Danhe, Refining Pill Spirit Corpse, Three Thousand Nirvana Army

The ancient giant door opened.

The surrounding pairs of eyes became hot, and all the energy began to surge, ready to rush into the huge space portal.

The vitality between the heaven and the earth boiled at this moment. This boiling was not caused by the ancient giant gate, but because of the crazy fluctuations of the vitality in the bodies of tens of thousands of people around.

Wu Yun's breathing also became heavy. With one move, he took the four ancient secret keys into his hands.

Although the door is open, the ancient secret key still works.

If the secret key exists only to open the door, then it seems unnecessary for people to fight for it.


Wu Yun gave an order, and everyone from the Great Yan Dynasty stepped into the giant gate together with him.


As they stepped in first, the crowd behind them went crazy, bee chrysalis came and filed in.

The endless sea of ​​people surged like a torrent, sweeping across the sky and rushing towards the ancient giant gate.

On a high tower, looking at the surging crowd, Mu Hongling and the others also had hot eyes. A man in white said excitedly, "Let's leave too. It's been a long time since I saw such a grand occasion. His blood has been ignited."


"Be careful, everyone, pay attention to the power of space!"

Wu Yun reminded loudly, he could clearly feel an extremely powerful space wave spreading, and the tyrannical tearing force came from all directions. The rush of people, trying to tear him into pieces, will also scatter people.

"Hold on to each other, don't be distracted by the power of space!" Wu Yunyuan force surged out, hitting space runes one after another to help the team stabilize.

After hearing Wu Yun's words, Mo Ling and the others in the rear hurriedly grabbed one by one, urging the energy in their bodies to wrap their bodies.

However, this state will soon pass.

Wait until the tearing force of the space disappears.

Bright light shines into people's eyes.

"This is the ancient secret treasure!"

Wu Yun looked at the world for the first time, and the whole world took on a withered yellow color that lacked vitality.

Even the sky is such a lonely color!

In the void, there are countless huge boulders floating, and they are also on top of an incomparably huge boulder, still some distance from the ground.

But it can be seen that the land is devastated and there are still traces of the war. This is already a dilapidated ruin.

A piece of withered yellow, lifeless, the world is gloomy.

Like the end of the day.

Moreover, Wu Yun also sensed waves of extremely violent spatial fluctuations. This secret storage space is obviously extremely unstable.

"How tragic was the previous war to destroy a space like this!"

Wu Yun said with emotion. This space is somewhat similar to the Great Desolation Ancient Monument, but it is much more dilapidated than the ancient monument.

"Well, let's go, let's start the treasure hunt. Our first task is to find enough Nirvana Pills to quickly pass through the Nirvana Tribulation, and then help Xiao Diao find the Life and Death Turning Wheel Pill."

Wu Yun said to Lin Dong, "Except for us, secretly There are also many masters, their aura is far from comparable to that of Shi Kun, it is estimated that they are at least at the level of dual nirvana, and they may be a little difficult to deal with."

"Yes!" Lin Dong nodded secretly.

They moved quickly, stepping over boulders.

On the way, I saw many sectarian steles buried in the ruins, and understood that this ancient treasure was a sect alliance.

"Big Brother, Second Brother, there seems to be something on the boulder."

Xiao Diao's voice sounded in Wu Yunhe's mind.

You can find the life-and-death runner pill you need right away, so Xiao Diao is very motivated and constantly explores the way with his spiritual power.

Wu Yun looked in the direction of the spiritual force given by Xiao Diao, and there was a huge boulder floating on the empty space in the distance. This boulder was about a thousand miles in size, almost like a floating island in the air.


Wu Yun quickly approached the boulder with the power of wind and thunder.

Before the small boulder island, there was a dry desert, and it was extremely desolate as far as the eye could see.

There is only one skeleton sitting quietly cross-legged in the center. The skeleton is an ancient yellow color, and a little gold spot can be vaguely seen. It seems that it should have fallen during the time of Nirvana.

"This skeleton is at least the existence of the sixth calamity, and the yellow sand on the boulder island should be caused by his passing through the calamity of nirvana." Xiao Diao judged.

Wu Yun stretched out his hand and urged the devouring rune on the chaotic rune, turning his hand into a vortex, absorbing the remaining energy of the skeleton.

This skeleton is similar to those who passed away in the Great Desolation Ancient Monument. There will be remnants in their bones. Wu Yun wants to obtain information about this ancient treasure by devouring his remnants.

The bones were turned into ashes under the force of devouring.

"Hey, big brother has something!"

Lin Dong said in surprise, a little golden light shone from the ashes.

He stretched out his hand in surprise, and took out a golden sphere about the size of a thumb.

"Golden body relic, good thing."

Xiao Diao said in surprise.

"Not only does it contain a strong Nirvana spirit, but even after refining, it is possible to obtain some cultivation insights from the original owner. This thing is not something that can be condensed by just a strong person in the Nirvana state."

"Keep it away, I will I already know where there is enough Nirvana energy."

Wu Yun opened his eyes, raised the corners of his mouth, and said happily.

From the remnants he absorbed just now, he has already obtained a piece of information about the Dan River.

Seeing the leader with a smile on his face, Mo Ling and the others became happy. There is no doubt that this is a good thing.

Everyone followed Wu Yun and quickly rushed forward. At this time, there were already figures behind them catching up.

In order to find the treasure, everyone's eyes were red, and they went desperately to the depths of the secret store.

Wu Yun and the others also speeded up.

After flying for a while, a vertical red line appeared in the gray sky.

"It's just ahead!"

Wu Yun said excitedly.


Everyone finally saw clearly that the crimson line was actually a Milky Way descending from the sky. The crimson Milky Way hung high, and the source came from nowhere. Looking at it with the naked eye, the end could not be seen, as if it was directly submerged in the void space. It was extremely spectacular .

The strong air of Nirvana rushes towards my face!

Everyone gasped, because the river water was not ordinary water, but a crimson liquid condensed from Nirvana Pill.

"Using pills to form a river, what a great skill!"

Everyone sighed.

Even in the space of stone symbols, Xiao Diao, who has seen the world, is a little shocked.

Such a majestic Milky Way, no matter how much Wu Yun and Lin Dong could sustain it, they would not be able to absorb it all. I am afraid it would be difficult to absorb even one-thousandth of it.

Someone couldn't help but ran to touch Tianhe, Wu Yun hurriedly stopped it,

"Be careful, don't go there, there is something inside."


The crimson water suddenly burst open, and a slightly illusory fiery red figure swept out like lightning, blowing a fierce and extremely strong wind at the person who approached.


Wu Yun flew over quickly, and slapped out his palm, hitting the fiery red figure.


The monster let out a shrill scream, and everyone could see clearly that this strange monster was in the shape of a human being. Its body was covered with fiery red scales, it held a trident, and its eyes were red and ferocious.

That monster was knocked down by Wu Yun's palm in the Dan River, and the first time I judged the monster's strength, it was at least in the Nirvana state of one element!

And there are still many wriggling in the Dan River, densely packed, obviously a lot of them.

Everyone retreated in horror, this Danhe is not easy to absorb.

"Big Brother, Second Brother, this is the Pill Spirit Corpse!"

Xiao Diao explained, "The corpses of the dead soaked in the Dan River will gradually evolve into this lifeless and mindless creature, similar to a puppet."

"What to do, big brother, with these pill spirit corpses, we can't absorb the nirvana energy here."

Wu Yun: "Don't worry, the ancient sect will build the Dan River, naturally for the disciples to absorb, on this Dan River, There is a kind of training platform with formations inside, which can dilute the berserk energy in the Dan River, and at the same time protect the Dan Spirit Corpse from being harassed."

He has already poured out his spiritual power, and carefully explored the Dan River.

After a while, he saw, surrounded by the crimson Nirvana aura, a platform full of ancient aura loomed in it.

"Second brother, go in and practice, quickly hit the Nirvana Tribulation." Wu Yun said to Lin Dong, there is only one training platform.

"What about you, big brother?"

"Don't worry, time is running out now, I don't have time to break through, my strength is enough to run rampant in this ancient secret treasure, you go in quickly, someone is coming." In the

distance, there is already a figure Coming here, they saw the hanging crimson Tianhe, and they were all attracted to it.

"Mo Ling, go and tell them that this place has been occupied by our Great Yan Dynasty. If anyone refuses to accept it, he will be killed. Xiao Yan, Da Zhuang, you go with Mo Ling." Wu Yun ordered.

At this time, Lin Dong had already entered the training platform and began to practice.

"Baiyun, protect me!"

Wu Yun took out the blood spirit puppet and the crocodile bone puppet and put them on both sides, and before he came to Tianhe, a corpse with a pill spirit came out of it immediately.

In Wu Yun's eyes, these alchemy corpses are fools who have no brains and only know how to kill.

He casually played out the sealing arrays one by one. Before Danhe, a special energy barrier appeared. This barrier not only shielded the energy breath inside, but also shielded the light in it. People outside could not see Wu Yun at all. what to do inside.

Dense pill spirit corpses poured out from the Tianhe River. These pill spirit corpses were extremely powerful, and each of them was comparable to the one-element nirvana state.

"They are all bone spirit puppets without a master, let me refine you." Wu Yun smiled.

He quickly set up a large blood sacrifice array on the ground, preparing to use the method Chi Xin taught to refine the blood spirit puppets, the method of blood fusion to control these alchemy spirit corpses.

Violent mental power surged out, Wu Yun's fingers slid across his palm, and purple blood flowed out.

This time he doesn't need to use as much blood as before. These pill spirit corpses don't have the strong soul and evil spirit of the blood puppet, so they are not so difficult to deal with, and he doesn't have to refine them as thoroughly as the blood puppet. , you only need to be able to stabilize them temporarily, and then slowly re-sacrifice when you have time later.

Spiritual power runes flew out one after another, and each rune contained a drop of blood shining in purple light.

Tyrannical blood runes were integrated into the skulls of these pill spirit corpses, forming a spiritual imprint.

Immediately, Wu Yun got in touch with these Pill Spirit Corpses. The violent Pill Spirit Corpses wanted to resist and erase Wu Yun's spiritual imprint. Wu Yun's spiritual imprint was firmly integrated into their skulls and could not be erased at all.

The berserk pill spirit corpses rushed out one by one, but what greeted them was a Tyrannical Blood Rune, and the pill spirit corpses that were hit by the Tyrant Blood Rune immediately became dull, and finally calmed down, behaved They were neatly arranged behind Wu Yun.

Time passed by every minute!

Outside, the dynasties who heard that the Great Yan Dynasty had already occupied this place did not dare to stay any longer, and left quickly. Before that, in the Palace of Ancient Times, the Great Yan Dynasty had already established its prestige completely.

In the formation, Wu Yun has already controlled more than a thousand pill spirit corpses.

This is a bone spirit puppet that is equivalent to more than a thousand and one yuan nirvana.

This consumes a lot of Wu Yun's mental power and physical body.

There are still many pill spirit corpses in the Dan River. In ancient times, there were too many corpses thrown into the Dan River. Wu Yun couldn't finish the refining in a while, so he had to stop and recover.

However, more than a thousand alchemy corpses are enough now. Wu Yun controls the alchemy corpses he has refined to block the unrefined alchemy corpses in the river that want to rush out to attack him, leaving a section undisturbed stretch of river.

Then he took out the Great Desolation Ancient Stele, and then communicated with the soul of the stele, and projected a door of space in the Dan River.

Boom boom boom...

The scarlet red pill river that fell from the sky poured into the space of the Great Desolation Ancient Monument.

cut off!

Wu Yun directly intercepted the Dan River into the space of the ancient stele, and the Dan River that flowed in fell directly on the World Tree. Under the guidance of the soul of the stele, these fiery red rivers fell along a branch of the World Tree. into a dry river.

At this time, Wu Yun took out the elixir to recover. Fortunately, he has abundant resources, and he has the palm bottle, which can cultivate many elixir, among which there are many elixir for restoring mental strength and nourishing blood. Wu Yun quickly swallowed it and recovered. state.

Lin Dong, who was in the Milky Way, had already triggered the Nirvana Tribulation, a powerful aura spread out, and his strength was advancing by leaps and bounds.

It's been like this for two days!

After Wu Yun recovered, he continued to sacrifice alchemy spirit corpses.

For two days and two nights, in the space of the ancient monument, a red line of big brothers flowed around the deserted city.

The World Tree constantly absorbs the energy of Nirvana, and grows rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. The roots gradually spread throughout the entire space of the ancient monument, and the lush leaves cover the sky and the sun.

Its shiny green leaves emit radiant light and emit aura, which makes the entire space of the ancient monument glow with vitality.

The people in the ancient stele space were overwhelmed with surprises, and the strong Nirvana spirit made many people break through directly on the spot.

Before Lin Dong came out, his aura was still soaring. Wu Yun had already guessed that he had passed through the Nirvana Tribulation twice in a row, directly impacting the Dual Nirvana Realm.

Day four!

Lin Dong finally came out!

And Wu Yun had already refined more than 3,000 Pill Spirit Corpses, and the Pill Spirit Corpses in the Dan River had become scarce.

And in the ancient stele of the Great Desolation, there are more than 3,000 puppets in the nirvana state.