Qingzhu and I Are Best Friends

Few people know Wu Yun's true strength.

Wang Lei, Qin Chuan, Mo Jingtian, and even Lin Fan and others only thought that Wu Yun was very powerful, but they had never tried how powerful he was, and they had fear in their hearts.

And their biggest fear is from the mysterious Nirvana Skeleton Guardian in the ancient monument space.

Wang Lei and Qin Chuan dared to join forces to blackmail Wu Yun because they thought they could contain the Nirvana skeleton.

They all just heard about the power of the guardian of the bones from those who had entered it, but they didn't really feel it, so they had the illusion that they were also in the Nirvana state and could compete with it.

Now Wu Yun's cultivation realm is still only in the range from the Dacheng of the Creation Realm to the peak of the Creation Realm, and is at the same level as Wang Zhong, Mo Ling and other outstanding young geniuses.

One by one young strong men have entered the tunnel.

Wu Yun's figure was also like a ray of purple light, and with a swoosh, he entered through the passageway from the ninth left.

The light in the passage dimmed slightly, and what appeared before Wu Yun's line of sight was an extremely deep and spacious passage, which led all the way to the deepest point.

The rules for seed selection are simple.

There are three levels in total.

The passages that enter will merge in parallel. First, three passages converge, three people fight decisively, and one person wins. After walking down, two passages converge, continue to win, and then go again. In the third battle, if you walk out of the passage successfully, you will successfully get a quota.

After walking along the passage for several minutes, they finally came to an iron gate. Behind the iron gate was the first pass, where the three people gathered.

Without hesitation, Wu Yun clenched his fists tightly, and the light of Zijin's Yuanli loomed between his fists.


The iron gate shattered open, and the iron pieces were torn apart.

The light became brighter, and Wu Yun strode out. Behind the iron gate, there was an extremely spacious hall. The hall was high but the sky was not covered, and the surroundings seemed to be made of black iron, giving people a feeling of oppression.

Mo Jingtian, Wang Lei and others looked at the hall behind these passages from above.

They were all curious about Wu Yun, so when Wu Yun appeared in the hall, all of them looked over in unison.

Before the other two iron gates leading to this hall were opened, Wu Yun stood quietly in the hall and waited.

Not a minute!

"Boom! Boom!"

Two explosions sounded, and the two closed iron gates shattered open, and two burly young men walked out of them.

These two are both wearing the same clothes and the same sect badge, they are from a sect!

Generally, there are at most two geniuses participating in a faction, and then randomly enter the passage, and rarely meet at the first level.

Three people compete!

Now that the two belong to the same sect, it is naturally two against one, and the other one will be eliminated first.

"Isn't that the second mountain-moving general of the Mountain Sect, Lu Kui and Hu Wu, they actually met in the first pass."

"Haha, Wu Yun is really unlucky, to have encountered such a situation."

" I think the unlucky ones should be the other two!"

The people in the sky looking down at the main hall suddenly became interested. If the three of them fought in a scuffle, there is no doubt that they all believed that Wu Yun would be fine, but what they met now was the famous The second general who moves the mountain, one hits two, can he do it?

"Sect Master Yue, what do you think?" Someone asked the suzerain of the Mountain Sect.

"The two of them have known each other for more than ten years, and the martial arts they practice can cooperate with each other. If the two of them work together, even if they face the Great Achievement of Fortune, they are sure to win. Maybe there is still a chance." The suzerain of the Mountain Sect looked a little heavy. road.

Originally, he should be happy in this situation. If he met someone else, one of them must be able to pass.

But now that he met Wu Yun, the chances became slim.

In the palace!

When Lu Kui and Hu Wu saw Wu Yun, they looked at each other with wry smiles.

Lu Kui said, "Brother Wu Yun, what a coincidence to meet you!"

Lu Kui had a sword mark on his face and looked fierce, but he was very gentle and respectful to Wu Yun.

Before they came in, they had also talked with Wu Yunpan and became familiar faces.

"I didn't expect that I would meet both of you at the same time. There is nothing to say. You two should go up together. Whether you can eliminate me depends on your ability."

Wu Yun smiled wryly . Lin Dong's, now he cuts off the beard.

"Then we two brothers are not welcome, Brother Wu Yun, please be careful." After the

two of them finished speaking, Yuanli gushed out and their aura surged.

At this point, no one can back down.

Moreover, they respected Wu Yun because of Wu Yun's strength. If Wu Yun couldn't even defeat the two of them, it would be nothing but a vain name and not worthy of their respect.

Lu Kui and Lu Kui shook their hands, and two huge black hammers appeared in their hands.


The giant hammer flew out, and the bodies of the two people flew out almost at the same time in an instant, one left and one right, forming an arc, and the heavy hammer in their hands carried extremely ferocious power, facing each other as fast as lightning. Wu Yun rushed over in anger!

The suppression formed by that kind of power, even people with great fortune would not dare to shake it.

Wu Yun stood where he was, Zijin Yuanli frantically rushed into his fists, and then directly struck out with both fists without using any martial arts, fist to hammer.


Two muffled sounds sounded, and the giant hammers in the hands of Lu Kui and Lu Kui were blown away, and the bodies of the two were also carried away heavily.

With physical strength, it is easy to block the joint attack of the two.

"Magic mountain body!"

Lu Kui and the two yelled again, their bodies swelled several times in an instant, and their muscles were knotted like giants.

A series of black glows spun and condensed around them, permeating with powerful power. Obviously, these two people also exploded their strongest power.

"Good physique, but still needs to be improved!"

Wu Yun looked at the soaring physical strength of the two. This is somewhat similar to Lin Dong's cultivation of the magic ape transformation, which can only increase strength for a short time, unlike body script, which directly improves the essence physical potential.

"Mountain Hammer!" The

two men exchanged glances, shouted angrily at the same time, stomped fiercely, jumped up from the ground, like two hills, and the black iron floor on the ground was kicked into pieces of iron foam.

The giant hammer in his hand actually swelled a circle, and then the two hammers danced and smashed fiercely on the void in front of him.

The double hammers collided in the void, and the expansive and exploding force caused the entire hall to tremble violently. Two majestic black lights rushed out from the place where the double hammers fell. The light formed a gigantic mountain, and it slammed down on Wu Yun fiercely!

This is the strongest combined force of the two, and even the strong at the peak of the Creation Realm will feel the pressure.

"The Great Wilderness Prisoner pointed at the sky, smashed mountains and rivers with two fingers!"

Wu Yun still stood there motionless, facing the mountain-like attack of the two giant hammers, he just slowly stretched out two fingers.

Zijin Yuanli gushed out from Wu Yun's body, and instantly formed two purple-gold colored, dazzlingly radiant, huge fingers with an ancient aura in the sky above him.

That finger pierced directly into the mountain hammers of Lu Kui and the others.


As soon as it was touched, a storm of Yuanli swept away from there.

The huge hammer was directly blasted out of the deep hall.

boom! boom!

Lu Kui and Hu Wu were knocked against the iron wall by Zhen Fei, they both spit out a mouthful of blood and fell to their knees on the ground.

"Ahem, brother Wu Yun, you won."

Lu Kui said in frustration, his mouth twitching.

"The two of you are already very good. This cooperation can leapfrog the battle. If you want, you can follow me."

Wu Yun has some appreciation for the two of them. They are both talented in physical training and are very strong players. , very in his way.

So I started to recruit.

"Thank you, Brother Wu Yun, for your appreciation!" The two looked at each other, and they could see the joy in each other's eyes.

Wu Yun nodded, then opened the bronze gate and walked towards a deeper passage.

Passing through the long passage, one came to a huge hall that was twice as big as before. In the hall, huge stone pillars were like Optimus Prime.

At this time, the hall was silent, and Wu Yun appeared in the center of the hall when he moved. In the empty hall, there was no sound.

Wu Yun's eyes turned to another passage leading here, but it was so dark that nothing could be seen clearly.

The other person doesn't seem to come over yet?

Wu Yun recalled, in the original book, who was Lin Dong's opponent in the second level.

Shadow Dagger, Huang Puying!

If it was him, then he should have come!

Wu Yun's Ziji magic pupils opened, and powerful spiritual power poured into the pupils. His eyes swept across the shadows of the hall.

Sure enough, the outline of a spiritual figure was seen in a shadow.

"Why are you hiding in the dark, are you a mouse?"

Wu Yun said lightly, his voice echoing in the hall.

However, Huang Puying remained silent.


Wu Yun sneered, he was not interested in playing cat and mouse with the other party here.


golden dragon whisker needles shot out from Wu Yun's palm, quickly covering the shadow.

The shadow suddenly danced and flickered around the walls of the hall. He seemed to be born in darkness, and he was extremely slippery in the darkness, avoiding dozens of Wu Yun's dragon whisker needles with ease.

"It was discovered by you, but so what, you can't do anything to me!" Huang Puying's unexpected confident voice spread.


After Huang Puying finished speaking, his shadow suddenly disappeared, and then the shadows of dozens of huge stone pillars around Wu Yun squirmed at the same time, and immediately turned into dozens of figures, moving like lightning. Grab him!

There were fourteen figures in total, all of which carried Huang Puying's dark and fierce aura.

Like fourteen clones, all attacking Wu Yun!

Above, everyone who saw this scene was amazed. They never expected that the Huangpu family had such a powerful secret technique. Even if it was as strong as Mo Jingtian and others, they didn't see Huangpuying's real body in the first place. . "Although Ying'er

's cultivation level is not as high as Wu Yun's, but his method is strange. At the beginning, he used this sneak attack technique to kill a strong man who had achieved great fortune. Maybe he could win by surprise and defeat Wu Yun."

He comforted himself with a glimmer of hope.

"Fancy show!" Wu Yun curled his lips.

He didn't care about the fourteen shadows at all. With his spiritual power as a talisman master today, combined with the Purple Demon Eyes, he could easily see through the authenticity of these shadows.

The fourteen shadows are all illusions created by spiritual power.

The real Huang Puying has come behind him.

"You are nothing more than that, Kong has brute force, in my eyes, he is vulnerable!"

Above Wu Yun's head, a figure flashed out strangely.

It was Huang Puying, and as soon as he held his palm, a shadow quickly extended out of his palm, turning into a very strange gray needle sword, aiming at Wu Yun's brain and stabbing fiercely!

Wu Yun still stood where he was, with his hands behind his back, as if he didn't know that the danger was approaching.

Huang Puying's gray needle sword pierced Wu Yun's head precisely, and at the same time, all fourteen shadows around him were shattered.

Huang Puying couldn't help showing a smug smile.

"This...how is it possible, Wu Yun was stabbed by Huang Puying!"

"What a weird shadow attack, the fourteen shadows are all fake!"

"Unexpectedly, Wu Yun fell into Huang Puying's hands ."

The people above who saw this scene were all very surprised, with different expressions.

Huang Puying's shadow attack was very weird, and it was impossible to guard against, but Wu Yun was defeated like this. With Wu Yun's strength before, it was hard for them to believe this scene.

"No, that's not right, Huang Puying's body is shaking!"

Mo Jingtian's pupils were condensed, his face was shocked, he saw that Huang Puying's body seemed to be abnormal.

"You...how is it possible?"

Huang Puying's lips were trembling, and his gray needle sword that pierced Wu Yun's head unexpectedly turned into a ray of light, which was absorbed by the black vortex formed above Wu Yun's head.

Swallow the vortex!

In Wu Yun's Niwan Palace, the chaotic talisman sitting cross-legged quietly, at the dantian of the talisman, the entire devouring rune became cold, and his spiritual power gathered on the top of his head, mercilessly devouring Huang Puying's power .

The shadow dagger transformed by that energy quickly melted away, and along with Huang Puying, the spiritual power in his body was being forcibly absorbed and devoured by Wu Yun.

"Aren't you good at hiding?"

Wu Yun smiled disdainfully. The other party's mental power is only at the level of an intermediate magician, but his mental power is a bit strange, and it has mutated with the original force, making him Being able to have this ability to incarnate as a shadow.

"Are you a Tianfu master?!"

Sensing Wu Yun's powerful spiritual power, Huang Puying felt a strong sense of frustration in his heart.

Huang Puying, who has always been self-righteous and extremely arrogant, has finally seen that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky.

He was fortunate enough to be instilled with spiritual power from a senior before, so he was able to possess such attainments of spiritual power and Yuan power at this age. He originally thought that he would be able to look down on the younger generation of the Great Yan Dynasty.

But I didn't expect that Wu Yun's spiritual power far surpassed him in addition to being stronger than him.

Huang Puying suffered a heavy blow physically and mentally, and said to himself,

"Is this why Qingzhu noticed you, Wu Yun, what is your relationship with Qingzhu?"

"Qingzhu is also called by you! "

Wu Yun waved two dragon whiskers and sewed his mouth shut.

This guy called him so affectionate, I didn't know, I thought he knew Qingzhu very well!

Huang Puying looked at Wu Yun with extreme reluctance. He had a crush on Ling Qingzhu, and had fantasized about taking Ling Qingzhu as his wife in countless dreams.

He knew that Ling Qingzhu was a high-ranking goddess, and he had no hope at all, and he didn't even have the qualifications to pursue her.

It's a luxury.

But he couldn't get it, and he wasn't willing to let others get it.

He wanted to know why Ling Qingzhu mentioned Wu Yun, and whether there was something between them!

Wu Yun looked at his eyes that desperately wanted to know the answer, and couldn't help recalling the little things he had with Ling Qingzhu. He was a little nostalgic, his eyes were affectionate, his Adam's apple was throbbing, and he said in an extremely gentle tone,

"Qingzhu and I are like-minded. , you have me, and I have your best friend."