Is He the Wu Yun Qing Zhu mentioned?

Lin Fan explained, "The Holy Spirit Pool is formed by the blood of ancient gods and beasts, and soaking in it not only greatly improves the strength, but also increases the success rate of entering the Nirvana Realm."

Promoted from Creation Realm Nirvana has great risks, failure may even lead to fall.

The Holy Spirit Lake has the ability to increase the success rate of being promoted to the Nirvana Realm. This effect alone is very attractive to Wu Yun and Lin Dong.

"The Holy Spirit Pool is shared by all the top forces of the Great Yan Dynasty, but its energy accumulation is slow, and it is not enough for these top forces to carve up.

So in order to solve this problem, after discussions among several major forces, it was finally placed on this sub-battle. The top forces of all parties will send young leaders of the younger generation, and the five who stand out in the end will be eligible to enter the Holy Spirit Lake."

"If the two of you participate, it should be no problem to win two seats!"

Lin Dongting Wan nodded, thinking that this distribution is the best way.

"Then what are the five people selected in the end going to do? This is the Hundred Dynasties War you mentioned?" He

tried his best to gather the top talents of the entire dynasty, and the selected people should not be just to compete for the Holy Spirit Pool.

Lin Fan nodded, "That's right, after coming out of the Holy Spirit Pool, these five people will represent the Great Yan Dynasty and participate in the Great War of Hundred Dynasties!"

Lin Dong looked at Wu Yun, he wanted his elder brother to decide on such matters.

Wu Yun nodded to him.

"Okay, patriarch, I am willing to participate in the seed selection on behalf of the Lin clan!" Lin Dong agreed.

"Patriarch, there are people from Tiandaomen, please see Mr. Wu Yun."

At this time, a person came in from outside the door, said.

"Oh, please come in!"

Lin Fan hurriedly said, knowing the relationship between Wu Yun and Tiandaomen.

"It seems that Tiandaomen already knew that Brother Wu Yun had come to Dayan County, and now they sent someone to invite them." Lin Fan laughed.

Even he knew how to win over Wu Yun, the Heavenly Knife Sect with a better relationship would naturally not let go of such a good opportunity.

Wu Yun smiled and didn't speak. Going to Tiandaomen was originally one of his goals, but now Tiandao came to invite him on his own initiative, which is considered to be even more in Wu Yun's heart.

After a while, the middle-aged man in green robe who walked in was the familiar Elder Zhang.

"As soon as I heard that you were in Dayan County, the head of the sect immediately sent me over, hoping that you can return to the sect."

Elder Zhang cautiously asked.

Today, he doesn't know what attitude he should use to face Wu Yun.

"Why come here in person, didn't I promise you that I would go to the Heavenly Knife Gate?" Wu Yun smiled wryly.

When your status changes, people around you will pay great attention to the details of getting along with you.

"Okay, the things here are almost handled, let's go, it happens that Tiandaomen and the imperial city are in the same direction."

It wasn't long before the seed selection, and they almost rushed there.

Immediately, Lin Fan took several elders of the Lin family and set out on the road with Wu Yun.

Three days later, they came to Tiandao City!

Fu Yidao, the master of Tiandaomen, greeted Wu Yun personally at the gate tower.

"Haha, I've finally waited for you. I didn't expect such a peerless genius to appear in an outer martial arts gym of my Tiandao Sect."

Fu Yidao said excitedly when he saw Wu Yun, with a sincere smile on his face.

Wu Yun looked at him. He looked about 40 or 50 years old, wearing a vest, showing two thick arms, and carrying a huge black long knife on his back.

His strength should be in the half-step nirvana state, with a strong and wild breath, and he has the domineering style of Tiandaomen.

"Meet the door master!"

Wu Yun cupped his hands slightly.

"Haha, don't be too polite, you grew up in the Outer Sect Martial Arts School. Strictly speaking, our Heavenly Sword Sect didn't give you any help. Now that you are willing to come to the Heavenly Sword Sect, it is already a blessing for our sect. "

Fu Yidao placed himself in a very upright position, and didn't try to make a relationship with him as soon as he came.

"Patriarch Lin, Brother Wu Yun, come inside and have a cup of hot tea."

After entering the Tiandao Gate, Wu Yun asked Luo Cheng and others to come out and ask him to visit his former master's acquaintances and so on.

"Brother Wu Yun, I'm not polite. This time, I hope you can replace our Heavenly Sword Sect and participate in the selection of seeds.

These years, the Heavenly Sword Sect has declined. None of the young disciples of this generation have reached the realm of good luck. Participating in the selection of seeds will only increase the number of jokes.

As long as you agree, no matter what the conditions are, if our Heavenly Sword Sect can do it, we will do it!

Even if you want me to be the sect master, I can move my ass out of the way immediately."

Fu Yidao has a bold personality. He not only called Wu Yun brothers and sisters directly, but also expressed his thoughts directly.

Of course, during this period of time, he had already gotten to know Wu Yun and what he had done over the years. Wu Yun's personality and style were somewhat similar to his, and he was exactly the talent Tiandaomen needed.

Fu Yidao was actually very smart, he thought very clearly, with Wu Yun's current strength and background, it was not him who came to join the Heavenly Knife Sect, but the Heavenly Knife Sect needed to rely on him.

The Heavenly Knife Sect has gradually declined, and there has been a gap in talent, which is why there is a lack of talent.

This generation needs genius disciples like Wu Yun too much.

"Oh, are you willing to give me the position of sect master?"

Wu Yun became interested when he heard that, the sect master was not afraid that he would destroy the Heavenly Knife Sect.

"Of course, Brother Wu Yun likes it, so I can give it to you now. Now, in your hands, the Heavenly Knife Gate will flourish even more."

As he said that, Fu Yidao took off the huge black sword he was carrying and handed it to Wu Yun.

"This is the sword we inherited from Tiandaomen, Ba Dao!"

Wu Yun took it over without politeness, and looked at the Ba Dao. Suddenly, he could feel a black tiger spirit roaring in the knife, it was the spirit of the knife, and his arrogance leaked from the side.

Earth-level Spirit Treasure!

And it's a very strong prefecture-level spirit treasure, not worse than the ones from the Lin clan.

"It's really a good treasure, so I'll accept it. From today on, you can abdicate. I'm the head of the Heavenly Sword Sect!"

Wu Yun nodded, admiring the precious sword in his hand, and said lightly.

He was testing the reaction of Tiandaomen and others, to see if they really believed and respected him, or just touted and tested him.

"Brother Wu Yun has made a deal, then the Tiandao Sect will depend on you!"

Fu Yidao said excitedly.

This guy really doesn't want to be the head of this sect, he's not joking... Wu Yun actually finds himself in trouble.

In the lobby, Elder Zhang and other high-level elders in the sect looked stunned. It would be too much fun for the position of sect master to be in the hands of the two of them.

Their sect masters had always been dishonest, and now they met the dishonest Wu Yun.

The elders under the door looked at each other. Although Wu Yun's direct acceptance of the operation made them feel a little surprised, they still didn't speak.

They were all looking forward to Wu Yun's arrival. After all, this person has obtained the inheritance of the Great Wilderness Ancient Monument and unified the entire Great Wilderness County. He has this ability at a young age, and the future is limitless.

"You are really willing." Wu Yun smiled bitterly.

Then he threw the tyrant knife back.

This day, Dao Sect is very appetizing to him, especially the sect master.

Wu Yun said seriously, "If you want me to be the head of the sect, it's natural, then the entire Tiandaomen

will be merged into my new Great Desolation Sect, enter the Great Desolation Ancient Monument, and share fate with me from now on, you choose!"

There was silence for a while, but at this time, it was no joke, Wu Yun was serious about letting them choose.

This is tantamount to betting the fate of their entire sect on Wu Yun's body, all will be prosperous and all will be lost!

There are eight elders in Tiandaomen!

Fu Yidao's face was heavy, he looked at the eight elders, and said slowly, "Let's vote together by raising our hands. If more than half of the people vote, we will follow Brother Wu Yun's arrangement. Those who agree to join the Great Desolation Sect, please raise your hands!"

He has always been decisive in his actions. , After speaking, he raised his hand.

The remaining elders, look at me and look at you, and then a few began to raise their hands,

three, four, five!

It's already halfway through!

Fu Yidao immediately said,

"Okay, the number is enough, so it's settled!"

As soon as he said that, the remaining three half-raised hands were retracted.

"See Sect Master Wu." Fu Yidao immediately cupped his hands.

His reaction was quick, as if he was waiting for this moment.

Ever since Fu Yidao knew that Wu Yun had crushed the three major clans and unified Dahuang County before the Great Wilderness Monument, he had affirmed that he was a talent.

"Following me is not a small risk, but the same return is not small. I will let you know that your choice is correct and you will not regret the decision you made today."

Wu Yun said solemnly, Tiandaomen's respect for him Trust moved him a little. Regardless of whether the other party was greedy for the inheritance of the Great Desolate Sect or not, the courage to raise the sect to follow him was worthy of his serious treatment.

The ancient stele of the Great Desolation flickered, and a huge gate of space appeared in front of the lobby of Tiandaomen, "Notify the entire sect, if you are willing to join, you can enter this gate of space within three days."

Wu Yun said It is to go directly into the ancient stele space and continue to improve the sealing formation of the Nine Kings Hall.

It was three days later.

The entire Tiandaomen, nearly 30,000 people, all settled in the ancient monument space, and almost all the people in Tiandaocheng were pulled in.

The Heavenly Knife Gate is all about practicing sword techniques, so Wu Yun specially set up a Heavenly Knife Hall for this purpose.

Now there are 100,000 people in the entire space!

It has gained some popularity.

Wu Yun set out to build a deserted city here at the Good Fortune Stele.

This matter will be handed over to the hall masters.

He has already gone to the imperial city with Lin Dong.

The imperial city is the most noble city of the Yan Dynasty. On the surface, the royal family is the well-known ruler of the Yan Dynasty, and the imperial city is naturally the most majestic existence in this dynasty!

The imperial city is located in the east of Dayan County, only one day away from Tiandao City.

Fu Yidao, Wu Yun!

Lin Fan, Lin Dong!

When the four of them arrived at the imperial city, they headed straight for the imperial palace.

Seed selection is carried out in the palace.

When they arrived at the palace, people from many forces had already arrived here ahead of schedule.

"That's where the seeds are selected!" Lin Fan pointed to a temple in front of them.

Wu Yun and the two looked over, it was an extremely large and magnificent palace, but the strange thing was that there were as many as dozens of passages around this palace, and these passages went deep into the palace.

"The rules for seed selection are very simple. All participants will draw lots first, and the draw is not for the opponent, but for the channel number to enter the temple.

These passages meander and entangle in the palace, and after many intertwining, there are only five passages leading to the final hall, and the five people who can walk out of the five passages after many struggles will have Those five places to participate in the Hundred Dynasties War! "

Lin Fan introduced that for these five places, these top forces can be said to have sent the most outstanding disciples to compete.

However, for Wu Yun, the places have become a joke. Wu Yun who

owns the Great Desolation Ancient Stele, let alone One, you can directly bring thousands of troops to the past.

" Brother Wu Yun, I still want to remind you that those super sects hold this Hundred Dynasties War to select outstanding disciples, so those who participate in the Hundred Dynasties War have Certain requirements.

The most basic point is that young talents of the younger generation are needed.

You own the ancient stele of the Great Desolation, and you can bring countless people in, so don't let them all out when the time comes.

At least the older generation, old guys like Fu Yidao should not be released, so as not to be noticed by those super sects and cause unnecessary trouble. "

Lin Fan reminded that he really thought about Wu Yun.

Perhaps in a small place like the Great Yan Dynasty, Wu Yun who had obtained the inheritance of the ancient stele of the Great Desolation was very powerful, but in the eyes of those super sects, Wu Yun's background Nothing.

" "Well, I remember! "Wu Yun nodded seriously.

"The strongest forces in the Great Yan Dynasty, apart from the royal family and the four major clans, are the three major sects, namely the Tianluo Sect, the Manwang Sect, and the Great Sadness Valley!"

Every time the seed players are basically from these forces. As Lin Fan said ,

many forces had already noticed them.

Wu Yun and Lin Dong are the influential figures of the Yan Dynasty.

No one dares to underestimate them.

An old man with white hair and a young man in white come over.

After the young man saw Wu Yun, he bowed his hands in a very humble manner, "Du Yun, I have seen the two brothers!"

Including the white-haired old man, he also nodded gently to Wu Yun.

"This is the lord of the Tianluo Sect, Liu Luo, and the disciple beside him is the most outstanding disciple of this generation of Tianluo Sect, the white-clothed Tianluo sword, Du Yun!

This person is very capable, and he is a genius who is very likely to win a spot ."

Fu Yidao said to Wu Yun via voice transmission.

"I've seen Sovereign Liu!"

Wu Yun responded politely, focusing on the young man in white, who was not bad, with an imposing appearance, and a sharp invisible sword light on his body.

This kind of sword light was not released by him voluntarily, but it was automatically released by his swordsmanship practiced to an extremely tyrannical level.

Very powerful, not weaker than Lin Langtian!

"Brother Du, you are welcome!"

"It is rumored that brother Wu Yun is a dragon and phoenix among men, a peerless genius, and seeing him today really deserves his reputation." Du Yun said again, some of his words were deliberately flattering Wu Yun.

Unfathomable, not at the same level at all... Du Yun swallowed, Wu Yun gave him the feeling of calmness like water, but it was this calmness that made him feel extremely powerful pressure.

Even a master who is half-step Nirvana is not so terrifying.

Then this young genius came over to greet Wu Yun.

They are all like Du Yun, they want to get acquainted and make a good impression.

Judging from Wu Yun's previous performance, there is no doubt that he will be able to occupy a place in the seed selection.

Now that he has a good relationship with Wu Yun, if he is also successfully selected at that time, it will naturally be safer to follow Wu Yun in the Hundred Dynasties War.

Only the Wang family and the Qin family were trembling aside, not knowing how to face Wu Yun.

Also, in the Huangpu family, there was a man hiding in the shadows, impotent and furious, looking at Wu Yun secretly,

"Is that the Wu Yun that Qingzhu mentioned? Damn, he seems very powerful!"