Baiyun transforms into form, he knows best that the owner will always be a pet

Lin Dong pouted, sighed inwardly, and missed a big battle.

He could only follow his elder brother's orders to clean up the battlefield.

People from the Great Yan Dynasty came over, surrounding the high stone palace, overlooking the entire Demon Rock City.

Now the entire Demon Rock City is silent, waiting for what will happen to the man who just destroyed the Demon Rock Dynasty.

Some people who have made good friends with the Moyan Dynasty, and even have taken refuge in the Moyan Dynasty, are very worried at the moment, fearing that they will be held accountable by the Yan Dynasty.

The corpses of these people from the Demon Rock Dynasty were still placed there one by one, which was full of shock.

Those people quietly hid in the corner!

However, Wu Yun was in the mood to chase after those little fish and shrimp.

He just asked Mo Ling and others to go out and inquire about the elder brother of the Moyan Dynasty who had not returned, and about the Ancient Palace.

Soon Mo Ling came back to report, "The leader, the senior brother of the Demon Rock Dynasty, named Shi Kun, is already a strong man in the one-dimensional nirvana state, and it is said that he can attack the dual-element nirvana state at any time. Competing with others for the last ancient secret key, it is estimated that he will not be able to return to Magic Rock City in a short time. I guess he will go directly to the ancient temple.

Now many dynasties are already on their way to the ancient temple. We will pass here, probably It's about ten days' journey."

Wu Yun nodded after hearing this, "Well, let's rest in Magic Rock City for two days and share the spoils we just obtained with everyone, and quickly refine the spirit treasures. Three days later, we will Let's go to the ancient land!"

"Yes, leader!"

Mo Ling said excitedly.

This time they ransacked Magic Rock City, and they got a lot of spoils.

Magic Rock City is worthy of being the best in the high-level dynasty. There are several good fortune martial arts, among which there is even a high level good fortune martial art. There are also many earth-level spirit treasures, and the worst ones are high-level spirit treasures.

The Nirvana Pill has received nearly three million pieces.

These are all equipped for the Great Yan Dynasty. At least the average person has an earth-level spirit treasure, and everyone knows one or two good fortune-level martial arts.

Their strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and almost all of them have reached the half-step nirvana state.

Mo Ling and other outstanding people already have the qualifications to hit the Nirvana Realm.

This time to rest, you can start to break through.

When everyone is thriving and striving for a breakthrough.

Wu Yun and Lin Dong entered the ancient stele space.

He began to improve the strength of Baiyun and Xiaoyan. The strength of these two tigers had already reached the half-step nirvana state, but they had not prepared for them to hit the nirvana state!

Now that there is a palm bottle that can quickly cultivate elixir, Wu Yun has found two elixir that are more suitable for Baiyun, Fenglingcao and Fire Qishen!

During this period, the green liquid has been used to accelerate the ripening, and the effect is already very strong, and it has a strong effect on the nirvana.

It can be used to help Baiyun hit the Nirvana realm!

Wu Yun asked Lin Dong to refine these two elixirs into pills, and prepared a Nirvana Pill Formation for Bai Yun, and then guided her to hit the Nirvana Realm.


Bai Yun let out a low growl, telling Wu Yun not to worry, she already had the confidence to hit the Nirvana Realm, and her body could fully withstand the impact of the Nirvana Qi.

Because Bai Yun also practiced calligraphy, Wu Yun prepared one million Nirvana Pills for her first.

Different from Wu Yun and Lin Dong, although Bai Yun is a monster, her spiritual intelligence is not as good as Wu Yun and Lin Dong's, so she can't keep up with them in terms of the progress of her body script training, and now she can only barely reach the level of Wu Yun and Lin Dong. A Feiyun body that can reach the innate level.

The ultimate physique evolved from her flying cloud body is the flying fairy body, which can maximize the speed.

But the Feixian body cannot have the incomparably powerful physical defense like Wu Yun and Lin Dong.

Therefore, when receiving the Nirvana Pill, it is impossible to absorb a hundred million Nirvana Pills like Wu Yun and the others.

Of course, Bai Yun has the blood of the white tiger, and his physique is extremely perverted. It is only a little weaker than Wu Yun and Lin Dong, but compared to ordinary monsters, he is stronger than ordinary monsters.

An hour later, the one million Nirvana Pills were all consumed by Bai Yun, and she still hadn't completed Nirvana.

Wu Yun added another million!


Bai Yun roared in the formation, the rich Nirvana Qi continuously washed her body, and the mighty white tiger blood pressure unreservedly radiated from her body.

Xiao Yan, the ancient Blood Bat Dragon, and the Scorpio Tiger crawled down and shivered under this pressure.

"Brother, why is Baiyun's bloodline so strong? Even among the three most powerful tiger clans in the demon realm, I have never felt such a strong bloodline coercion from them."

Xiao Diao said The demon spirit also couldn't help but clamped its tail, looked at Bai Yun who was constantly absorbing the Nirvana Pill, and said in a daze.

"Bai Yun should have awakened the blood of the ancestor!" Wu Yun said perfunctorily.

It's impossible for him to tell Xiao Diao, because your eldest brother and I are pegged.

Baiyun's aura became stronger and stronger, and the power of the blood seemed to be stimulated, and the dazzling blood radiated from the strong Nirvana Qi, even suppressing the manic Nirvana Qi.

Bai Yun didn't devour the ancestor talisman to help absorb it, but her speed of refining Nirvana Qi was not much slower than Wu Yun and Lin Dong.

The power of blood seems to be fully awakened.

Even Wu Yun, who is not a monster, felt a majestic coercion.

In the past, Baiyun's strength could not completely control the bloodline of the white tiger, so the power of that bloodline was hidden in her body.

Until now, it has completely exploded.

Xiao Diao: "The Nirvana state is a very important state for monsters. The spirit of Nirvana can help the monsters undergo a very thorough transformation and fully tap out the power of the bloodlines of the monsters. The stronger the bloodlines of the monsters, Breaking through will be smoother, otherwise, it will be easy to be buried in the fire of Nirvana.

After Nirvana is successful, the spiritual intelligence of monsters will be greatly improved, and it will be very different from ordinary monsters, or in other words, they have already broken away from the beasts. ranks!" The

Nirvana of the monster beast is tantamount to being a new man... There was a faint smile on the corner of Wu Yun's mouth.

He knew that after the Nirvana of monsters, some monsters with extraordinary talents could transform into human form in advance.

The strength of the white tiger's bloodline was beyond Wu Yun's imagination. Bai Yun continued to devour the Nirvana Qi in large quantities, and in an instant, millions of Nirvana Pills were consumed.

It wasn't until tens of millions of Nirvana Pills were consumed that Baiyun's aura gradually stopped, and the thick Nirvana Golden Body condensed.

However, just when Wu Yun thought it was over.

Baiyun's pure white body suddenly became fiery red, and her body actually gave birth to clusters of nirvana flames. Such powerful nirvana flames erupted from Baiyun's body from the inside out, and the fiery breath impacted on the protective array arranged by Wu Yun. cover.

This terrifying aura made Xiaoyan's scalp tingle a little.

"It's Nirvana!"

Xiao Diao said in surprise.

"Baiyun still wants to continue to attack the Nirvana Tribulation. The power of the blood just exploded too strong. The Nirvana Realm can't be suppressed. Baiyun still has to advance. Brother, give Baiyun the Nirvana Pill!"

Wu Yun didn't hesitate, and made a move. Pulling the fiery red pill from a nearby Nirvana Pill Mountain, a huge flame rune wrapped 20 million Nirvana Pills and instantly turned them into a thick and hot torrent, hitting Baiyun's formation.

Nirvana is triggered from the inside out, and it is necessary to withstand the tempering of the fire of Nirvana on the body in order to survive.

The energy of Nirvana turned into a torrent and submerged Bai Yun. Her body was covered with energy magma formed by the energy of Nirvana. Silver-white blood flowed clearly. Bai Yun opened his mouth wide and absorbed the energy crazily. In her mind, The light group with clear characters emitted a radiant light.

Time passed slowly, and Baiyun was still absorbing a large amount of Nirvana Qi, showing no signs of stopping.

After a while, it was estimated that the breakthrough would not be completed, so Wu Yun asked Lin Dong to go out of the ancient monument space first and sit in the magic rock city.

Guard Baiyun by himself!

A day passed in a blink of an eye!

The fiery red mist in the formation slowly dissipated, and Wu Yun saw a white shadow.

But this time, the white color is different!

She is no longer the whiteness of the hair, but the snow-white skin.

Pure whiteness!

In the formation, a snow-white figure sat cross-legged quietly, and Wu Yun saw her back.

The straight and smooth jade back is like suet jade, with a silver thread scattered vertically in the center of the back, hanging down to the waist.

On the top of her head, there are two big fluffy snow-white ears, which look very cute.


Wu Yun swallowed, it wasn't because he was thinking about it, but because this wonderful figure disturbed his thinking.

Regarding Baiyun's transformation, Wu Yun had actually been prepared in his heart, and even imagined it, but when this moment came, he couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

Especially when he saw the pair of fluffy snow-white tiger ears, he almost broke his defense.

It's really hard to keep a pure friendship!


Bai Yun turned around suddenly, stood up, his voice was soft, with a hint of greenness, and he bit his tongue slightly.

Regardless of whether it is a human or a tiger, in all directions, Baiyun still fully displays the shape and characteristics of the white tiger.

This tiger is so white!


Wu Yun hurriedly covered his mouth and coughed, and then threw a large robe from the Qiankun ring, completely covering Baiyun's body.

There is no way, Baiyun is too slender and tall, and the smaller robe really can't cover her.

At this time, Wu Yun could calm down a little and look at her.

The Baiyun who turned into a human form was not so thorough, and still left a pair of big ears. However, these big ears are not obtrusive, but they suit her very well. It looks like a cos tiger girl, with an extra cuteness , wild and seductive.

Aya Qingzhu?

Looking at Bai Yun's face, Wu Yun felt as if he saw Ling Qingzhu in a trance. Bai Yun's facial features and outline had a little shadow of Ling Qingzhu, but when he looked closely, he didn't look so much like Ling Qingzhu. It is more three-dimensional, and her pupils are unique, and her eyes are flowing, but they are a little bit similar to Mu Qianqian's peach blossom eyes.

Look at the figure again, the slender legs, the proud figure... Xuan Su? Jiang Xue? Lin Xia?

Her figure is so perfect!

Almost all the outstanding female body advantages around him have been transformed, and they are well integrated together, incomparably coordinated and beautiful.

The last time Wu Yun felt so amazed was when he saw Ling Qingzhu lift the veil.

Wu Yun covered his forehead, a little afraid to look directly.

How could Baiyun become like this, every part has got to his g-spot!

This is simply Wu Yun's dream lover!

But, she is a simple little tiger, how does she know these things, who taught her?

"Baiyun, how did you become like this?" Wu Yun asked with a guilty conscience.

According to what he knows, the monsters cultivated by ordinary people will have a human form as a reference when they take shape, and most monsters will change according to their master's form.

But Baiyun obviously didn't follow his appearance.

"Master, don't you like it?"

Bai Yun asked suspiciously, looking at Wu Yun expectantly with those shining pupils.

"Hi... I like it, of course I like it!" Wu Yun badly said that he didn't like it against his conscience, and said sincerely, "I just wonder how you would think of becoming like this, why is it like this, it's not something else, like me Oh, I don't mean to be like me, but what made you choose to be like this?"

Bai Yun replied naturally, "I think the master likes this, so I thought of becoming like this!"

Wu Yun: "Why do you want to be like this?" Knowing that I like this, what if I don't like it?"

"It's impossible not to like it, I've been observing the master, I can't be wrong, your favorite thing to watch on weekdays is Xuan Su's... Mu Qianqian's..." Bai Yun was sure , listed one by one.

She is very smart, and she has been thinking about the shape change for a long time. She wants to stay with the master all the time, so she decided that the shape change must be the shape that the master likes the most.

That's it, Bai Yun pays close attention to what Wu Yun pays attention to every day, she is very sensitive, and she follows Wu Yun almost every day, so she is very precise about Wu Yun's preferences.

For example, the host likes to look at Lin Xia's legs, secretly glances at Mu Qianqian's eyes, and the tall and straight figures of Jiang Xue and Xuan Su.

And that Ling Qingzhu who made the master's eyes brighten, and the color of obsession appeared in his eyes!

Baiyun found that these owners liked it very much.

Therefore, she formed such a human body model in her mind, drawing on the strengths of all the families to create the owner's favorite body shape.

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Wu Yun hurriedly called to stop, denying San Lian instantly.

"I'm not, don't talk nonsense, I don't!"

"No, why does your voice sound a little familiar?" Wu Yun touched his head, and was shocked to find that Bai Yun's pronunciation with a loli voice was somewhat similar to Qingtan's.

"Since you can change so much, why don't you change completely? Why do you still have a pair of ears?" Wu Yun asked.

According to Bai Yun's ability to change, it is impossible to completely transform into a human form because of insufficient strength, and still retain part of the animal form.

"Master doesn't like to pinch Baiyun's ears, I'll keep them for Master!" Baiyun said innocently.

She can have any thoughts, but she wants the master to like her more.

Wu Yun didn't know what to say anymore!

His cheeks were slightly red, but he didn't expect that his small movements still couldn't escape the white clouds beside him.

But how did he know before, how could a simple and cute little tiger notice these unscrupulous things.

What he was guarding against were people, but he didn't think of guarding against tigers!

How could this make Baiyun go out to meet people!

Doesn't that expose the essence of being an lsp.

After all, it is said that pet beasts follow their masters!

What prestige does he have to meet others, is he still the leader?

"Master, did I do something wrong? Don't you like it?"

Bai Yun felt aggrieved with a small face, thinking that he had done something wrong, so he didn't dare to look at Wu Yun.

That sweet aggrieved voice, coupled with that delicate face.

Wu Yun couldn't be angry at all.

And he wasn't angry at all.

It's just that I can't face my real self for a while.

She had been hiding it for many years, but Bai Yun exposed it all at once.

Not innocent anymore!

Wu Yun hurried forward, touched Baiyun's big ears, and sighed, "It's not you who's wrong, it's the master!"