Little Mink: Called Master Mink

The Vigorous Earth-Splitter Tiger regarded Bai Yun's words as a standard, and quickly bowed to Wu Yun,

"Master, Master!"

"Hehe, this tiger is quite good." Wu Yun nodded, "Get up!"

Vigorously cracked the ground Tiger stood up, with a huge half-beast figure, ugly is a bit ugly, but very oppressive.

It's also a tiger monster, why is there such a big difference... Wu Yun secretly complained, compared with Bai Yun, this Vigorous Earth-Splitting Tiger is not a little bit ugly.

"Hey, this is the transformation after possessing the advantage of bloodlines. After all, this Vigorous Ground Splitter is just an ordinary monster with fur. It can't be compared with Baiyun, and it's much worse than Xiaoyan.

However, its current appearance , after two or three more Nirvana catastrophes, he should be able to transform completely."

Xiao Diao explained.

Wu Yun: "Now, take out the Tianmo tiger bone."

Dali Earthbreaker showed a look of reluctance on his face, the Tianmo tiger bone is its most precious treasure.


It knelt down violently again, and said quickly, "Master, that day the devil tiger bone was used when I was preparing to attack the dual-element nirvana calamity. If I didn't have this heavenly devil tiger bone, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to survive the second-cloud nirvana calamity."

"Master , I will follow you in the future, my strength has improved, so I can serve the master, and I hope the master can leave me the bone of the demon tiger."

Dali Earthbreaker's earnest words are quite reasonable, and he still wants to occupy the bone of the demon tiger .

"Heh, you will think of the master." Wu Yun laughed, this big tiger also has its own little thoughts, not to mention, it is quite good at talking.

"Don't worry, follow me, I won't treat you badly, you can't grasp this demon tiger bone, I have other things to make up for you."

Wu Yun said with a smile.


The Vigorous Earth Splitter showed a look of embarrassment, a little disappointed.

"What's the ink, you still don't believe what the master says, stupid tiger, if you question the master again, I'll shoot you to death." Bai Yun scolded, and gave the Dali Earth Splitter a sharp look in his eyes.

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Dali Earth Splitter was very afraid of Baiyun, the kind of fear that came from deep in his blood.

It quickly ran back to its cave.

Boom boom boom!

Half a sound later, there was the sound of hurried and heavy footsteps in the cave, and the figure of the Vigorous Earth Splitter reappeared. This time, it carried a huge black skeleton that was tens of feet long on its shoulders.

It walked over step by step with heavy steps.


The black skeleton was placed heavily on the ground, and the whole valley trembled suddenly.

The weight of the skeleton moved Wu Yun even slightly.

They looked at the bone of the demon tiger.

The skeleton is very huge, but fortunately it is complete, the whole body is pitch black, shining with a luster like refined iron, as if cast from black gold.

Although an unknown number of years have passed, there is still an extremely ferocious domineering and ferocious aura permeating the bones of the tiger.

Lin Dong: "Isn't it the Heavenly Demon Tiger, one of the three major tiger clans!"

It's so shocking.

"Big brother, second brother, it really is a demon tiger bone, and the blood power contained in it is not weak, it is completely enough for Xiao Yan to use." Xiao Diao said in surprise.


Xiaoyan looked at this huge and mighty demon tiger bone, and there was a light in his eyes, with a strong yearning, it also wanted to become so powerful.

"Since the tiger bone is in hand, let's start and help Xiaoyan fuse the tiger bone here, Mo Ling, take your brothers around the valley and don't let others get close." Wu Yun instructed.

After Mo Ling led everyone away, only Bai Yun, Wu Yun, Lin Dong, Xiao Yan, and the Vigorous Ground Splitter squatting aside were left.

Xiaoyan came out of the stone talisman, and he needed to direct the fusion of the demon tiger bone.

When the Vigorous Earth Breaker saw the little mink, the corner of its mouth twitched. It also felt a terrible pressure from the little mink.

"Xiao Yan, although you have a mutated physique, your own bloodline is too mediocre, even worse than this ugly tiger." Xiao Diao pointed to the vigorous ground-splitting tiger squatting on the side.

"If this ugly tiger is fused with this tiger bone, it will definitely die. Similarly, it is also very dangerous for you, so you must persevere. Only by passing this test can you truly transform. If If you don't have enough courage, you might as well retire to the ancient monument space." Xiao Diao said lightly. Tell Xiaoyan how powerful it is.


Xiaoyan let out a deep roar, expressing that he would definitely do it.

She has always been very strong, and she is absolutely unwilling to hold back her master.

"Let's start, this little difficulty can't stop Xiaoyan, it has always been very brave." Wu Yun urged, he has confidence in Xiaoyan and appreciates Xiaoyan's courage very much.

In the original book, Xiaoyan was successfully fused, not to mention that now he has the body script taught by Wu Yun, and treasures such as Leijie Liquid and Yang Yuan Liquid, which strengthen his physique and make his physical body stronger to a terrifying degree.

It is enough to withstand the super blood pulse blow of the Tianmo Tiger Clan.

Xiao Diao nodded, "If you want to fuse the demonic tiger bone, you have to extract the bone first. In short, you have to pull out the original tiger bone. This step is very dangerous. If you are not careful, the bone will be destroyed and the tiger will die." "

Brother, Nirvana Pill!"

Wu Yun threw out a Universe Pill, and immediately hundreds of thousands of Nirvana Pills poured out, floating in the air.

"The fire of Nirvana, condense!" In the

little mink's claws, the seal changed, and purple and black rays of light rushed out, shooting into the huge torrent composed of Nirvana pills.

With the injection of light, the torrent of Nirvana Pill suddenly twisted, and in the next moment, the scarlet flames burst out suddenly, and even the nothingness was burned to the point of being distorted.

The little mink became serious, and with a finger pointing, the fire of nirvana swept down, directly enveloping Xiaoyan's body.


Nirvana flames covered Xiaoyan's body, and his body was melting rapidly, and the scales on his body creaked.

Ho Ho Ho... Xiaoyan panted heavily, and made a hoarse sound from his throat. It was in great pain, but it was restraining, it was enduring.

The rich fire of Nirvana turned Xiaoyan's flesh and blood into a magma-like slurry.

Bai Yun's small hands grabbed Wu Yun's shoulders, and the nails touched Wu Yun's skin. Seeing his younger brother struggling in the flames, Bai Yun couldn't bear it.

"Don't worry, Xiaoyan can bear it. After passing this test, it will be able to transform completely." Wu Yun comforted Bai Yun with his arms half in his arms.

Lin Dong stared at Xiao Yan unblinkingly, he was the most nervous.

Xiaoyan and him get along day and night, and the relationship between them can be said to be the strongest.

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Diao had already melted 500,000 Nirvana Pills, and the rich Nirvana Fire continuously burned Xiao Yan's body.

Xiaoyan's fleshy body, which has undergone various enhancements, hasn't melted so easily for a while.

After a million nirvana pills went down, Xiaoyan's body finally turned into a bloody ball, but his breath also quickly weakened, leaving only a weak vitality.

"Smoking tiger bones!" Xiao Diao shouted in a low voice.

A ruthless look flashed in his sable pupils, and when he poked his claws, the purple-black light condensed into big claws, which penetrated into the ball of meat, and then yanked fiercely.


A pair of dark white tiger bones that already looked a bit distorted were stripped out of Xiaoyan's flesh and blood by the little mink.


Seeing this scene, Bai Yun couldn't help screaming, grabbed Wu Yun vigorously, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his body was already half-softly resting on Wu Yun's body.

When I see my loved ones suffer, I will have a strong psychological empathy, and I will feel weak unconsciously.

This is how Baiyun is at the moment.

Wu Yun also pursed his lips, his scalp felt a little numb watching this process, he couldn't imagine what kind of pain Xiao Yan would endure, so he couldn't help but hug Bai Yun tightly.

Lin Dong's hands had already been clenched into fists, and his veins were bulging, which showed his anxious state of mind.

And the Vigorous Earth Splitter at the side swallowed, and retreated step by step, trying to stay away from the raging Nirvana fire.

It is now a little thankful that it did not use the demon tiger bone, otherwise it would have died as the big black mouse said.

The fire of nirvana transformed into a million-level nirvana pill did not dare to use it when it broke through the one-yuan nirvana state.

The little mink poked its claws, and the huge demon tiger bone next to it was sucked into the fire of nirvana by him.

As soon as the Tianmo tiger bone entered, Xiaoyan's almost liquid-like flesh and blood immediately came to life, squirming crazily, and then wrapped around the Tianmo tiger bone.

Just when Xiaoyan's flesh and blood were clinging to the bone of the Tianmo tiger, the bone of the Tianmo tiger emitted a blazing light, and from its dark bones, streaks of black lights shot out, trying to disperse Xiaoyan's flesh and blood.

Xiao Diao: "This is the imprint left on the bone of the Demon Tiger. It will resist Xiaoyan's fusion. This process can only be resisted by Xiaoyan. If it can destroy the will of the Demon Tiger, the super power can successfully occupy this body." Tiger bones."

Next, they watched Xiaoyan's performance, Wu Yun and the others held their breath quietly and watched nervously.

Xiaoyan is very resilient, no matter how the black light resists, its flesh and blood are firmly attached to the tiger bone, lingering unremittingly.

After such a stalemate for half an hour, the black glow dimmed at noon.

Xiaoyan's flesh and blood surged rapidly, clinging to the tiger bone frantically.

As Xiaoyan's flesh and blood merged into the demon tiger's bone, a huge beast shadow slowly formed in the flames of Nirvana, followed by Xiaoyan's powerful aura, which was more ferocious and domineering than before.


A roar!

The coercion of the Heavenly Demon Tiger was revealed, the whole valley echoed Xiaoyan's majestic tiger roar, and the ground-splitter tiger clamped down on the backyard vigorously, this blood coercion made it a little scared.

Xiaoyan succeeded.

Lin Dong's bulging fist finally loosened.

Xiao Diao's eyes also shone brightly, looking at this huge tiger shadow, it was like admiring a masterpiece of detail.

Wu Yun and Bai Yun had smiles on their faces. Bai Yun and him looked at each other, and they could see the peace in each other's eyes.

It can be said that Xiaoyan is their younger brother, and now that Xiaoyan is finally okay, they are very happy for Xiaoyan.


Bai Yun whispered softly in Wu Yun's ear, and leaned her head on Wu Yun's shoulder. Her height also fits Wu Yun very well. Her height is just lower than Wu Yun's. After half a head, everything is just right.

"I was so scared just now, the four of us have to be together forever."

Bai Yun said with emotion, Xiao Yan was really dangerous just now.

Along the way, the two of them have become as close as brothers and sisters, and they are used to the feeling of being around each other. This relationship is very rare.

"Don't worry, we won't be separated!" Wu Yun rubbed her ears and said dotingly.

Although Baiyun has transformed and looks very mature, her brain is still the simple little white tiger before, and her essence has not changed.

The fire of Nirvana is still burning brightly.

call! Xiao Yan opened his mouth wide, and actually absorbed it, the rich Nirvana Qi turned into a torrent and poured into his body.

"Good guy, Xiaoyan wants to take this opportunity to break through and hit the Nirvana Realm."

Xiao Diao excitedly said.

"Then let him break through!" Wu Yun threw out another universe bag, and countless Nirvana Pills spilled out from it. At the same time, he threw out a formation plate, covering Xiaoyan's huge body inside.

Xiaoyan was surrounded by the torrent of Nirvana's fire, but his aura became stronger and stronger.

"Heavenly Devil Tiger with a mutated bloodline, Xiao Yan, even I am looking forward to it now. I don't know how far he can go in the future. I think it should be possible to surpass the three major tiger clans. That would be fun!" Little Mink laughed.

At this time, Xiaoyan had absorbed two million Nirvana Pills and was still going on.

Dali Earthbreaker was dumbfounded. The previous Million Nirvana Pills were just an appetizer to break through the Nirvana Realm, and so many Nirvana Pills were used, which was enough for him to hit the Dual Nirvana Realm.

Can't compare!

At this time, he looked at Wu Yun seriously, and casually took out millions of Nirvana Pills. This master seemed to be doing well with him.

Originally, he was just taking advantage of Bai Yun's lust, but now he really wanted to follow Wu Yun.

If Wu Yun is also willing to give him a few million nirvana pills, he will be much more confident in surviving the dual nirvana calamity.

"Ugly tiger, what are you looking at, I'm envious!"

Little mink floated in front of Dalididisha, and slapped it on the head.

"Roar!" The ground-breaking tiger bared its teeth at Xiao Diao, and a demon spirit dared to break ground on the Tiger King's head!

"Yo, dare to kill your Master Diao!"

Xiao Diao smiled, the fierce purple light of the demon spirit flickered, and an extremely huge phantom formed behind him, and that phantom slightly flapped its huge wings that could cover the sky, A terrifying fluctuation directly enveloped Dali Earth Splitter.

The Vigorous Earth-Splitter's face was horrified, "God... Sky Demon Diao!"

"Huh, I still have some eyesight!"

"Do you still dare to show your teeth now?"

Xiao Diao put on an air, pretending to be in front of the Vigorous Earth-Splitter.

"Don't dare, dare not, Lord Tianyao Diao, you are a little ignorant!" Dali Earth Splitter hurriedly bowed.

Wu Yun: "Little Diao, don't you have a lot of unique skills of the monster race? Pass on a trick or two to this Vigorous Earth Breaker, and let him be your younger brother in the future."

"Give him a name!"

"Yes, big brother!" Mink laughed.

Turning his head to Dali Lidihu, he said, "You are too ugly, you will lose face to our monster clan. When you transform your head, try to make it look better. You are big and strong, so let's call you big and strong!"

"Thank you Lord Yao Diao for the name!"

"Master Diao!"

"Yes, Master Diao!"