Leader, Wu Yun

The thunder blade directly extended from Wu Yun's hand to the sky, and the thunder rune on the blade received the power of thunder from the nine heavens above.

A radiant sword light that was so huge that it reached the sky appeared condensed.

Such a frightening saber gesture made the expressions of Mo Jingtian and the others who were chasing after him change drastically. They all felt a chill down their backs. Wu Yun's strength was far beyond their imagination.

Even Mo Jingtian, who was in the one-element Nirvana state, felt a sense of danger when he saw this huge sword light.

He also didn't have the confidence to take the knife.

One can imagine Wang Lei's despair at this moment!

He has been locked by the sky knife, and he has no way to escape.

Blood burst out of Wang Lei's body, frantically mobilizing the power of Nirvana in his body, mobilizing all the power in his body.

Nirvana golden body!

Those nirvana forces formed a thick golden energy shield around him.

"Boom!" The

thunder raged, and the roaring sound resounded through the sky, covered with black clouds, and the power mobilized by the thunder rune was brewing in the sky, just waiting to explode.

"Tianlei, cut!"

Wu Yun yelled violently, and the Lei Ling Tian Dao moved instantly. The speed was like lightning and flint, and the huge blade glow came in a flash.

The huge thunder blade with a length of hundreds of meters slashed at Wang Lei's nirvana golden body.


There was a clanging sound, like a golden ball being split into two.

On the ground outside the imperial city, there was an incomparably huge crack in the ground. The plants and trees on both sides of the crack were all withered, and their vitality was taken away by the thunder. This devastated scene showed the power of Wu Yun's knife.

Wang Lei is dead!

Mo Jingtian and the others only had horror in their eyes.

A strong man in the Nirvana realm couldn't stop Wu Yun's strike.

They underestimated this junior too much.

Everyone swallowed subconsciously, thankful for their previous choices.

Fortunately, none of them offended Wu Yun.


At this time, on the other side, Lin Dong also caught up with Qin Chuan.

To be precise, it was the Blood Spirit Puppet who brought Qin Chuan down.

On the back of the Blood Spirit Puppet, there is a fat sword formation stone tire on its back. Its power pours into the sword formation stone fetus, and immediately activates the ancient sword formation, and powerful sword glows shoot out from it, instantly Hundreds of sword lights were emitted, covering Qin Chuan's escape route.

Each of those sword lights is an attack comparable to Nirvana.

Qin Chuan could only stop and gather strength to resist.

At this time, Lin Dong had already caught up. He took out a black futon, and poured all his energy and spiritual energy into it, making it form a chaotic cloud of energy.

At the same time, in his Niwan Palace, the Devouring Ancestral Talisman that quietly floated was also agitated by runes, shining with light, forming a huge vortex above his head, and the endless energy of heaven and earth was irrigating towards him.

With such crazy mobilization of the power of heaven and earth, an ordinary body would have been blown to pieces long ago. Even if he had the Nirvana Golden Body, he would not dare to do so, but Lin Dong dared.

A strange light appeared above Lin Dong's body, the bright thunder light danced, the great sun thunder element enveloped the body, and a faint golden light emerged from the skin, and the original power of the golden bell body was fully mobilized.

This is the first time he has made a move against a Nirvana-level powerhouse, and he dare not hold back.

"The Great Wilderness Prisoner's Sky Finger!"

Lin Dong's voice slowly resounded through the sky, his palm stretched out, and the power of primordial essence continued to emerge, converging into the air, forming ancient giant fingers of chaotic color.

"One finger imprisons the heaven and earth, the

other finger shatters mountains and rivers,

Destroy creatures with three fingers,

break the sky with four

fingers, and move the universe with five fingers! "

Following Lin Dong's five yells, five giant fingers emerged one after another. Lin Dong burst out, relying on devouring the ancestral talisman, absorbing the energy of heaven and earth, and playing the five fingerings together.

The five giant fingers are extremely huge, each There are strange and ancient lines on one of them, full of a destructive aura.

The power of the five fingers of the Great Desolation Prisoner is progressive, one finger is stronger than the other, and the first two fingers are equivalent to low-level good fortune Martial arts, the third and fourth fingers are medium, and the fifth finger is advanced.

Even the royal family does not necessarily have advanced martial arts.

This kind of powerful martial arts was displayed by Lin Dong, who was a master of good fortune, and he still performed it with incomparable skills. The powerful fusion power was released with the power of essence. One

can imagine the terrifying aura.

"Little Lin Dong, how is it possible! "

Qin Chuan's eyes were wide open, the folding fan in his hand was trembling, looking at the five thick and big fingers in the sky, his body was chilling, this force was not something he could bear at all.

He couldn't figure it out , How can a kid who has achieved great fortune be able to condense such a powerful attack.

"My God, is this Lin Dong's real strength! "

We all underestimated him. Wu Yun's excellence made us ignore Lin Dong's brilliance." "

" These two people are probably the most talented young generation in the history of our Great Yan Dynasty. "


Mo Jingtian, Huang Pulong, Lin Fan and other top influential leaders all felt a sense of powerlessness in their hearts. I

have to admit that they are old! The waves behind the

Yangtze River push the waves ahead!

Today Today, the strong men of the younger generation are not weaker than them.

Facing the five ancient giant fingers that were suddenly suppressed, Qin Chuan had lost the courage to resist. He wanted to escape, but a blood-red figure had blocked his way.

Bite the bullet, Qin Chuan still condensed the golden body of Nirvana.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The giant finger finally pressed down.

With Qin Chuan as the center, five huge fingerprints appeared on the ground.

In the fingerprints in the middle, a flat corpse opened its eyes unwillingly, but there was no more throbbing.

Qin Chuan, die!

Wu Yun and Lin Dong brothers were both strong enough to kill Nirvana Realm with one move. This performance completely stunned all the bosses present.

Putting away the Lingyun knife, Wu Yun put away the Qiankun bag on Wang Lei's body.

I opened it and took a look. Apart from some spiritual treasures, there were actually 80,000 Nirvana Pills.

On the other side, Lin Dong did the same. He got 50,000 Nirvana Pills in Qin Chuan's Cosmos Bag.

Wu Yun and Lin Dong came back and stood with the crowd.

"Patriarch Lin, Sect Master Fu, the forces of the Wang family and the Qin family will be handed over to the two of you to sweep them away. You only need to bring back their family possessions to me, and the other patriarchs will make arrangements for themselves!"

Wu Yun looked at Everyone, ordered Lin Fan and Fu Yidao lightly.

Fu Yidao: "No problem, suzerain!"

Lin Fan: "Brother Wu Yun, don't worry, we will leave these trivial matters to our Lin clan."

The two had no objection to Wu Yun's commanding tone.

Now that Wang Lei and Qin Chuan are dead, the two big families have no leader. This is tantamount to letting them search their homes. The benefits are immeasurable. How could Lin Fan not understand that Wu Yun is giving them a chance for the Lin family.

People from other forces, including Mo Jingtian, looked at Lin Fan enviously.

After annexing the two major clans, there is no doubt that the Lin family will have the opportunity to become the number one force in the Yan Dynasty other than the royal family, and even threaten the royal family.

Feeling the envious gazes of these old fellows, Lin Fan felt secretly refreshed. Fortunately, he was smart at the beginning and didn't trust him. Not only did he reconcile with Wu Yun, but he also chose to win him over.

"Brother, this is Qin Chuan's Cosmos Bag, which contains 50,000 Nirvana Pills!"

Lin Dong came back with a slightly pale face, but he couldn't hide his excitement and joy. He handed the Cosmos Bag to Wu Yun with both hands.

"Well, take it!" Wu Yun nodded and said lightly.

At this moment, Mo Jingtian and the others subconsciously looked at the bloody figure beside Lin Dong.

From the bloody figure, they all felt the fierce aura, and they were so oppressed that they didn't dare to breathe.

Blood spirit puppet, and it is still a first-level blood spirit puppet, comparable to a strong man in the one-element nirvana state.

Mo Jingtian's lips were dry, and this royal tyrant finally had a moment of embarrassment.

He knew that he might not be the opponent of this blood puppet.

He is no longer the absolute overlord of the Great Yan Dynasty.

Wu Yun made a move, and the Blood Spirit Puppet standing next to Lin Dong turned into a beam of blood and entered the ancient monument in front of his chest.

"Your Majesty, everyone, next we will represent the Great Yan Dynasty to participate in the Great War of Hundred Dynasties, but there are only five of us. I have an idea, to bring all those who participate in the selection of seeds to the ancient battlefield!"

Wu Yun inspected the situation with his eyes. The youngest genius of the Qun Dynasty said in an extremely domineering manner, "

Let them follow me and create a glory that belongs to the Great Yan Dynasty!



"We have sixty people, all of whom are going to the ancient battlefield. This number has surpassed some middle-level dynasties, and is even catching up with the high-level dynasties."

"Great, then we all have a chance to be selected by the super sect."

"We are willing Follow Brother Wu Yun!"


In an instant, people from all the top forces were very excited, no matter if they were the big bosses of the older generation or the young geniuses, they were all shocked by Wu Yun's proposal, and at the same time, this proposal was very attractive .

Especially the young geniuses, who originally thought there was no hope, were full of fighting spirit for a while.

With the strength shown by Wu Yun and Lin Dong just now, it is very hopeful to follow them to do something big.

There is no limit on the number of people participating in the Hundred Dynasties War, and the main restriction on the participation of the Dayan Dynasty is the strength of the dynasty.

Going to the ancient battlefield requires a teleportation array, but the teleportation array of the Great Yan Dynasty is only a small teleportation array, which cannot teleport too many people at a time, and also requires a lot of Nirvana Pill.

But these are not problems for Wu Yun.

The Great Wilderness Monument can solve this problem very well.

The ancient stele is a space world that can be closed or opened. When it is closed, it is no different from ordinary spiritual treasures, and it is not difficult to transfer.

Mo Jingtian's eyes lit up, he was a little excited, and couldn't help thinking carefully.

If these people really followed Wu Yun to the ancient battlefield, it would definitely be a good thing for the Great Yan Dynasty.

For every additional person, one more point is valued by the super sect. No matter who it is, as long as it is under the sect's subordinates, then the Great Yan Dynasty will inevitably be rewarded.

Moreover, with Wu Yun and Lin Dong, two geniuses who already possessed the combat power of Nirvana before stepping into the ancient battlefield, they are enough to shelter these people from growing up, so it is very likely that this group of geniuses can make it to the end.

Dozens of people are all valued by the super sect, and the Great Yan Dynasty may suddenly become an intermediate or even a high-level dynasty.

This is a fantastic opportunity not to be missed.

Mo Jingtian took a deep breath, tried his best to soften his tone, and said with awe, "Brother Wu Yun, the people who participated in the seed selection this time, except for the dead Wang Zhong, and Qin Tian from the Qin family, all of them are still alive." There are fifty-eight players, all of whom have the strength of Xiaocheng."

He truthfully reported the basic situation of these players to Wu Yun, and his attitude said everything.

"Our royal family is willing to fully obey the arrangements of Brother Wu Yun."

Mo Jingtian directly faced the big bosses of the top forces, like a person in charge, and said, "Everyone, be perverted, if someone is not willing to let their disciples go , You can bring it up now."

"What did your majesty say, how could we not be willing to wait for this kind of opportunity."

"That is, if they can follow Brother Wu Yun, there must be a way out. This is their chance."

" I will wait!"


Everyone began to express their opinions, good people can't let Yanhuang do it all by himself.

"Okay, since everyone has no objections, then listen to me, I will bring you into the ancient battlefield, all actions must be under my command, you can't have two minds, I can guarantee that each of you will have the opportunity to hit the Nirvana Realm. "

Wu Yun's words have been very straightforward, as long as you are obedient, leave the rest to him.

The reason why he made this decision was that Wu Yun himself wanted to recruit and train talents.

In the Great Desolation Sect, most of them belong to related households, and there are not many real geniuses. It is already good for most people to be able to cultivate to the three realms of good fortune. This level of strength has no effect on Wu Yun's future plans.

In the future, there are endless strange monsters to face. Only those who are above the Nirvana Realm can barely make it to the stage of the battle, and the others can only be cannon fodder.

And these people who participated in the seed selection already represented to a certain extent the strongest and most talented group of people in the younger generation of the Dayan Dynasty.

As long as the resources are given to them, there will be no problem in advancing to the Nirvana realm. This kind of gifted disciple sent to the door will not be accepted for nothing.

"I'm willing to follow Brother Wu Yun's instructions!" Among the

young geniuses, someone immediately spoke out.

With a green shirt fluttering out, the "beautiful" Mo Ling stood up and said, "Everyone, brother Wu Yun is willing to support us. This is the opportunity we are waiting for. We are a whole when we enter the ancient battlefield, but we come from various forces. What a mess, I propose to set up a Great Yan Alliance, with Brother Wu Yun as the leader!"

"Everyone, what's your opinion?"




The young strong men all spoke out, and everyone was full of fighting spirit , extremely excited, the blood that belongs to young people was instantly ignited.

"Mo Ling, see the leader!"

Mo Ling knelt down on one knee in front of Wu Yun, respectfully.

With his lead, the young geniuses followed one by one.

"Du Yun, meet the leader!"

"Man Shan, meet the leader!"


In front of Wu Yun, all the previously rebellious geniuses lowered their heads.

Huang Puying, who was originally proud and regarded Wu Yun as a rival in love, was also infected at this moment.

He was deeply impressed by the domineering strength Wu Yun showed just now, "Huang Puying, join the leader!"

Wu Yun watched quietly, without stopping, and had to admit that the feeling of being admired by geniuses of the same generation is indeed good.

He couldn't help a little more appreciation for Mo Ling, whose enemy was still pretty.

As expected of a person from the royal family, he is very good!

Wu Yun: "Very well, let's all get up, from today onwards, we are all brothers, advancing and retreating together, sharing weal and woe!"

Everyone said in unison: "Advance and retreat together, share adversity!" The

masculine and passionate voice resounded throughout the entire imperial city. They were all young men full of vigor and youth full of fighting spirit. was lit.

Just like the oath before the expedition, the fighting spirit is high!

Even Mo Jingtian and other people of the older generation couldn't help but feel shocked, looked sideways at him, and their spirits were uplifted.

Looking at this group of young people headed by Wu Yun, being led by Wu Yun on the road to war, each of them is the hope of the dynasty's future.

Wu Yun, Lin Dong, Mo Ling and others all had the same thing in their hearts,

youth, passion, fighting spirit!

This is what young people should have!

Fifty-eight young people plus Wu Yunlindong, sixty people, the seed selection is over, most of the failed people, the original fate can only live in the Great Yan Dynasty.

It's different now, they can all go to a wider world and venture out.

All this is because of him, the

leader, Wu Yun!