Just the aura of that palm print, one can know that it is good luck level martial arts, and it is not just ordinary low-level good fortune.

"The Great Wilderness imprisons the sky with one finger, and one finger imprisons the world!"

"Two fingers shatter mountains and rivers!"

Wu Yun's Zijin Yuanli burst out, and he also quickly displayed his powerful martial arts, directly performing two moves.

Murray, Wu Zong and others had already evacuated the people around them, and retreated frantically, leaving room for the two to fight.

The terrifying fluctuation of Yuanli was even more frightening than before in the Yin Puppet City.

Two purple-golden giant fingers collided with the giant lotus palm, and there was a bang, and the world outside the city gate exploded violently, and the solid city wall collapsed directly due to the force of the collision.

"It seems that I still underestimated you!"

"Look at the sword!"

Ma Qing took out a big blue sword, the blue light on it was generous, and it was extremely frightening. At first glance, it was not an ordinary Lingbao. A powerful sword glow emerged.

"Hiss, the power of this sword, could it be an earth-level spirit treasure?"

Wumeng swallowed, the earth-level spirit treasure is a more powerful weapon than the high-level spirit treasure.


"Earth-level spiritual treasure, you are not the only one!"

Wu Yun had already summoned the Thunder Spirit Heaven Knife in his dantian, gathered his energy, and used the good fortune-level knife technique in the Great Desolation Emperor Code.

"Dahuang Ji Po Knife!"

"Ling Yun, Po Ji!" The

blade expanded infinitely, almost covering the sky and the earth, and shot straight into the sky. A purple-gold knife light seemed to have reached Ma Qing, fully occupying his pupils.

This was Wu Yun's first battle against a Nirvana-level powerhouse, but the strength of the old man in sackcloth was only slightly stronger than when the Blood Spirit Puppet was just released.

There is no need for Wu Yun to make a full shot.

"Dang!" The

cyan sword light was directly split into two, and Wu Yun's sword light continued to cut towards Ma Qing unabated.

"Qingxuan lotus armor!"

Ma Qing's face changed drastically, and a cyan armor immediately appeared on her body, which was also an armor of the earth-level spirit treasure level.

However, how could Wu Yun's sword glow be so easy to defend against? The Lei Lingtian sword's biggest feature is armor-piercing.


I saw that the green armor on Ma Qing's body was broken by the sword light, and it was directly split into two pieces.

Frightened eyes finally appeared in Ma Qing's eyes, Yuan Li roared out, forming a shield of Yuan Li in an instant, and a large amount of fiery red light emerged from the body.

Those who are strong in the nirvana state have a nirvana body, which is one of their signs. The physical strength is much stronger than that in the good fortune state.

But Wu Yun's sword light still approached inch by inch until it broke his Nirvana body.

In the end, the terrifying power of the sword light dissipated.

But this is just the light of the sword, the infinitely extended Lei Lingtian knife in Wu Yun's hand, the tip of the silver light purple knife has already pressed against his neck.

Ma Qing subconsciously swallowed his saliva, and his surging Adam's apple suddenly touched the tip of the knife that was shining with thunder.

The slight pain, the feeling of being slightly numb by the thunder and lightning, made Ma Qing stand still for an instant, not daring to move at all, and drips of sweat dripped from his forehead.

"You can't kill me, I'm from Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace, I..."

Ma Qing said tremblingly, but Wu Yun's indifferent eyes made him shut up immediately.

"I told you, you have a bloodbath today."

Wu Yun spun the sky knife in his hand, the blade turned the back of the knife, and slapped Ma Qing down from the sky.


Ma Qing fell to the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you!"

Wu Yun put away the Lei Lingtian knife and said in a firm tone, reassuring Ma Qing.

Even though he was a piece of shit, the other party was considered her family after all, so Wu Yun wouldn't be so cruel.

Besides, what Ma Qing did was not too much, it was just hurting someone, and now Wu Yun patted him vomiting blood, which was to pay for Mu Lei and Wu Zong.

Then Wu Yun stretched out his hand, snatched Ma Qing's Qiankun bag, threw it to Mu Lei, and said,

"Let's see what treasures are there, and then fill them into the sect's treasury!"

"Yes, suzerain!" Murai was overjoyed, Quickly continued, this is a universe bag for a strong Nirvana realm.

Ma Qing's mouth twitched, but he didn't dare to speak.

"Aren't you going to enter the Great Desolation Ancient Monument? Come with me!" Wu Yun landed on Bai Yun again and said to Ma Qing.

Ma Qing got up from the ground and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. He was a little at a loss, not knowing which song Wu Yun was singing.

Wu Yun took him to the square of the headquarters of the Wumeng League, where the ancient stele of the Great Desolation stood.

The gate of the Eight Paths of Space is still open, and countless disciples are transporting massive amounts of supplies into it.

Finally seeing the Great Wilderness Ancient Monument, Ma Qing's eyes lit up, and a look of shock flashed by.

With his eyesight, it is natural to see that the Great Desolation Ancient Monument is an extremely good spiritual treasure, at least it is of the heavenly rank.

And it is also a very rare spiritual treasure with its own space.

"Tell me, what are you looking for at the ancient stele of the wilderness?"

Wu Yun said in a flat tone.

This flat tone made Ma Qing even more afraid to have other thoughts. Just now Wu Yun was only strong in physical body and martial arts, but on the surface he was only a small success in the realm of good luck, and the real strength of a celestial talisman master had not yet been revealed. He was

young . , the strength is unfathomable!

Ma Qing had already feared Wu Yun from the bottom of her heart.


Ma Qing hesitated, he was reluctant to tell the secret, devouring the ancestor talisman was the treasure he dreamed of, and it was his hope of rising, although he hadn't found it yet.

"Don't make me ask it a second time, or search for the memory directly." Wu Yun said coldly.

Ma Qing trembled, he did not doubt Wu Yun's words.

"I'm here to find Tun... the Swallowing Ancestral Talisman!"

"Swallowing the Ancestral Talisman?" Wu Yun smiled, instead of denying the existence of the Swallowing Ancestral Talisman, he asked instead, "Where did you hear the news of the Swallowing Ancestral Talisman? I know everything about devouring the ancestral talisman and explain it clearly."

"I got the news from a small sect named Qingmuzong in the Qing Dynasty, they would enter every time the Great Desolation Ancient Monument was opened, and one of their disciples, In a dead body, he saw a scene, which was the scene of the demise of the ancient sect. In it, there appeared black ancient runes, which ended the war. He didn't know what it was, but according to his description, I guess it's the Devouring Ancestral Talisman!"

Ma Qing said, he thought this would be his chance, after all, no one would have thought that the famous Devouring Ancestral Talisman would appear in such an inconspicuous place as the Great Yan Dynasty.

"So that's how it is!" He wasn't the only one who saw those pictures in ancient times.

Wu Yun was still puzzled before, how did he get the news about a treasure like the Devouring Ancestral Talisman, you must know that if this news spreads a little bit, it will cause a sensation, and he is not able to participate in the small nirvana state.

It seems to be accidental!

However, now that Ma Qing already knew the relationship between devouring the ancestral talisman and the Great Desolation Ancient Monument, naturally he couldn't let him go back like this.

"What do you think of this ancient stele?"

Wu Yun asked, pointing at the ancient stele.

Ma Qing was confused, but still replied honestly,

"It's spectacular and powerful!"

"Well, as long as you are satisfied, you will live in it from now on!" Wu Yun nodded.


Ma Qing was taken aback, this is to imprison him!

"Your Excellency, I am a member of the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace, and I still have to complete the mission of the sect, so I am afraid I cannot stay here." He whispered.

Trying to scare Wu Yun with the reputation of Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace.

"Either die and return your soul to your Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace, or obediently do things for me here!" Wu Yun said in a flat tone.

He felt that it was a part-time job anyway, and it was different anywhere.


Ma Qing swallowed again, this young man has a good personality in his work.

If you can't resist, just lie down and enjoy!

He took a deep breath, bowed and saluted, and said, "Ma Qing sees the suzerain!" The

old man Ma Qing is very tactful and aware of current affairs, which is one of the reasons why he can live for so long.

"Very good, don't worry, you won't be treated badly if you follow me, and I'm more or less half of the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace."

Half? !

What counts as half?

Ma Qing was confused again, and it was difficult to communicate with this young man.


Wu Yun brought Ma Qing into the ancient stele of the wilderness, and after he entered, he let the soul of the stele imprint a mark in his body, so that as long as Ma Qing dared to break out, he would be discovered by Wu Yun immediately, and he would also be found by Wu Yun. The seal of the Great Desolation Ancient Monument bounced back.

Defenses can not do without!

Now Wu Yun is still worried about him.

Wu Yun put him in the west of the ancient monument space, where there will be high mountains and steep mountains, and the environment is the worst place in the ancient monument space. The wind and bone erosion array was in this area.

After the Great Demon Sect moves in, they will live in this area and set up a three-dimensional Xiutang.

To establish a sect from this environment requires a lot of manpower and powerlessness, it is almost necessary to build a temple on a flat mountain!

Wu Yun asked Ma Qing to participate in this great western development!

"If you cooperate with Murray here to build the Body Training Hall, even if you have completed your first mission, I will return your universe bag to you!"

Wu Yun promised.

After all, the other party is a Nirvana-level strongman, and he is a rare talent for the Great Desolation Sect, which has just started.

After making arrangements for Ma Qing, Wu Yun left.

Now the Great Wilderness Ancient Monument is full of waste, and construction is in full swing.

Wu Yun established the sect in the way of his previous life and the modern school system.

In addition to Mu Lei's Physical Training Hall, Mu Qianqian's Yin Yang Hall, Martial Arts Hall, and Jiang Xue's Academy Hall are all in progress.

According to Wu Yun's design, the role of Xuefutang is equivalent to primary and secondary schools, responsible for enlightenment and cultivation, all-round development, which can be regarded as basic education.

The Physical Training Hall, the Yin Yang Hall, and the Martial Arts Hall are equivalent to the specialization functions of universities, allowing the disciples who come out of the Academy to choose a direction that they are good at.

These are still being perfected, and Wu Yun is full of expectations!