Steel forest movement, one against two

Not to mention the level of bone spirit puppet that Wu Yun brought out, but Wu Yun and Lin Dong's fighting strength that was comparable to that of a Nirvana-level powerhouse in the beast tide just now.

As long as Liu Yuan and Ling Zhi are not stupid, they will come over quickly to show their friendship.

Especially Ling Zhi, when Hai Shark was killed by Wu Yun before, he was used as a shield. If Wu Yun misunderstood something, it would not be dangerous.

Therefore, take advantage of this opportunity to express your friendship to Wu Yun quickly. Even if you can't form an alliance, at least don't go on the road of confrontation.

Otherwise, he wouldn't even know how to die!

Reaching out his hand not to hit the smiling man, Wu Yun had no choice but to say calmly, "You two are welcome, we are only for our sake, to stop the beast tide."

Liu Yuan: "Anyway, Wu Kui helped us, what will Wu Kui do in the future? If you need to use our place, please feel free to ask."

"Yes, yes, it's all thanks to Chief Wu, otherwise we don't know if we will survive this time."

"We, the group of people, can't stop us . Those half-step nirvana monsters."

"Let me tell you, this time, we all owe leader Wu a life."


At the beginning of Liu Yuan's words, those mixed teams of low-level dynasties also hurriedly echoed, but their words All from the heart.

If Wu Yun and Lin Dong hadn't gone back and forth in their camp just now, killing those half-step Nirvana and most of the monsters at the peak of the Creation Realm, at least one-third of their group would have died .

Wu Yun bowed his hands to Sifang, which was considered to have accepted their thanks.

Although they didn't want to help these people, they did help them in action.

The atmosphere of this group of large teams eased down.

Ling Zhi: "Chief Wu, before that sea shark ran amok by himself and offended Chief Wu. When he was killed by Chief Wu, I heard that he tried to use me to threaten Chief Wu. I really get angry when I think about it. Please Leader Wu, don't take it to heart, and keep a low profile, just know him, and we can't talk about friendship."

Taking this opportunity, Ling Zhi took the initiative to bring up the matter of the sea shark, for fear that Wu Yun would remember him, so he quickly stated that he did not With the idea of ​​avenging the sea shark, the fighting power he displayed clearly set a gap with these people.

"Uh, I'm not worried about this!" Wu Yun said lightly.

Ling Zhi's strength is not worthy of concern.

"Hey!" Ling Zhi responded with a silly smile, and his face was a little embarrassed. Wu Yun didn't care, but Ling Zhi couldn't be happy.

I have been worried, but in the eyes of others, he is nothing, his strength is too weak, and he is not qualified.

Everyone surrounded the team of the Great Yan Dynasty and rested.

There is a faint intention to follow Wu Yun.

As long as Wu Yun is around, they won't even think about fighting for the ancient secret key.

These people now only hope to follow Wu Yun into Leiyan Valley and drink some soup.


the next day!

The first ray of sunlight shines down from the sky.

A new day is coming, and the warm sunshine pours down from the sky, shining in the huge mountains.

In the camp, Wu Yun's bone spirit puppet finally absorbed all the blood essence of those thousands of monsters, its aura grew stronger, and the power of blood in the bones became more intense, and it was one step closer to the second-level spirit puppet. .

It is estimated that if you absorb some more energy, you will be able to become a second-level puppet.

Wu Yun put away the crocodile bone puppet and looked at the men and horses in Yangcheng. None of them had set off yet, and they seemed to be waiting for him to join them.

He rested his forehead and thought, since this is the case, he simply used these people, pondered for a while, and said,

"Everyone, in addition to our Yangcheng troops, there are also people from the high-level dynasty who have also come to the Leiyan Mountain Range. It may not be so easy to enter the Leiyan Valley. Since everyone is willing to trust me now, then listen to my command. I can promise to bring you all into Thunder Rock Valley, but let me start with what I said first, when you arrive in Thunder Rock Valley, you can find your own chances, and when it comes to fighting for treasures, I won't be polite."

He can bring this group of oil bottles, but when it's really beneficial, don't try to compete with him!

Everyone agreed that there is a high-level dynasty, and if there is no chance, everything must be able to enter the Thunder Rock Valley.

Wu Yun and the others swept towards the depths of the mountains.

After they left, another group of people appeared behind them.

Among the group of people, there was a man in black walking forward with his hands behind his back, skimming over the big trees, with black hair fluttering, quite chic.

Suddenly, a person caught up and said, "Brother, we have discovered the troops of the Xuanbing Dynasty, do you want to stop them!"

The man in black frowned and sighed, "No, the scale of the Leiyan Valley battle is not small, and besides the Lingyun Dynasty and the Dayuan Dynasty, there seems to be another not-so-weak dynasty joining the battle in Yangcheng.

It may be difficult for us to fight alone. To say the least, we need to join hands with the Xuanbing Dynasty to get rid of this group of mobs in Yangcheng. "

After the group of people left, a graceful figure flashed out again. She looked ahead lazily with her pretty eyes, then pursed her red lips slightly, and smiled softly: "It's really interesting, I didn't expect that there would be a An ancient secret key."


Ahead, Wu Yun brought everyone from Yangcheng to Leiyan Valley.

There, a mountain peak stands tall, piercing into the sky, and thousands of walls stand. Between the intersections of many peaks, an extremely large crack is opened, and a thick mist diffuses from it, and even in the mist, there is a faint sound. The bursts of thunder sounded strangely.

This is the valley formed by the crack!

"Here we are, Thunder Rock Valley is inside!" Mo Tie said excitedly.

Everyone is getting ready to enter.

call out!

Suddenly there was a sound of breaking through the air.

On the mountain peak that went straight into the sky, a figure appeared, he swooped down from the high altitude, and shot a huge, sharp and cold aura of hundreds of feet in midair.

Cutting in front of everyone in Yangcheng, the ground trembled suddenly, forming a huge crack of hundreds of feet, separating them from Leiyan Valley.

That figure stood on the wind, without purposely urging its momentum, but there was already a kind of palpitating fluctuation, which came out quietly.

Strong Nirvana!

Everyone was surprised that a Nirvana-level powerhouse had appeared, and some people from high-ranking dynasties had also noticed Leiyan Valley.

what to do?

Both Liu Yuan and Ling Zhi looked at Wu Yun. Although they were in the quasi-Nirvana state, they were not enough to see the real Nirvana state!

"Uh...Brother, what does he mean, don't let us pass!" Lin Dong said coldly with his eyes hardened.

This person is so arrogant that he even tried to block thousands of people from Yangcheng from entering Leiyan Valley with his own strength.

"It should mean that!"

Wu Yun smiled lightly and said loudly,

"A good dog doesn't get in the way. Are you a bad dog?"

Bad dog?


Hearing Wu Yun's words, everyone in Yangcheng couldn't help laughing.

With Wu Yun around, they didn't have to worry about this Nirvana-level powerhouse blocking the way, so they all laughed with confidence.

If it was actually Wu Yun's words, it would not hurt much, but would be extremely insulting.

After all, he is a Nirvana-level strongman, and he is the first Nirvana-level strongman to appear here in Yangcheng. His appearance just now was full of force.

A bad dog instantly made him a joke!

Hearing these words and everyone's ridicule, the face of the man in black who was standing in the air turned dark all of a sudden.

His gaze was like a torch, and he locked onto Wu Yun in an instant, "You are looking for death." A

black palm print hit Wu Yun.

"Brother, let me do it!"

Lin Dong immediately flew out, asking for a fight.

This man is too arrogant, he is not pleasing to the eye.

Lin Dong flew out, and casually made a palm print of the demon tablet, smashing the opponent's palm print into pieces.

"Bad dog, didn't your mother teach you not to block other people's way at will!"

Lin waved the ancient sky-scale halberd in his hand, and it was a regular four-stroke combo. The four powerful halberd lights of fish, python, jiao, and dragon hit Man in black.

"Half a step into Nirvana... How is that possible!"

The man in black's face changed drastically, and he quickly used his Nirvana golden body to block Lin Dong's attack.

He didn't expect that this half-step nirvana state and the martial arts he played could threaten him.

"Hehe, I will turn you into a dead dog if you dare to stand in the way with this little ability."

Lin Dong snorted coldly, and rushed over in an instant. On top of his body, golden Lei Yuan gushed out, condensing into a colossal giant elephant,

" The sacred elephant crashes into the sky!"

He hit the giant elephant, and then condensed five ancient giant fingers full of complicated runes.

"The Great Wilderness imprisons the sky with one finger, one finger imprisons the world...five fingers move the universe!"

Five fingers pressed over!

The man in black hurriedly resisted, he was so embarrassed that he couldn't stop it at all.

Five ancient giant fingers hit him, and he was directly pressed down.

Spit out a mouthful of blood.

The man in black's face was pale, and his Nirvana golden body couldn't stop the opponent's attack.

He got up from the ground in embarrassment, clutching his chest, his face was a little ugly.

This pretense is too much, there are actually masters among the people in Yangcheng, not only are they not afraid of his nirvana state, but they can also defeat him.

Seeing that Lin Dong would continue to attack, the man in black quickly spoke up. "Ahem, misunderstood, this big brother, I don't know which high-ranking dynasty it is, I was reckless, please be merciful."


At this time, another group of people in black flew out, and hurried to the place Around people, the weakest of them are all at the peak of the Creation Realm, and one-third of them have reached the half-step Nirvana Realm.

Obviously this is someone from the High Dynasty.

"Haha, Hua Yun, you really laughed me to death. With such little strength, you still dare to come out to block the way."

Another group of people came out, and the leader of them laughed loudly, also in Nirvana!

"Hmph, Wu Mo, don't you have the same thoughts!" Hua Yun snorted coldly, he just shot one step earlier.

"Hua Yun and Wu Mo are the Xuanbing Dynasty and the Great Wu Dynasty, both high-level dynasties, and they are all here." Liu Yuan introduced to Wu Yun with a solemn expression.

Ling Zhi: "The people of these high-level dynasties have always been arrogant and domineering. They probably want to force us to retreat and then monopolize Leiyan Valley. It's a pity they don't know that Brother Wu Yun is coming to Yangcheng!"

"Why, are you coming to block the way too? ?" Lin Dong looked at Wu Mo with a smile on his face, and said coldly, a strong coercion, a domineering oppression.

"Uh... dare not dare, this brother, I don't know which dynasty he comes from?" Wu Mo quickly stopped his smile and asked seriously.

"Which dynasty is none of your business, since you don't want to get in the way, get the hell out!"

Lin Dong said angrily, he could see that Wu Mo and Hua Yun were of the same breed, but it was only because Hua Yun suffered a disadvantage, that's why. court.

"Hehe, don't be so angry, you should also be from a high-level dynasty. If you bring this group of low-level and mid-level dynasty people into it, don't you think they are noisy? These guys are not worthy of the opportunity of Leiyan Valley. Let them fish in troubled waters. That's not good." Wu Mo's tone was full of arrogance, and he looked at the people in Yangcheng with contempt.

In his opinion, only those from the high-ranking dynasty are eligible to enter.

These words deeply stabbed everyone in Yangcheng, even the people of the Great Yan Dynasty felt a bit of anger in their hearts.

In the eyes of high-level dynasties, low- and middle-level dynasties are not human beings.

Lin Dong: "I don't know where your sense of superiority comes from. It's just that you were born in a high-level dynasty, so you deserve to be so proud.

If in the eyes of a super dynasty, your high-level dynasty is also unworthy! Go

away, today I will bring They entered Thunder Rock Valley!"

Wu Mo's face suddenly turned ugly, green and red.

He has lowered his figure so much, and the other party is still so stubborn, I really think Wu Mo is easy to bully.

Hua Yun was holding his breath, seeing that Wu Mo had also been bullied, he felt much better.

However, Lin Dong was too arrogant, and he didn't give the two high-ranking dynasties any face at all, so he must be dealt with.

One and a half steps into Nirvana, could it be possible to go to heaven?

He suggested,

"Wu Mo, this kid is too arrogant, let's deal with him together!"

"Okay!" Wu Mo immediately agreed.

"Hehe, are you two together?" Lin Dong grinned, his fighting spirit even stronger.

He just spent 500,000 nirvana pills to break through the half-step nirvana state, and his combat power has not yet been fully displayed.

These two thought that in Yangcheng, Lin Dong was the only one who possessed the combat power of Nirvana, so he dared to continue.

The two fought together and fought against Lin Dong.

Liu Yuan, Mo Tie and the others were a little worried that Lin Dong would win against someone who was one realm higher than him.

They looked at Wu Yun, thinking that Wu Yun would help, but Wu Yun wasn't worried at all, instead he was in a daze.

At this moment, Wu Yun was using his mental strength to investigate the surrounding situation. Apart from the two high-ranking dynasties, he also sensed several more powerful auras hidden in the dark.

On a nearby mountain peak, a beautiful figure blinked her lazy beautiful eyes, saw the three people in the battle in front of the valley, became slightly serious, and murmured, "Half a step into Nirvana, I can actually be able to compete with two people." Fighting in the Nirvana Realm, it's still interesting!" On the top of the

other peak, a few black shadows swept up the big tree like ghosts, and they were also looking at the battle below.

"Fourth senior brother, that person is so strong, I think he might be difficult to deal with."

"Well, it seems that this time it will not be so easy to win. We underestimated the competition for Thunder Rock Valley. We should have called the second and third senior brothers over!" Black Shadow sighed.

"Which dynasty is this person from?"

"Hmph, no matter which dynasty he comes from, it is impossible for him to be stronger than our Demon Rock Dynasty."

"As far as I know, the few super dynasties stronger than us are not in Yangcheng region."

"Maybe a lucky guy who got some opportunities and rose, it has nothing to do with the dynasty."
