Packing up and setting off, a new journey

[Seed of the World Tree: It can absorb energy from the void, derive the rules of the world, and plant it in the small world. With the growth of the world tree, it can continuously expand the domain of the small world, enhance the stability of the small world, give birth to aura, etc.! ]

Wu Yun's head is a little buzzing, he doesn't know how to describe his mood at the moment.

It can be imagined that this world tree is specially prepared for the ancient monument space. The ancient monument space must have a certain prototype of a small world, but it cannot form an independent world. energy.

And if there is a world tree, it will be different. When the world tree takes shape, it will be self-sufficient.

It can be said that the world tree is the engine of a small world!


At this time, the Holy Spirit Pool began to shake violently. Without the support of the bones of the ancient crocodile, the pool began to collapse.

"Brother, let's go up quickly!"

Lin Dong had already stretched out his Yuanli protection.

"En!" The

two of them rushed to the ground. At this moment, the three of Mo Ling had already come out of the Holy Spirit Pool.

"What's going on? Why did the Holy Spirit Pool collapse suddenly? The energy seems to be draining rapidly!" On the

ground, Mo Jingtian and the other big bosses looked at it in bewilderment, as if they didn't understand why there was such a change.

This holy holy pool has existed for many years, and the formation of this holy holy pool has always been a mysterious unsolved mystery.

"It should be related to Wu Yun!"

Lin Fan said!

The only changes he could think of were Wu Yun and Lin Dong.

"They're coming out!"

Everyone surrounded them. Unlike Mo Ling and the others, Wu Yun and Lin Dong came out from under the pond.

"Brother Wu Yun, what happened to the Holy Spirit Lake?" Mo Jingtian asked, but there was no blame in his tone.

"It is indeed related to us. To tell you the truth, under the Holy Spirit Pool, there is a skeleton of an ancient divine beast. The formation of the Holy Spirit Pool is also related to it. This bone is of great use to me. I have already taken it away. From now on, the Holy Spirit Pool will I guess it won't be effective, sorry!"

Wu Yun told the truth, there is no need to hide this kind of thing.

The leaders of all parties glanced at each other. For the Great Yan Dynasty, the Holy Spirit Pool is already a very precious existence. After all, the energy accumulated in this pool of water can increase people's chances of being promoted to Nirvana.

But the opponent is Wu Yun, so it's very difficult to deal with. If you can't beat it, it's hard to say.

Several people looked at Mo Jingtian, wanting to hear his opinion.

Mo Jingtian: "This Holy Spirit Pool was originally prepared for you who participated in the Great War of Hundred Dynasties. Now Brother Wu Yun can gain something from it, which is also your chance. There is nothing to say. The bones are placed below, and whoever has the ability will take it! "

He also tried to go down and explore, but unfortunately he couldn't resist the pressure of the powerful beast and had to give up.

Now that the opportunity in Tanxia can be obtained by Wu Yun, it in itself shows that Wu Yun has that strength.

"Yes, yes, chances in this world can be obtained by those who are able!"

"We explored many times back then, and if anyone could dive to the bottom of the pool, he would definitely not let it go."


Everyone, you say what you say, and I say what you say. language, no one objected.

The opportunity was taken by Wu Yun, so there is nothing else to say.

Do you still want people to spit it out? How is this possible?

Wu Yun smiled lightly, when you are strong, the whole world smiles at you.

"Thank you for your understanding. However, although I took away the bones of the beast, this place is not completely unusable. I think there seems to be a dragon vein here, which makes this place full of vitality. I will arrange a gathering of elements on this altar , you can re-gather the energy of heaven and earth into the water pool to form an energy-rich essence liquid, and the effect should not be much weaker than that of the holy spirit pool."

Wu Yun said slowly, then flew to the altar and took out a piece of water. A piece of jade, quickly engraved the spirit-gathering rune, and then began to form the formation.

Everyone looked at Wu Yun in amazement. Although the technique of setting up the formation was complicated, Wu Yun's smooth operation took about an hour, and a large formation of gathering elements took shape. Above the altar, a huge vortex appeared, constantly devouring the formation. The energy of heaven and earth was poured into the pool below.

Mo Jingtian and the others were stunned by the speed at which the energy of heaven and earth could be gathered.

Unexpectedly, in addition to being powerful, Wu Yun also has such a powerful formation skill.

"Well, according to the speed at which the energy of the heavens and the earth can be gathered, this gathering array can be used about once a year. It should be of great help to the strong in the good fortune realm to attack the realm!

If you gather for twenty years like the Holy Spirit Pond , then the force of heaven and earth should be extremely viscous, and the effect will definitely not be worse than that of Holy Spirit Pool!"

Wu Yun clapped his hands and commented.

This effect far exceeded the expectations of Mo Jingtian and others.

Except for not having the blood power of the ancient beasts, the others are no worse than the Holy Spirit Pool.


After returning to his residence, Wu Yun entered the space of the ancient stele.

After wandering around in the space, he communicated with the stele soul again, and finally found a place in the center, where he planted the seeds of the world tree.

As soon as the World Tree seed fell to the ground, it grew crazily, continuously absorbing the energy of the surrounding heaven and earth, and rose at a speed visible to the naked eye. In less than an hour, it became a towering tree.

The branches and leaves are luxuriant and lush, and the shade of the trees will cover the ancient stele for several miles.

The world tree is still growing, and the underground roots are constantly extending.

It can absorb any kind of power to grow.

"Master, I want to go inside, this place seems to be more suitable for me!"

Suddenly the stele soul conveyed such a message to Wu Yun, it wanted to enter the world tree.


Wu Yun was a little surprised, not knowing what kind of reaction the stele soul would bring when it merged into the World Tree.

Now that the world tree has just been born, it is in a hazy state, and the spiritual consciousness has not yet been born. The integration of the monument soul should be able to speed up its growth, and both of them are the two most important existences in the ancient monument space.

"Well, you go in!"

Wu Yun nodded in agreement, and then a white light and shadow floated out of the Good Fortune Martial Tablet and entered the World Tree.

"Wow, it's so comfortable, master, I feel that my strength is recovering." The monument soul was very active as soon as it entered the world tree, and conveyed a good feedback message.

Wu Yun could feel that the stele soul was growing stronger and stronger.

Suddenly, a wisp of black gas came up from under the tree roots, lingering on the World Tree.

"Master, it's demon energy!" The stele soul panicked and sent the message to Wu Yun.

"Come on, it can't be the roots of the World Tree that broke the seal of the Nine Kings Palace, right?"

Wu Yun hurried to check the seal formation of the Nine Kings Palace, and penetrated the entire formation with his spiritual power. He was shocked to find that One of the roots of the World Tree actually pierced through the sealing formation, but the formation was not broken, but wisps of magic energy leaked out of it.

"It won't be a bad thing!"

Wu Yun was worried. It was just a little devilish energy, but it was not a big problem. He was afraid that the Nine Kings Palace would be broken.

"Master, don't worry, it can absorb magic energy!"

At this time, the soul of the stele transmitted voice to him again.

When Wu Yun returned to the ground, he saw that the devilish energy surrounding the World Tree was actually absorbed by it and turned into its nourishment.

The World Tree can absorb all energy, even the energy of the void, and then transform it into pure heaven and earth energy.

It seems that the magic energy cannot escape the engulfment of the world tree.

Wu Yun observed for a while, no longer worried.

The root of that World Tree is like a straw inserted into the sealing formation of the Palace of Nine Kings, and grows itself by absorbing its energy.

Suddenly Wu Yun felt something different in his Qiankun bag.

Rumored life fluctuations.

It is a golden egg when the mental power probes in.

In the misty forest back then, the golden egg that Wu Yun obtained from the bottom of the pool of Yang Yuan Ye had been silent for so long, and now it finally reacted.

Is it because of the world tree?

Wu Yun did not suspect him, took out the golden egg, and then approached the World Tree!

Sure enough, the life fluctuation inside the golden egg reappeared.

It seems to like being around the World Tree very much.

"Eggs should be placed on trees!"

Wu Yun flew up to the world tree, built a huge bird's nest between the branches, and put the golden eggs inside.

"Master, what is this?" The

stele soul was curious, and asked through sound transmission.

"I don't know what kind of egg it is, but it should be very extraordinary. I will put it on the tree in the future, and you will help take care of it. It is best to hatch it!"

Wu Yun said to the soul of the stele.

"Good master, it will be my partner from now on!" The

stele soul was very happy, it could feel the life in the egg.

At this time, several green leaves grew near the bird's nest, wrapping the golden eggs well.

In the space of the ancient stele, there suddenly appeared such a gigantic giant tree, and people naturally discovered it, and everyone was surprised.

But Wu Yun didn't explain too much, just told them that this is a tree of life, it can help them if it is alive, and they should love this tree, and no one should do anything that harms the tree of life.

Then Wu Yun set out to refine the bone puppet of the ancient crocodile.

Fortunately, after searching the clans of Wang and Qin, Wu Yun possessed a lot of treasures, many of which were materials that could be used to refine bone puppets.

With the help of Chi Xin and Xiao Diao, Wu Yun finally succeeded in refining the bone puppet after spending millions of Nirvana Pills and a lot of materials.

Since then, there has been an ancient crocodile bone puppet comparable to the one-element nirvana.

This bone puppet is not yet spiritual, not as "smart" as the blood puppet!

Its power mainly comes from the ancient crocodile blood in his body, as well as his own life treasure, the crocodile bone spear.

This crocodile skeleton can also be upgraded. In addition to the Nirvana Pill, it also needs the blood of the monster.

After refining, the crocodile bone puppet is no longer as huge as a hill as before, and its bones can be shrunk down, and when it needs to fight, it can be restored to its original state.

During this period of time, Wu Yun was extremely busy, and many things in the ancient monument space could not be separated from him.

For the newly joined young geniuses, in order for them to quickly improve their strength in order to cope with the coming Hundred Dynasties War, Wu Yun gave each of them a chance to enter the Genesis Martial Monument to acquire martial arts.

This time, Wu Yun asked the soul of the stele to set the difficulty lower. There is no need to communicate with the soul of the stele. As long as he can break into a certain depth of the starry sky, he can obtain good fortune-level martial arts.

It can't be sent directly, the reason for the existence of the Good Fortune Martial Arts Stele is to let people enter the ancient stele and find the martial arts that suits them.

Fortune-level martial arts are rare treasures for these geniuses.

In the Dayan Dynasty, only the royal family, the four major clans, and the three major sects possessed good fortune-level martial arts.

More than 60 people entered, and nearly two-thirds of them obtained good fortune-level martial arts, and the worst ones were those who obtained ninth-grade martial arts.

In addition to these, Wu Yun also provided these geniuses with the good fortune-level martial arts obtained from the Wang and Qin families.

In this way, everyone can learn at least one good fortune-level martial art.

Wu Yun's move won the hearts of all the geniuses, and the courage of the leader was fully displayed.

With such a leader, He Chou can't stand out.

Everyone was full of confidence in Wu Yun, and they became more determined to follow Wu Yun.

The environment of the Great Wilderness Ancient Monument is getting better and better, full of vitality, and what is inside is also full of hope. Every day is a day full of vitality, and everything is thriving.

Five days passed in a blink of an eye.

Finally, the day to go to the ancient battlefield.

[Ding, the check-in task is refreshed, the next check-in location is Yangcheng, the ancient battlefield! ]

After walking out of the ancient stele space, Wu Yun received a notification from the system.


In the depths of the imperial palace, there is a majestic and huge mountain. There is a transmission channel leading to the ancient battlefield.

Wu Yun came here alone, and Mo Jingtian and others were already waiting here in advance.

In front of them is a huge stone array. On these huge stones, there are many magical runes engraved, and amazing energy fluctuations are continuously emanating from it, making the nearby heaven and earth energy have boiling trend.

Seeing Wu Yun, Mo Jingtian couldn't help reminding again, "The ancient battlefield is a space opened up by those super sects in the Eastern Profound Realm. In that space, there is a strong aura of nirvana. There, even if Those who are strong in the Good Fortune Realm can extract Nirvana Qi from the power of heaven and earth and condense the Nirvana Pill.

You can get a good grasp of it when you enter it, and gather the Nirvana Pill as soon as possible, so that they can all attack the Nirvana Realm. Only when they enter Nirvana

This time, all hopes were pinned on Wu Yun, and their royal family sent four of the most outstanding young geniuses of their generation .

Wu Yun: "Don't worry, everyone, I can't say anything else. I, Wu, promise to get them all the Nirvana Pills that will hit the Nirvana Realm, but whether they can break through is their personal creation!"

"From now on, I will ask Brother Wu Yun !" Everyone cupped their hands.

Wu Yun nodded solemnly.

"Let's start!"

Mo Jingtian reached out and took out a Qiankun bag. They had already prepared the Nirvana Pill for teleportation.

With a flick of his finger, the densely packed Nirvana Pills roared out with waves of mighty energy, and finally rushed into the huge ancient stone formation.

As tens of thousands of Nirvana Pills poured in, the huge stone formation suddenly trembled, and the runes carved on the stone formation also burst into bright light at this moment, and then, a beam of light slowly spread from the center of the formation And open.

Seeing the beam of light appear, Wu Yun flew over without hesitation and entered into the beam of light.

At this time, the beam of light suddenly burst into a bright brilliance, like a round of shining sun, which slowly faded away after a long time.

But as the beam of light faded, Wu Yun's figure had already disappeared.


the ancient battlefield!

Above a stone peak, a piece of space suddenly distorted, and immediately a beam of light tore through the space and rushed out, and finally shot at the top of the stone peak. After a while, the beam of light dissipated slowly, and Wu Yun's figure also flashed out of it .

"Well, this teleportation still has some sequelae!" When his feet fell to the ground, Wu Yun felt dizzy and his body was a little weak.

However, he soon regained consciousness, and the energy in his body was activated in an instant, and he lifted it up immediately, looking at this strange area and environment.

Immediately felt a different aura, the heaven and earth energy here was more than twice as strong as that of the Great Yan Dynasty, and there was a different aura in it, which was the aura of Nirvana.

"Are you here? This is the ancient battlefield!" The corner of Wu Yun's mouth was happy, and the ancient stele of the Great Desolation on his chest was immediately thrown into a door of space.

"Brothers, come out!"