Mu Qianqian and Jiang Xue Mixed Doubles

Wu Yun recognized these weird round balls.

Xiao Diao and Lin Dong naturally noticed it too, and their expressions turned serious immediately.

Nirvana Fire Thunder is condensed by pure Nirvana Qi, it is extremely violent, and it will explode with a slight touch.

Their lethality is extremely huge, even though it is a small one, the attack power released can even take away an ordinary Nirvana strong man!

If it was one or two, or dozens of them, neither Wu Yun nor Lin Dong would care too much about it.

But as soon as they released their mental power to detect it, they immediately became cautious. There are so many Nirvana fire mines here, probably tens of thousands, and they are extremely terrifying!

If it is accidentally detonated, it may trigger a chain reaction, causing all the Nirvana fire mines in an area to explode.

I am afraid that even the strong in the three-element nirvana state will survive incomparably.

And Wu Yun's shield of spiritual power and the shield of Falling Heart Flame would certainly not be able to withstand it.

"Big Brother, Second Brother, don't worry, you can use the Devouring Ancestral Talisman to devour these Nirvana fire thunders, so that there will be no explosion!"

Xiao Diao's voice sounded in their minds.

Devouring Ancestral Talisman can devour all energy, no matter how violent these Nirvana Fire Thunder are, but the essence is also the condensed Qi of Nirvana.

As long as it is energy, devouring ancestor symbols can devour them.

"Furthermore, after devouring these Nirvana Fire Thunders, you can also get a non-weak Nirvana Qi, which is much better than swallowing Nirvana Pill."

For others, it may be death on touch, but for them who have the Devouring Ancestral Talisman, this Stuff is a great tonic.

"Yes, big brother, leave it to me, I'll open the way, you just follow me." Lin Dong smiled, reacted, and said excitedly,

"Well, be careful, go!" Wu Yun nodded and opened it for him. a hole.

Lin Dong immediately walked out of the barrier.

"Hey, why is Lin Dong going? It's dangerous outside!" Mu Qianqian and Jiang Xue looked confused.

Because of Wu Yun, the communication between Lin Dong and Xiao Diao was carried out in their minds, and they didn't know about Xiao Diao's existence.

Bai Yun and Xiao Yan have long been used to their way of communication, so they will not be surprised by their sudden actions.

"Lin Dong thinks it's too stuffy here, so go out and swim in the sea of ​​fire."

Wu Yun said casually with a smile.

Jiang Xue and Mu Qianqian gave Wu Yun a supercilious look. They didn't know how comfortable it was inside and outside. Wu Yun just didn't clean up and deliberately teased them. Jiang Xue had already thought about it and used those tricks to deal with Wu Yun next time.

Similarly, Mu Qianqian also had revenge.

The two girls looked at each other, and they could see each other's thoughts. They looked at each other and smiled, with the corners of their mouths parted, showing a meaningful smile to Wu Yun.

Seeing the cannibalistic eyes of Er Er Daughter, Wu Yun quickly explained, "There are too many Nirvana Fire Thunder ahead, Lin Dong is going to clear the mines!"

Now he is a little jealous of Er Daughter!

Ever since Mu Qianqian had a problem with the Falling Heart Flame training last time, Wu Yun helped her solve her problems.

The relationship between them has taken a step closer.

And getting along day and night, fighting side by side, sharing life and death, Mu Qianqian and Jiang Xue also changed from rivals in love to sisters, and both of them confessed their feelings and little secrets to each other with Wu Yun.

Under the private communication, of course all Wu Yun's secrets were revealed.

Naturally, Wu Yun's LSP identity couldn't be hidden.

This made the second daughter angry and hated.

However, they had already been mentally prepared, thinking that an outstanding man like Wu Yun was not one of them who could manage alone.

Therefore, the two chose to cooperate.

They have been together many times and united against Wu Yun.

Wu Yun, who was invincible outside and even able to challenge a high-ranking dynasty with one, was defeated by the second daughter at home.

No one can fight all the time!

Wu Yun is naturally jealous.

At this time, Lin Dong had already walked in front of them, forming a spiritual barrier on the surface of his body.

Facing the numerous Nirvana fire and thunder, Lin Dong activated the Devouring Ancestral Talisman in Niwan Palace, the powerful devouring power erupted, and a dark and deep vortex appeared in his palm.

The toolman EOD soldier Lin Dong started to work. He slowly came into contact with the Nirvana Fire Thunder, and the devouring power was activated. Under the vortex, the Nirvana Fire Thunder directly turned into one after another Nirvana flames and were swallowed.

A smile appeared on Lin Dong's face, and then he accelerated the pace of mine clearance.

He came into contact with Nirvana Fire Thunder one by one, and devoured them quickly. As the number of devoured increased, he became more and more proficient.

In the end, he ran quickly in the sea of ​​fire, and the Nirvana fire and thunder, which others could not avoid, became the object of his pursuit.

Slowly, he didn't even need to touch it, a wave of suction burst out, gathering the Nirvana fire and thunder and turning it into a thunder stream, devouring it.

This scene is slightly spectacular and frightening.

Mu Qianqian, Baiyun and the others all opened their mouths in surprise.

Even Wu Yun was a little stunned when he saw it, and he had to sigh in his heart, the second brother is really brave!

call out!

Lin Dong had a good time, and directly displayed his speed to the extreme, facing the Nirvana fire and thunder leaping over from the sea of ​​fire, the more he ran, the more fun he ran!

Wu Yun and the others were amazed, and they also quickly accelerated their pace to catch up, calling out abnormal in their hearts.

After a while, Lin Dong's running figure suddenly froze, and there was a sudden change between extreme movement and extreme stillness.

Wu Yun and the others also stopped in their tracks.

Something is stopping them!

Wu Yun walked up and looked in front of Lin Dong!

The fire of Nirvana here is more intense, and the flames are burning fiercely. What is unusual is that there are more light black flames in the crimson flames!

That light black flame was obviously different, even the brave Lin Dong had a little fear in his eyes.

The pale black flame is floating and wriggling constantly. It seems to have intelligence, and sometimes changes into the shape of various beasts and even human faces, which is extremely strange.

"Be careful, this is Nirvana magic flame!" Xiao Diao's voice sounded in his mind.

"I didn't expect this kind of Nirvana Flame to be born in this Nirvana Burning Formation.

Nirvana Flame is also a kind of flame condensed by Nirvana Qi, but, compared to the ordinary Nirvana fire, this thing is infinitely more powerful."

"It's not as hot as ordinary Nirvana fire, but it has a strange melting power. The powerful Nirvana Golden Body can be melted into a pool of blood by it.

The Nirvana Demon Flame will only appear after the third Nirvana Tribulation. , will be quietly melted, and when the time comes, the appearance of the person may not change, but the inside of the body may become empty, and the flesh and bones will no longer exist, which is extremely terrifying and strange."

"This This kind of flame, even the strong in the three-dimensional Nirvana state, is very afraid."

Lin Dong's face moved, although he is now in the two-dimensional Nirvana state, but facing the Nirvana demon flame, he still feels a threat.

Nirvana realm, the further you go to the back, the bigger the gap between each realm.

Especially between duality and ternary, Nirvana Demon Flame can be said to be a gap.

Wu Yun stretched out his mental power a little bit to investigate. The Nirvana Demon Flame really did a lot of damage, and it was different from the Falling Heart Flame.

Every kind of flame has its special attributes.

Falling heart inflammation is heart fire, which affects people's emotions.

This Nirvana flame is destructive.

"What should we do, there are such flames ahead, should we take a detour?" Lin Dong asked via voice transmission.

Xiao Diao suddenly laughed, "No, although this thing is dangerous, it depends on who encounters it. It's a good thing for you. If you can control it, it can be used as a trump card. "

Lin Dong is currently in the state of dual nirvana, and it may be difficult to face a strong man in the triple nirvana state, but if he uses the magic flame of nirvana, it may be miraculously effective.

"How did you take it? Do you still use the Devouring Ancestral Talisman?"

"No, your current strength is not enough to allow the Devouring Ancestral Talisman to swallow the violent demonic nature in it. Apart from Devouring the Ancestral Talisman, you have something stronger "

"Stone talisman!" Lin Dong's eyes lit up.

"Brother, what do you think?"

He turned his head and asked Wu Yun!

"You take it, this Nirvana Demon Flame is somewhat helpful to you."

Wu Yun said with a smile, he already had Fallen Heart Flame, and he used it well, and the killing effect was no worse than Nirvana Demon Flame. tasteless.

Of course, other than using the Great Desolation Ancient Monument, he has no better means to collect the Nirvana Flame.

Lin Dong: "Xiao Diao, let's get started!"

Xiao Diao nodded, and with a move of his paw, a gentle white glow flew out from Lin Dong's palm.

As soon as the white light approached, the flames of Nirvana flames whizzed out, rushing towards Lin Dong as fast as lightning.

Lin Dong's face changed, and he quickly used his mental power to resist. At this time, Xiao Diao's demon spirit was in front of him, dancing its claws frantically, and a group of runes formed by milky white gentle light suddenly burst out of the stone runes. out.

Its claws continued to dance, and the white awn rune spread out immediately, like a seal, tightly wrapping the ball of Nirvana Demonic Flame.


Xiao Diao drank, and all the pale black Nirvana magic flames were drawn into the stone talisman.

After collecting the Nirvana magic flame, Wu Yun and the others continued to move forward.

If you want to see it, you will walk out of the Nirvana Burning Heaven Formation.

Wu Yun released the mental power to detect the surroundings, and suddenly sensed unusual fluctuations in the sea of ​​fire.

"Big Brother, Second Brother, be careful!" Xiao Diao's voice sounded in their minds at this moment.

Wu Yun already sensed the abnormality, quickly took out the ancient secret key, and drove Xiaoyan, Bai Yun and the others into the secret key space.

Then he activated the Falling Heart Flame, and quickly sent out a few phantom runes, enveloping himself and Lin Dong in it. Lin Dong also activated the Nirvana Demonic Flame he had just obtained, and radiated them around, making them perfectly merge with the surrounding sea of ​​fire. together.

At this time, in the sea of ​​flames not far from them, two figures wrapped in flames passed by like lightning.

Both Wu Yun and Lin Dong held their breaths. Looking from a distance, the auras of the two were well hidden. If they weren't mentally sharp, they wouldn't even be able to detect them.

Don't think that these must be two masters, forming a vacuum around them, completely isolating the surrounding flames.

Like them, they can perfectly integrate with the environment of this sea of ​​fire, and it is difficult to be seen.

"This space... Dongxuan domain has been owned for long enough... It should be used by us..." The

two seemed to be talking about something, and Wu Yun could vaguely hear that they were talking Hit this space with attention.

Wu Yun couldn't sense the strength of the two, and he didn't dare to detect it blatantly. It is conservatively estimated that the strength of the two will not be much weaker than Chi Xin.

It's very tricky if they provoke them.

So when he and Lin Dong heard this, although they were shocked, they didn't dare to make any big moves.

"These two people have a strange aura. They are definitely not contestants who participated in the Hundred Dynasties War. They are probably people from other mysterious realms. They took advantage of this opportunity of the Hundred Dynasties War to sneak in.

Hehe, this space is indeed a bit precious. The ancient sects in the Eastern Profound Realm are very important, and it will not be so easy for other people to pay attention to this space.

Don't worry, the super sects will definitely send people to deal with them!"

Xiao Diao secretly said.

"Or wait until I get the life-death turning wheel pill, and I will reshape the physical body. At that time, hehe, big brother and second brother, I will cover you."

"What should we do now, let's go!"

Wu Yun: "Don't move, the breath fluctuates very quickly It is easy to be noticed by them, wait for them to leave, if you can't wait, you enter the secret key space with me, and we escape through the secret key space."

After a while, the two still didn't notice Wu Yun and Lin Dong. Someone came again, it seemed that someone followed the route Wu Yun and the others had passed, and came here.

"Let's go, someone is coming!"

The two people noticed in advance and fled to the distance.

During this period, Wu Yun and the others also heard a lot of information exchanged between the two.

However, they are not prepared to multi-management for the time being.

"Let's go!"

Wu Yun and Lin Dong stood up again.

The crimson color in front is getting weaker and weaker, and slowly dissipates away.

They finally stepped out of the Nirvana Burning Formation.

Reached the deepest part of the ancient treasure!

Wu Yun released Mu Qianqian, Bai Yun and others from the ancient secret key space.

"Wow, it's so spectacular here!"

Mu Qianqian raised her eyes, her peach-blossom pupils were shining brightly.

The scene ahead is extremely spectacular and full of ancient atmosphere. On the vast land, islands hang in the sky and are connected to each other. From a distance, it looks like a land suspended in the sky.

Different from the broken space outside, the space in the depths of this secret store is very stable and well preserved.

After they came out, they found that there were also many people rushing out of the formation around them.

But in comparison, those people were much more embarrassed, and even seriously injured.

However, those who can break through here are the best.

"According to the information we have obtained before, there are nine sects deep in this secret treasure, the four major Xuanzongs and the top five guardian sects.

" Open it."

"Now, let's go to explore the sect relics of the five guardian sects first."

Wu Yun looked to the south and said, "According to my memory, there is a sect relic over there, which is the closest to us. It is called Baji Sect, and it ranks second in Dharma Protector Sect. There should be good harvest there, let's go."

Now there are many people who have broken into the depths of the secret treasure, so naturally they are exploring the nearest principle!

Otherwise, if you insist on looking for the number one ranking, you may not be able to wait for the place, and the inheritance will be empty.